
1 عَرَمَ  , aor. عَرُمَ and عَرَمَ , (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. عَرَامَةٌ (S, K) and عُرَامٌ (S, * Msb, * K) and عَرْمٌ; (CK;) and عَرِمَ, aor. عَرَمَ , (Msb, K,) inf. n. عَرَمٌ; (Msb;) and عَرُمَ; (K; [in which the inf. ns. mentioned above follow this last form of the verb;] and so in a copy of the S in the place of عَرَمَ, with يَعْرُمُ only for the aor.;) He was, or became, evil in disposition, or ill-natured, and very perverse or cross or repugnant; (S, Msb, K; *) and sharp: (Msb:) or vehement, or strong: (K:) said of a boy, or child: (S:) or of a man: and, said of a boy, or child, (or so [particularly] عَرُمَ, inf. n. عَرَامَةٌ and عُرَامٌ, TA,) he behaved insolently and unthankfully, or ungratefully; syn. أَشِرَ, or مَرِحَ, or بَطِرَ; [all of which signify the same;] or he was, or became, bad, corrupt, or wicked; عَلَيْنَا [to us]. (K, TA.) And accord. to IAar, عَرَمَ, aor. عَرُمَ , signifies He was, or became, ignorant; as also عَرُمَ, and عَرِمَ. (TA.) [See also عَرَامٌ, below.] ― -b2- عَرِمَ said of a bone, [app. when burnt,] aor. عَرَمَ , (K, TA,) inf. n. عَرَمٌ, accord. to the copies of the K i. q. فَتَرَ, but correctly فَتَرَ [i. e. It exhaled its scent, smell, or odour]. (TA.) -A2- عَرَمَ فُلَانًا, (K, TA,) inf. n. عَرَامَةٌ, (TA,) He treated such a one with illnature, and exceeding perverseness or crossness or repugnance. (K, * TA.) ― -b2- عَرَمَ العَظْمَ, (S, K,) aor. عَرُمَ and عَرَمَ , inf. n. عَرْمٌ; (S;) and ↓ تعرّمهُ ; (S, K;) are like عَرَقَهُ and تعرّقهُ; (S;) [i. e.] both signify He stripped off the flesh from the bone [with his fore teeth, eating it]. (K.) ― -b3- And in like manner, (S,) عَرَمَتِ الإِِبِلُ الشَّجَرَ The camels [cropped the trees; or] obtained [pasture] from the trees. (S, K.) ― -b4- And عَرَمَ أُمَّهُ, (K, TA,) inf. n. عَرْمٌ, (TA,) He (a child) sucked the breast of his mother; (K, TA;) and so ثَدْىَ أُمِّهِ اعترم . (TA.) 2 تَعْرِيمٌ  The act of mixing. (K.) One says, عرّمهُ بِهِ He mixed it with it. (TK.) 3 مُعَارَمَةٌ  The contending in an altercation, disputing, or litigating; and occasioning فِتْنَة (i. e. conflict, or discord, or the like,) with another; syn. مُخَاصَمَةٌ; and مُفَاتَنَةٌ. (TA.) 4 اعرمهُ  He brought upon him, meaning he induced him to do, a deed [of an evil nature] that he had not committed. (Ham p. 707.) 5 تعرّم العَظْمَ  : see 1, latter half. 8 اِعْتِرَامُ الفِتَنِ  The being, or becoming, hard to be borne, severe, or distressing, said of فِتَن [i. e. trials, or conflicts and factions, &c.]. (TA.) ― -b2- اِعْتَرَمَت, said of a mare, She went at random, heedlessly, or in a headlong manner, not obeying guidance; and deviated from the right course. (Ham p. 277.) ― -b3- And, said of a mother, She sought one who would suck her breast: or she sucked the milk from her own breasts and spirted it forth from her: a poet says, “ لَا تَلْغُِبَنَّ كَأُمِّ الغُلَا
تَعْتَرِمْ مِ إِِلَّا تَجِدْ عَارِمًا
” [in my original لا تلغينّ; for which I have substituted what I think to be the right reading: i. e. Do not thou become wearied like the mother of the boy if she find not a sucker of her breast, seeking for such: or] he means, if she finds not one who will suck her, she contrives, and milks her own breasts, and sometimes she sucks it [i. e. the milk] and spirts it forth from her mouth: accord. to IAar, this is said to him who imposes upon himself the task of doing that which is no part of his business: or, accord. to Az, the meaning is, be not thou like him who censures, or satirizes, himself, when he finds not whom he may censure, or satirize. (TA.) ― -b4- See also 1, last sentence. عَرْمٌ  Grease, or gravy; i. e. the dripping that exudes from flesh-meat and from fat. (K.) And The remains of the cooking-pot: (K, TA:) or the dirt of the cooking-pot; as also ↓ عُرَامٌ , (TA.) عَرَمٌ  The quality, in anything, of being of two colours: a leopard has this quality: (Th, TA:) or, as also ↓ عُرْمَةٌ , blackness mixed with