
1 دَلَّ دل , aor. يَدُلُّ, He, or it, directed; directed aright; guided; or caused to take, or follow, a right way or course or direction. (IAar, T.) And دُلَّ He (a man) was directed, directed aright, guided, &c. (IAar, T.) You say, دَلَّهُ عَلَيْهِ, (S, M, K,) aor. as above, (S, M,) inf. n. دَلٌّ, (M,) or دُلُولَةٌ, (S, K,) and دِلَالَةٌ, (S, M, K,) [but this is afterwards said in the M to be a simple subst., as it is also in the Msb, and so is دُلُولَةٌ in the M,] and دَلَالَةٌ, (S, K,) which is of higher authority than دِلَالَةٌ, (S,) and دُلَالَةٌ, (K,) and [perhaps] دَلِّيلَى, [which see below, voce دِلَالَةٌ,] (K,) or this is a simple subst., (M,) He directed him, or rightly directed him, or guided him, to it; (S, * M, K;) namely, the way, (S,) or a thing: (M:) or he showed him it; namely, the way. (TA.) And دَلَّهُ الطَّرِيقَ [He directed him to the way; or showed him the way]. (TA.) And دَلَّ الشَّىْءَ, and إِِلَيْهِ [or عَلَيْهِ], aor. as above, inf. n. دُلُولَةٌ, [He indicated the thing, by a word &c.,] said of a man; as also ↓ ادلّ [i. e. ادلّ الشَّىْءَ, &c.]. (Msb.) You say also, of a word, يَدُلُّ عَلَى كَذَا [It denotes, or signifies, such a thing]. (The lexicons passim.) -A2- Accord. to Sh, you say, دَلِلْتُ بِهٰذَا الطَّرِيقِ, [aor. أَدَلُّ,] inf. n. دَلَالَةٌ, i. e. I knew this way; and دَلَلْتُ بِهِ, aor. أَدِلُّ, inf. n. دَلَالَةٌ: accord. to AZ, you say, بِالطَّرِيقِ اِدَّلَلْتُ , inf. n. اِدِّلَالٌ, [I was, or became, directed, or rightly directed, or guided, in the way:] and [Az says,] I heard an Arab of the desert say to another, عَلَى أَمَا تَنْدَلُّ الطَّرِيقِ [meaning Wilt thou not be directed, or rightly directed, to the way?]: (T:) [for] ↓ اندلّ signifies he was, or became, directed, or rightly directed, (M, K, TA,) to the way: (TA:) and IAar cites as an ex., (T,) “ مَا لَكَ يَا أَحْمَقُ لَاتَنْدَلُّ
وَكَيْفَ يَنْدَلُّ امْرُؤٌ عِثْوَلُّ
” [What aileth thee, O stupid, that thou wilt not be rightly directed? but how shall the dull and slack be rightly directed?]. (T, M, TA: but in the M, يا فُلَانُ; and in the TA, يا أَعْوَرُ.) And sometimes ↓ استدلّ is quasi-pass. of دَلَّهُ الطَّرِيقَ [explained above: see 10 below]. (TA.) -A3- دَلَّتْ, [sec. pers. دَلَلْتِ,] aor. تَدِلُّ, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. دَلٌّ; (S, * M, * Msb, K; *) and دَلَّتْ of the class of تَعِبَ, [sec. pers. دَلِلْتِ, aor. تَدَلُّ,] (Msb, MF, TA,) inf. n. دَلَلٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ تدلّلت ; (S, M, Msb, K;) She (a woman) behaved in an amorous manner, or used amorous gesture or behaviour, with coquettish boldness, and feigned coyness or opposition; (S;) she behaved with boldness (M, Msb, K) towards her husband, (M, K,) and with amorous gesture or behaviour, and coquettishness, feigning opposition: (M, Msb, K:) [and دَلَّتْ also signifies she talked and jested in a pleasing manner, displaying a pleasant mien or guise: and in like manner دَلَّ is said of a man with his wife: see دَلٌّ, below. See also 4.] ― -b2- دَلَّ also signifies He gloried in, or boasted of, certain properties, or peculiar qualities. (IAar, T.) ― -b3- Also, aor. يَدِلُّ, He favoured with, or conferred, a gift. (IAar, T.) -A4- And دَلَّ, [aor., accord. to rule, يَدُلُّ,] He emboldened: so in the phrase, مَا دَلَّكَ عَلَىَّ [What emboldened thee, or hath emboldened thee, against me?]: and in the saying of Keys Ibn-Zoheyr, “ أَظُنُّ الحِلْمَ دَلَّ عَلَىَّ قَوْمِى
وَقَدْ يُسْتَجْهَلُ الرَّجُلُ الحَلِيمُ
” [I think that forbearance hath emboldened against me my people: for sometimes the forbearing man is reckoned ignorant]: (T:) and ↓ دلّل signifies the same. (T and TA in art.

