Root: ح ط م
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 6
b) No of constructions: 4
Nouns: 3 Recurrence: 5 Verb: 1 [Form-I]
Semantic Domain: 
Plant Kingdom of the Earth.
Sub-field: Agriculture
to crumble, fragmenting grain and bran
to break, to shatter, to crush, fragment,

They marched until when they
arrived upon a valley of the Ants:
She-Ant imperatively
said, "O you theAnts listen! you get in to your
and his troops crush you while they
were not even aware".

Have you not visualized/understood
the apparent fact that Allah sent water from the sky;
Thereat He soaked and percolated it into
reservoirs [springs, seeps, and
Afterwards/lapse of time He sprouted
with it cultivated
grain crops [monocotyledon-family
their colours markedly vary.
After a lapse of time it experiences
phase of excitement and shrivel, thereupon you see it golden
yellowish. Afterwards He the Exalted renders it
Indeed in it is certainly
cause of remembrance and taking heed for men of wisdom who look into matters objectively
without overlapping it with
emotions/ prejudices/ biases/ whims/ caprices/conjectural myths. [39:21]
1 |
Noun: Definite; singular;
genitive. (1)104:04=1
اسم : معرفہ باللام-مجرور-واحد
مؤنث |
2 |
Definite; singular; feminine;
nominative. (1)104:05=1
اسم : معرفہ باللام-مرفوع-واحد
مؤنث |
3 |
Noun: Indefinite;
plural; masculine; accusative (1)39:21(2)56:65(3) 57:20=3 اسم: منصوب-واحد/جمع-مذكر |
Verb Form-I
3 |
Imperfect; third person; singular; masculine; Energetic Noon;
Suffixed Object pronoun: Second Person; Masculine: Plural, in
accusative state; مصدر-حَطْمٌ Verbal
noun (1)27:18=1
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به/جمع مذكر حاضر |
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