
1 هَدَّ  , aor. هَدُ3َ , (S, L, Msb,) inf. n. هَدٌّ (S, L, Msb, K) and هُدُودٌ, (L, K,) He demolished a a building; (As, S, A, L, K: *) threw it down; (TA;) pulled it down to the ground: (As, S, A, L:) demolished it with violence: (L, K: *) demolished it at once, with a vehement noise. (Msb.) -A2- [Hence you say,] مَا هَذُهُ كَذَا (assumed tropical:) Such a thing did not break him, or it. (S, L.) ― -b2- هَدَّنِى الأَمْرُ, and هَدَّ رُكْنى, (assumed tropical:) The thing distressed, and broke, or crashed, me. And [in like manner] مَا هَدَّنِى مَوْتُ أَحَدٍ (assumed tropical:) [The death of any one has not distressed, nor broken, or crushed, me]. (L.) And هَدَّتْهُ المُصِيبَةُ The (tropical:) calamity debilitated, or enervated, him. (S, A, L.) ― -b3- هَدَّ, aor. هَدَ3َ , and هَدِ3َ , inf. n. هَدٌّ, He (a man) was, or became, weak, (L, K,) in body; (L:) became extremely aged, or decrepit. (TK.) ― -b4- See 7. ― -b5- هَدَّ, aor. هَدِ3َ , inf. n. هَدِيدٌ, It (a wall or the like, S, L, or a part of a mountain, L, by its falling, S, L) made a noise; (S;) or, a violent noise. (L.) ― -b6- هَدَّتْ It (the sky) sent forth a noise, or sound, occasioned by the falling of rain. (L.) ― -b7- هَدَّ, aor. هَدَ3َ , (L,) inf. n. هَدِيدٌ, (S, L,) It (the sound called هَادّ, from the sea,) made a murmuring. (S, * L.) ― -b8- هَدَّ, aor. هَدِ3َ , inf. n. هَدٌّ, He (a camel) brayed. (TK.) See also R. Q. 1. -A3- مَرَرْتُ بِرَجُلٍ هَدَّكَ مِنْ رَجُلٍ I passed by a man who is sufficient for they as a man; (L, K:) as also هَدِّكَ: (K.) an expression of praise (L:) or it means, the description of whose good qualities would be burdensome to thee: there are two dial. forms used in this case: some use هدّ as an inf. n., [in the sense of an epithet, (marginal note in a copy of the S,) saying, in such a phrase as the above, هَدِّكَ,] in which case, it has no fem. nor dual. nor pl. form; (S, L:) the sing and dual and pl. are the same: (K:) and some make it a verb, and give it [a (??) and] a dual and a pl, and say, مررت برجل هَدَّكَ من رجل, as above, (S, L,) and بامْرَأَةٍ هَدَّنْكَ منِ امْرَأَةٍ, (S, L, K,) like as you say كَفّاكَ and كَفَيْكَ, (L.,) and بِرَجُلَيْنِ هَدَّاكَ, and بِرِجَالٍ هَدُّوكَ, and بِامْرَأَتَيْنِ هَدَّتَاكَ, and بِنِسْوَةِ هَدَدْتَكَ. (S, L, K.) ― -b2- IAar also cites the following ex. [by El-Kattál El-Kilábee, (marginal note in a copy of the S)] “ وَلِى صَاحِبٌ فِى الغَارِ هَدَّكَ صَاحِبًا
” as meaning. [And I have a companion in the race;] of how great estimation, and how ingenious, and how knowing, is he [as a companion] describing a wolf: (L:) in which he who reads هَدَّكَ makes هَدَّ a verb; and as such it has a dual and pl. and fem. but some read هَدُّكَ. making it an inf. n. used as an epithet; and as such it has no dual nor pl. nor fem. (Marginal note in a copy of the S.) ― -b3- هَدَّ الرَّجُلُ also signifies Excellent is the man; (ISd, L:) and إِِنّهُ لَهَدَّ الرَّجُلُ Verily, excellent is the man (L, K) in hardiness and strength: (L:) and لَهَدَّ الرَّجُلُ How hardy is the man! (L.) ― -b4- In a trad., Aboo Lahab is related to have said, لَهَدَّ مَا سَخَرَكُمْ صَاحِبُكُمْ, [meaning How greatly hath your companion enchanted you!): لَهَدَّ is an expression of wonder. (L.) ― -b5- فُلَانٌ يُهَدُّ Such a one is praiseworthy for hardiness (S, L, K) and strength. (S, L.) 2 هدّدهُ  , (Msb, K,) inf. n. تَهْدِيدٌ (S, L) and تَهْدَادٌ; (L:) and ↓ تهدّدهُ : (S, L, Msb;) He threatened him; (L;) threatened him with punishment; (Msb;) frightened, or terrified, him. (S, L, K.) 5 تَهَدَّ3َ see 2. 