دلو.) 2 دَلَّ3َ see what immediately precedes: ― -b2- and for a meaning of التَّدْلِيلُ [inf. n. of دَلَّلَ], see جَلَدَ عُمَيْرَةَ, in the first paragraph of art. جلد. 4 ادلّ أدال أدل أدلى ادل دال دل دلى : see 1. -A2- ادلّ عَلَيْهِ He acted, or behaved, with boldness, or presumptuousness, towards him; syn. اِنْبَسَطَ عَلَيْهِ; (M, K;) as also ↓ تدلّل : (M, Mgh, * K:) and هِىَ تُدِلُّ عَلَيْهِ [and ↓ تَتَدَلَّلُ ] She emboldens herself against him. (T.) Imrael-Keys says, “ ↓ أَفَاطِمَ مَهْلًا بَعْضَ هٰذاَ التَّدَلُّلِ
فَإِِنْ كُنْتِ قَدْ أَزْمَعْتِ صَرْمِى فَأَجْمِلِى
” [O Fátimeh (فاطم being a contraction of فَاطِمَةُ), act thou gently: relinquish somewhat of this boldness; (or, as is said in the EM, p. 15, of this amorous gesture or behaviour, and coquettish boldness, and feigned coyness or opposition; see 1;) and if thou have determined upon cutting me, act with goodness, or moderation]. (TA.) ― -b2- Also He confided in his love, and therefore acted presumptuously towards him. (IDrd, M, K. *) In the copies of the K, أَوْثَقَ is here put in the place of وَثِقَ. (TA.) [And in the CK, أَوْثَقَ بِحَبَّتِه is put for وَثِقَ بِمُحَبِّتِهِ.] Hence, (TA,) one says, أَدَلَّ فَأَمَلَّ [He acted presumptuously, confiding in another's love, and disgusted]: (S, M, TA:) a prov. (M, TA.) ― -b3- One says also, هُوَ يُدِلُّ بِفُلَانٍ, meaning [simply] He confides in such a one. (S.) ― -b4- And ادلّ عَلَى أَقْرَانِهِ, (S, M, K,) meaning أَخَذَهُمْ مِنْ فَوْقٍ [i. e. He overcame, or overpowered, his adversaries], (M, K,) in war, or battle: (S:) and so البَازِى عَلَى صَيْدِهِ [the hawk, his prey, or quarry]. (S, M, K.) -A3- ادلّ said of a wolf, He became mangy, or scabby, and lean, or emaciated, and small in body. (Sgh, K.)

5 تَدَلَّ3َ see 1, and 4; the latter in three places. تدلّل also signifies He exalted himself; or was, or became, haughty, proud, or disdainful: you say, هُمْ يَتَدَلَّلُونَ عَلَى السُّلْطَانِ [They exalt themselves against the Sultán; or behave haughtily to him]. (S in art. دكل.) 7 اندلّ أندل اندل ندل : see 1, in three places. ― -b2- Also It poured out or forth; or was, or became, poured out or forth. (Sgh, K.)

8 اِدَّلَّ أدال أدل أدلى ادل دال دل دلى , first pers. اِدَّلَلْتُ: see 1.

