
1 عَطِلَتْ  , [in my copy of the Msb said to be of the class of قتل, perhaps a mis-transcription for قَبِلَ, but see what is said below of عَطَلَ as syn. with بَطَلَ, from which it may be inferred that عَطَلَتْ is correct in the sense here following as well as عَطِلَتْ,] said of a woman, [aor. عَطَلَ ,] inf. n. عَطَلٌ (S, O, K) and عُطُولٌ; (O, K;) and ↓ تعطّلت ; (S, O, K;) She had not upon her any women's ornaments; (K, TA;) and wore not any ornature, or decoration: (TA:) or her neck was destitute of necklaces or the like; (S, O;) as also ↓ استعطلت : (Har p. 268:) accord. to Er-Rághib, العَطَلُ signifies the being destitute of ornature, or decoration. (TA.) ― -b2- And sometimes العَطَلُ is used [for العَطَلُ مِنْ شَىْءِ] as meaning The being destitute of a thing; though primarily relating to women's ornaments. (S, O.) One says, عَطِلَ مِنَ المَالِ He (a man, O) was, or became, destitute [of property], and مِنَ الأَدَبِ [of discipline, or good qualities and attributes, of the mind, &c.]. (O, K.) ― -b3- And it signifies also The being destitute of occupation. (Er-Rághib, TA.) One says, عَطَلَ الأَجِيرُ, aor. عَطُلَ , like بَطَلَ, aor. عَطُلَ , in measure and in meaning [i. e. The hired man was without occupation: though it seems that in this sense also, accord. to general usage, the verb is عَطِلَ, aor. عَطَلَ ]. (Msb. [See also 5.]) And عطلت الإِِبِلُ The camels were without a pastor to tend them. (Msb. [The context there app. indicates that the verb in this case, likewise, is with fet-h to the ط; but I believe it to be more correctly عَطِلَت.]) ― -b4- And عَطِلَ, (O, K,) with kesr [to the ط], (O,) [i. e.] like فَرِحَ, (K,) signifies also He was, or became, large in the body. (O, K.) 2 عطّل الشَّىْءَ  and ↓ اعطلهُ signify the same [app. in all the senses assigned to the former]. (O.) ― -b2- 'Áïsheh is related, in a trad., to have said respecting a woman who had died, عَطِّلُوهَا, meaning Divest ye her of her ornaments. (S, O.) ― -b3- [Hence,] عطّل القَوْسَ, inf. n. تَعْطِيلٌ, He divested the bow of its string. (TA.) ― -b4- [Hence likewise, the inf. n.] التَّعْطِيلُ signifies [also] The rendering vacant, void, or unoccupied, (K, TA,) a place of abode, and the like. (TA.) And The leaving a thing untended, unminded, or neglected. (K, TA. [ضِياعًا in the CK is a mistake for ضَيَاعًا.]) One says of the frontier of a hostile country, عُطِّلَ, meaning It was left without any to defend it. (TA.) And of subjects one says, عُطِّلُوا, meaning They were left without any one to govern them. (TA.) One says also, عَطَّلْتُ الإِِبِلَ, inf. n. as above, I left the camels without a pastor to tend them. (Msb.) وَإِِذَا العِشَارُ عُطِّلَتْ, in the Kur lxxxi. 4, means And when the pregnant camels [ten months gone with young] shall be left without a pastor, or without being milked [?]; (Jel;) by reason of the terrors of the hour; (O;) i. e. by men's having their minds occupied by the terrors of the day of resurrection. (TA.) And عُطِّلَتْ is said of lands of seed-produce as meaning They were left uncultivated. (TA.) ― -b5- التَّعْطِيلُ signifies also التَّفْرِيغُ [as meaning The making, or leaving, vacant from any work, occupation, employment, or use; free therefrom; unoccupied; or unemployed]. (S, O, K.) One says, عَطَّلْتُ الأَجِيرَ I made the hired man to be unoccupied. (Msb.) And عطّل الخَيْلَ مِنَ الغَزْوِ (S and K in art. بهو) [He freed the horses from service in warfare;] he did not go to war upon the horses. (TA in that art.) ― -b6- [Also The assertion of the tenet, or tenets, of the مُعَطِّل, q. v.] ― -b7- And تَعْطِيلُ الحُدُودِ means The not inflicting the [punishments termed] حدود upon him to whom they are due. (TA.) 4 أَعْطَلَ see 2, first sentence. 