1 بَهُجَ بهج , aor. بَهُجَ , (AZ, S, Msb, &c.,) inf. n. بَهَاجَةٌ (AZ, S, L, K) and بَهْجَةٌ (AZ, L, [but some seem to regard this as a simple subst.,]) and بَهَجَانٌ, (L,) He, or it, was, or became, beautiful, or goodly: (AZ, S, L, Msb, K:) or beautiful in colour: or beautiful and bright or splendid: or it (a plant) was, or became, beautiful and bright; and he (a man) was, or became, characterized by a laughing, or happy, appearance of the beautiful parts of the face, as the cheeks, and the lines of the forehead: or by the appearance of joy, gladness, or happiness; or by a joyful, glad, or happy, aspect, or appearance. (L.) You say also, بَهِجَ النَّبَاتُ, with kesr, meaning (assumed tropical:) The plant, or herbage, was, or became, beautiful [&c.]. (TA, [but this is probably a tropical signification, from بَهِجَ in the sense here following.]) ― -b2- بَهِجَ, (S, A, L, K,) with kesr, (S,) aor. بَهَجَ , (K,) inf. n. بَهَجٌ; (L;) and ↓ ابتهج ; (S, A, L, Msb, K;) He was, or became, joyful, glad, or happy. (S, A, L, Msb, K.) You say, بَهِجَ بِهِ, (S, A,) and لَهُ; (TA;) and ↓ ابتهج بِهِ; (A, Msb;) He rejoiced in it, or at it; or became rejoiced by it, or at it. (S, A, Msb, TA.) [See also 10.] -A2- بَهَجَ, (S, K,) aor. بَهَجَ ; (K;) and ↓ ابهج ; (S, A, K;) the latter of which is the more approved; (TA;) It (a thing, TA, or an affair or event, S, A) rejoiced; or made joyful, glad, or happy; (S, A, K;) a person. (S, A.) 2 بهّج بهج , (ISd, L,) inf. n. تَبْهِيجٌ, (K,) He beautified; rendered beautiful, or goodly. (ISd, L, K.) ISd says, I have not heard this, except in the saying of El-'Ajjáj, “ دَعْ ذَا وَبَهِّجْ حَسَبًا مُبَهَّجَا
” as though meaning [Leave thou this subject, and] beautify, or adorn, the more this nobility [already beautified, or adorned,] by thy describing it. (L.) 3 بَاهجهُ باهجه باهجة , (A, K,) inf. n. مُبَاهَجَةٌ, (A,) He vied, or competed, with him, or contended with him for superiority, in beauty, or goodliness; [as expl. in the TK; or in glory, or excellence;] syn. بَاهَاهُ (A, K) and بَارَاهُ, (K,) both of these meaning the same. (TA.) 4 أَبْهَجَ see 1, last sentence. ― -b2- أَبْهَجَتِ الأَرْضُ The land, or earth, became beautiful, or goodly, (S, L, K,) or beautiful and bright or splendid, (L,) in its plants, or herbage. (S, L, K.) 6 تباهج الرَّوْضُ تباهج الروض (assumed tropical:) The meadows, or gardens, became abundant in blossoms or flowers [as though vying, one with another, in beauty, or goodliness: see 3]. (K, TA.) 8 إِِبْتَهَجَ see 1, in two places. 10 استبهج استبهج i. q. اِسْتَبْشَرَ [i. e. He rejoiced, or became rejoiced; بِهِ at it, or by it; or at, or by, the annunciation of it]. (K.) [See also بَهِجَ.] بَهْجٌ بهج , fem. with ة: see بَهِيجٌ, in two places. بَهِجٌ بهج Joyful, glad, or happy; (S, K;) as also ↓ بَهِيجٌ (S, A, K) and ↓ مُبْتَهِجٌ . (A, TA.) ― -b2- See also بَهِيجٌ. بَهْجَةٌ بهج بهجه بهجة Beauty, or goodliness: (S, A, L, Msb, K:) or beauty of colour of a thing: or its beauty and brightness or splendour: or in plants or herbage, beauty and brightness or splendour; and in a man, the laughing, or happy, appearance of the beautiful parts of the face, as the cheeks, and the lines of the forehead: or the appearance of joy, gladness, or happiness; or joyfulness, gladness, or happiness, of aspect or appearance. (L.) You say رَوْضَةٌ ذَاتُ بَهْجَةٍ غَالِبَةٍ [A meadow, or garden, of surpassing beauty, &c.]. (A.) And رَجُلٌ ذُو بَهْجَةٍ A man possessed of beauty, or goodliness: (S:) or of beauty and brightness, &c. (L.) ― -b2- Also Happiness, joy, or gladness. (Ham p. 403.) بَهِيجٌ بهيج هيج Beautiful, or goodly; (S, A, L, Msb, K;) as also ↓ بَهِجٌ (Ham p. 403) and ↓ بَهْجٌ : (AZ, TA:) or beautiful in colour: or beautiful and bright or splendid: or, applied to a plant, it has this last meaning; and, applied to a man, characterized by a laughing, or happy, appearance of the beautiful parts of the face, as the cheeks, and the lines of the forehead: or characterized by the appearance of joy, gladness, or happiness; having a joyful, glad, or happy, aspect or appearance: (L:) the fem. epithet is ↓ مِبْهَاجٌ . (A, K, TA: [in the CK مَبْهاجٌ.]) It is applied to a plant, or herbage, (S, A,) in the Kur xxii. 5 and l. 7. (S.) And ↓ مِبْهَاجٌ is applied to a woman, as meaning One in whom beauty, or goodliness, &c., predominates; (L, TA;) as also ↓ بَهْجَةٌ ; (TA;) pl. of the former, مَبَاهِيجُ: (A, TA:) and to a camel's hump, meaning (tropical:) fat; (A, K;) because beauty, or goodliness, is combined [in this case] with fatness; pl. as above. (A, TA.) ― -b2- See also بَهِجٌ. مِبْهَاجٌ مبهاج : see بَهِيجٌ, in two places. مُبْتَهِجٌ مبتهج : see بَهِجٌ. Credit: Lane Lexicon