10 استدلّ أستدل استدل ٱستدل He desired, or sought, an indication, an evidence, a proof, or an argument: [this is the primary signification: and hence,] he adduced an indication, &c.: and he drew an inference, or a deduction: (KL:) or he established an indication for the purpose of obtaining a certain knowledge of a thing indicated, or for the purpose of affirming a thing indicated: and sometimes it is quasi-pass. of دَلَّهُ الطَّرِيقَ [explained above, so that it signifies he was, or became, directed, or rightly directed, to the way]. (TA. See 1.) [You say, استدلّ بِشَىْءٍعَلَى شَىْءٍ آخَرَ He desired, or sought, to be directed, or guided, by a thing, to another thing: he adduced, or took, or regarded, a thing as an indication, an evidence, or a proof, of another thing, or as an argument in favour of another thing: he inferred, from a thing, another thing: he sought, or found, or perceived, or saw, in a thing, an indication, an evidence, or a proof, of another thing, or an argument in favour of another thing: he was, or became, directed, or guided, or he directed or guided himself, by a thing, to another thing, or to the knowledge of another thing. الدَّلِيلُ مَا يُسْتَدَلَّ بِهِ, occurring in the S, means The دليل is that whereby one is directed, or guided.] R. Q. 1 دَلْدَلَ دلدل , (M,) inf. n. دَلْدَلَةٌ and دِلْدَالٌ, (M, K,) He put in motion or in a state of commotion, or moved about, (M, K,) a thing suspended, (M,) and his head and limbs in walking, (M, K) said of a man. (M.) -A2- دَلْدَلَ فِى الأَرْضِ He went away into the country, or in the land. (T.) R. Q. 2 تَدَلْدَلَ دلدل تدلدل It was, or became, in a state of motion or commotion, or it moved about, (T, S, K,) hanging down; i. e. it dangled: (S, K:) it hung down loosely. (M, K.) ― -b2- [Hence,] تَدَلْدَلُوا بَيْنَ أَمْرَيْنِ فَلَمْ يَسْتَقِيمُوا [(assumed tropical:) They wavered, vacillated, or hung in suspense, between two affairs, and did not pursue a direct course]. (Lh, T, K.) دَلٌّ دل Amorous gesture or behaviour, of a woman, with coquettish boldness, and feigned coyness or opposition; as also ↓ دَلَالٌ : (S, M:) the former is an inf. n., [see 1,] and ↓ the latter is a simple subst.; (Msb;) both signifying a woman's boldness of behaviour (M, Msb, K) towards the husband, (M, K,) with amorous gesture, and coquettishness, feigning opposition; (M, Msb, K;) as also ↓ دَالُولَآءُ , (K,) and ↓ دَالَّةٌ : (Har p. 567:) or دَلٌّ signifies a woman's pleasing talk and jesting and mien or guise; as also ↓ دَلَالٌ : (Sh, T:) and pleasing talk and jesting of a man with his wife: (TA in art. سمت:) and also, (Kudot;,) accord. to A'Obeyd (T, S) and Hr, (M,) like هَدْىٌ, (K,) or nearly the same as this word, (T, S, M,) both signifying a certain calm or placid or grave manner of deportment, with pleasingness of mien or guise or aspect, (T, S, M, K,) and of the natural dispositions &c., (T, S,) of a man: (T, S, M:) and boldness [or presumptuousness]; (T in art. دلو;) as also ↓ دَلَالٌ and ↓ دَالَّةٌ : (Mgh, and Har p. 243, and T ubi suprà in explanation of the last:) or this last signifies a kind of boldness (IAar, T, M, * K *) towards a person in whose estimation one holds a high place, (IAar, T,) or towards a person beloved, or a beloved and loving relation; (M, K;) and is a subst. from أَدَلَّ; (S;) syn. with إِِدْلَالٌ; (Har p. 243;) as is also ↓ دِلَّةٌ . (Fr, T.) One says, هِىَ حَسَنَةُ الدَّلِّ and ↓ الدَّلَالِ [She is pleasing in respect of her amorous gesture &c.]. (S.) -A2- It is also an arabicized word, from the Pers. دِلْ signifying The heart, or mind: (M, K:) sometimes used in the speech of the Arabs, (M,) and applied by them as a proper name (M, K,) to a woman: (M:) with fet-h (M, K) and teshdeed (K) because there is no such word in their language as دِلٌّ; wherefore they changed it to دَلٌّ, which has the first of the meanings assigned to it above. (M.) [ دَلَّةٌ دل دله دلة , to which Golius assigns a meaning partly belonging to دَلْدَلَةٌ, an inf. n. of دَلْدَلَ, and partly to other words of this art, (“ Capitis membrorumve motus seu gestus, extrinsecus gravitatem præ se ferens, profectus tamen ab eo qui amat favetque, ”) as on the authority of the K and KL, I do not find in either of those works.] دُلَّةٌ دل دله دلة A favour, or benefit, conferred, or bestowed. (Fr, T.) دِلَّةٌ دل دله دلة : see دَلٌّ. دَلَالٌ دلال دلة : see دَلٌّ, in five places. دَلِيلٌ دليل i. q. دَالٌّ ; (S, Msb, TA;) i.e.