whiteness, in anything: or the quality of being speckled with blackness and whiteness, without largeness of every speckle: and a whiteness in the lip of the sheep or goat: (K:) or thus the latter word: (S, TA:) and likewise the quality of being speckled with black, in the ear thereof. (TA.) Also (i. e. عَرَمٌ) The quality, in a collection of small cattle, of consisting of sheep and goats. (S.) -A2- See also عَرَمَةٌ. عَرِمٌ  : see عَارِمٌ, in two places. -A2- Also A dam; syn. مُسَنَّاةٌ: (S, TA:) [or rather dams, agreeably with what here follows:] a pl. [or coll. gen. n.] (K) having no sing. [or n. un.]: (S, K:) or its sing. [or n. un.] is ↓ عَرِمَةٌ , (S, Msb, K,) which signifies, (Kr, K, TA,) as also ↓ عَرَمَةٌ , (Kr, TA,) a dam (مُسَنَّاةٌ, Kr, or سَدٌّ, K) that is raised across a valley, or torrent-bed: (K:) or عَرِمٌ signifies [dams such as are termed] أَحْبَاس [pl. of حِبْسٌ] constructed in valleys, or torrent-beds, (AHn, K, TA,) in the middle parts of these: (AHn, TA:) in each of which senses it is said to be used in the Kur xxxiv. 15: (TA:) or it there signifies a torrent of which the rush is not to be withstood: (Msb:) and a violent rain, (K, TA,) that is not to be endured: thus, accord. to some, in the Kur: (TA:) and the male of the [species of rat called] جُرَذ, (K, TA,) which is the خُلْد, so, Az says, is there meant accord. to some: (TA:) and, (K, TA,) as some say, in that instance, (TA,) it is the name of a certain valley (K, TA) in ElYemen: so says (TA.) عُرْمَةٌ  : see عَرَمٌ: -A2- and see also عَرَمَةٌ. -A3- Also A helmet of iron. (TA.) عَرَمَةٌ  A quantity of reaped corn or grain, collected together, (S, Msb, K,) trodden out, (S, K,) to be winnowed, (S,) not yet winnowed, (K,) or that is trodden out, then winnowed: (Msb:) said by some to called only عَرْمَةٌ; but correctly عَرَمَةٌ, as is shown by its having for its pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.] ↓ عَرَمٌ , as in an ex. cited by J [in the S]; حَلْقَةٌ and حَلَقٌ being anomalous: (IB, TA:) and ↓ عُرْمَةٌ , of which the pl. is عُرَمٌ, signifies the same; (Msb;) or عُرْمَةٌ signifies heaps of reaped wheat and of barley. (TA.) ― -b2- And A place in which sand is collected: (S, K:) pl. عَرَمَاتٌ. (IB, TA.) ― -b3- And it is said to signify جُثْوَةٌ مِنْ دَمَالٍ [app. meaning A heap of dung such as is termed دَمَال, q. v.]. (TA.) ― -b4- See also عَرِمٌ. -A2- Also Flesh-meat. (Fr, K, TA: omitted in the CK.) One says, إِِنَّ جَزُورَكُمْ لَطَيِّبُ العَرَمَةِ Verily your slaughtered camel is savoury in respect of the meat. (Fr, TA.) ― -b2- And The odour of cooked flesh-meat. (K.) -A3- Also a pl. of عَارِمٌ [q. v.]. (TA.) عَرِمَةٌ  : see عَرِمٌ. ― -b2- [It is also said, by Golius, on the authority of Meyd, to signify A vineyard.] عَرْمَى وَاللّٰهِ  is a dial. var. of أَمَا وَاللّٰهِ, (IAar, K, TA,) as also [غَرْمَى واللّٰه, and] حَرْمَى وَاللّٰهِ: one says, عَرْمَى وَاللّٰهِ لَأَفْعَلَنٌ كَذَا [Verily, or now surely, by God, I will indeed do such a thing]. (IAar, TA.) عُرَامٌ  , [mentioned in the first sentence of this art. as an inf. n.,] (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) when used as [a simple subst.] denoting a quality of a boy, or child, (S, Mgh,) or of a man, (K,) signifies Evilness of disposition, or illnature, and exceeding perverseness or crossness or repugnance; (S, Msb, K;) and vehemence, and strength; (Mgh, * TA;) and sharpness; (Msb;) and annoyance, or molestation: (K:) [and] the quality of quitting the right course, and exorbitance. (Ham p. 277.) ― -b2- Hence, in a trad. of 'Omar, metaphorically used as meaning (assumed tropical:) Sharpness and strength of [the beverage termed] نَبِيذ made of raisins. (Mgh.) ― -b3- And Numerousness of an army, (S, K,) and sharpness, and vehemence, thereof. (K.) ― -b4- Also Ignorance. (Fr, TA.) -A2- And The عُرَاق [app. meaning flesh-meat] of a bone: and likewise [i. e., app., portions that are cropped by camels] of trees. (S, K. [See عُرَاقٌ, voce