1 زَقْمٌ is syn. with لَقْمٌ [The act of gobbling a thing; i. e. eating it quickly, and hastily; or drawing it with the mouth, and eating it quickly: or swallowing it: (see also 5 and 8:)]: (AA, K, TA:) or لَقْمٌ شَدِيدٌ [vehement gobbling; &c.]: (TA:) you say, زَقَمَهُ, aor. زَقُمَ , inf. n. زَقْمٌ, meaning لَقِمَهُ [He gobbled it; &c.]. (TK.) [And par- ticularly] The eating what is termed الزَّقُّوم, as meaning a certain food in which are dates and fresh butter: (S:) [or so زَقْمُ زَقُّومٍ; for] you say, ↓ زقّم , inf. n. تَزْقِيمٌ, he ate الزَّقُّوم; as also زَقَمَهُ, inf. n. زَقْمٌ. (TA.) 2 زَقَّمَ see above. -A2- [Freytag explains it as signifying He gave a person a thing to eat; but without indicating his authority.] 4 ازقمهُ الشَّىْءَ He made him to swallow the thing. (S, K. *) 5 تَزَقُّمٌ is syn. with تَلَقُّمٌ [The swallowing a thing in a leisurely manner]: (S, K:) [or simply the swallowing a thing: for] you say, تزقّم اللُّقْمَةَ [He swallowed in a leisurely manner the gobbet, or morsel, or mouthful: or simply] he swallowed the gobbet. (TA. [See also 1 and 8.]) ― -b2- Also The drinking milk much, or abundantly: and the subst. is زقم [app. ↓ زَقْمٌ , as it is written without any syll. signs; meaning, I suppose, A copious draught of milk]. (TA.) Accord. to IDrd, one says, تزقّم فُلَانٌ اللَّبَنَ, meaning Such a one drank immoderately of the milk; or drank the milk immoderately. (S, TA.) 8 اِزْدَقَمَهُ He swallowed it. (S, K. [See also 1 and 5.]) زَقْمٌ : see 5. زَقْمَةٌ Plague, or pestilence; syn. طَاعُونٌ. (Th, K.) One says, رَمَاهُ اللّٰهُ بِالزَّقْمَةِ [God smote him, or may God smite him, with the plague, or pestilence]. (TK.) زَقُّومٌ Fresh butter with dates; (M, K;) in the dial. of Ifreekeeyeh: (M, TA:) or a certain food of the Arabs, in which are dates and fresh butter. (S.) ― -b2- Also Any deadly food. (Th, TA.) ― -b3- The food of the people of the fire [of Hell]. (ISd, K.) A certain tree in Hell: (K:) [respecting which] I'Ab says that when the saying [in the Kur xliv. 43 and 44] إِِنَّ شجَرَةَ الزَّقُّومِ طَعَامُ الْأَثِيمِ [Verily the tree of الزَّقُّوم shall be the food of the sinner] was revealed, Aboo-Jahl said, “Dates and fresh butter: we will swallow it leisurely:” therefore God revealed [these other words of the Kur, xxxvii. 62 and 63,] إِِنَّهَا شَجَرَةٌ تَخْرُجُ فِى أَصْلِ الْجَحِيمِ طَلْعُهَا كَأَنَّهُ رُؤُوسُ الشَّيَاطِينِ [Verily it is a tree coming forth in the bottom of Hell, the fruit thereof being as though it were the heads of the devils, or of terrible serpents, foul in aspect, having manes, as expl. by Bd]: (S:) it is thus called after a tree of which a description here follows. (Bd in xxxvii. 60.) ― -b4- A certain tree having small leaves, stinking (دَفِرَة), and bitter, found in Tihámeh: (Bd ubi suprà:) AHn says, (S, TA, [but this passage is only in one of my two copies of the S,]) on the authority of an Arab of the desert, of Azd es-Saráh, that the زَقُّوم is a dust-coloured tree, (S, TA,) having small round leaves, without thorns, (TA,) having a pungent odour (ذَفِرَة [perhaps a mistranscription for دَفِرَة i. e. stinking]), and bitter, having knots in its stems, (S, TA,) many in number, and a small and very weak flower, which the bees eat, or lick, for making honey; (S, TA;) its flower is white; and the heads of its leaves are very foul, or ugly: (S, * TA:) [or] a certain plant in the desert (البَادِيَة), having a flower resembling in form the jasmine. (K.) ― -b5- Also A certain tree in Areehà [i. e. Jericho], of [the district called] the Ghowr, having a fruit like the date, sweet, with an astringent and bitter quality; the stone of which has an oil greatly esteemed for its beneficial properties, wonderful of operation in dispersing the cold kinds of flatus, and phlegmatic disorders, and pains of the joints, and gout in the foot (نِقْرِس), and sciatica, and the flatus that is confined in the socket of the hip: the weight of seven drachms thereof is drunk three days or five days; and sometimes, or often, it makes to rise and stand the crippled and those who are deprived of the power of motion: it is said that its original was the [species of] إِِهْلِيلَج [or myrobalan] called كَابُلِىّ, which the Benoo-Umeiyeh removed (from India, TA), and planted in Areehà; and when it had long remained, the soil of Areehà altered it from the natural character of the اهليلج. (K.) Credit: Lane Lexicon