اجذع , (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n.
إِِجْذَاعٌ, (Mgh, Msb,)
He (a beast)
became such as is denoted by the term
جَذَعٌ; (TA;) said of the offspring of the sheep or
he became in his second year; of that of
the cow, and of a solidhoofed beast,
he became in his
third year; and of that of the camel,
he became
in his fifth year: (S, Msb, K:) but sometimes, when
said of the offspring of the ewe, it means
he became
six months old, or
nine months old; and such
is allowable as a victim for sacrifice: (S:) IAar says,
it denotes a time, not a tooth (Mgh, Msb) growing or
falling out: (Msb:) and said of a she-goat,
اجذعت means
she became a year old, and
less than a year, by reason of plenty
of food; and of a sheep,
اجذع means, when from young parents,
he became
from six months old to seven; and when from very old
from eight months old to ten. (Mgh, Msb.)
جَذَعٌ, below.] 6
تجاذع (tropical:)
He (a man)
pretended to be a
جَذَع [or
youth]. (TA.)
جِذْعٌ The
trunk of a palm-tree:
(S, * Msb, K:) or, accord to some, only
after it has
become dry: or, accord. to some, only
after it
has been cut: (TA:) or the
trunk of a tree
when the head has gone: (Ham p. 656:) in the Kur,
xix. 23, it is applied to the trunk of a palm-tree which
had become dry and was without a head; (Bd;) therefore
this does not indicate any restriction nor the contrary:
(TA:) pl. [of pauc.]
أجْذَاعٌ (Msb) and [of mult.]
جُذُوعٌ. (S, Msb.) ― -b2- The
beam of a roof.
(Msb, TA.)
جَذَعٌ A beast (Lth, Mgh)
before the
ثَنِىّ [q. v.], (Lth, S, Mgh, Msb, K,)
by one
year; when it may for the first time be ridden and used:
(Lth:) fem. with
ة: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) pl. masc. [of pauc.]
أجْذَاعٌ (Yoo, O) and [of mult.]
جُذْعَانٌ (Yoo, S, Mgh, Msb, K) and
جِذْعَانٌ (L, Msb) and
جِذَاعٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and
جُذَاعٌ; (Yoo, O;) and pl. fem.
جَذَعَاتٌ: (S, Msb:) it is a name applied to the
beast in a particular time, not denoting a tooth growing
or falling out: (S, K:) but it differs in its
application to different kinds of beasts: (Az:) applied
to a sheep or goat, it means
a year old; (IAar;)
in his second year: (Mgh:) or, applied to a
a year old; and sometimes
less than a
year, by reason of plenty of food; (IAar;) or
eight months old, (Az, Mgh, TA,) or
(TA;) or, when from young parents,
from six months
old to seven; and when from very old parents
eight months old to ten; (IAar, Mgh;) and the sheep
thus called is a satisfactory victim for sacrifice: (Mgh,
TA:) and applied to a goat,
a year old; (Az, Mgh;)
in its second year; (AZ;) but the goat thus
called is not a satisfactory victim for sacrifice: (Mgh:)
applied to a bull, it means in like manner
in his
second year; (Mgh;) or
in his third year; and
the bull thus called is not a satisfactory victim for
sacrifice: (TA:) applied to a horse, it means
in his
third year; (IAar;) or
in his fourth year: (Mgh:)
[but see
قَارِحٌ:] and applied to a camel,
in his fifth
year; (Az, Mgh;) fem. with
ة; and this (a
جذعة) is what must be given for the poor-rate when
the camels are more than sixty. (Az, TA.) [See also
شَصَرٌ.] ― -b2-
A youth, or
young man.
(K.) ― -b3- (assumed tropical:)
One who is
light-witted, or
weak and stupid, like a youth:
opposed in this sense to
بَازِلٌ as meaning “ old: ” (IAar, TA:) or
whose teeth have fallen out, here and there, [as
though likened to a beast thus termed that has shed some
of his first teeth,] because he has drawn near to his
appointed term of life. (TA: [but it is not quite clear
whether this explanation relate to
جذع or to
بازل.]) ― -b4- (tropical:) [
A novice, or
recent beginner.] You say,
جَذَعٌ (tropical:) [
Such a one, in this affair,
is a novice, or
recent beginner,] when he has
begun it recently. (S, Z.) ― -b5-
أَبَدًا (tropical:)
Time, or
fortune, is
ever new, like a youth. (K, * TA.) ― -b6- Hence,
الجَذَعُ (tropical:)
Time, or
(S, K;) as in the saying,
الجَذَعُ (tropical:)
Time, or
destroyed them; and
الجَذَعَ (tropical:)
I will not come to thee
ever. (TA.) [See also art.
زلم.] And accord. to some, (S,)
The lion: (S,
K:) but this is a mistake. (IB, L.) ― -b7- And hence,
الجَذَعِ (tropical:)
Calamity, or
misfortune. (K, TA.) ― -b8-
جَذَعًا (tropical:)
I renewed the thing, or
affair, as it was at the first: as, for instance,
a war which had been extinguished. (TA.) And
جَذَعًا [signifies, in like manner, (tropical:)
He recommenced the thing: or]
he commenced the
thing. (TA.) And
جَذَعًا (tropical:)
The thing was commenced:
(TA:) or
the thing returned to its first state; it
recommenced. (K in art.
فر.) ― -b9-
الجِبَالِ (assumed tropical:)
Small mountains.
جُذُوعَةٌ [The
state of being what is
denoted by the term
جَذَعٌ;] a subst. from
إِِجْذَاعٌ [inf. n. of
اجذع]. (TA.)
جَذْعَمَةٌ Young; (S, K, * TA;)
not arrived at puberty: (TA:) originally
جَذْعَةٌ; (S, K;) the
م being augmentative: (S:) the
ة is either to give intensiveness to the meaning, or
to denote the fem. gender; the word being considered as
implying the meaning of
نَفْسٌ or
جُثَّةٌ. (TA.)
مُتَجَاذِعٌ [
A lamb approaching the age
in which the term
جَذَعٌ is applied to him: expl. in some
copies of the K by
دَانٍ: in others, by
وَانٍ:] in the copies of the O, expl. by
الإِِجْذَاعِ: in the TS and in the A, by
دَانٍ, which is probably the right reading. (TA.)Credit:
Lane Lexicon