فَكِهَ , aor.
فَكَهَ , inf. n.
فَكَاهَةٌ (S, Mgh, K) and
فَكَهٌ, (K, TA,) [the latter inf. n.
correctly thus, agreeably with a general rule, in the CK
with the
ك quiescent, but said in the TA to be
بالتحريك,] (assumed tropical:)
He was,
became, cheerful, happy, or
free from
straitness; (S, Mgh, K;)
jocose, or
to jesting, (S, Mgh,)
and to laughing: (Mgh,
K:) or
one who talked to his companions and made them
to laugh. (K.) ― -b2- See also 5. 2
فَكَّهَهُمْ , inf. n.
He brought to them
فَاكِهَة [i. e.
fruit]. (K.) ― -b2-
And [hence]
الكَلَامِ, inf. n. as above, (tropical:)
He entertained them in a novel manner with facetious
sayings or
talk. (K, TA.) 3
فاكههُ , (K,) inf. n.
مُفَاكَهَةٌ, (S,) (tropical:)
He jested,
joked, with him; (S, K, TA;)
indulged in
pleasantry with him. (TA.) It is said in a prov.,
أَكَمَةٍ (tropical:) [
Jest not thou with a
female slave, and make not water upon a hillock, i.
and publish not what is secret of thine affair:
see art.
اكم]. (S, TA.) [See also an ex. in a verse
cited voce
تَزَنَّدَ.] 4
أَفْكَهَتْ She (a camel)
yielded her milk plentifully on the occasion of eating
the [
herbage called]
before her bringing forth: (S,
TA:) or
she being near to bringing forth, her
صَلَوَانِ [app. meaning
two parts on the
right and left of the tail (see
صَلًا in art.
became lax, or
flaccid, and
her udder became large; like
أَفَكَّت. (TA in art.
فك. [See also the part. n., below.]) 5
تفكّه He ate fruit (
(Msb, K:) and
He took fruit with his hand, [
helped himself to it;] syn.
الفَاكِهَةَ: and hence, as is said in the A,
(TA,) the saying in the Kur [lvi. 65],
تَفَكَّهُونَ is ironical, meaning [
then ye would be in the condition of]
making your
fruit to be your saying
لَمُغْرَمُونَ Verily we are burdened with
debt (which words occur in the next verse)]: or
تَفَكَّهَ here [or rather in a case of this
kind] means
He threw away from himself the fruit:
thus says Ibn-'Ateeyeh, (K, TA,) in his exposition:
(TA:) [but see other explanations in what follows:] and
it signifies also
He abstained from fruit: thus
it bears two contr. meanings. (K.) ― -b2- And sometimes
[it means (tropical:)
He amused himself with talk;
like as one amuses himself with the eating of fruit
after a meal; i. e.]
التَّفَكُّهُ is metaphorically used as
بِالحَدِيثِ. (Bd in lvi. 65.) ― -b3- And
(assumed tropical:)
He affected jesting, or
joking. (TA.) ― -b4- And
بِفُلَانٍ (assumed tropical:)
They spoke
evil of such a one; or
did so in his absence;
defamed him; and
did thus with jesting,
one with another. (TA.) ― -b5- And
بِهِ (assumed tropical:)
He enjoyed it:
(S, Msb, K:) and [particularly] (Msb)
he enjoyed the
eating of it. (Mgh, Msb.) ― -b6- And
تفكّه also signifies (assumed tropical:)
He wondered, (S, Msb, K,)
مِنْهُ at it; and so ↓
فَكِهَ , followed likewise by
منه. (K.) And hence [accord. to some] the
saying in the Kur cited above,
تَفَكَّهُونَ i. e. (assumed tropical:) [
then ye would be in the condition of]
at what had befallen you in respect of your
seed-produce. (TA.) ― -b7- And
He repented, grieved,
lamented, or
regretted: (IAar, S, K:) and the
words of the Kur cited in the last sentence above, (S,
TA,) as expl. by some, (TA,) mean [
And then ye would
be in the condition of]
repenting, &c.: (S,
TA:) and so
تَفَكَّنُونَ, which is of the dial. of 'Okl;
or, accord. to Lh, Temeem say
تَتَفَكَّنُونَ, and AzdShanoo-ah say
تَتَفَكَّهُونَ. (TA.) 6
تَفَاكُهٌ signifies The
joking, [or
indulging in pleasantry,
(see 3,) of a number of persons,]
one with another,
(K.) [You say,
تفاكهوا They jested, &c.,
one with
فَكِهٌ Eating, or
eater of,
فَاكِهَة [i. e.
fruit]; (K, TA;) a
possessive epithet; applied to a man. (TA.) ― -b2- Also,
(S, Mgh, K,) and ↓
فَاكِهٌ , (K, TA, in the CK
فَاكِهَةٌ,) and ↓
فيكهان [app.
