
2 لقّبهُ بِكَذَا  , inf. n. تَلْقِيبٌ, He called him, or named him, by such a by-name, or surname, or nickname; he surnamed him, or nicknamed him, so. (S, K.) See لَقَبٌ. ― -b2- لقّب الإِِسْمَ بِالفِعْلِ [i. e., بِالفَاءِ وَالعَيْنِ وَاللَّامِ] He called the noun by an appellation in which its radical letters were represented by ف, ع, and ل; this appellation being its measure; as when جَوْرَبٌ is called فَوْعَلٌ. (TA.) [But this signification belongs to the conventional language of lexicology and grammar.] 5 تلقّب بِكَذَا  He was by-named, surnamed, or nicknamed, so. (S, K.) See لَقَبٌ. 3 لَاقَبَهُ  , inf. n. مُلَاقَبَةٌ, He called him by a byname, surname, or nickname; the latter doing to him the like. (TA.) 6 تَلَاقَبُوا  They called one another by by-names, surnames, or nicknames. (TA.) لَقَبٌ  A by-name; a surname; a nickname; syn. نَبَزٌ: (S, K:) a name of reproach; an opprobrious appellation: in this sense forbidden: (Msb:) it is said in the Kur, xlix., 11, لَا تَنَابَزُوا بِالْأَلْقَابِ Call not one another by nicknames; i. e., let not one of you call another by a name which he dislikes: (Jel:) also a by-name, or surname, which is not one of reproach: such are the surnames given to certain Imáms; الأَنْمَشُ and الأَخْفَشُ and الاَّعْرَجُ and the like; and such are not forbidden, because by them is not meant reproach, or disparagement, but they are meant as mere appellations given with the approval of the persons to whom they are applied. (Msb.) [A لَقَب is distinguished from a كُنْيَة, q. v.] Pl. أَلْقَابٌ. (S, K.) ― -b2- [لَقَبُ اسْمٍ The appellation given to a noun by substituting ف, ع, and ل for its radical letters. See 2Credit: Lane Lexicon