[A director; or] a right director (Msb, Kull, TA) to that which is sought or desired; a guide; (Kull;) one who directs, or rightly directs, another; (M;) [an indicator;] and a discoverer: (Msb:) and a thing by which one is directed, or guided, (مَا يُسْتَدَلُّ بِهِ S, TA,) or by which one is rightly directed; (TA;) [an indication; an evidence; a proof; and an argument;] a sign set up for the knowledge of a thing indicated; (whence smoke is called دَلِيلٌ عَلَى النَّارِ [an indication of fire];) anything whereby a thing indicated is known, whether relating to an object of sense or to the law [&c.], decisive or indecisive: and ↓ دَلَالَةٌ is used in the sense of دَلِيلٌ, because a thing is called by the inf. n. of its verb: (Kull:) and so is ↓ دِلِّيلَى , (S, MF, TA,) though this is asserted in the K to have been said heedlessly by J because this last word is an inf. n.; for the inf. n. is used in the sense of the act. part. n., almost by a general rule, as it is also in the sense of the pass. part. n.: (MF, TA:) the pl. of دَلِيلٌ is أَدِلَّآءُ [generally restricted to rational beings, or always so restricted,] and أَدِلَّةٌ [generally restricted to things by which one is directed &c., but properly a pl. of pauc.,] (M, TA) and, accord. to some, دَلَائِلُ, (Kull,) or this is pl. of ↓ دَلِيلَةٌ [fem. of دَلِيلٌ, or of ↓ دَلَالَةٌ , as is also دَلَالَاتٌ. (TA.) يَا دَلِيلَ المُتَحَيِّرِينَ means O guide of those who are perplexed to that by means of which their perplexity will depart. (Kull.) The saying of a poet, “ شَدُّوا المَطَى عَلَى دَلِيلٍ دَائِبِ
” means, as some say, بِدَلِيلٍ [i.e. They bound the saddles upon the camels for riding, with, or by means of, a toiling guide]: or, accord. to IJ, it may be elliptical, for عَلَىدِلَالَةِ دَلِيلٍ, and is like the phrase سِرْ عَلَى اسْمِ اللّٰهِ; as though he said, مُعْتَمِدِينَ عَلَى دَلِيلٍ دَائِبِ [relying upon a toiling guide]. (M.) دَلَالَةٌ دلال دلاله دلالة دلة : see the next paragraph, in four places; and see its pl. in the same: ― -b2- see also دَلِيلٌ, in two places. ― -b3- As a conventional term, (TA,) it means A word's signification, or indication of meaning: (Msb, TA:) this is of three kinds: thus إِِنْسَانٌ signifies, or indicates, “ an animal endowed with reason ” بِالمُطَابَقَةِ, i. e. by complete correspondence; and “ an animal ” or “ a being endowed with reason ” بِالتَّضَمُّنِ, i. e. [by partial inclusion, or] partially; and “ a being capable of knowledge ” بِالِالْتِزَامِ, i. e. [necessarily, or] by a necessary idea attached to it in the mind. (TA.) دِلَالَةٌ دلال دلاله دلالة دلة a subst. signifying Direction, right direction, or guidance; (Fr, T, M, Msb;) as also ↓ دَلَالَةٌ , (Fr, T, Msb,) or the former only accord. to IDrd, (M,) and ↓ دُلُولَةٌ and ↓ دِلِّلَيلَى ; (M;) or this last is an inf. n. like ↓ دَلَالَةٌ ; (K;) or signifies the skill of a guide in direction or right direction or guidance; his well-grounded skill therein. (Sb, M, K.) A poet says, “ إِِنِّى امْرَأٌ بِالطُّرْقِ ذُو دَلَالَاتْ
