
1 عَابَ  , (S, A, O, Msb, K,) aor. يَعِيبُ, (Msb,) inf. n. عَيْبٌ, (Msb, TA,) and مَعَابٌ and مَعِيبٌ are allowable as inf. ns., (S, O, TA,) It (a thing, A, TA, or an article of merchandise, S, O, Msb) was, or became, faulty, unsound, or defective; or had a fault, an unsoundness, a defect, an imperfection, a blemish, or something amiss. (S, A, O, Msb, * K.) [See also 5.] -A2- عَابَهُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) [aor. as above,] inf. n. عَيْبٌ and عَابٌ; (TA;) and ↓ عيّبهُ , (S, A, O,) or this has an intensive signification; (Msb;) and ↓ تعيّبهُ ; (S, A, O;) He made, or caused, it (a thing, TA in relation to the first, and A in relation to the second and third, or an article of merchandise, S and O in relation to the first,) to be faulty, unsound, or defective; or to have a fault, an unsoundness, a defect, an imperfection, a blemish, or something amiss. (S, A, O, Msb, * K.) أَرَدْتُ أَنْ أُعِيبَهَا, in the Kur [xviii. 78], means I desired to render it faulty, or unsound. (AHeyth, TA.) ― -b2- [The same verbs are also often used in relation to a human being as the object.] ― -b3- And one says عَابَهُ, [aor. as above,] inf. n. عَيْبٌ and عَابٌ and مَعَابٌ and مَعِيبٌ; (MA;) and ↓ عيّبهُ ; (S, A, O, Msb;) and ↓ تعيّبهُ ; (TA;) meaning He [found fault with him, or it; blamed, upbraided, or reproached, him; or] attributed or imputed to him, or it, or charged him with, or accused him of, a vice, fault, &c. (S, A, MA, * O, Msb, TA.) [The first of these verbs is of very frequent occurrence as meaning thus: one ex. of it occurs in the saying of a poet cited in the S and O in this art., “ أَنَا الرَّجُلُ الَّذِى قَدْ عِبْتُمُوهُ
I am the man whom ye have charged with a vice, or fault, &c. And one says, عاب عَلَيْهِ فِعْلَهُ, meaning He blamed, or discommended, to him his deed. -A3- عاب السِّقَآءُ The skin had milk that had become thick in it (O, K, TA.) 2 عيّبهُ  : see 1, in two places. -A2- عيّب also signifies He made, or prepared, or took for himself, what is called an عَيْبَة (O.) 5 تعيّب  It was, or became, rendered faulty, unsound, or defective; or such as to have a fault, an unsoundness, a defect, and imperfection, a blemish, or something amiss. (A.) [See also 1, first sentence. -A2- تعيّبهُ: see 1, in two places. 6 تعايبوا ذ [They found fault, one with another; blamed, upbraided or reproached. one another]. (S in explanation of تَعَايَرَ القَوْمُ.) عَابٌ  : see the next paragraph. عَيْبٌ  , (S, A, O, Msb, K,) an inf. n. used as a simple subst. (Msb,) and ↓ عَابٌ [which is also originally an inf. n. (S, O, Msb, K) and ↓ عَيْبَةٌ (S, O) and ↓ مَعَابٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and ↓ مَعِيبٌ and ↓ مَعَابَةٌ . (S, O. K,) signify the same, (S, O, Msb, K,) i. e. [in a man and in any animal,] A vice. [and in the same, and in anything,] a fault or faultiness, an unsoundness, a defect, an imperfection, a blemish, or something amiss; syn. وَصْمَةٌ, (A, K,) and نَقِيصَةٌ: (TK:) in Pers. آهُو: (PS:) or ↓ مَعَابٌ and ↓ مَعَابَةٌ signify a place of عَيْب [or vice, fault, &c.; app. as meaning a ground for عَيْب or finding fault, &c.]. ↓ مَا فِيهِ مَعَابٌ and ↓ مَعَابَةٌ meaning [There is not in him, or it,] عَيْبٌ, or مَوْضِعُ عَيْب: [and so ↓ مَعِيبٌ as is shown by what follows; and ↓ مَعْيَبَةٌ as expl. in Har p. 475, which last and ↓ مَعَابَةٌ may be expl. agreeably with analogy as signifying a cause of عَيْب, i. e. a thing for which one is to be found fault with, blamed, upbraided, or reproached; like مَذَمَّةٌ;] for [although] مَفْعل from triliteral-radical verb such as كَالَ, aor. يَكِيلُ, as the measure of a subst. [or n. of place] is with kesr [to the ع,] and as the measure of an inf. n. with fet-h, yet it is allowable to use fet-h or kesr in either case, for the Arabs say مَسَارٌ and مَسِيرٌ, and مَعَاشٌ and مَعِيشٌ, and ↓ مَعَابٌ and ↓ مَعِيبٌ : (S, O:) the pl. of عَيْبٌ is عُيُوبٌ [a pl. of mult.] (S, A, O, Msb) and أَعْيَابٌ [a pl. of pauc.]; (Th, TA;) and مَعَايِبُ [as pl. of ↓ مَعَابٌ or ↓ مَعِيبٌ or ↓ مَعَابَةٌ , or as an anomalous pl. of عَيْبٌ like as مَشَايِنُ is of شَيْنٌ,] is syn. with