عَرْقٌ.]) One says مِنْ أَعْرَمُ كَلْبٍ عَلَى عُرَامٍ [More evil in disposition than a dog over a piece of flesh-meat of a bone]. (TA.) Or, accord. to Az, العُرَامُ signifies, (TA,) or it signifies also, (K,) What falls of the bark of the [thorn-tree called] عَوْسَج: (K, TA:) but others explain it in a general manner, saying that عُرَامُ الشَّجَرَةِ signifies the bark of the tree. (TA.) ― -b2- See also عَرْمٌ. عَرِيمٌ  A calamity, or misfortune: (K, TA:) because of its hardness, or pressure. (TA.) -A2- See also أَعْرَمُ, last two sentences. عُرَامِىٌّ  is [app. a rel. n. signifying Of, or relating to, ignorance; being] said by Fr to be from عُرَامٌ signifying “ ignorance. ” (TA.) عَارِمٌ  and ↓ عَرِمٌ , (S, Msb, K,) applied to a boy, or child, (S,) or to a man, (K,) Evil in disposition, or illnatured, and very perverse or cross or repugnant; (S, Msb, K; *) and sharp: (Msb:) or vehement, or strong: (K:) and, applied to a boy, or child, insolent and unthankful, or ungrateful: or bad, corrupt, or wicked: the former epithet, applied to a man, signifies also abominable, or evil: (TA:) and so its fem. pl. عَارِمَات, (S, TA,) applied by a rájiz as an epithet to creeping [ticks, or similar insects, such as are termed] أَنْبَار [pl. of نِبْرٌ]: (S:) and ↓ عَرِمٌ is said (Msb, TA) by IAar (TA) to signify ignorant: (Msb, TA:) عَرَمَةٌ is pl. of عَارِمٌ, and is applied as an epithet to boys, like عَقَقَةٌ [pl. of عَاقٌّ]. (TA.) ― -b2- [Hence,] لِسَانٌ عَارِمٌ A vehement tongue. (TA. [See an ex. voce شَكِىٌّ.]) ― -b3- And يَوْمٌ عَارِمٌ A day vehemently cold: (TA:) or a day cold in the utmost degree: (K, TA:) and in like manner لَيْلٌ عَارِمٌ [a night vehemently cold: &c.]: and [the pl. in this sense is عُرَّمٌ:] اللَّيَالِى العُرَّمُ signifies the vehemently-cold nights. (TA.) -A2- Also [Sucking the breast; or] a sucker of the breast: so in a verse cited above: see 8. (TA.) -A3- مَا هُوَ بِعَارِمِ عَقْلٍ see expl. voce حَارِمٌ عَرَمْرَمٌ  Hard, strong, or vehement; (K, TA;) applied to anything. (TA.) ― -b2- And Numerous; applied to an army; (S, K, TA;) or, as some say, to anything. (TA.) ― -b3- And, applied to a man, Having a strong degree of عُجْمَة [i. e. impotence, or difficulty, in speech, or utterance; or barbarousness, or vitiousness, therein; or in speaking Arabic]. أَعْرَمُ  [More, and most, evil in disposition, or illnatured, &c.]: see an ex. voce عُرَامٌ. -A2- Also [Having the quality termed عَرَمٌ and عُرْمَةٌ: fem عَرْمَآءُ: and pl. عُرْمٌ: i. e.] having in it blackness and whiteness: [&c.:] (S, K: *) the eggs of the sand-grouse are عُرْم; (S, K, * TA;) they are meant by this word in a verse of Aboo-Wejzeh Es-Saadee: (TA:) and عَرْمَآءُ is applied to a serpent; (S;) and means a serpent speckled with black and white; (K, TA;) pl. عُرْمٌ. (TA.) And i. q. أَبْرَشُ: (K, TA:) and, some say, أَبْرَصُ: [the former meaning Speckled: and the latter, and sometimes the former also, leprous:] fem. عَرْمَآءُ. (TA.) Applied to a sheep or goat, Having a whiteness in the lip: fem. as above: (K:) [but] it occurs in a trad., applied to a ram, as meaning white, with black specks. (TA.) And Coloured (K, TA) with two colours. (TA.) Hence دَهْرٌ أَعْرَمُ (assumed tropical:) [Time, or fortune, of two sorts]. (TA.) ― -b2- [Hence also,] applied to a collection of small cattle, Consisting of sheep and goats. (S, K.) ― -b3- And Uncircumcized: pl. عُرْمَانٌ, and pl. pl. عَرَامِينُ, (K, TA,) which is mentioned by AA as an epithet applied to men, syn. with قُلْفَانٌ [a pl. of أَقْلَفُ]. (TA.) -A3- Also a sing. of عُرْمَانٌ signifying Tillers, or cultivators, of land, syn. أَكَرَةٌ, [in the CK اُكْرَة (which is a sing.),] (Az, K, TA,) and so is ↓ عَرِيمٌ , in the copies of the K, erroneously written عرم [in some of them عَرْمٌ and in others عَرَمٌ]. (TA.) ― -b2- And أَعْرَمُ and ↓ عَرِيمٌ , the latter more agreeably with analogy, are likewise pls. of عُرْمَانٌ signifying Places of seed-produce. (TA.) Credit: Lane Lexicon