1 أَفَّ  , aor. يَؤُفٌّ (IDrd, M, Mgh, K,) and يَئِفُّ, (IDrd, M, K,) the latter agreeable with analogy, (TA,) [but the former, though irregular, is the more common,] inf. n. أَفٌّ; (M, Mgh;) and ↓ أفّف , inf. n. تأْفِيفٌ; (S, Mgh, K;) and ↓ تأفّف ; (M, K;) He said أُفِّ [q. v.], (IDrd, S, M, Mgh, K,) by reason of anxiety, or disquietude of mind, or by reason of vexation, distress of mind, or disgust: (IDrd, M, K:) held by Sb to be of the same class as سَبَّحَ and هَلَّلَ meaning “ he said سُبْحَانَ اللّٰهِ ” and “ he said لَا إِِلٰهَ إِِلَّا اللّٰهُ. ” (M.) You say also, ↓ أَفَّفَهُ , and بِهِ أَفَّفَ , and بِهِ تَأَفَّفَ , meaning He said to him أُفِّ. (M.) And جَعَلَ مِنْ رِيحٍ وَجَدَهَا فُلَانٌ يَتَأَفَّفُ Such a one began to say أُفِّ أُفِّ by reason of a smell which he perceived. (T.) And عَلَيْهِ إِِنَّهُ يَتَأَفَّفُ Verily he is angry with him, or enraged against him. (TA.) 2 اَفَّ3َ see 1, in three places. 5 تَاَفَّ3َ see 2, in four places. أَفْ  and أَفِّ and أَفٍّ, or أَفٍ: see أُفٌّ. إِِفْ أف إِف اف وفى and its vars. (differing only in having the ف movent): see the next paragraph. أُفٌّ  Dirt, or filth; as also ↓ أُفَّةٌ : (S:) you say, أُفَّا لَهُ, and ↓ أُفَّةً , Dirt, or filth, to him; in which the tenween is for the purpose of rendering them indeterminate; (S;) and أُفَّ لَهُ وَ تُفٌّ; (T;) and وَتُفَّةً أُفَّةً ; and أُفَّا وَتُفَّا; (T, S;) the latter of which is an imitative sequent: (S:) or أُفٌّ signifies the dirt of the ear; and تُفٌّ, the dirt of the nails; (As, T, M, K; but in the last, of the nail;) the phrases mentioned above being used on the occasion of deeming a thing dirty or filthy, and afterwards on the occasion of experiencing annoyance or disgust at anything; (As, T, M,* TA;) and ↓ أَفَفٌ , also, has the former of these two meanings: (TA:) or أُفٌّ signifies the dirt around the nail; (M;) or the dirt of the nail; (K;) and تُفٌّ, the dirt in the nail: (M:) or the former, a paring of the nail: and a piece of stick, or a reed, which one takes up from the ground: (K:) in these various senses they are explained as used in the saying, أُفَّا لَهُ وَتُفَّا: (TA:) or the former signifies stink: (Zj, TA:) or paucity; (T, M, K) as also ↓ أَفَفٌ ; (M;) or from ↓ أَفَفٌ signifying a thing little in quantity; (T; and the same meaning is assigned to this word in the K;) and تُفٌّ is an imitative sequent, (T, M, K,) of the same meaning. (M.) ― -b2- أُفّ, also, is a word expressive of vexation, distress of mind, or disgust; (M, Mgh;) or of dislike, displeasure, or hatred; (K;) and has six forms; (T, S;) mentioned by Akh; (S;) or ten; (M;) or forty; (K;) or more; (TA;) as follow: أُفِّ and أُفَّ and أُفُّ and أُفٍّ and أُفَّا and أُفٌّ (T, S, M, K) and أُفِّ and أُفَ and أُفُ and أُفٍ and أُفًا and أُفٌ (K) and أُفْ (M, K) and أُفّْ and ↓ أُفَّى , pronounced with imáleh, (M, K,) i. e. with pure imáleh, and ↓ أُفَّى with intermediate imáleh, and ↓ أُفَّى without