1 لَجَّ  , sec. pers. لَجِجْتَ, aor. لَجَ3َ , inf. n. لَجَاجٌ and لَجَاجَةٌ (S, K) and لَجَجٌ; (M, A:) and لَجَّ, sec. pers. لَجَجْتَ, aor. لَجِ3َ ; (S, K;) He persisted, or persevered, فِى أَمْرٍ in an affair: (Msb:) or he persisted in an affair, and refused to turn from it: (M:) or he persisted obstinately in an affair, even if it became manifest that it was wrong: (the Towsheeh:) or he persevered, or continued, in opposition, in contention, litigation, or wrangling: (TA:) or he persisted in contention, litigation, or wrangling; (Msb, TA;) and so ↓ لاجّ , inf. n. مُلَاجَّةٌ: (S:) or he contended, litigated, or wrangled. (K.) [Hence, لَجَّ فَحَجَّ, a prov.: see art. حج.] See also, for an ex., 8 in art. عود. -A2- See 4. 2 لجّج  , (inf. n. تَلْجِيجٌ, K,) It (a ship, S) entered the لُجَّة [or main sea, or the fathomless deep, or the great expanse of sea of which the limits could not be seen]. (S, K.) ― -b2- لَجُّوا [perhaps a mistake for أَلَجُّوا] They entered the لُجّ [or main sea, &c.]. (A, TA.) ― -b3- ↓ أَلَجُّوا and لَجَّجُوا They embarked upon the لجة [or main sea, &c.]. (TA.) 3 لَاْجَ3َ see 1. ― -b2- لَاجَّتِ الأَلْسُنُ فِى الخُصُومَاتِ (S, art. مرس,) or ↓ تَلَاجَّت (M, same art.,) [The tongues persisted in wranglings, quarrellings, or contentions]. ― -b3- And لَاجَّ فُلَانًا [He wrangled, quarrelled, or contended, with such a one]. (AHeyth, K in art. غرو.) 4 أَلَجَّهُ  He continued him, or made him to persevere, or persist, in a thing: accord. to Lh.: for he explains يَمُدُّهُمْ in the Kur, ii., 14, by يُلِجُّهُمْ: but ISd doubts whether he had heard this from the Arabs: and adds, that he, himself, had not heard أَلْجَجْتُهُ. (L.) -A2- الجّ القَوْمُ The people cried out; raised a cry. (TA.) ― -b2- Also, and القَوْمُ لجّ , The people uttered confused cries. (TA.) ― -b3- الجّت الإِِبِلُ The camels uttered cries: (K:) and in like manner الغَنَمُ, the sheep or goats. (TA.) -A3- See 2. 5 تلجّج فِى صَدْرِهِ  It (a thing) fluctuated in his bosom, or came and went repeatedly. (Msb.) 6 تَلَاْجَ3َ see 3. ― -b2- تَلَاجٌّ The wrangling, quarrelling, or contending, one with another. (KL.) You say, تَلَاجَّا [They wrangled, &c., each with the other.] (M in art. شق.) 8 التجّ المَوْجُ  The waves became great and confused. (TA.) ― -b2- التّج البَحْرُ, inf. n. إِِلْتِجَاجٌ, (S,) The sea became tumultuous, its waves dashing together: (TA:) the main part, or fathomless deep, of the sea became vast, and very tumultuous. (A.) ― -b3- التجّت الأَصْوَاتُ The voices, or sounds, were confused: (S, K:) or, rose high, and were confused. (L.) ― -b4- التجّ الظَّلَامُ (tropical:) The darkness became intricate and confused. (TA.) ― -b5- التّج الأَمْرُ (assumed tropical:) The affair became great and confused. (TA.) ― -b6- إِِذَا التجّ الدَّيَامِيمُ, in a verse of Dhu-rRummeh, (tropical:) When the wide deserts become scenes of mirage like لُجّ [or great expanses of sea of which the extremities cannot be seen]. (AHát.) -A2- إِِنَّهُ لَشَدِيدُ الْتِجَاجِ العَيْنِ Verily he has an intensely black eye. (L.) R. Q. 1 لَجْلَجَ  inf. n. لَجْلَجَةٌ, He spoke with an indistinct utterance: he spoke with a heavy tongue, and was defective in speech, not uttering one part of what he said immediately after another; he hesitated in speech, by reason of a natural defect: (Lth:) or he reiterated, or stammered, or stuttered, (تَرَدَّدَ) in his speech; as also ↓ تَلَجْلَجَ . (S, K.) ― -b2- لَجْلَجَ المُضْغَةَ فِى فِمِهِ He moved the morsel of meat backwards and forwards in his mouth, to chew it. (S.) R. Q. 2 see R. Q. 1. لُجٌّ ذ The side of a valley. (K.) ― -b2- The side, or shore, of a sea. (L.) [See also لُجَّةٌ.] ― -b3- A rugged part of a mountain. (K.) ― -b4- (tropical:) A sword: (S, K:) app. from لُجٌّ with reference to the sea, because of its terribleness: (As:) thought by ISd to occur only in one instance, in a trad.: said to be of the dial. of Teiyi; or of Hudheyl, and of some of the people of El-Yemen. (TA.) ― -b5- Also لُجَّةٌ, (tropical:) A mirror. (K.) ― -b6- And (tropical:) Silver. (K.) لَجَّةٌ  Voices, cries, clamour, confused noise, or a mixture of voices, (S, K,) of men, (S,) and sometimes of camels. (TA.) لُجَّةٌ  and ↓ لُجٌّ The main body of water, (S, K,) or of the sea: [the deep:] or the depth, or deep, of the sea, of which the bottom cannot be reached; the fathomless deep: (L:) also, لُجَّةٌ (TA) and بَحْرٍ لُجُّ (L) a great