نَآءَ , aor.
يَنُوْءُ, inf. n.
نَوْءٌ (S, K) and
تَنْوَآءٌ, (K,)
He rose, or
with effort and difficulty. (S, K.) ― -b2-
بِحِمْلِهِ He rose with his burden with
effort and difficulty. (TA:)
he rose with his
burden oppressed (??) its weight. (S, K.) ― -b3-
تَنُوْءُبِعَجِيزَتِهَا She rises with her
buttocks oppressed by their weight: said of a woman.
(S.) ― -b4-
بِصَدْرِهِ He arose. [App. said
originally, if not only, of a camel.] (TA.) ― -b5-
بِهِ and ↓
اناءهُ ,
It (a burden)
oppressed him by its weight, and bent him, or
weighed him down. (S, K,) ― -b6-
عَجِيزَتُهَا Her buttocks oppress her by
their weight: said of a woman. (S.) ― -b7-
نَآءَ He was oppressed by weight, (K,)
and fell down: (S, K:) thus the verb bears two
[partially] opposite significations. (K.) ― -b8-
بِجَانِبِهِ (assumed tropical:)
He behaved
proudly. (TA, art.
مط.) ― -b9-
النَّجْمُ, aor.
يَنُوْءُ, inf. n.
نَوْءٌ; and ↓
استناء and
إِِسْتَنْأَى (K; the latter being formed by
transposition, TA)
The star, or
[generally said of one of those composing the Mansions
of the Moon,]
set (accord. to some), or
(accord. to others),
aurorally, i. e.
at dawn
of morning. (TA.) See
نَوْءٌ. [It seems that
ناء is used in both these senses because the
star or asterism appears as though it were nearly
overcome by the glimmer of the dawn.] -A2-
نَآءَ, (K,) formed by transposition from
نَأَى, (TA,) or a dial. form of this latter,
(S, TA,)
He, or
it, was, or
distant; removed to a distance; went far away. (S,
K.) ― -b2-
بِهِ [
It rendered him distant, or
removed him to a distance]. (TA.) -A3-
وَنَآءَكَ (S) [see explained in art.
ناءك is here used for
أَنَآءَكَ, in order to assimilate it to
ساءك; (S;) like as they say
وَمَرَأَنِى, for
أمْرَأَنِى. (TA.) 3
ذ , inf. n.
مُنَاوَأَةٌ and
He contended with him for glory;
vied with him. (K.) ― -b2-
He acted hostilely
towards him. (S, K.) Sometimes without
'; but originally with
'; being derived from
إِِلَيْكَ and
إِِلَيْهِ. (S.) 4
أَنْوَاَ see 1. 10
ذ [
He prognosticated rain &c. by
reason of the rising or
setting of a star or
an asterism aurorally, i. e.,
at dawn of
morning: or
he regarded a star or
asterism as a
نَوْء]. (L.) It is said,
كُلِّهَا [
The Arabs do not prognosticate
rain &c. by reason of the auroral rising or
setting of all the stars, or
asterisms: or
do not regard all the stars or
asterisms as
أَنْوَا. (Sh, L.)
الوَسْمِىَّ, the
being transposed,
They expected, or
for, the rain called
الوسمى, [
from the auroral rising or
setting of a star or
an asterism]. (AHn.)
إِِسْتَنَآءَهُ (assumed tropical:)
sought, or
asked a gift, or
present of
him. (K.)
نَوْءٌ , pl.
أَنْوَآءٌ and
نُوآنٌ, (S, K,)
A star, or
asterism, verging to setting: or the
setting of
the star, or
asterism, in the west, aurorally, i.
e., at dawn of morning, and the
rising of
another, opposite to it, at the same time, in the east:
(K:) or the
setting of one of the stars, or
asterisms, which compose the Mansions [
of the
Moon (see
in the west, aurorally, i.
at dawn of morining, and the
rising of its
which is another star, or
asterism, opposite to it, at the same time, in the east,
each night for a period of thirteen days: thus does
each star, or asterism, of those Mansions, [one after
another,] to the end of the year, except
الجَبْهَة, the period of which is fourteen
days: (S:) [or it signifies the
auroral rising,
and sometimes the
auroral setting, of one of those
stars, or
asterisms; as will be shown below:
I do not say “ heliacal ” rising because the rising here
meant continues for a period of thirteen days]. Accord.
