1 زَهَرَ  and زَهَرَتْ , (S, A, K, &c.,) aor. زَهَرَ , (Msb, K,) inf. n. زُهُورٌ, (S, K,) It (a star, TA, and the moon, and a lamp, and the face, K) shone, or glistened; (K, TA;) as also ↓ ازدهر : (K:) it (fire, S, A, K, and the sun, A) gave light; shone; or shone brightly: (S, A, K:) it (a thing) was clear in colour, and gave light, or shone, or shone brightly: (Msb:) and you say also, of the moon and of the sun, زَهَرَ [and زَهَرَتْ], aor. زَهَرَ , inf. n. زَهْرٌ; and زَهُرَ [and زَهُرَتْ, aor. زَهُرَ ]. (TA.) ― -b2- زَهَرَ الزَّنْدُ The piece of stick, or wood, for producing fire emitted shining fire; made its fire to shine. (TA.) ― -b3- زَهَرَتْ بِكَ نَارِى (S, A) [lit.] My fire hath become strong and abundant by means of thee: (S:) and زَهَرَتْ بِكَ زِنَادِى (T, K) [lit.] my pieces of stick, or wood, for producing fire have become powerful and abundant [in fire] by means of thee: (K:) meaning, (tropical:) my want hath been accomplished by means of thee: (T, TA:) like وَرِيَتْ بِكَ زِنَادِى. (S.) ― -b4- زَهَرَ, aor. زَهَرَ ; (Msb;) and زَهِرَ, aor. زَهَرَ , (K,) inf. n. زَهَرٌ; (TA;) and زَهُرَ; (K;) (assumed tropical:) He, or it, was, or became, white; (Msb, K;) and beautiful: (K: [so in the CK and in my MS. copy of the K; but omitted in the TA:]) or of a bright white colour: (TA:) or of any shining colour: (AHn, R:) and زَهَرَ (assumed tropical:) it (a plant) was, or became, beautiful: (AHn, TA:) and زَهِرَ aor. زَهَرَ , (tropical:) he (a man) was, or became, white, or fair, in face. (Msb.) ― -b5- See also 4, in two places. -A2- زَهَرَتِ الشَّمْسُ الإِِبِلَ The sun altered the camels. (K.) 4 ازهر  He made a fire, (S, K,) and a lamp, (A,) to give light, to shine, or to shine brightly. (S, A, K.) ― -b2- أَزْهَرْتَ زَنْدِى [lit., Thou hast made my piece of stick, or wood, for producing fire to emit shining fire, or abundant fire; meaning, (tropical:) thou hast made me to accomplish my want: see 1]. (A.) ― -b3- ازهر (AHn, T, S, M, A, Msb, [and so in the CK and in my MS. copy of the K, but SM says that in all the copies of the K it is written ↓ اِزْهَرَّ , like اِحْمَرَّ,]) It (a plant, or herbage, S, K, &c., and a tree, TA) flowered, or blossomed; (AHn, T, S, Msb, &c.;) as also ↓ زَهَرَ , aor. زَهَرَ ; (Msb;) and ↓ ازهارّ . (AHn, K.) ― -b4- أَزْهَرَتِ الأَرْضُ, and ↓ زَهَرَت , The land abounded with flowers. (Zj, TA.) 8 إِِزْتَهَرَ see 1. ― -b2- اِزْدَهَرَ بِهِ, (originally اِزْتَهَرَ, TA,) He took care of it, (S, A, K,) and was mindful of it: (A:) or (so in the TA, but in the K “ and ”) he rejoiced in it; (IAth, K) his face became shining by reason of it: (IAth:) or he was mind ful of it: or [اِزْدَهِرْ بِهِ signifies be thou vigorous, sedulous, earnest, energetic, or diligent, in it; meaning, in the thing that I command thee to do; for] الاِزْدِهَارُ بِشَىْءٍ means [by implication] thy commanding thy companion to be vigorous, sedulous, earnest, energetic, or diligent, in the thing which thou commandest him to do: (K:) all