expanse of water, or sea, of which the extremities cannot be seen: (L, TA:) pl. لُجٌّ and لُجَجٌ and لِجَاجٌ; the last pl. of لُجَّةٌ. (TA.) ― -b2- فُلَانٌ لُجَّةٌ وَاسِعَةٌ (tropical:) [Such a one is a wide fathomless deep]: a phrase by which one is likened to a sea, in amplitude. (TA.) ― -b3- كَأَنَّ عَيْنَهُ لُجَّةٌ (assumed tropical:) [As though his eye were a fathomless sea]: i. e., intensely black. (L.) ― -b4- الظُّعْنُ تَسْبَحُ السَّرَابِ فِى لُجِّ (tropical:) The women in the camel-litters swim in the great expanse of mirage. (TA.) ― -b5- لُجَّةُ الظَّلَامِ (tropical:) The depth of the darkness. (TA.) ― -b6- اللَّيْلِ لُجُّ (assumed tropical:) The depth of night; its intense darkness and blackness. (TA.) ― -b7- جَمَلُ أَدْهَمُ لُجٌّ (assumed tropical:) A deep black, or intensely black, camel. (K.) ― -b8- لُجَّةٌ and ↓ لُجٌّ (tropical:) A numerous assembly, company, troop, or congregated body: (K:) from لُجَّةٌ with reference to the sea. (TA.) ― -b9- لُجَّةٌ أَمْرٍ (assumed tropical:) The main part of an affair. (TA.) لُجَجَةٌ  : see لَجُوجٌ. بَحْرٌ لُجِّىٌّ  , (S, K,) and ↓ لِجِّىٌّ , (K,) and ↓ لُجَاجٌ , (L,) A vast and deep sea. (S, L, K.) In ↓ لِجِىٌّ , the first vowel is assimilated to the second to make the word more easy of pronunciation. (TA.) لِجِىٌّ  : see لُجِىٌّ. لُجَاجٌ  : see لُجِىٌّ. لَجُوجٌ  and ↓ لَجُوجَةٌ (in which the ة is added to give [double] intensiveness to the signification, S) and ↓ لُجَجَةٌ (S, K) and ↓ مِلْجَاجٌ , (L, A,) [intensive] epithets from لَجَّ “ he persisted, &c. ” [One who persists in an affair much: or who does so refusing to turn from it: or who does so even if it have become manifest that it is wrong: or who perseveres, or continues, much, in opposition, in contention, or the like: or who persists much, or is very pertinacious, in contention, or the like: or very contentious or litigious, or a great wrangler]. (S, M, K, &c.) The first is a masc. and fem. epithet: and is applied to a human being and to a horse. (TA.) لَجُوجَةٌ  : see لَجُوجٌ. الحَقُّ أَبْلَجُ وَالبَاطِلُ لَجْلَجٌ  (AZ, S) [Truth is apparent, manifest, or evident, or clear, and falsity is a cause of embarrassment, or hesitation, to the speaker]: i. e., the latter is agitated to and fro, without having utterance: (S:) or truth is lucid and direct, and falsity is confused and indirect. (TA.) لَجْلَجَةٌ  A mixture, or confusion, of voices or sounds. (L.) لَجْلَاجٌ  One who speaks with an indistinct utterance: (TA:) or who has naturally a heavy tongue and a defective speech, (T,) so that he does not utter one part of what he says immediately after another, who has a natural hesitation in his speech: or who reiterates, or stammers, or stutters, (يتردّد,) in his speech: or, as some say, whose tongue rolls about between the sides of his mouth. (TA.) مِلْجَاجٌ  : see لَجُوجٌ. عَيْنٌ مُلْتَجَّةٌ  (tropical:) An eye intensely black. (K.) ― -b2- أَرْضٌ مُلْتَجَّةٌ (tropical:) Land intensely green, (K,) whether its herbage be tangled or not: or land of which the herbage is compact and tall and abundant. (TA.) ― -b3- أَرْضٌ بَقْلُهَا مُلْتَجٌّ Land of which the leguminous plants are compact, or dense. (TA.) يَلَنْجُوجٌ ذ and يَلَنْجَجٌ and أَلَنْجَجٌ, (S, L,) or يَلَنْجُوجُ and يَلَنْجَجُ and أَلَنْجَجُ, [all three imperfectly declinable, as being generic proper names and of foreign origin, borrowed from the Persian language,] and أَلَنْجُوجٌ and يَلَنْجَجٌ and يَلَنْجُوجٌ [which last is omitted in the CK] and يَلَنْجُوجِىٌّ (K) and أَلَنْجَجٌ and أَلَنْجِيجٌ, (TA,) Aloes-wood; syn. عُودُ الطِّيبِ, (L,) or عُودُ البَخُورِ: (K:) or the wood of another tree with which one fumigates: (L:) a certain wood with which one fumigates. (S.) The ا and ى in النجج and يلنجج [&c.] are augmentative letters added to make these words quasi-coordinate to the class of quinqueliteral-radical words: an augmentative letter is not used for such a purpose at the beginning of a word unless there is also with it another augmentative letter: and such, here, is the ن. (IJ.) Lh uses يلنجوج and النجوج and النجيج as epithets, writing عُودٌ يلنجوج &c. (TA.) The wood thus called has a very beneficial effect upon a relaxed stomach, (K,) when eaten; and of the beneficial effects for which it is most celebrated are those which it produces upon the brain and the heart, when used for fumigation and when eaten. (TA.) Credit: Lane Lexicon