to the T,
نوء signifies the
setting of one of
the stars, or asterisms, above mentioned: and AHn says,
that it signifies its
first setting in the morning,
when the stars are about to disappear; which is when the
whiteness of dawn diffuses itself. (TA.) A'Obeyd
says, I have not heard
نوء used in the sense of “ setting, ” “
falling, ” except in this instance. (S.) It is added,
[whether on his or another's authority is doubtful,]
that the [pagan] Arabs used to attribute the rains and
winds and heat and cold to such of the stars, or
asterisms, above mentioned as was
setting at the
time [
aurorally]; or, accord. to As, to that
which was
rising in its ascendency [
and used to say,
كَذَا [
We have been given rain by such a
نوء]; (S;) or they attributed heat [and cold]
to the
rising or the star or asterism, and rain
[and wind], to its
نَوْء [meaning its
setting]. (AHn, Har,
p. 216.) This the Muslim is forbidden to say, unless he
mean thereby, “ We have been given rain at the period of
such a
نوء; ” God having made it usual for rain to
come at [certain of] the periods called
انواء. Again, A'Obeyd says, The
انواء are
twenty-eight stars, or
asterisms; sing.
نوء: the
rising of any one of them in
the east [
aurorally] is called
نوء; and the
star, or
itself is hence thus called: but sometimes
نوء signifies the
setting. Also, in
the L it is said, that each of the abovementioned stars,
or asterisms, is called thus because, when that in the
west sets, the opposite one rises; and this
is called
النّوء; but some make
نوء to signify the
setting; as if it
bore contr. senses. (TA.) [El-Kazweenee mentions certain
physical occurrences on the occasions of the
انواء of the Mansions of the Moon; and in
each of these cases, except three, the
نوء is the
rising, not the setting.
Two of the excepted cases are doubtful: the passage
relating to the third plainly expresses an event which
happens at the period of the
auroral setting of
الصَّرْفَة; namely the commencement of the
days called
العَجُوزِ; corresponding, accord. to
ElMakreezee, with the rising of
المُقَدَّمُ, the
رقيب of
الصرفة: and it is said in the S, art.
عجز, on the authority of Ibn-Kunáseh, that
العجوز fall at the period of the
نوء of
الصرفة. (The auroral setting of
الصرفة, at the commencement of the era of the
Flight, in central Arabia, happened about the 9th of
March O. S.; and this is the day of the N. S., the 26th
of February O. S., on which commence the
العجوز accord. to the modern Egyptian
almanacs.) Hence it appears, that
sometimes the
setting, but
generally the rising, was called
نوء. Moreover, the ancient Arabs had
twenty-eight proverbial sayings (which are quoted in the
Mir-át ez-Zemán, and in the work of El-Kazweenee)
relating to the
risings of the twenty-eight
Mansions of the Moon: such as this:
الزَّمَانْ “ When Esh-Sharatán rises, the
season becomes temperate: ” or, perhaps, “ ― -b2- the
night and day, become equal. ” (If this latter meaning
could be proved to be the right one, we might infer that
the Calendar of the Mansions of the Moon was in use more
than twelve centuries B. c.; and that for this reason
الشرطان was called the first of the mansions;
though it may have been first so called at a later
period as being the first Mansion in the first Sign of
the Zodiac. But I return to the more immediate object
which I had in view in mentioning the foregoing
sayings.) I do not find any of these sayings (though
others, I believe, do) relating to the settings. Hence,
again, it appears most probable, that the
not the setting, was generally called
نوء.] ― -b3- [In many instances,]
الأَنْوَآءُ signifies
The Mansions of the
Moon [themselves]; and
نَوْءٌ, any
one of those Mansions: and
they are also called
المَطَرِ [
the stars, or
of rain]. (Mgh, in art.
خطأ.) IAar says that the term
نوء was not applied except in the case of a
star, or asterism, accompanied by rain: (TA:) [see exs.