which significations are from زَهْرَةٌ in the sense of “ beauty, and brightness. ” (TA.) It is said in a trad. that Mohammad bequeathed to Aboo- Katádeh the vessel from which he performed ablution, and said to him, اِزْدَهِرْ بِهٰذَا فَإِِنَّ لَهُ شَأْنًا Take thou care of this, and do not lose it, (S, TA,) but be mindful of it, [for it is a thing of importance:] (TA:) or rejoice thou in this; let thy face become shining by means of it: (IAth:) or, accord. to Th, take it up; or charge thyself with it: and he says that this verb is Syriac: A 'Obeyd thinks it to be Nabathean or Syriac: Aboo-Sa'eed says that it is Arabic. (TA.) 9 إِِزْهَرَّ and 11: see 4. زَهْرٌ  , a pl., (K,) or [rather a coll. gen. n.] like تَمْرٌ, (Msb,) of which the sing., (K,) or n. un., (Msb,) is ↓ زَهْرَةٌ , (Msb, K,) which latter signifies, as also ↓ زَهَرَةٌ , A flower, or blossom, of a plant: (S, Msb, K:) or a yellow flower or blossom; (IAar, K;) and white flowers are called نَوْرٌ: (IAar:) or a flower or blossom that has become yellow: (IAar, TA:) IKt says that the term زهرة is not applied to a flower until it becomes yellow: or it signifies an open flower or blossom; a flower or blossom before it opens being called بُرْعُومٌ: (Msb:) pl. أَزْهَارٌ, and pl. pl. أَزْاهِيرُ. (A, * K.) One says, كَأَنَّ زَهْرَ النُّجُومِ زَهْرُ النُّجُومِ [As though the flowers of the herbs were the shining of the stars]. (A.) ― -b2- Also ↓ زَهْرَةٌ (Th, K) and ↓ زَهَرَةٌ , (K,) or the former only, (TA,) A plant: (Th, K:) but ISd thinks that Th, by this explanation, means the signification first given above: and MF disallows the meaning of a plant as unknown. (TA.) زِهْرٌ  A want. (K, TA.) So in the phrase, قَضَيْتُ مِنْهُ زِهْرِى [I accomplished what I wanted of him, or it]. (TA.) زَهْرَةٌ  : see زَهْرٌ, in two places. ― -b2- زَهْرَةُ الدُّنْيَا, (S, M, A, Msb, K,) and ↓ زَهَرَتُهَا , (AHát, M, K,) the former agreeable with the reading of verse 131 of chap. xx. of the Kur obtaining among the people of the Harameyn, and the latter with that generally obtaining in El-Basrah, (AHát, TA,) [but the latter is disallowed in the Msb, and by MF,] The beauty and splendour of the present world or life; (M, A, K;) its goodliness; (S, M, A, K;) its sweetness, or pleasantness; or the abundance of its goods, conveniences, or comforts; (S, M;) its goods; (Msb;) its finery, (Msb, TA,) or beauty and splendour, and abundance of good things. (TA.) زُهْرَةٌ  (assumed tropical:) Whiteness; (Yaakoob, S, K;) and beauty: (K:) whiteness, or fairness, characteristic of good birth: (S:) or bright whiteness: (TA:) or any shining colour. (AHn, R.) زَهَرَةٌ  : see زَهْرٌ, in two places: ― -b2- and زَهْرَةٌ. الزُّهَرَةُ ذ [The planet Venus;] a certain star, (S, Msb, K,) well known, (K,) white and brilliant, (TA,) in the third heaven. (K.) ― -b2- الزُّهَرُ [the pl.]: see أَزْهَرُ, near the end of the paragraph. زَاهِرٌ  [Shining; &c. See 1.] ― -b2- Applied to a زَنْد, or piece of stick, or wood, for