1 حَجَزَةُ حجز حجزه حجزة , aor. حَجُزَ (S, K) and حَجِزَ , (K,) inf. n. حَجْزٌ (S, K) and حِجَازَةٌ and ↓ حِجِّيزَى , (K,) [or the last is rather a quasi-inf. n. of تَحَاجَزُوا, and, accord. to some, it is of an intensive form,] He, or it, prevented, hindered, impeded, withheld, restrained, or debarred, him, or it; syn. مَنَعَهُ, (S, K,) and كَفَّهُ. (K.) It is said in a trad., وَلِأَهْلِ القَتِيلِ أَنْ يَحْجُزُوا الأَدْنَى فَالأَدْنَى And it is for the family of the slain person to prevent the nearest [in relationship] and then the nearest [after him] from retaliating the slaughter. (TA.) And one says, كَانَتْ بَيْنَ القَوْمِ رِمِّيَّا ثُمَّ صَارَتْ إِِلَى حِجِّيزَى There was a shooting of arrows or the like [or a great shooting &c.] between the people; then they withheld themselves [or withheld themselves much] from each other: (S, L:) which is a prov. (TA.) It is also said in another prov., مَا يُحْجَزُ فُلَانٌ فِى العِلْمِ (tropical:) Such a one's case [with respect to knowledge or science] cannot be concealed. (A, TA.) ― -b2- حَجَزَ بَيْنَهُمَا, (A, Msb, K,) aor. حَجُزَ (Msb, K) and حَجِزَ , (K,) inf. n. حَجْزٌ, (Msb,) He, or it, intervened as, or made, or formed, a separation, a partition, a fence, a barrier, or an obstacle, or obstruction, between them two; he separated, or parted, them; (Msb, K;) i. e., two things; (Msb;) or two persons or things facing, or opposite to, each other. (Az, A, TA.) 2 سَطْحٌ لَمْ يُحَجَّزْ بِجِدَارٍ سطح لم يحجز بجدار [A flat roof that has not been fenced round with a wall to prevent persons falling from it]. (K in art. جلح.) 3 حَاجَزُوا عَدُوَّهُمْ حاجزوا عدوهم , (A,) inf. n. مُحَاجَزَةٌ, (S, K,) They reciprocally prevented their enemy from fighting with them, or reciprocally abstained from fighting with them, and made peace with them; syn. كَافُّوهُمْ, (A,) and syn. of the inf. n. مُمَانَعَةٌ, (S, K, TA,) and مُسَالَمَةٌ. (TA.) It is said in a prov., إِِنْ أَرَدْتَ المُحَاجَزَهْ فَقَبْلَ المُنَاجَزَهْ [If thou desire the reciprocal prevention of fighting, and the making of peace, let it be before fighting]: (S, TA:) or المُحَاجَزَهْ قَبْلَ المُنَاجَزَهْ [The reciprocal prevention of fighting, and the making of peace, should be before fighting]. (A.) [See also art. نجز.] 4 أَحْجَزَ see 8. 6 تَحَاجَزَا تحاجزا They prevented one another, or mutually abstained, from fighting, [and made peace, one with another; (see also 3;)] syn. تَمَانَعَا: (S * K, TA:) said of two troops. (S.) ― -b2- تحاجز القَوْمُ The people separated themselves, one from another; they left, forsook, or relinquished, one another; as also ↓ انحجزوا and ↓ احتجزوا . (TA.) -A2- Also تحاجز القَوْمُ The people took, or took hold of, one another by the حُجَز [pl. of حُجْزَةٌ]; took hold of one another's حُجَز: (TA:) [or sought aid, or refuge and protection, one of another: see حَجْزَةٌ.] 7 انحجز انحجز quasi-pass. of حَجَزَهُ in the first of the senses explained above; (TA;) He, or it, was, or became, prevented, hindered, impeded, withheld, restrained, or debarred; he withheld, or restrained, himself; he refrained, forbore, or abstained. (S, K, TA.) ― -b2- انحجز عَنْهُ He left, forsook, or relinquished, it. (TA.) ― -b3- See also 6. -A2- See also 8. 