
1 غَزَلَتِ القُطْنَ  , (S, MA, O, K,) and الكَتَّانَ وَغَيْرَهُمَا, (TA,) or الصُّوفَ وَنَحْوَهُ, (Msb,) aor. غَزِلَ (S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n. غَزْلٌ, (S, MA, O, KL,) She spun the cotton, (MA, KL, PS,) and the flax, &c., (TA,) or the wool, and the like; (Msb;) and ↓ اغتزلتهُ signifies the same. (S, K.) -A2- غَزِلَ, (S, O, K, TA,) aor. غَزَلَ , (K, TA,) inf. n. غَزَلٌ, (S, O, TA,) He talked, and acted in an amatory and enticing manner, with a woman, or with women; he practised غَزَل [meaning as expl. below, i. e. the talk, and actions, and circumstances, occurring between the lover and the object of love; &c.]. (S, * O, * K, * TA.) -A3- And غَزِلَ is also said of a dog, meaning He flagged, or became remiss, in the pursuit of a young gazelle; i. e., when he had come up to it, the latter uttered a cry by reason of its fright, whereupon he turned away from it, (S, O, K, TA,) and became diverted; (S, O, TA;) or, as IAar says, when it became sensible of the presence of the dog, it became confounded, or perplexed, and clave to the ground, and he (the dog) became diverted from it, and turned away: (TA:) or he was confounded, or perplexed, in pursuing a young gazelle, by its uttering a cry in his face when he came up to it. (Meyd in explanation of a prov.: see أَغْزَلُ, below.) 3 غَازَلَهَا  , (S, MA, TA,) inf. n. مُغَازَلَةٌ, (S, O, K, TA,) He talked with her, (S, O, * K, * TA,) and acted in an amatory and enticing manner with her; (S, TA;) and in like manner one says of a woman with a man: (S:) or he played, or sported, [or dallied, or wantoned,] and held amorous talk, with her. (MA.) ― -b2- [Hence,] one says, أَطْيَبُ مِنْ أَنْفَاسِ الصَّبَا إِِذَا غَازَلَتْ رِيَاضَ الربا (tropical:) [More pleasant, or delightful, than the breaths of the east wind (which is to the Arabs like the zephyr to us) when it has wantoned with the meadows of الربا, (app. الرُّبَا, the name of a place, mentioned in the K in art. ربو, there written الرُّبَى, and in the TA in that art. said to occur in poetry,) so as to have brought with it the odours of flowers]. (K.) And هُوَ يُغَازِلُ رَغَدًا مِنَ العَيْشِ (tropical:) [app. meaning He plays the wanton with ampleness and easiness and pleasantness of the means of subsistence]. (TA.) ― -b3- And غازل الأَرْبَعِينَ (assumed tropical:) He approached [the age of] forty [years]. (Th, K.) 4 اغزل  , (K,) or اغزلت, (S, O,) He, or she, turned round, or made to revolve, [or rather twirled,] the مِغْزَل [or spindle]: (S, O, K:) [or so اغزل المغزلَ, or اغزلتهُ, for] one says of the مغزل [or spindle], أُغْزِلَ, i. e. it was turned round [or twirled]. (Fr, S.) ― -b2- اغزلت She (a gazelle) had a young one. (S, O. [See غَزَالٌ.]) 5 تغزّل  He affected, or attempted, as a self imposed task, (تَكَلَّفَ,) what is termed غَزَل [meaning as expl. below, i. e. the talk, and actions, and circumstances, occurring between the lover and the object of love; &c.]. (S, O, K, TA.) ― -b2- And sometimes it means He made mention, or spoke, [generally in verse,] of what is termed غَزَل. (TA.) [See also شَبَّبَ, inf. n. تَشْبِيبٌ; and نَسَبَ, inf. n. نَسِيبٌ.] One says, تغزّل بِالمَرْأَةِ meaning He mentioned the woman [in amatory language, as an object of love,] in his poetry. (TA in art. غنى.) 6 تغازلوا  [They talked, and acted in an amatory and enticing manner; or they played, sported, dallied, or wantoned, and held amorous talk; one with another: see 3]: (S, O:) from الغَزَلُ [q. v.]