
1 صَعِرَ  , aor. صَعَرَ , (Msb, K,) inf. n. صَعَرٌ; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) and ↓ تصعّر ; (A, K;) He had a wryness, or distortion, in the cheek, (S,) or in the face, (A, K,) or in either side [thereof], (K,) or in the neck, (Lth, A, Mgh, Msb,) by reason of pride, (A,) with a turning of the face on one side: (Lth, Mgh, Msb:) [see also 5:] or he (a camel) had a disorder by reason of which he twisted his neck, (K,) and distorted it. (TA.) You say, فِى عُنُقِهِ وَخَدِّهِ صَعَرٌ In his neck, and in his cheek, is a wryness, or distortion, arising from pride. (A.) And لَأُقِيمَنَّ صَعَرَكَ [I will assuredly straighten thy wryness, or distortion, of the neck, or cheek]. (A.) And أَصَابَ البَعِيرَ صَعَرٌ A disease which made him to twist his neck befell the camel. (Mgh, TA.) ― -b2- [See also صَعَرٌ below.] -A2- Also صَعِرَ, (TK,) inf. n. صَعَرٌ, (K, TK,) He (a man, TK) ate صَعَارِير [pl. of صُعْرُورٌ, q. v.], (K, * TK,) i. e., gum. (TA.) 2 صعّرهُ  He caused him to have a wryness, or distortion, in the neck, and a turning of the face on one side, by something smiting or befalling him. (Msb.) ― -b2- صعّر خَدَّهُ, (inf. n. تَصْعِيرٌ, K,) and ↓ صاعرهُ , (S, A, Msb, K,) and ↓ اصعرهُ , (K,) He turned away his cheek (S, A, Msb) from the people, (Msb,) by reason of pride (S, A, Msb) and dislike; (S, Msb;) he turned away his cheek from looking towards the people, by reason of contempt arising from pride. (K.) It is said in the Kur [xxxi. 17], وَلَا تُصَعِّرْ خَدَّكَ لِلنَّاسِ, (Mgh, TA,) and accord. to one reading, ↓ لَا تُصَاعِرْ , (TA,) meaning, And turn thou not away from people through pride. (Fr, Aboo-Is-hák, Mgh.) [See also 5.] 3 صَاْعَرَ and 4: see 2; the former in two places. 5 تصعّر ذ and ↓ تصاعر He distorted his cheek by reason of pride. (Sgh, TA.) See also 1. 6 تَصَاْعَرَ see what next precedes. 9 اصعرّت الإِِبِلُ  The camels went a vehement pace: or became dispersed. (TA.) R. Q. 1 صَعْرَرَهُ  , (S, K,) inf. n. صَعْرَرَةٌ, (TA,) He made it round: (S, K:) he rolled it. (TA.) [See مُصَعْرَرٌ.] R. Q. 2 تَصَعْرَرَ  It became round: (S, K:) it rolled. (TA.) R. Q. 3 اِصْعَنْرَرَ  , and اِصْعَرَّرَ, (K,) in which latter the ن is incorporated into the ر, (TA,) He (being beaten or struck) writhed, (TA,) and turned round by reason of pain, in his place, and became contracted. (K, TA.) صَعَرٌ  inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. ― -b2- The saying فِى الصَّعَرِ الدِّيَةُ is expl. as meaning In [the case of] the distorting of the face [the whole bloodwit shall be exacted: as though the verb of which صَعَرٌ is the inf. n. were trans.; but this is obviously a loose rendering]. (Mgh.) ― -b3- صَعَرٌ also signifies Pride: (Mgh:) or the being proud. (TA.) ― -b4- And Smallness of the head: (K:) or the being small, said of a man's head: (K, * TA:) one says, صَعِرَ رَأْسُهُ, inf. n. صَعَرٌ, meaning his head was small. (TK.) صُعْرُورٌ  (S, K, & c.) and ↓ صُعُرُّرٌ (Sgh, K) Long, slender, twisted gum: (K:) or a piece of gum having a long and twisted form: (AZ, S:) and [gum of the kind called] لَثًى that has become concrete: (K:) or this is the signification of صَعَارِيرُ, (S, K,) which is the pl. [of صعرور], (TA,) accord. to AA: (S:) or the pl. signifies concrete gum resembling fingers: and صعرور is said to signify a piece of gum: accord. to Aboo-Nasr, it is like a read-pen, and twisting like a horn: and AHn says that صُعْرُورَةٌ, with ة, signifies a small round