5 تَعَطَّلَ see 1, first sentence. ― -b2- تعطّل, said of a man, (S, O,) He remained [or became] without work, or occupation. (S, O, K.) [Said of a man, &c., He, or it, was, or became, inactive, or inert. (See غُشِىَ عَلَيْهِ.)] ― -b3- تَعَطَّلَتْ مِنَ الاِسْتِقَآءِ بِهَا is said of a دَلْو [or leathern bucket, meaning It was exempted from, i. e. unused for, the drawing of water therewith]. (TA.) ― -b4- And تعطّل is said of a tent [as meaning It became vacant]. (TA in art. بهو.) 10 إِِسْتَعْطَلَ see 1, first sentence. Q. Q. 4 اِعْطَأَلَّتِ الشَّجَرَةُ  The tree had many branches, and was much tangled, or very luxuriant or dense: so accord. to Az. (TA.) See also Q. Q. 4 in arts. عضل and عظل. عُطْلٌ  : see عُطُلٌ, last sentence. عَطَلٌ  inf. n. of 1 [q. v.]. (S, O, K.) -A2- Also The denuded, or unclad, part, or parts, of the body; syn. جُرْدَةٌ: so in the saying اِمْرَأَةٌ حَسَنَةُ العَطَلِ [A woman beautiful in respect of the denuded, or unclad, part, or parts, of the body]. (TA.) ― -b2- And The body, or person; syn. شَخْصٌ; (S, O, K, TA;) particularly, as some say, of a human being; (TA;) like طَلَلٌ: (S, O, TA:) pl. أَعْطَالٌ. (K.) And one says, مَا أَحْسَنَ عَطَلَهُ, meaning [How beautiful is] his tallness, or justness of stature, and his perfectness [of make]! (S, O.) ― -b3- And The neck. (K.) ― -b4- And Beauty of body. (TA.) -A3- Also A stalk of a raceme of a palmtree; (S, O;) as also ↓ عَطِيلٌ , accord. to IDrd: (O:) or the former, (TA,) and ↓ the latter, accord. to IDrd, and accord. to Az, who says that he heard it from the cultivators of palm-trees (مِنَ النَّخْلِيِّينَ) in El-Ahsà, (O,) the stalk of a raceme of a male palm-tree, (O, TA,) to which Az adds, with which the female palm-tree is fecundated: (O:) or ↓ عَطِيلٌ and ↓ عَيْطَلٌ signify a stalk of a طَلْع [or spadix] of a male palm-tree [with the flowers upon it]. (K, TA.) [ عَطِلٌ ذ is an epithet of which only the fem. (with ة) is mentioned.] ― -b2- عَطِلَةٌ is applied to a she-camel as meaning Goodly, or beautiful: pl. عَطِلَاتٌ: (S, O:) which is expl. by A 'Obeyd in this sense, and not derived by him: held by ISd to be a possessive epithet: (TA:) or the sing., thus applied, goodly, or beautiful, in body: (K:) or thus as applied to a woman: and, applied to a she-camel, perfect in body and tallness. (TA.) ― -b3- Also, applied to a she-camel, i. q. صَفِىٌّ [i. e. Abounding in milk; or whose milk lasts throughout the year]. (K.) And, applied to a ewe or she-goat, Abounding much in milk: (K:) or, accord. to Lth, that is known in [the appearance of] her neck to be one abounding in milk. (O.) -A2- And, applied to A دَلْو [or leathern bucket], Having its [thongs called] وَذَم broken, (O, K, TA,) so that it has become exempted from (تَعَطَّلَتْ مِن [i. e. unused for]) the drawing of water therewith: (TA:) or that has been left for a time unused, and of which the thongs above mentioned, and the loop-shaped handles, have been broken. (IAth, TA.) Hence the saying of 'Áïsheh, describing her father, رَأَبَ التَّأْىَ وَأَوذَمَ العَطِلَةَ [He repaired the rending, and put وَذم to that bucket of which the وَذَم were broken]; meaning that he restored the affairs to their state of order, and strengthened the condition of El-Islám after the apostatizing of men. (O, TA.) عُطُلٌ ذ and ↓ عَاطِلٌ , applied to a woman, (S, O, Msb, K,) Having no women's ornaments upon her; (Msb, K;) [and] so ↓ عَطْلَآءُ : (IDrd, O:) or whose neck is destitute of necklaces or the like; as also ↓ مِعْطَالٌ : (S, O:) or ↓ this last signifies usually having no women's ornaments upon her: (K:) the pl. (of عُطُلٌ, TA) is أَعْطَالٌ and (of ↓ عَاطِلٌ , TA) عَوَاطِلُ and عُطَّلٌ. (K, TA.) ― -b2- [Hence,] أَعْطَالٌ applied to camels, (S, O, K,) Having no halters upon them: (S, O:) or having no collars upon them, nor halters; and so as applied to horses: (K:) and, (Th, K,) applied to camels, (Th, TA,) having upon them no brands: (Th, K:) sing. عُطُلٌ. (K.) [See also عُلُطٌ.] ― -b3- And, applied to men, Having no weapons with them: (S, O, K:) in this