. (TA.) 8 إِِغْتَزَلَ see 1, first sentence. غَزْلٌ  , applied to cotton, (S, O, K, TA,) and flax, &c., (TA,) or wool, and the like, (Msb,) i. q. مَغْزُولٌ [i. e. Spun]: (S, O, Msb, K, TA:) [or rather spun thread, or yarn of any kind; for] it is an inf. n. used as a subst.: (Msb:) of the masc. gender: pl. غُزُولٌ. (TA.) ― -b2- And accord. to ISd, The web of the spider. (TA.) ― -b3- And غَزْلُ النَبَاتِ is applied in Egypt to The sort of food called إِِطْرِيَة. (TA in art. طرو, q. v.) غِزْلُ نِسَآءٍ  A follower and lover of women; as also نِسَآءٍ غِزِّيلُ : (JK:) [or both may be rendered one who talks, and acts in an amatory and enticing manner; or who plays, sports, dallies, or wantons, and holds amorous talk; with women:] ↓ غِزِّيلٌ is of the measure فِعِّيلٌ in the sense of the measure مُفَاعِلٌ; like حِدِّيثٌ and كِلِّيمٌ. (TA.) غَزَلٌ ذ , as expl. by 'Abd-El-Muttalib El-Baghdádee, in his Exposition of the نَقْدُ الشِعْرِ of Kudámeh, signifies The talk, and actions, and circumstances, occurring between the lover and the object of love; differing somewhat from تَشْبِيبٌ, which is a celebrating of the person and qualities of the beloved; and from نَسِيبٌ, which is a mentioning of the state, or condition, of the نَاسِب [himself], and of the object of the نَسِيب, and of all the affairs, or events, occurring between them two, [in the prelude of an ode,] thus including the meaning of تَشْبِيبٌ, and being a mentioning of غَزَل: accord. to Kudámeh, it signifies an inclining to foolish and youthful conduct, or a manifesting of passionate love, and becoming notorious for affections to women: (TA:) or it is the subst. from 3 [as such signifying talk, and amatory and enticing conduct, with women; or play, sport, dalliance, or wanton conduct, and amorous talk, with women]; (S, K;) as also ↓ مَغْزَلٌ : (K:) or play, sport, or diversion, with women: (ISd, TA:) or the talk of young men and [or with] young women: (Msb:) or, accord. to the leading authorities in polite literature, and those who have made the language to be their study, [or rather accord. to a loose and post-classical usage,] it signifies, like نَسِيبٌ, praise of what are apparent of the menbers of the object of love: or the mention of the days of union and of disunion: or the like thereof. (MF.) غَزِلٌ  [is, by, rule, the part. n. of غَزِلَ, as such signifying Talking, and acting in an amatory and enticing manner, with a woman, or with women; &c.: but it is said that it] signifies صَاحِبُ غَزَلٍ; (S, O;) or مُتَغَزِّلٌ بِالنِّسَآءِ; (K, TA;) by which is here meant making mention, or speaking, or one who makes mention, or who speaks, [generally in verse,] of what is termed غَزَل [signifying as expl. above, i. e. the talk, and actions, and circumstances, occurring between the lover and the object of love; &c.]; thus used as being a possessive epithet, [not as a part. n. of غَزِلَ, because this differs in meaning from تَغَزَّلَ,] i. e. it signifies [properly] ذُوغَزَلٍ: (TA:) or it means displaying amorous gestures or behaviour, and foolish and youthful conduct such as is suitable to women, with the love, or passionate love, that he experiences for them, in order that they may incline to him: (Kudámeh, TA:) or it is applied to a man as meaning a companion of women because of his lacking strength to be otherwise: from what here follows. (IAar, TA.) ― -b2- Lacking strength, or ability, to perform, or accomplish, things; (IAar, K, TA;) remiss, or languid, in respect to them. (IAar, TA.) غَزُلِىٌّ  [Of, or relating to, spun thread, or yarn;] the rel. n. from غَزْلٌ used as a subst. (Msb.) غَزَالٌ A young gazelle, وَلَدُ ظَبْيَةٍ: (Msb:) or a شَادِن [or young gazelle], (T, S, O, Msb, K, TA,) or, as some say, the female, (TA, [but see what follows,]) when it becomes active, or in motion, (T, S, O, Msb, K, TA.) and walks; (T, Msb, K, TA;) to which the girl, or young woman, is likened in [the commencing of an ode by what is termed] التَّشْبِيب, wherefore the epithet and the verb [therein] are made mase.; (TA;) after the becoming a ثَنِىّ [q. v.]: (T, Msb:) or in the stage after that in which he is termed طَلًا [q. v.]: (AHát, Msb, TA:) or from the time of his birth until he attains to the most vehement running; (K, TA;) which is when he puts his