8 احتجز بِهِ احتجز به احتجز بة He, or it, was, or became, defended, or he defended himself, by it; syn. امْتَنَعَ. (TA.) [See also another explanation in what follows.] ― -b2- احتجزا They two were, or became, separated, or parted, each from the other. (TA.) See also 6. -A2- احتجزهُ He carried it in his حُجْزَة: (A, K: *) like as اِحْتَضَنَهُ signifies “he carried it in his حِضْن” (A.) ― -b2- احتجز بِإِِزَارِهِ He tied his ازار upon [or around] his waist; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) he made the two ends thereof to meet, and tied it upon his waist; (A, TA;) he wrapped it round his waist. (TA.) ― -b3- Hence, احتجز بِالحِرَارِ وَالجِبَالِ It was encompassed by the stony tracts called حرار [pl. of حَرَّةٌ], and by the mountains. (Mgh.) -A3- احتجز He, (a man, TA,) or it, (a party of people, S,) came to the province called El-Hijáz; (S, K;) as also ↓ انحجز ; (ISk, S, K;) and ↓ احجز , (K,) inf. n. إِِحْجَازٌ. (TA.) حَجْزٌ حجز One who abstains from what is unlawful and indecorous. (TA.) [See also حُجْزَةٌ.] حِجْزٌ حجز : see حُجْزَةٌ, in two places. حَجْزَةٌ حجز حجزه حجزة A severe year, that confines men to their tents or houses, so that they slaughter their generous camels to eat them. (L in art. نبت, on a verse of Zuheyr.) حُجْزَةُ الإِِزَارِ حجزة الازار The place [or part] of the ازار where it is tied [round the waist]; (S, Msb, K, TA;) the place where the end of the ازار is folded, or doubled, in wrapping it round: (Lth, TA:) and [in like manner] حُجْزَةُ السَّرَاوِيلِ [the tuck, or doubled upper border, of the trousers, through which passes the waist-band, i. e., the band or string that binds them round the waist;] the part of the trousers in which is the تِكَّة [or waist-band]; (S;) the place of the تِكَّة: (K:) pl. حُجَزٌ (Msb, TA) and حُجُزَاتٌ and حُجَزَاتٌ: (TA:) and hence حُجْزَةٌ is applied to the garment called إِِزَار itself; as also ↓ حِجْزٌ ; of which latter the pl. is حُجُزٌ, with two dammehs, [app. contracted into حُجْزٌ,] and pl. pl. حُجُوزٌ: Z says that ↓ حِجْزٌ and حُجْزٌ signify the same. (TA.) ― -b2- Hence, شِدَّةٌ الحُجْزَةِ (tropical:) Patience, (K, TA,) and hardiness. (TA.) One says, هَوَ شَديدُ الحُجْزَةِ (tropical:) He is patient in difficulty. (TA.) And it is said in a trad. of 'Alee, when he was asked respecting the BenooUmeiyeh, هُمْ أَشَدُّنَا حُجَزًا, or حَجْزَةً, accord. to different relations, (tropical:) They are the most patient of us in difficulty. (TA.) ― -b3- You say also رَجُلٌ طّيِّبُ الحُجْزَةِ, (A, TA,) and كَرِيمُ الحُجْزَةِ, and كَرِيمُ الحُجْزِ, [app. a contraction of الحُجُزِ,] (TA,) (tropical:) He is one who abstains from what is unlawful and indecorous [especially with respect to women]; like طَيِّبُ الإِِزَارِ. (TA.) ― -b4- And هُوَ نَاتِىءُ الحُجْزَةِ (tropical:) He is full in the flanks: the being so is a fault. (K, TA.) ― -b5- You also say, أَخَذَ بِحُجْزَتِهِ,, meaning (tropical:) He sought aid of him: (A, TA:) or he had recourse to him for refuge and protection. (TA.) And أَخَذَ بِحُجْزَةِ ا@للّٰهِ, i. e., بِسَبَبٍ مِنْهُ [meaning, (assumed tropical:) He laid hold of a means of obtaining