عُيُوبٌ. (S, O.) عَيْبَةٌ  : see the next preceding paragraph. -A2- Also A receptacle in which clothes are put: (S, O, K:) and a receptable of skin, or leather, in which goods, or utensils, are put: (TA:) and a زَبِيل [or receptacle like a basket] of skin, or leather or the like, (K, TA,) in which reaped corn is conveyed to the threshing-floor: (TA:) or a thing like the خَرِيطَة [q. v.], of skin, or leather: (Ham p. 352:) it has loops with which it is closed and fastened by the insertion of one into another: (see 4 in art. شرج:)] pl. عِيَبٌ and عِيَابٌ and عَيْبَاتٌ. (S, O, K.) ― -b2- Hence, (A,) (tropical:) The depositary of one's secret [or secrets]; (A, O, K) and it is used as a sing and a pl.:] one says, هُوَ عَيْبَةُ فُلَان (tropical:) He is the depositary of the secret [or secrets of such a one: (A:) and it is said in a trad., الأَنْصَارُ كَرِشِى وَعَيْبَتِى (S, O, TA) (tropical:) The A(??) intimates, and the depositary of my secret [or secrets]. (TA. [See also other explanations in art. كرش.]) And [in like manner] العيَابُ is used as meaning (tropical:) The breasts. and the hearts: (O, K:) for, as the Arab deposits in his عيْبَة the best of his goods, or utensils, and of his clothes so he conceals in his breast his meat particular secrets, which may not be divulge. (O, * TA) Hence, (TA,) a poet says, “ وَكَادَتْ عِيَابُ الوُدِّ مِنَّا وَمِنْكُمُ
وَإِِنْ قِيلَ أَبْنَآءُ العُمُومَةِ تَصْفَرُ
” [And our and your depositories of love, although it be said that we and you are the children of paternal uncles, were near to becoming and]: (O, TA:) by عياب الودّ he means their breasts. (TA.) And بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَهُمْ عَيْبَةٌ مَكْفُوفَةٌ, a phrase in the treaty of El-Hodeybiyeh. means (tropical:) Between us and them, in respect of this peace, is [determined that there shall be, in each party.] a breast bound to fulfil the terms of this writing. like the عيبة that is closed and fastened by its loops over its contents,] clear of secret enmity, and perfidy, and deceit: (IAar, O, * TA:) or, accord. to some, as related by Sh, evil between us [and them] shall be [as it were] tied up, like as the عيبة is tied up: or there shall be mutual reconciliation, and abstaining from war, like that kind of friendship that subsists between sincere friends who confide in each other. (Az, TA. [See also art. كف.]) ― -b3- عَلَيْكَ بِعَيْنَتِكَ, said by 'Áïsheh to 'Omar on an occasion of his blaming her, means (assumed tropical:) Busy thyself with thine own family, or wife, and let me alone. (TA.) عُيَبَةٌ  : see عَيَّابٌ. عِيَابٌ ذ a pl. of عَيْبَةٌ. (S, O, K.) ― -b2- Also The [wooden implement commonly called] مِنْدَف [with which cotton is separated and loosened]: (O, K:) so says Lth, the only anthority for it known (O, TA) to Az. (TA.) عَيَّابٌ  (S, A, O, Msb, K) and ↓ عَيَّابَةٌ (A, O, K [but this has a more intensive signification]) and ↓ عُيَبَةٌ (A, K) One [who finds fault with others, or] who attributes or imputes to others, or charges them with, or accuses them, of, vices, faults, &c., much, or often. (A and K in explanation of all, and O in explanation of the second.) عَيَّابَةٌ  : see the next preceding paragraph. عائِبٌ  part. n. of the intrans. v. عَابَ; [i. e. Being, or becoming, faulty, &c.;] applied to an article of merchandise [&c.]. (Msb.) ― -b2- And also act. part. n. of عَابَهُ. (Msb.) -A2- Also, applied to milk, Thick, or becoming thick. (O, K.) مَعَابٌ  : see عَيْبٌ, in five places. مَعِيبٌ  : see عَيْبٌ, in four places. ― -b2- Also, (S, A, O, Msb, K) and ↓ مَعْيُوبٌ , (S, O, K,) agreeably with the original form, (S, O,) and ↓ مُعَيَّبٌ , [or this has an intensive signification, (see its verb,)] and ↓ مُتَعَيَّبٌ , (TA,) Made, or caused, to be faulty, unsound, or defective; or to have a fault, &c. (S, A, O, Msb, * K, TA. [See the verbs.]) ― -b3- And [Found fault with, &c.; or] charged with, or accused of, a vice, faulty, &c. (TA, [See, again, the verbs.]) مَعَابَةٌ  : see عَيْبٌ, in five places. مَعْيَبَةٌ  : see عَيْبٌ. مُعَيَّبٌ  : see مَعِيبٌ. مَعْيُوبٌ  : see مَعِيبٌ. مُتَعَيَّبٌ  : see مَعِيبٌ. Credit: Lane Lexicon