Root: ل ذ ذ
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 3
b) No of constructions: 3
delightful, delight in, pleasure, delicious
1 |
Verb: Imperfect; third person; singular;
feminine; Mood:
Indicative; Form-V] Intransitive; مصدر-لَذَّةٌ
Verbal noun. (1)43:71=1
فعل مضارع مرفوع
بالضمة /صيغة:واحد مؤنث غائب/باب
تفعّل |
2 |
Verbal Noun/Noun used adverbially: Indefinite;
مصدر/ مجرور |
3 |
Verbal Noun/Noun used adverbially: Indefinite;
Genitive. (1)47:15=1مصدر/ مجرور |

ل ز ب
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