1 سَبَأَ الخَمْرَ  , (S, M, K,) aor. سَبَاَ , (M, K,) inf. n. سَبْءٌ (S, M, K) and سِبَآءٌ, (M, K, TA,) like كِتَابٌ, (TA, in the CK سَباء,) [but see سِبَآءٌ below,] and مَسْبَأٌ; (S, K;) and ↓ استبأها ; (S, M, K;) He bought wine, syn. شَرَاهَا, (M, K,) which mostly means “ he sold it, ” (TA,) or اِشْتَرَاهَا, (S, O,) which is well known as meaning “ he bought it, ” wherefore it is here used in the S and O, (TA,) in order that he might drink it: (S, O:) accord. to Ks, (TA,) when you buy wine to carry it to a place, you say, سَبَيْتُ الخَمْرَ, without '; (S, TA;) and so say the [other] celebrated lexicologists, except Fei, accord. to whom you say in this case [as in others], سَبَأْتُهَا; and it is itself called سَبِيْئَةٌ: (TA:) the verbs are only used, in the sense of buying, in relation to wine. (S, Msb, TA.) [See also art. سبى.] ― -b2- And سَبَأَ الشَّرَابَ He collected the wine in vessels: occurring in this sense in a trad. (Aboo-Moosà, TA.) -A2- سَبَأَتْهُ, (M,) or سَبَأَتِ الجِلْدَ, (K,) said of fire, (M, K,) and of whips, (M,) It, or they, burned, or hurt, (M, K,) or, as some say, (M, but in the K “ and, ”) altered, (M, K,) him, (M,) or the skin: (K:) and in like manner one says of the sun, and of fever, and of journeying. (M.) ― -b2- And سَبَأْتُهُ بِالنَّارِ I burned him with fire: (AZ, S:) or سَبَأَ جِلْدَهُ, inf. n. سَبْءٌ, He burned his skin; or, as some say, stripped it off: (M:) or سَبَأَ الجِلْدَ he burned the skin: and سَبَأَ signifies also he stripped off [skin], or he skinned. (K.) ― -b3- And سَبَأْتُ الرَّجُلَ, (inf. n. سَبْءٌ, TA,) I flogged the man. (S, K. *) -A3- سَبَأَ عَلَى يَمِينٍ كَاذِبَةٍ, (S, M,) aor. سَبَاَ , inf. n. سَبْءٌ, (M,) He passed over a false oath [that he had sworn], not caring for it: (S): or he swore a false oath: and some say, سَبَأَ عَلَى يَمِينٍ, aor. and inf. n. as above, meaning he passed over an oath [that he had sworn], lying. (M.) -A4- سَبَأَ is also syn. with صَافَحَ [He took by the hand: &c.]: (O, K:) deemed by MF a strange meaning. (TA.) 4 اسبأ  He (a man) was, or became, silent. (Sh, TA in art. رطم.) ― -b2- اسبأ لِأَمْرِ ا@للّٰهِ He, (M, K,) or his heart, (L,) was, or became, submissive to the decree of God. (M, L, K.) ― -b3- And اسبأ عَلَى الشَّىْءِ His heart became in a bad state, or heavy, (خَبُثَ, [so in the M and in a copy of the K, in the CK and TA خَبَتَ, and thus in my MS. copy of the K, but there altered from خَبُثَ, app. on the authority of the TA, and I think it a mis-transcription, although expl. in the TA as meaning اِنْخَضَعَ, which is a signification of أَخْبَتَ, the explanation of اسبأ in the next preceding sentence,]) at the thing. (M, K.) 7 انسبأ  It (the skin) was, or became, stripped. off. (S, M.) ― -b2- And It (a person's skin) peeled off, or became abraded. (TA.) 8 إِِسْتَبَاَ see 1, first sentence. سَبَأٌ  : see سَبِيْئَةٌ -A2- تَفَرَّقُوا أَيْدِى سَبَا, and أَيَادِى سَبَا, (M, K,) and with ذَهَبُوا in the place of تفرّقوا, (T, TA,) They became scattered, or dispersed, (K, TA,) and they went away in a state of dispersion, in the ways of Seba, (T, TA,) a people of El-Yemen, who were dispersed in consequence of the inundation of their lands by the bursting of their [famous] dam, (TA,) and who became proverbial on that account: (M, K, TA:) سَبَا is here made indecl., (M, K, TA, [بَنُوهُ in the CK being a mistranscription for بَنَوْهُ, wherefore كما تَبَدَّد has been there interpolated, immediately before بَنُوهُ,]) with the last letter quiescent, and forms, with the preceding word, a compound like خَمْسَةَ عَشَرَ [which implies that we should read أَيْدِى سَبَا and أَيَادِىَسَبَا, but I have never found it thus written]: (TA:) it is not formed from سَبَأَ by suppression of the ', but is a substitute for that word, (M, K, TA,) on account of the frequent use of this phrase. (M, TA.) [See also art. سبى.] سُبْأَةٌ  A long, or far, journey, (IAar, T, M, K,) that alters one: (IAar, M, TA:) so termed because the sun alters him who makes a long journey. (T, TA. [See 1.]) You say, إِِنَّكَ لَتُرِيدُ سُبْأَةً Verily thou desirest a long journey, (IAar, M, K, *) that will alter thee. (IAar, M.) In the case of a short journey, you say, تُرِيدُ سُرْبَةً. (T, TA.) السَّبَئِيَّةُ  , (S, and so in a copy of the K,) or ↓ السَّبَائِيَّةُ ; (so in another copy of the K and accord. to the CK;) MF says that the former is the correct term, but both are correct; (TA;) Certain of the غُلَاة, (S, K, TA,) i. e. extravagant zealots of the class of innovators; a party of the غُلَاة of the شِيعَة [q. v.]; who are divided into eighteen sects: (TA:) they are so called in relation to Seba (سَبَأ) the father of 'Abd-Allah, (K,) or in relation to 'Abd-Allah Ibn-Seba. (S.) سِبَآءٌ [The purchase of wine;] a subst. from سَبَأَ الخَمْرَ; (S;) or an inf. n. (M, K, TA.) -A2- See also سَبِيْئَةٌ, in two places. سَبِىْءٌ ذ The skin, or slough, of a serpent; (K;) as also سَبِىٌّ; for it is with, and without, '. (TA.) سَبِيْئَةٌ  (S, M, K) and ↓ سِبَآءٌ (M, K) and, accord. to Ks, ↓ سَبَأْ , but the form commonly known is ↓ سِبَآءٌ , with kesr to the س, and with medd, (IAmb, TA,) Wine, (S, M, K,) in an absolute sense; (TA;) or, [as is perhaps meant in the S,] wine that is bought to be drunk, not for merchandise. (Har p. 409, in explanation of the first word.) [See an ex. of the second in a verse of Lebeed cited in art. دكن: and see also سَبِيَّةٌ, in art. سبى.] السَّبَائِيَّةُ  : see السَّبَئِيَّةُ, above. سَبَّآءٌ  A vintner, or seller of wine. (S, M, K.) ― -b2- [It is said in a marginal note in my MS. copy of the K that it signifies also A seller of graveclothes: but this is evidently a mistake, app. occasioned by a mistranscription, for سَيَّآء, with ى.] مَسْبَأٌ  A road (S, K) in a mountain. (S.) Credit: Lane Lexicon