legs together, [app. meaning his fore legs together and so his hind legs,] and puts them down together and raises them together: (TA:) or i. q. ظَبْىٌ [i. e. a gazelle, of any age]: (M in art. ظبى: for الظَّبْىُ is there expl. as meaning الغَزَالُ: [but this seems to be a loose rendering:]) the female is called ↓ غَزَالَةٌ ; (Msb, MF, TA;) though it seems from what is said in the K [&c.] that الغَزَالُ is applied peculiarly to the male, and that the female is called only ظَبْيَةٌ, as several of the lexicologists have decisively asserted: (MF, TA:) the pl. [of pane.] is غِزْلَةٌ and [of mult.] غِزْلانٌ. (S, O, Msb, K.) -A2- غَزَالُ شَعْبَانَ A certain insect (دُوَيْبَّةٌ), (K, TA,) a species of the [locusts, or locust-like insects, called] جَنَادِب [pl. of جُنْدَبٌ]. (TA.) -A3- دَمُ الغَزَالِ A certain plant, resembling the طَرْخُون [or tarragon], (O, K,) which is eaten, (O,) burning, or biting, to the tongue, (O, K,) green, and having a red root, like the roots of the أَرْطَاة [n. un. of أَرْطًى, q. v.], (O,) with the juice of which girls, or young women, make red streaks like bracelets upon their arms: (O, K:) thus AHn was informed by some one or more of the Benoo-Asad: (O:) and Aboo-Nasr says, it is of the [kind called] ذُكُور. [See also دَمُ الغَزَالِ and دَمُ الغِزْلَانِ and دُمْيَةُ الغِزْلَانِ voce دمٌ in art. دمو or دمى; and see likewise عَنْدَمٌ.] غَزَالَةٌ  fem. of غَزَالٌ, q. v. -A2- الغَزَالَةُ, also, signifies The sun; (S, O, K;) because it extends [what resemble] cords, [meaning its rays,] as though it were spinning: (K:) or the sun when rising; (Msb, K;) [therefore] one says طَلَعَتِ الغَزَالَةُ, but not غَرَبَتِ الغَزَالَةُ: (TA:) or the sun when high: (M, * K, TA:) or the عَيْن [meaning the disk, or, as it sometimes means, the rays, or beams,] of the sun. (K.) ― -b2- And غَزَالَةُ الضُّحَى means, (S, O, K,) as also غَزَالَاتُهُ, (K,) [or غَزَالَاتُهَا,] The beginning of the ضُحَى [or early part of the forenoon, after sunrise]; (S, O, K;) [whence] one says, جَآءَ فِى غَزَالَةِ الضُّحَى [He came in the beginning of the ضُحَى]; and Dhu-r-Rummeh uses الغَزَالَةَ, in the accus. case, as an adv. n., (S, O,) meaning in the time [or in the beginning] of the ضُحَى; (O;) or, accord. to IKh, this is for طُلُوعَ الغَزَالَةِ, meaning at the rising of the sun: (TA:) or the meaning of the phrases first mentioned in this sentence is after, or a little after, (accord. to different copies of the K,) the spreading of the son, [i. e. of the sunshine,] and its entrance upon the ضُحَى: or the first part of the ضُحَى, until the passing away of a fifth (or about a fifth, TA) of the day. (K.) -A3- Also (i. e. الغَزَالَةُ) A certain herb, (Aboo-Nasr. O, K,) of the [kind called] سُطَّاح, spreading upon the ground, with green leaves, having no thorns nor broaches; from the middle whereof comes forth a tall قَضِيب [or shoot], which is peeled and eaten, (Aboo-Nasr, O,) and it is sweet, (Aboo-Nasr, O, K,) and has yellow blossoms from its bottom to its top: and it is a pasture: (Aboo-Nasr, O:) every thing [i. e. animal] eats it: (Aboo-Nasr, O, K;) and the places of its growth are the plain, or soft, tracts. (Aboo-Nasr, O) غَزَّالٌ  A vender [and a spinner] of غَزْل [i. e. thread,. or gave]. (TA.) غِزِّيلٌ ; see غِزْلُ نِسَآءٍ, in two places. غَازِلٌ  [act. part. n. of غَزَلَ; Spinning]. The pls. غُزَّلٌ and غَوَازِلُ are applied as epithets to women: (K, TA:) but the former is also applied to men, and is of a measure more usual as that of the pl. of the mase. act. part. n. than of the fem. (TA.) أَغْزَلُ مِنْ عَنْكَبُوتٍ  , from the act of spinning, (Meyd,) or from the act of weaving [the web], (O.) is a prov. [meaning More practised, or skilled, in weaving than a spider]: and so مِنْ سُرْفَةٍ [than a سُرْفَة, q. v.]