فَيْكَهَانٌ or
فَيْكِهَانٌ, like
تيَّهَانٌ], (AZ, TA,) (assumed tropical:)
Cheerful, happy, or
free from straitness;
(AZ, S, Mgh, K;)
jocose, or
given to jesting,
(AZ, S, Mgh,)
and to laughing: (Mgh, K:) or the
first, (K, TA,) and second, (K,) one
who talks to his
companions and makes them to laugh: (K, TA:) and
فَكِهَاتٌ, applied to women,
happy, or
free from straitness. (TA.) ― -b3-
فَكِهٌ signifies also (assumed tropical:)
Exulting, or
rejoicing above measure; or
exulting greatly, and behaving insolently and
unthankfully, or
ungratefully: (S, TA:) and
thus the pl.
فَكِهِينَ signifies in the Kur (S, Mgh) xlix.
26 [as some there read]: (S:) ↓
فَاكِهِينَ [is the more common reading
and] means
enjoying an easy and a pleasant life;
enjoying case and plenty. (S, Mgh.) ― -b4- And
(assumed tropical:)
Wondering: and thus some
explain the pl.
فَكِهُونَ in the Kur xxxvi. 55. (TA.) ― -b5-
النَّاسِ means (tropical:)
He is one who
delights in speaking evil of men, or
in doing so
in their absence. (K, TA.) [
فَكِيهْ is said by Golius to
signify “ Qui proloqui non potest, ” on the authority of
the KL: but in my copy of the KL, I find that the word
to which this meaning is assigned is
فُكَاهَةٌ , a subst. [as
distinguished from the inf. n.
فَكَاهَةٌ], (S, K,)
A jesting, or
joking; (S, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓
فَكِيهَةٌ . (K.)
ذ : see what next precedes.
فَاكِهٌ Possessing
فَاكِهَة [i. e.
fruit]; (K, TA:) an
epithet of the same class as
تَامِرٌ and
لَابِنٌ: or, accord. to Aboo-Mo'ádh the
grammarian, one
whose fruit has become abundant.
(TA.) ― -b2- See also
فَكِهٌ, in two places. ― -b3- And [the fem.]
فَاكِهَةٌ, (assumed tropical:) A palm-tree (
inducing wonder, or
admiration, and pleasure,
joy; or
pleasing, or
(??) joicing;
by its having much fruit;] syn.
مُعْجِبَةٌ. (K.)
فَاكِهَةٌ a word of well-known
meaning, (S,)
Fruit, of any kind; (K;)
thing, or
things, the eating whereof is enjoyed,
(Mgh, Msb,) whether
moist or
dry, as
figs and
melons and
raisins and
pomegranates: (Msb:) [the words, of the Kur lv. 68,
وَرُمَّانٌ have caused it to be much and
vainly disputed whether dates and pomegranates be, or be
not, included among the things termed
فاكهة: it seems to be the general opinion of
the lexicologists that they are included; but the
contrary opinion is held by many of the lawyers, and by
the Imám Aboo- Haneefeh among them:] the pl. is
فَوَاكِهُ, meaning
kinds thereof. (S.)
― -b2- And (by way of comparison [thereto], TA)
Sweetmeat; syn.
حَلْوَآء; (K;) which is also applied by some
to “ fruit ” (
(T in art.
حلو,) or to “ sweet fruit. ” (K in that art.)
― -b3- And
الشِّتَآءِ [lit.
The fruit of winter]
is metonymically used as meaning (tropical:)
fire. (Har p. 594.)
فَاكِهِىٌّ : see
فيكهان :see
فَكِهٌ, second sentence.
فَاكِهَانِىٌّ A seller of
فَاكِهَة [i. e.
fruit]; (S, K;) as
also ↓
فَاكِهِىٌّ ; (TA;) but not
فَكَّاهٌ. (Sb, TA.)
النَّاسِ occurs in two trads. [as
meaning (assumed tropical:)
He was of the most
cheerful and jocose of men]. (TA [in which the
meaning is indicated by the context].)
أُفْكُوهَةٌ i. q.
أُعْجُوبَةٌ (assumed tropical:) [
wonderful thing]. (K.) You say,
بِأُفْكُوهَةٍ (assumed tropical:) [
Such a
one did, or
uttered, a wonderful thing].
مُفْكِهٌ (AZ, S, K) and
مُفْكِهَةٌ (K) A she-camel
whose milk is
thick, (K, TA,)
like biestings: (TA:) or
that yields her milk plentifully on the occasion of
eating the [
herbage called]
before her bringing forth:
(S:) or
whose milk pours forth on the occasion of
parturition, before her bringing forth: or, accord.
to Sh, the meaning is that indicated by the second
explanation of the verb, 4 [q. v.]. (TA.) Credit:
Lane Lexicon