sense, also, pl. of عُطُلٌ. (K.) ― -b4- عُطُلٌ applied to a bow, Having no string upon it: (S, O, Msb, K:) pl. أَعْطَالٌ. (TA.) ― -b5- And عُطُلٌ and ↓ عُطْلٌ [or عطل مِنَ المَالِ and مِنَ الأَدَبِ (see 1)] signify, applied to a man, Destitute of property and of discipline, or good qualities and attributes, of the mind, &c. (S, O, K.) عُطْلَةٌ  The state of being, or remaining, without work, or occupation; (S, MA, O, K;) a subst. from تَعَطَّلَ. (S, O, K.) One says, هُوَ يَشْكُو العُطْلَةَ [He complains of being without work, or occupation]. (TA.) ― -b2- And هُوَ ذُو عُطْلَةٍ means He is one who has no estate upon which to labour, or work. (TA.) عَطْلَآءُ  : see عُطُلٌ, first sentence. عَطِيلٌ  : see عَطَلٌ, latter half, in three places. عَاطِلٌ  : see عُطُلٌ, first sentence, in two places. ― -b2- [Hence,] أَبْيَاتٌ عَوَاطِلُ (tropical:) Verses of which the words are without diacritical points: opposed to أَبْيَاتٌ عَرَائِسُ. (Har pp. 608-10.) عَيْطَلٌ  Long (K, TA) in the عَطَل, i. e., (TA,) in the neck, with beauty of body; (K, TA;) applied to a woman: (TA:) or long, or tall, in an absolute sense; and thus as applied to a she-camel and to a horse: (TA:) or long in the neck; (S, O, K, TA;) applied in this sense to a woman, and to a she-camel, (S, O,) and to a horse, (S,) or to any animal: (K, TA:) or tall, with beauty of aspect and fatness; thus as applied to a she-camel: the ى is augmentative. (TA.) It is also a proper name of a certain she-camel. (S, O.) ― -b2- Also Tall, as applied to a [hill, or mountain, such as is termed] هَضْبَة. (O.) ― -b3- And شَجَرٌ عَيْطَلٌ Soft, or tender, trees. (TA.) ― -b4- See also عَطَلٌ, last sentence. مُعْطَلٌ ذ : see the next paragraph, in two places. مُعَطَّلٌ  [pass. part. n. of 2 (which see for some of its significations)] is applied to Anything left untended, unminded, or neglected; as also مُعْطَلٌ . (TA.) [Thus] مُعَطَّلُونَ signifies People, or subjects, left without any one to govern them. (TA.) And إِِبِلٌ مُعَطَّلَةٌ Camels [left] without a pastor. (S, O, K.) And المُعَطَّلُ What has no owner, of which no use is made, and from which no advantage is derived, of land. (S, O, K.) And بِئْرٌ مُعَطَّلَةٌ, (S, O, TA,) and ↓ مُعْطَلَةٌ accord. to one reading [in the Kur xxii. 44], (O, TA,) A well from which water is not drawn, and of the water of which no use is made: (TA:) or it is thus called because [it is one of which] its owners have perished: (S, O, TA:) neglected by reason of the death of its owners. (Jel.) مُعَطِّلٌ  One who asserts that the universe is devoid of an artificer who constructed it skilfully and adorned it: (Er-Rághib, TA:) [but] the مُعَطِّلَة of the Arabs were of different sorts: one sort of them disacknowledged the Creator, and the raising and restoring to life, and asserted that nature is that which brings to life and time is that which brings to nought: another sort of them acknowledged the Creator, and the beginning of creation, but disacknowledged the raising and restoring to life: and another sort of them acknowledged the Creator, and the begining of creation, and a mode of restoration to life, but disacknowledged the apostles, and worshipped idols, and asserted them to be their intercessors with God in the life to come, and performed pilgrimage to them, and sacrificed victims to them, and offered offerings, and sought to advance themselves in their favour by means of religious rites and ceremonies, and legalized [certain things] and prohibited [others]; and these were the generality of the Arabs, except a small portion of them. (Esh-Shahristánee.) مِعْطَالٌ  : see عُطُلٌ, first sentence, in two places. مَعَاطِلُ  [a pl. of which the sing. is not mentioned] The parts which are the places of the ornaments of a woman. (IDrd, O, K.) [ مُعْطَئِلَّةٌ  part. n. of اِعْطَألَّت, q. v.: see also Q. Q. 4 in arts. عضل and عظل.] Credit: Lane Lexicon