7 انهدّ  It (a building) [fell down: or] became demolished at once, with a vehement noise: (Msb:) and ↓ هَدَّ , aor. هَدِ3َ , it (a wall) fell down; mentioned by AHei; and also by Es-Semeen, who concedes it; (MF;) but this form of the verb is commonly known only as transitive. (TA.) ― -b2- It (a mountain) broke down. (S, L.) 10 استهدّهُ  He regarded him as weak. (L.) R. Q. 1 هَدْهَدَ  , (S, L, K,) inf. n. هدْهَدَةٌ, (S, L,) He (a bird) cooed; syn. قَرْقَرَ: (L, K, TA [in the CK, فَرْفَرَ]:) he (a pigeon) cooed syn. هَدَرَ, and هَدَلَ: (TA:) or made a murmuring or confused noise in cooing: (S, L, accord to the explanation of هَدْهَدَةٌ:) and he (a camel, S, L) brayed: syn. هَدَرَ: (K:) or made a murmuring or confused noise in braying (S, L,) See also 1. ― -b2- هَدْهَدَتْ, (inf. n. هَدْهَدةٌ, L.) She (a woman, S, L) shook, or rocked, a child (S, L, K) in its cradle, (L,) in order that it might sleep. (S, L, K.) -A2- هَدْهَدَ He sent, or threw, a thing down, from a high place to a low one, (L, K.) هَدٌّ  A weak man; (As, S, L, K;) i. e., weak in body; (L;) as also ↓ هِدٌّ : (K:) or, accord. to IAar, the latter only, meaning cowardly and weak: (S, L:) or هَدٌّ (Sh, L) and ↓ أَهدُّ (L, K) and ↓ هَدَادَةٌ (Sh, L, K) signify a cowardly (and weak, TA) man: (Sh, L, K:) and ↓ قَوْمٌ هَدَادٌ a cowardly people: (Sh, L:) pl. of هَدٌّ, ??: (L, K:) it has no broken pl. (L:) and of هِدٌّ, هِدّٰونَ. (K.) A man says to another, in threatening him, إِِنِّى لَعَيْرُ هَدٍّ Verily I am not weak. (S, L.) ― -b2- هَدٌّ Extreme odd age; decrepitude. (K, TA.) See 1. -A2- هَدٌّ A cough, or harsh, sound; as also ↓ هَدَدٌ . (L, K.) ― -b2- هَدٌّ The braying of a camel. (Lh, L, K.) See 1. -A3- هَدٌّ A generous, liberal. beautiful man. (IAar. S, L, K. *) ― -b2- A strong man. (IAar. L.) ― -b3- لِى صَاحِبٌ هَدُّكَ صَاحِبًا, and مَرَرْتُ بِرَجُلٍ هَدِّكَ مِنْ رَجُلٍ: see 1. هِدٌّ  and هَدَرٌ: see هَدٌّ. هَدَّةٌ  The sound of the fall of a wall or the like: (S:) or a violent sound occasional thereby, or by the fall of a part of a mountain. (L.) ― -b2- The sound of rain falling from the sky. (L.) ― -b3- A sinking, and falling in, of the ground. (L.) هَدْهَدٌ  The voices, or cries, of jinn, or genii: without a singular. (L, K) هُدْهُدٌ  A certain bird, (S, L, Msb, K,) well known; (L, Msb, K;) [namely, the hoopee, or upupa of Linnćus; so this bird is called in the present day; and this, accord. to a common tradition, is the bird mentioned in the Kur, xxvii. 20;] as also هُدَهِدٌ (K) and ↓ هُدَاهِدٌ : (S, L, K:) or the last, a certain bird resembling the pigeon: (Lth, Az, L:) or (in the K, and) هُدْهُدٌ signifies a pigeon that cooes much; (IDrd in explanation of v. 20 of ch. xxvii. of the Kur., and AHn, L K;) as also ↓ هُدَاهِدٌ : (IDrd, AHn, L:) and any bird that cooes; that utters the cry called قَرْقَرَة; (L, K, TA [in the CK, يُفَرْفِرُ is put for يُقَرْقِرُ]) as also ↓ هُدَاهِدٌ : (As, L:) pl. (of all, K) هَدَاهِدُ (S, L, K) and هَدَاهِيدُ: (Kr, L, K:) but ISd says of the latter, I know not how this is, unless the sing. be هَدْهَادٌ. (L.) Er-Rá'ee says, “ كَهُدَاهِدٍ كَسَرَ الرُّمَاةُ جَنَاحَهُ
” [Like a هداهد whose wing the shooters have broken]: (S, L:) As says, he means the فَاخِتَة, or the دُبْسِىّ, or the وَرَشَان, or the هُدْهُد, or a man, or camels: and Lh says, that Ks asserts him to mean, by هداهد, the dim. of هُدْهُدٌ: but As disapproves of this; and so does ISd; but the latter adds, that it may perhaps be for هُدَيْهِدٌ; as some of the Arabs say دُوَابَّةٌ and شُوَابَّةٌ for دُويْبَّةٌ and شُوَيْبَّةٌ; though they are only known to change the ى into ا before a double consonant. (L.) هَدْهَدَةٌ  [an inf. n. used as a simple subst.] The murmuring or confused sound of the cooing of pigeons, and of the braying of a camel [and of thunder (see زَمْزَمَةٌ)]: pl. هَدَاهِدُ. (S, L.) هَدَادٌ  and هَدَادَةٌ: see هَدٌّ. هُدَاهِدٌ  A stallion-camel that brays much among the she-camels but does not cover them. (L.) ― -b2- See هُدْهُدٌ. هَدِيدٌ  A voice, cry, sound, or noise. (L.) See also 1. ― -b2- A threatening from behind one. (As, L.) هَادٌّ  A certain murmuring sound from the sea; (K;) a sound which is heard by people inhabiting the sea-shore, coming to them from the direction of the sea, murmuring over the land, and sometimes followed by an earthquake. (S, L.) هَادَّةٌ  Thunder. (L, K.) Ex. مَا سَمِعْنَا العَامَ هَادَّةً We have not heard this year thunder. (L.) أَهَدُّ  : see هَدٌّ. Credit: Lane Lexicon