imáleh, the alif [written ى] in these three denoting the fem. gender, and ↓ أُفِّى , with kesr to the ف, (K,) i. e., as a prefixed noun with its complement, [the latter being the pronoun of the first pers.,] (TA,) and ↓ أُفُّوْهْ , (K,) with damm to the أ and ف, which latter is with teshdeed, and with the و and ه quiescent, (TA,) and ↓ أُفَّةْ [in a copy of the M ↓ أُفَّةً ] and ↓ أُفِهْ and ↓ أُفُّهْ (K) and ↓ إِِفْ and ↓ إِِفّْ and ↓ إِِفِ and ↓ إِِفٍ and ↓ إِِفًا and ↓ إِِفٌ and ↓ إِِفٍّ and ↓ إِِفًّ and ↓ إِِفٌّ and ↓ إِِفُّ , with damm to the ف, which is with teshdeed, [in a copy of the M ↓ إِِفَّ ,] and ↓ إِِفَّا , like إِِنَّا, and ↓ إِِفَّى , pronounced with imáleh, and ↓ إِِفِّى , with kesr, (K,) i. e., prefixed to the pronoun of the first person, (IAmb,) and ↓ أَفْ and ↓ أَفِّ (K) and ↓ أَفٍّ or ↓ أَفٍ and ↓ آفِ , or ↓ آفِّ , and ↓ آفٍ , or ↓ آفٍّ , (accord. to different copies of the K,) [all these forms, making the number (forty) mentioned by the author of the K, I have drawn from a comparison of three copies of that work, and I believe them to be correct: some other forms are mentioned by SM as perhaps indicated in the K; but I see no good reason for this: he then adds,] and ↓ أَفَهْ and ↓ أَفُوهْ and ↓ أَفَّهْ , the last mentioned by IB on the authority of IKtt. (TA.) أُفِّ, [with its variants,] in its primary sense, denotes one's blowing at a thing that falls upon him, such as dust or ashes; or at the place, to remove therefrom what is annoying; therefore people say, at anything that they deem troublesome, or displeasing, or hateful, أُفِّ لَهُ [as though meaning A puff, or blast of breath, to it]: (Kt, T:) or [rather] it is a word imitative of a sound; [like ugh in English, both in sound and meaning; and in meaning like our interjections foh and faugh;] (Bd on the ex. in the Kur which will be found below, and TA;) denoting vexation, or distress of mind, or disgust; (Bd ubi suprŕ) or denoting contempt: (TA:) or it is a verbal noun, meaning I am vexed, or distressed in mind, or disgusted: (Bd ubi suprŕ:) or it is an imperative verbal noun [denoting disgust or abhorrence, like out, and away]: (IJ, M:) or he who says أُفَّا لَكَ uses it in the manner of an imprecation, like as one says وَيْلًا لِلْكَافِرِينَ; and he who says أُفٌّ لَكَ puts it in the nom. case because of the ل, like as one says وَيْلٌ لِلْكَافِرِينَ; and he who says أُفٍّ لَكَ puts it in the gen. case likening it to words imitative of sounds. (IAmb.) It is said in the Kur [xvii. 24], وَلَا تَقُلْ لَهُمَا أُفِّ, (T, S, TA,) or أُفٍّ, (TA, [in which other readings also are mentioned,]) [And say not thou to them (i. e. to thy father and mother) Ugh, &c.,] meaning, do not thou deem anything of their affairs burdensome, nor be contracted in bosom thereby, nor be rough, or harsh, or coarse, to them: (Kt, T:) or do not thou say to them anything expressive of the least disgust, when they have become old, but take