
1 مَخَرَتِ السَّفِينَةُ  , (S, A, K,) or مخرت السفينة المَآءَ, (TA,) aor. مَخَرَ (S, K) and مَخُرَ , (S, TA,) inf. n. مَخْرٌ and مُخُورٌ, (S, K,) The ship clave the water with its stem, and ran: (AHeyth:) or clave the water with a noise: (A:) or ran, cleaving the water with a noise: (S:) or ran: or faced the wind in her course: (K:) or advanced and retired. (TA.) And مَخَرَ السَّابِحُ The swimmer clave the water with his arms (K, TA.) in swimming. (TA.) The primary signification of مَخْرٌ is the act of cleaving: and it also signifies the making a noise or sound. (TA.) 5 تمخّر الرِّيحَ  He (a horse) faced the wind, (K,) or turned his nose towards the wind, (TA,) for the sake of greater ease to himself; as also ↓ امتخرها , and ↓ استمخرها . (K.) It is mostly said of the camel: you say, تمخّرت الإِِبِلُ الرِّيحَ The camels faced the wind, and snuffed it. (TA.) And, met., of a man; as in the following ex.: خَرَجْتُ أَتَمَخَّرُ الرِّيحَ, app. meaning, (tropical:) I went forth to snuff the wind. (TA.) You also say, الرِّيحَ إِِسْتَمْخَرْتُ (assumed tropical:) I directed my nose towards the wind. (S, A.) And it is said in a trad., إِِذَا أَرَادَ أَحَدُكُمُ البَوْلَ فَلْيَتَمَخَّرِ الرِّيحَ (S, K) (assumed tropical:) When any one of you desires to make water, let him see whence the wind blows, and not face it, that it may not drive back the urine against him, (S, TA,) and cause it to sprinkle him; but let him turn his back to the wind. (TA.) And again, (K,) in a trad. of Surákah, as related by ISh, on the same subject, (TA,) ↓ إِِسْتَمْخِرُوا الرِّيحَ, i.e., Turn ye your backs to the wind, (K,) in making water; (TA;) as though, (كَأَنَّهُ: so in the copies of the K; but in the Nh of IAth, لِأَنَّهُ, for, TA) when one turns his back to it, he (as it were, TA) cleaves it with his back, so that it passes on his right and left: for though تَمَخُّرٌ sometimes means the act of facing the wind, yet in this trad. it means the turning the back: (K:) but this is not properly its meaning; for the meaning is, the looking to see whence the wind blows: then the man is to turn his back. (TA.) You say also تمخّرت الإِِبِلُ الكَلَأَ The camels turned themselves towards the pasture. (L.) 8 إِِمْتَخَرَ see 5, throughout. 10 إِِسْتَمْخَرَ see 5, throughout. مَاخِرَةٌ  sing. of مَوَاخِرَ, (TA,) which occurs in the Kur, xvi. 14, (S,) and xxxv. 13, (TA,) meaning, Ships cleaving the water with their stems: (K, * TA:) or thrusting the water with their stems: (Ahmad Ibn-Yahya:) or the sound of the running whereof, (Fr, K,) by means of the winds, (Fr,) is heard: (Fr, K:) or running: (S:) or advancing and retiring by means of one wind. (K.) مَاخُورٌ  (tropical:) The shop of a vintner: so called by the people of El-'Irák: (L, voce حَانُوتٌ:) a place of assembly of vintners: (TA:) a place of assembly of vicious or immoral persons: (S, TA:) a place of assembly, (A,) or a house, (K,) which gives reason for suspicion, or evil opinion. (A, K.) And (tropical:) He who superintends or manages such a house, and leads [others] to it. (K.) An arabicized word, from [the Persian] مَيْخُورْ, or مَىْ خُورْ, or مَيْخَوارْ, (as in different copies of the K,) meaning “ a winedrinker ” : so that as a name of the place, it is tropical: (TA:) or Arabic, from مَخَرَتِ السَّفِينَةُ, (K,) meaning “ the ship advanced and retired ”; (TA;) because of men's frequenting it, going to and fro: (K:) in which case also it is tropical. (TA.) Pl مَوَاخِيرُ (A, K) and مَوَاخِرُ. (K.) The former pl. occurs in a trad. (TA.) Credit: Lane Lexicon