. (Meyd.) ― -b2- And one says also, أَغْزَلُ مِنِ امْرِئِ القَيْسِ, (S, Meyd, O,) likewise a prov., meaning [More practised, or skilled,] in the celebrating of the person and qualities of the beloved in verse [than Imra-el-Keys]. (Meyd.) ― -b3- And [hence,] أَغْزَلُ مِنَ الحُمَّى (assumed tropical:) [More frequent in visiting, or more habitual, and more recurrent, than the fever]; a saying of the Arabs, by which they mean that it [the fever] is a frequent visiter of the sick person, recurrent to him; as though passionately loving him: thus, correctly, as in the L: in the K it is said that الأَغْزَلُ applied to the fever (الحُمَّى [though this is fem.]) means such as is a frequent visiter of the sick person; recurrent. (TA.) ― -b4- And أَغْزَلُ مِنْ فُرْعُلٍ [More confounded and perplexed than a young one of the hyena]; from الغَزَلُ as signifying “ the being confounded and perplexed ” like as is the dog (Meyd, O, K) when pursuing the young gazelle; for it may be that the فرعل becomes in the like state in pursuing the object of its chase: (Meyd:) or فرعل was a man of ancient times, and this saying (which is a prov., Meyd) is like أَغْزَلُ مِنِ امْرِئِ القَيْسِ. (Meyd, O, TA.) مَغْزَلٌ : see مِغْزَلٌ, in two places: -A2- and see also غَزَلٌ, latter half. مُغْزَلٌ  : see مِغْزَلٌ, in three places. مُغْزِلٌ  A doe gazelle having a young one. (K.) مِغْزَلٌ  and ↓ مُغْزَلٌ (Fr, Th, S, O, Msb, K) and ↓ مَغْزَلٌ , (Th, O, K,) the first as pronounced by [the tribe of] Temeem, the second as pronounced by [that of] Keys, and the last the most rare, (TA,) or the second as pronounced by Temeem, (Msb,) A spindle; i. e. the thing with which one spins: (S, MA, O, Msb, K. KL:) Fr says that ↓ مُغْزَلٌ is the original form, from أُغْزِلَ “ it was made to turn round ” or “ revolve ” [or “ was twirled ”]; (S, TA;) but the dammeh was deemed by the Arabs difficult of pronunciation, and therefore they said مِغْزَلٌ, and in like manner مِصْحَفٌ and مِخْدَعٌ and مِجْسَدٌ and مِطْرَفٌ: accord. to IAth, مِغْزَلٌ signifies the instrument [with which one spins]; and ↓ مَغْزَلٌ , the place of the غَزْل [which means the act of spinning and the span thread or yard]; and ↓ مُغْزَلٌ , the place in which (فِيهِ [or this may here mean upon which]) the غَزْل [i. e. spun thread or yarn] is put: (TA:) pl. مَغَازِلُ. (MA.) أَعْرى مِنْ مِغْزَلٍ is a prov. [meaning More naked than a spindle]. (Meyd.) And one says, صَاحِبُ الغَزَلِ أَضَلُّ مِنْ سَاقِ مِغْزَلٍ [The practiser of the talk and actions &c. usual between the lover and the object of love is more erring than the shank (i. e. pin) of a spindle), of which the error is its [aiding in] clothing mankind while it is [itself] naked. (A, TA.) ― -b2- It is said in a book of certain of the Jews, عَلَيْكُمْ كَذَا وَكَذَا وَرُبْعُ المِغْزَلِ, meaning [I pon you lie as due from you such and such things and) the fourth part of what your women have spun. (TA.) ― -b3- And [the pl.] مَغَازِلُ signifies The عَمَد (O) or عُمُد (K) [app. meaning the upright wooden supports of the seat] of the [machine called] نَوْرَج [q. v.] with which the reaped grain heaped together is thrashed. (O, K.) مِغْزَلِىٌّ  (MA) and ↓ مَغَازِلِىٌّ (S and K voce مِصْرَمٌ) A parer of spindles. (MA.) مُغَيْزِلٌ  A slender cord (حَبْلٌ دَقِيقٌ) [so in copies of the K, and in the CK, but in the latter المُغْتَزَلُ is put for المُغَيْزِلُ: in my MS. copy of the K, المُغَيْزِلُ جَبَلٌ دَقِيقٌ, and this I think to be the correct reading. meaning El-Mugheyzil is a certain slender mountain]: ISd says, I think it to be likened to the مِغْزَل, because of its slenderness; adding that El-Hirmázee has mentioned it. (TA. [A verse cited by El-Hirmázee is there given as an ex.; mentioning the day of المُغَيْزِل, app. as the day of the separation of a lover from his beloved; and it is a common custom of the Arabs to call the day of an event the day of the place where it occurred.]) مَغَازِلِىٌّ  : see مِغْزَلِىٌّ. Credit: Lane Lexicon