upon thyself their service; أُفِّ signifying stink. (Zj, T.) إِِفْ أف إِف اف وفى and its vars. (differing only in having the ف movent): see أُفٌّ. -A2- For إِِفٌّ, see also إِِفَّانٌ, in three places. أَفَّةٌ  : see إِِفَّانٌ, in two places. أُفَّةٌ  : see أُفٌّ, in four places. -A2- Also A dirty, a filthy, an unclean, man: (K:) from أُفٌّ signifying the “dirt of the nail.” (TA.) ― -b2- One in want; poor; possessing little: (K:) from أَفَفٌ signifying “a thing little in quantity.” (TA.) ― -b3- A coward: (K:) as though originally ذُو أُفَّةٍ, i. e. holding back, by reason of disgust, (مُتَأَفِّفٌ,) from fight: (TA:) or experiencing vexation or disgust, and languid or sluggish, in war: (IAar:) also heavy, or sluggish. (IAth.) إِِفَّةٌ أفه افه افة فاه وفى آفة : see إِِفَّانٌ in three places. أَفَفٌ  Vexation, distress of mind, or disgust. (T, IAth, K.) ― -b2- See also أُفٌّ, in three places. -A2- And see إِِفَّانٌ, in three places. أَفَهْ ذ and أَفَّهٌ and أٌفَّهٌ and أُفِّهْ and أُفُّهْ: see أُفٌّ. أُفَّى  , pronounced in three different ways; and أُفِّى  : see أُفٌّ. إِِفَّا افا : and إِِفَّى and إِِفِّى: see أُفٌّ. أَفُوهْ  : see أُفٌّ. أُفُوفَةٌ  : see what next follows. أَفَّافٌ ذ A man who says أُفِّ much or often; (M, TA;) as also ↓ أُوفُوفَةٌ , accord. to the copies of the O and TS and K; but in other lexicons ↓ أُوفُوفَةٌ : in the O, one who ceases not to say to another أُفِّ لَكَ: in the Jm, the last of these three words is explained as meaning one who ceases no to say this at some of his affairs. (TA.) إِِفَّانٌ أفين إِفان إِيفان افان (T, S, M, K) and أَفَّانٌ (T, TS, L, K) and ↓ إِِفٌّ (S, M, K) and ↓ أَفَفٌ (T, L, K) and ↓ إِِفَّةق (L, M) and ↓ أَفَّةٌ (M) and ↓ تِئِفَّةٌ , (T, M, S, K, &c.,) of the measure تَفْعِلَةٌ, [being originally تَأْفِفَةٌ,] accord. to J, who appears to be right in saying so, (IB,) and so accord. to Aboo-'Alee, who states, on authority of Aboo-Bekr, that it is thus in some of the copies of the Book of Sb, (L,) though in other copies of that book said to be of the measure فَعِلَّةٌ, (IB, L,) A time; (T, S, M, K;) as in the sayings, ذٰلِكَ كَانَ ذٰلِكَ عَلَي إِِفِّ , and إِِفَّانِهِ (S, TA) and ↓ أَفَفِهِ , and ↓ إِِفَّتِهِ , and ↓ تَئِفَّتِهِ , (TA,) That was at the time of that; (S, TA;) and أَتَانِى فِى إِِفَّانِ ذٰلِكَ, (IAar, L,) and عَلَى إِِفَّانِ ذٰلِكَ, (IAar, T, M, L,) and أَفَّانِهِ, (T, L,) and ↓ إِِفِّهِ , (M, L,) and ↓ أَفَفِهِ , (IAar, T, L,) and ↓ إِِفَّتِهِ , (M, L,) and ↓ أَفَّتِهِ , (M,) and ↓ تَئِفَّتِهِ , (IAar, T, S, M, L,) preceded by على, (IAar, T, S, &c.,) and by فى, (L,) He came to me at the time of that. (IAar, T, &c.) أُفُّوْهْ ذ : see أُفٌّ. آفِ آف and آفِّ and آفٍ and آفٍّ: see أُفٌّ. أُوفُوفَةٌ  : see أَفَّافٌ. تَئِفَّةٌ  : see إِِفّانٌ, in three places. مُتَأَفِّفٌ عَنِ القِتَالِ ذ [app. Holding back, by reason of disgust, from fight; as though saying أُفّ at the mention thereof: see أُفَّةٌ]. (TA.) Credit: Lane Lexicon