1 فَجَا بَابَهُ  , (K,) [aor. يَفْجُو,] inf. n. فَجْوٌ, (TA,) He opened his door. (K.) ― -b2- And فَجَا القَوْسَ, (S, K,) inf. n. as above, (S,) He raised the string of the bow [or made it distant] from the part called its كَبِد: (S, K:) and so فَجَّهَا. (S and K in art. فج.) ― -b3- And فَجَا رِجْلَيْهِ, or مَا بَيْنَ رِجْلَيْهِ, He parted his legs wide, or straddled; or did so to make water: and so فَجَّ. (TA in art. فج.) -A2- فَجِيَتْ, (S, K, TA, [in the CK, and in one of my copies of the S, erroneously, فَجِئَت,]) aor. تَفْجَى, inf. n. فَجًا, (S, TA,) The bow had its string raised [or distant] from the part called its كَبِد; (S, K;) and so ↓ اِنْفَجَت . (ISd, TA.) ― -b2- And فَجِىَ, [in the CK, erroneously, فَجِئَ,] aor. as above, (K, TA,) and so the inf. n., i. e. فَجًا, (K, * TA,) He (a man, TA) was wide between the thighs, or between the knees, or between the shanks. (K, TA.) [And it is implied in the S * and K that it is also said of a camel, meaning He was wide between the hocks.] ― -b3- And فَجِيَتْ said of a she-camel, inf. n. فَجًا, She was, or became, large in the belly: (K, TA:) mentioned by ISd, but with an expression of uncertainty as to its correctness. (TA.) 2 فجّى  , (TA,) inf. n. تَفْجِيَةٌ, (K, TA,) He removed; put away, or at a distance; (K, * TA;) and pushed, thrust, or drove, away; persons from others; (TA;) syn. of the inf. n. كَشْفٌ; and تَنْحِيَةٌ; (K, TA;) and دَفْعٌ. (TA.) 4 افجى  He expended amply, or largely, upon his family, or household. (Az, K.) -A2- And He found his friend to be guilty of a vice, or a disgraceful, or shameful, action. (Az, TA.) 6 تفاجى  It (a thing) had [an opening, or intermediate wide space, such as is termed] a فَجْوَة. (S, TA.) [Comp. تَفَاجَّ, in art. فج.] 7 انفجى  It (a door) opened. (K.) ― -b2- See also 1. فَجًا  inf. n. of فَجِيَتْ [q. v.] said of a bow: (S, TA:) ― -b2- and of فَجِىَ [q. v.] said of a man, (K, * TA,) or of a camel: (S, * K, TA:) ― -b3- and of فَجِيَتْ [q. v.] said of a she-camel. (K, TA.) فَجْوَةٌ  An opening, or intervening space, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) in a place, (M, TA,) and an intermediate wide space, (S, Mgh,) between two things. (S, Mgh, Msb, K. *) And A wide tract of land or ground; as also ↓ فَجْوَآءُ : (K:) or a wide and depressed tract thereof; and thus, accord. to Th, the word means in the Kur xviii. 16. (TA.) And The court, or yard, of a house. (S, Msb, K.) And The part between the two sides of the solid hoof. (ISd, K, TA.) The pl. is فَجَوَاتٌ (Msb, K, TA) and فِجَآءٌ. (K, TA. [To these pls. the CK strangely adds, as another, فَجَأٌ.]) فَجْوَآءُ  [as a subst.]: see the next preceding paragraph. [It is originally the fem. of the epithet أَفْجَى, q. v.] فَجُوْءٌ  : see the following paragraph. أَفْجَى  an epithet, of which the fem. is فَجْوَآءُ. (K, TA.) The latter, applied to a bow, Having its string distant from the part called its كَبِد; (S, K, TA;) as also ↓ فَجُوْءٌ ; and so فَجَّآءُ [mentioned in art. فج]. (Er-Rághib, TA.) ― -b2- And the former, (K, TA,) applied to a man, (TA,) Wide between the thighs, or between the knees, or between the shanks: or, applied to a camel, wide between the hocks: (K, TA:) or, accord. to Az, it signifies having the thighs very wide apart. (TA.) [Freytag adds “ Ventrosus, ” applied to a camel, as from the K, in which I do not find it.] [Accord. to the TA, some of the words of this art. have ى for the final radical; but for this distinction there is no reason.] Credit: Lane Lexicon