
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.






Lane Lexicon



















Root: د ھ ر

Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:

a) Total occurrences: 2 

b) No of constructions: 2

  • And they said,  "Indeed there is no life except our life of this world, we die and we live [only once here] and nothing annihilates us except the process of time/era/circumvolution".

  • And for them for this assumption there is nothing from knowledge,

  • As such, they the common people, keep doing/knowing nothing except conjecturing/supposing/assuming the widespread/popular material as being from the Revealed Book. [45:24]

  • Has there not been a period in the Time-Line, when the Man was not even some thing worth mention/remembrance? [76:01]

1 Noun: Definite; singular; Masculine; nominative.  (1)45:24=1

                                                                                             اسم :معرفہ باللام-مرفوع-واحد مذكر

the Time-Line
2 Noun: Definite; singular; Masculine; genitive. (1)76:01=1  

                                                                                            اسم :معرفہ باللام-مجرور-واحد مذكر

the Time-Line

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