access, or nearness, to God]: said of Mohammad, in a trad. (TA.) And هٰذَا كَلَامٌ آخِذٌ بَعْضُهُ بِحُجَزِ بَعْضٍ (tropical:) This is language disposed in regular order, consecutively. (A, TA.) It is said in a trad., إِِنَّ الرَّحِمَ أَخَذَتْ بِحُجْزَةِ الرَّحمٰنِ [Verily الرَّحِمُ is connected with الرَّحْمٰن]: said to mean, that the name of الرحم is derived from الرحمن; so that it is as though it attached itself thereto, and laid hold of the middle thereof. (IAth, TA.) حِجْزَةٌ حجز حجزه حجزة A mode, manner, or form, of tying the إِِزَار. (TA.) حِجَازٌ حجاز : see حَاجِزٌ. حَجَازَيْكَ حجازي حجازيك Separate thou, or part thou, the people; (S, A, K; and T in art. دول, on the authority of IAar;) time after time: (K:) app. meaning, without intermission: (TA:) or it may mean withhold thyself. (IAar, T in art. دول.) حِجِّيزَى حجيزى حجيزي : see 1, in two places. حَاجِزٌ حاجز A thing intervening, as a separation, a partition, a fence, a barrier, or an obstacle, or obstruction, between two other things, (TA,) or between two things facing, or opposite to, each other; (Az, A, TA;) as also ↓ حِجَازٌ . (Az, A, TA.) Hence the province called El-Hijáz is thus named, because it forms a separation between Nejd and the Ghowr, or Ghór; (S, Mgh, TA;) or between Nejd and the Saráh; (Msb, K;) or between the Ghowr, or Ghór, and Syria (Mgh, Msb, TA) and the Bádiyeh; (Mgh, TA;) or between Nejd and Tihámeh; (K;) or because the Hirár [or certain stony tracts] separate it from the high part of Nejd; (Az, TA;) or because it is encompassed by the Hirár and the mountains, (Mgh, Msb, *) or by the five Hirár, namely, the Harrah of Benoo-Suleym and that of Wákim and that of Leylà and that of Showrán and that of En-Nár. (As, K.) ― -b2- Also sing. of حَجَزَةٌ, (K,) which latter signifies Wrongers, or wrongdoers, who prevent one from obtaining his right: (S:) or persons who defend men, one from another, and decide between them justly. (Az, TA.) In the K, the signification of “wrongers, or wrongdoers,” is combined with the contrary explanation given by Az. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of Keyleh, أَيْعُجِزُ ابْنُ هٰذِهِ أَنْ يَنْتَصِفَ مِنْ وَرَآءِ الحَجَزَةِ [Is the son of this woman unable to obtain his right in the absence of the wrongdoers who prevent his doing so?]: (S:) or [according to one relation] أَيُلَامُ ابْنُ ذِهْ أَنْ يَفصِلَ الخُطَّةَ مِنْ وَرَآءِ الحَجَزَة [Is the son of this woman to be blamed for deciding the affair in the absence of those who defend men, one from another, and decide between them justly?]: by “the son of this woman” she means her own son: she says, if he suffer a wrong, and allege for himself that which repels from him the wrong, [without having recourse to the judge,] he is not to be blamed. (TA.) [See also خُطَّةٌ.] مَحْجُوزٌ محجوز Hit, or hurt, in the place [or part of the body] where the إِِزَار is tied. (K.) مُحْتَجَزٌ محتجز The place [or part of the body] where the إِِزِار is tied. (K.) مُحْتَجِزٌ محتجز Having his waist bound [with the إِِزَار]: and with ة, a woman having her مِئْزَر bound upon [that part of her person which is termed] the عَوْرَة. (TA.) Credit: Lane Lexicon