piece of gum: (TA:) and the fruit, (K,) or any fruit, (TA,) of a tree that is like (that of, TA) the أَبْهَل, and like pepper, and what resembles this, of such as are hard: (K, TA:) or such they term صَعَارِيرُ: (TA:) or gum in general: pl. صَعَارِيرُ. (K.) ― -b2- Also, (K,) or صُعْرُورٌ [only], (TA,) (assumed tropical:) A certain substance, yellow, [in the CK اصغر is put for اصفر,] thick, tough with [somewhat of] softness and moisture, that comes forth from the teat: (K:) so called by way of comparison: (TA:) or what is first milked, of biestings: (K:) or milk that is gummy (مُصْمِغٌ), in biestings, before it becomes clear. (TA.) ― -b3- صُعْرُورَةٌ The little ball which is rolled along by the [kind of beetle called] جُعَل. (K, TA.) ― -b4- صَعَارِيرُ (assumed tropical:) Long fingers. (TA.) صُعُرُّرٌ  : see the next preceding paragraph. صَعَّارٌ  Proud, or haughty: because he declines with his cheek, and turns away his face from people: occurring in a trad.: or the word as there used is صَقَّارٌ, or ضَفَّازٌ, accord. to different relaters. (TA.) صَيْعَرِىٌّ  applied to a camel's hump, Great, or large, (K, TA,) and round. (TA.) -A2- And أَحْمَرُ صَيْعَرِىٌّ Intensely red. (K.) صَيْعَرِيَّةٌ  Obliquity in going or march or course: (S, K:) from صَعَرٌ [inf. n. of صَعِرَ]. (S.) -A2- Also A mark made with a hot iron upon the neck of a camel: (S:) or of a she-camel (K) only: (TA:) a mark of the people of El-Yemen, only made upon she-camels: (Tedhkireh of Aboo-'Alee:) not upon a camel whether male or female, (K,) as it is said to be by A'Obeyd [and J]. (TA.) J was led into error by a verse of El-Museiyab (K) Ibn 'Alas; wherein he uses the phrase بِنَاجٍ عَلَيْهِ الصَّيْعَرِيَّةُ [With a swift he-camel marked with the صيعريّة]; (TA;) on hearing which, Tarafeh (K) Ibn-El-'Abd (TA) said, قَدِ ا@سْتَنْوَقَ الجَمَلُ [The male camel has assumed the characteristic of the female camel]. (K, TA.) El-Bedr El-Karáfee urges that the term بَعِير, used by J, includes the female; and that the masc. epithet [نَاجٍ] is used [by the poet] because the male is the more honourable, being more hardy, and stronger than the female: but this demands consideration. (TA.) أَصْعَرُ  Having a wryness, or distortion, in the cheek, (S,) or in the face, (A, K,) or in either side [thereof], (K,) or in the neck, (A, Msb,) by reason of pride, (A,) with a turning of the face on one side: (Msb:) or a camel having a disorder by reason of which he twists his neck, (K,) and distorts it: (TA:) sometimes the being so is natural (S, A, Msb, K) in a man (S, Msb) and in an ostrich; (S, A, Mgh;) and sometimes it is accidental: (Msb:) pl. صُعْرٌ. (TA.) ― -b2- It occurs in a trad. as signifying Such as withdraws himself [from others, through pride]; syn. ذَاهِبٌ بِنَفْسِهِ: (S, TA: [thought by Ibr D to be a mistake for زَاهٍ بِنَفْسِهِ: but this seems to me improbable:]) or such as turns away his face, by reason of pride: (IAth:) and in another trad. as signifying such as turns away from the truth, and is faulty. (TA.) مُصْعَرٌّ  , (S,) in the K مُصْعَرٌ, said to be like مُكْرَمٌ, but the former is the right, as is shown by the ex. below, (TA,) applied to a night-journey to water, Hard, or severe. (S, K.) A poet says, “ وَقَدْ قَرَبْنَ قَرَبًا مُصْعَرَّا
” [And they had performed a hard night-journey to water]. (S, TA.) مُصَعْرَرٌ  [Made round: and simply, round]. A rájiz says, “ سُودٌ كَحَبِّ الفُلْفُلِ المُصَعْرَرِ
Credit: Lane Lexicon