خَطَّ and
خَطَّأَ: but most authors, it seems, apply
this term without such restriction: it is sometimes
given to
certain stars or
asterisms, which do
not belong to the Mansions of the Moon; as will be
seen below: and it is applied, with the article,
especially to
الثُّرَيَّا]. ― -b4- Accord. to AZ, as cited
by AM, the first rain is that called
الوَسْمِىُّ: the
انواء of which are those called
المُؤَخَّرَتَان, the same, says AM, as
المُؤَخَّرُ, [the 27th Mansion of the Moon,
which, about the period of the commencement of the era
of the Flight, (to which period, or thereabout, the
calculation of AZ, here given, most probably relates,)
set aurorally, (for by the term
نوء AZ means a star or asterism, at the
setting of which rain usually falls,) in central
Arabia, on the 21st of Sept. O. S, as shewn in the
observations on the
القمر in this lexicon]: then,
الشَّرَطُ, [one of the
شَرَطَانِ, the 1st Mansion, which, about the
period above mentioned, set aurorally on the 17th of
Oct.]: then,
الثُّرَيَّا, [the 3rd Mansion, which, about
that period, set on the 12th of Nov.]. Then comes the
rain called
الشَّتَوِىُّ: the
انواء of which are
الجَوْزَاءُ [meaning
الهَقْعَةُ, the 5th Mansion, which, about the
period above mentioned, set aurorally on the 8th of
Dec.] then,
الذِّرَاعَانِ, [i. e.
المَقْبُوضَةُ and
المَبْسُوطَةُ; the former of which, about the
same period, set anti-heliacally on the 3rd of January,
the proper relative time of the setting of the 7th
Mansion; and the latter, on the 16th of January, the
proper relative time of the setting of the 8th Mansion;]
and their
نَثْرَة, [the 8th Mansion, which, about that
period, set aurorally on the 16th of Jan.]: then,
الجَبْهَةُ, [the 10th Mansion, which set
aurorally, about that period, on the 11th of Feb.] In
this period the
شتوى rain ends; and that called
الدَّفَئِىُّ (q. v.) begins, and [after this]
الصَّيْفُ. All the rains from the
وسمى to the
دفئى are called
رَبِيعٌ. Then, [after the
دفئى,] comes the
صَيْف: the
انواء of which are
السِّمَاكَانِ (
الرَّقِيبُ); [the former of which is, accord.
to El-Kazweenee, the 14th Mansion, which, about the
period above mentioned, set aurorally on the 4th of
April: the latter seems to be the
رقيب of
الثريّا (see
رقيب): i. e.
الإِِكْلِيلُ, the 17th Mansion, which, about
the same period, set aurorally on the 13th of May; a
period of about forty days. Then comes
الحَميمُ. [see this word, said by some to be]
a period of about twenty nights, commencing at the [auroral]
rising of
الدَّبَرَان, [at the epoch of the Flight
about the 26th of May, O. S.,] which has [little rain,
or none, and is therefore said to have] ??
نوء. Then comes
الخَريفُ [a period of little rain the
انواء of which are
النَّسْرَانِ [or the two vultures,
الوَاقِعُ and
الطَّائِرُ, which, in central Arabia, about
the period above mentioned, set aurorally on the 24th of
July, O. S., both together]: then,
الخضر, [which I have not been able to
identify with any known star or asterism, in the TT with
صح written above it, to denote its being
correctly transcribed]: then,
الأُولَيانِ, the same says AM, as
المُقَدَّمُ, the 26th Mansion, which, about
the same period, set on the 8th of Sept.]. (T, TT, TA.
*) ― -b5- [Hence,]
نَوْءٌ [also means (assumed tropical:) The
supposed effect of a star or asterism so termed
in bringing rain &c.: whence the phrase
لَهُ It has no effect upon the weather;
said of a particular star or asterism: see
البُطَيْنُ. ― -b6- Also.
Rain consequent
upon the annual setting or
rising of a star
so termed (assumed tropical:) so in many instances in
Kzw's account of the Mansions of the Moon.] And
Herbs, or
herbage: so called
because regarded as the consequence of what is [more
نوء: [i. e., the auroral setting or rising of
a star or asterism, or the rain supposed to be produced
thereby.] Ex.
النَّوْءُ The herbage dried up. (IKt.)
Also, (tropical:)
A gift, or
present. (K.)
أَنْوَأُ More, or
acquainted with the
أَنْوَآء (K, and some copies of the S) [See
نَوْءٌ, It is an anomalous word, though of a
kind of which there are some other examples, for it has
no verb] and, by only, a noun of this class is not
formed but from a verb. (TA)
مُسْتَبَآءٌ (assumed tropical:)
One of whom a gift, or
present, is sought, or
asked, (K.) Credit:
Lane Lexicon