” [Verily I am a man possessing varied skill in guiding in the roads, or ways]. (A'Obeyd, S.) ― -b2- The occupation of the دَلَّال [q. v.]; (M, K;) as also ↓ دَلَالَةٌ : (K:) or, accord. to IDrd, the latter [only] has this meaning. (M.) ― -b3- The hire that one gives to the دَلِيل, or [so in the M, but in the K “ and ”] to the دَلَّال: (M, K:) and so, sometimes, ↓ دَلَالَةٌ . (K.) دُلُولَةٌ دلول دلوله دلولة an inf. n. of دَلَّ [q. v.]: (S, Msb, K:) or a simple subst.: (M:) see the next preceding paragraph. دَلِيلَةٌ دليل دليله دليلة : see دَليِلٌ: ― -b2- and see also what next follows. دُلَّى دل دلى دلي A conspicuous road or beaten track. (IAar, K.) In the T, at the end of art. لد it is said that ↓ دَلِيلَةٌ signifies A white road or beaten track; on the authority of AA. (TA.) دَلَّالٌ دلال دلة A broker; or one who acts as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer, for effecting the sale; because he directs the purchaser to the merchandise, and the seller to the price; also called سِمْسَارٌ; (TA in art. سمسر;) one who brings together the seller and the buyer. (M, K.) دِلِّيلَى دليل دليلى دليلي دليليي : see دَلِيلٌ: ― -b2- and see also دِلَالَةٌ. قَوْمٌ دُلْدُلٌ قوم دلدل (T, * K) and ↓ دَلْدَالٌ (Lh, T, K) A people, or party, wavering, vacillating, or hanging in suspense, between two affairs, and not pursuing a direct course. (Lh, T, K.) You say also, جَاوُوا دُلْدُلًا, meaning They came wavering; not inclining to these nor to those. (ISk, T, S.) -A2- دُلْدُلٌ also signifies A case, or an affair, of great magnitude or moment, difficult, or formidable. (K.) You say, وَقَعَ القَوْمُ فِى الدَّلْدُلِ [The people, or party, fell into that which was a case of great magnitude &c.]. (TA.) [See also a similar phrase in the next paragraph.]) -A3- Also, (S, M, K,) and ↓ دُلْدُولٌ , (K,) The قُنْفُذ [or hedge-hog]: (IAar, T, K:) or a species of قنفذ having long prickles: (M:) or a large قنفذ: (S, K:) or the male قنفذ: (MF:) or an animal like the قنفذ; (M, K;) it is a certain beast that shakes, and shoots forth prickles like arrows: the difference between it and the قنفذ is like that between فِئَرَة and جِرْذَانْ, and the ox-kind and buffaloes, and Arabian camels and those called بَخَاتِىّ: (M:) or a certain large thing, larger than the قنفذ, having long prickles. (Lth, T.) ― -b2- Also, the former, without the article ال (M, TA,) incorrectly written in the K with that article, (TA,) the name of A certain mule, (M, K, TA,) of a colour in which whiteness predominated over blackness, (TA,) belonging to the Prophet. (M, K, TA.) دَلْدَالٌ دلدال [Motion, or commotion, or a moving about, of a thing suspended, and of the head and limbs in walking;] a subst. from دَلْدَلَ in the first of the senses assigned to this verb above: (M, K:) agitation, convulsion, tumult, or disturbance. (S, K.) [Hence,] one says, وَقَعَ القَوْمُ فِى دَلْدَالٌ The people, or party, fell into an unsound, a corrupt, or a disordered, and an unsteady, or a fluctuating, state of affairs. (Lh, T. [See a similar phrase in the next preceding paragraph.]) ― -b2- See also another signification in the next preceding paragraph. دُلْدُولٌ دلدل دلدول : see دُلْدُلٌ. دَالٌّ دال : see دَلِيلٌ. دَالَّةٌ دال داله دالة : see دَلٌّ, in two places. دَالُولَآءُ دالولآء : see دَلٌّ. أَدَلٌّ ذ Very bountiful or beneficent. (IAar, T.) اِسْتِدْلَالِىٌّ استدلالى استدلالي ٱستدلال ٱستدلالي ٱستدلاليي [Inferential, illative, or deductive, knowledge;] a term opposed to ضَرُورِىٌّ as meaning [intuitive, immediate, or axiomatic, or] such as originates without thought, or reflection, and intellectual examination of an evidence or a proof. (Kull p. 232.) مُدِلٌّ مدل [Acting, or behaving, with boldness, or presumptuousness: &c.: see its verb (4).] Trusting in himself, and in his weapons and apparatus. (Ham p. 383.) And مُدِلٌّ بِالشَّجَاعَةِ [Presuming by reason of courage: or] bold, daring, or brave. (T.) فُلَانَةُ مُدَلَّلَةُ فُلَانٍ فلانة مدللة فلان , meaning Such a female is the foster-child of such a man, is a phrase of the people of Baghdád, not of the [classical] language of the Arabs. (Sgh, TA.) مُدَلِّلٌ مدلل One who accuses of a crime, an offence, or an injurious action, wrongfully. (IAar, T.) مَدْلُولٌ مدلول [pass. part. n. of دَلَّ; Directed, directed aright, or guided: and indicated, denoted, or signified. Hence, مَدْلُولُ لَفْظٍ The indicated meaning, or signification, of a word: pl. مَدْلُولَاتٌ. -A2- Also] Emboldened. (T.) Credit: Lane Lexicon