producing fire, Emitting shining fire; making its fire to shine. (TA.) ― -b3- Applied to a plant, (assumed tropical:) Beautiful: and to the complexion of a man, bright; shining: and i. q. أَزْهَرُ, q. v. (TA.) ― -b4- أَحْمَرُ زَاهِرٌ (assumed tropical:) Intensely red. (Lh, K.) ― -b5- لِفُلَانٍ دَوْلَةٌ زَاهِرَةٌ (tropical:) [Such a one has a brilliant turn of fortune]. (A.) يَمْشِى الزَّاهِرِيَّةَ  He walks with an elegant, and a proud, and self-conceited, gait, with an inclining of the body from side to side: (K, * TA:) occurring in the poetry of Aboo-Sakhr El-Hudhalee. (TA.) أَزْهَرُ  Shining; giving light; bright. (Sudot;, K.) Hence, (TA,) الأَزْهَرُ The moon. (S, K.) And الأَزْهَرَانِ The sun and the moon. (ISk, S, A, K.) ― -b2- (assumed tropical:) White; (S, K;) and beautiful: (K:) or of a bright white colour: (TA:) or of any shining colour: (AHn, R:) as also ↓ زَاهِرٌ . (TA.) ― -b3- (tropical:) A man white, or fair, in face: (Msb:) having a bright, or shining, face: (K:) having a white, or fair, and bright, or shining, face: (S:) a man having a white, or fair, complexion, characteristic of good birth: (Sh, S: *) or of a bright white or fair complexion, with a shining face: or mixed with redness: (TA:) and زَهْرَآءُ a woman white, or fair, in face: (Msb:) having a bright, or shining, face: (K:) having a white, or fair, and bright, or shining, face: (S:) of a bright white or fair complexion intermixed with redness. (TA.) ― -b4- (assumed tropical:) Bright, or shining, applied to an animal and to a plant. (AA.) ― -b5- Applied also to water [app. as meaning Bright and clear] (TA.) ― -b6- And i. q. حُوَار [app. a mistranscription for حُوَّارَى, i. e. White, or whitened, applied to flour]. (TA.) ― -b7- (assumed tropical:) A wild bull: and زَهْرَآءُ a wild cow. (S, K.) ― -b8- (assumed tropical:) A white lion. (K.) ― -b9- A white ewer or jug, in which wine is made. (TA voce غَرَبٌ.) ― -b10- (assumed tropical:) Milk just drawn. (AA, K.) ― -b11- الزَّهْرَآءُ is applied by Ru-beh to The white cloud (سَحَابَة) lightning in the evening. (O, K.) ― -b12- دُرَّةٌ زَهْرَآءُ (tropical:) A white and clear pearl. (TA.) ― -b13- الزُّهْرُ Three nights of the beginning of the [lunar] month: (TA:) or so ↓ الزُّهَرُ . (Har p. 299.) ― -b14- اليَوْمُ الأَزْهَرُ Friday. (O, K, * TA.) ― -b15- الزَّهْرَاوَانِ [The two chapters of the Kur-án entitled] البَقَرَةُ and آلُ عِمْرَانَ. (O, K.) -A2- A camel parting his legs wide, cropping the trees. (K.) مِزْهَرٌ  A certain musical instrument; (Msb;) the lute (عُود) upon which one plays: (S, K:) pl. مَزَاهِرُ. (Msb.) -A2- One who makes the fire bright, and turns it over [to prevent its going out or becoming dull,] (يُقَلِّبُهَا, K and TA, in the CK يُوقِدُها,) for [the purpose of attracting] guests. (K.) مَزْهُورٌ  , applied by El-'Ajjáj to the lamp of the darkness [i. e. the moon], Made to shine; from أَزْهَرَهُ اللّٰهُ; like مَجْنُونٌ from أَجَنَّهُ: or, as some say, shining. (TA.) Credit: Lane Lexicon