
1 طَرُوَ  , [aor. يَطْرُو,] (Ktr, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and طَرِىَ, [aor. يَطْرَى,] (Ktr, S, K,) inf. n. طَرَاوَةٌ (Ktr, S, Mgh, Msb, K) and طَرَآءَةٌ (S, K,) and طَرَاةٌ, (TA, and so in some copies of the S and of the K,) like حَصَاةٌ, (TA,) and طَرَآءٌ, (so in some copies of the K,) or طَرًا, (TA as from the K,) with the shortened alif, (TA,) [the last agreeable with analogy as inf. n. of طَرِىَ,] said of a thing, (Mgh, Msb,) or of flesh-meat, (Ktr, S,) It was, or became, fresh, juicy, or moist: (Ktr, S, Msb, K:) and طَرُؤَ signifies the same; (Mgh, Msb;) but طَرُوَ is more common. (TA in art. طرأ.) ― -b2- And طَرِىَ signifies also تَجَدَّدَ [It became new; was newly made or done; or was renewed]. (TA.) -A2- طَرَا, [aor. يَطْرُو,] inf. n. طُرُوٌّ, (K,) or, as written in the M, طَرْوٌ, (TA,) He came from a distant place: (K:) you say طَرَا عَلَيْهِمْ he came, or, accord. to Lth, he came forth, upon them from a distant place: or, accord. to AZ, he came upon them without their knowledge: it is a dial. var. of طَرَأَ [q. v.]. (TA.) ― -b2- And طَرَا signifies also مَضَى [He went, or went away, &c.]. (TA.) ― -b3- And طَرِىَ, aor. يَطْرَى, (IAar, K,) in which, accord. to the K, the last radical letter is ى, [not و changed into ى by reason of the kesreh before it,] but ISd says that there in no word of which the radical letters are ط and ر and ى, (TA,) He advanced, or came forward: or he passed, passed by, went, or went away. (IAar, K, * TA.) 2 طرّاهُ  , inf. n. تَطْرِيَةٌ, He rendered it fresh, juicy, or moist. (K.) You say, طَرَّيْتُ الثَّوْبَ inf. n. as above, (S,) [app. meaning I refreshed, or I moistened, the garment, or piece of cloth.] ― -b2- And طرّى, (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He rendered perfume fragrant [as though he refreshed it] by admixtures; (K, TA;) and aloes-wood with [other] perfume, or ambergris, or some other thing: (Az, TA:) and in like manner, food, (K, TA,) by mixing it with aromatics. (TA.) ― -b3- And He plastered, or coated, a building with clay, or mud: of the dial. of Mekkeh. (Z, TA.) 4 اطراهُ  He praised him; thus in the S, and in like manner expl. by Zbd and IKtt; (TA;) and thus اطرأهُ [with '] is expl. by Es-Sarakustee: (Msb:) he eulogized, or commended, him; (K;) thus in the M; (TA;) and thus it is expl. by Es-Sarakustee: (Msb:) or he praised him renewing the mention of him: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or he praised him exceedingly: (AA, TA:) or he praised him for the best of the qualities that he possessed; (Msb, TA;) thus expl. by IF, and in like manner by Z: (TA:) or he praised him for that which was not in him: (Az, TA:) or he praised him greatly, or extravagantly; exceeded the just, or usual, bounds in praising him: (Msb:) or, accord. to Hr and IAth, he exceeded the just, or usual bounds in praising him, and lied therein. (TA.) ― -b2- And اطرى العَسَلَ He made the honey to thicken, or coagulate. (S, Msb, TA.) 12 اِطْرَوْرَى  , (K, TA,) inf. n. اِطْرِيرَآءٌ, (TA,) He suffered from indigestion, or heaviness of the stomach, (K, TA,) in consequence of much eating, (TA,) and became inflated in his belly: (K, TA:) and so اِظْرَوْرَى: thus correctly; but mentioned by J and IKtt as with ض. (TA.) [See also Q. Q. 3 in art. طر.] الطَّرَا [without the article طَرًا] What is not of the nature of the earth; (K;) or whatever is upon the surface of the earth, of such things as are not of the nature of the earth, consisting of pebbles; or small pebbles; [and the like;] and dust and the like: (TA:) and, (K, TA,) as some say, (TA,) the sorts of created things whereof the number cannot be reckoned; (K, TA;) or any created things whereof the number and the sorts cannot be reckoned. (TA.) One says, هُمْ أَكْثَرُ مِنَ الطَّرَى وَالثَّرَى [or الطَّرَا والَثَّرَا i. e. They are more in number, or quantity, than the pebbles, &c., and than the moist earth]. (TA.) طَرِىٌّ  Fresh, juicy, or moist: (S, Msb, K, TA:) and طَرِىْءٌ is a dial. var. thereof. (Msb.) It is expl. as meaning thus in the Kur [xvi. 44 and] xxxv. 13 [as an epithet applied to the flesh of fish]. (TA.) And الطَّرِيَّانِ [used as a subst.] means Fish and fresh ripe dates. (A, TA.) ― -b2- Also Strange, or a stranger; syn. غَرِيبٌ: and AA has mentioned ↓ رَجُلٌ طَارِىٌّ , [said to be] with teshdeed, [otherwise I should think it might be a mistranscription for طَارِئٌ,] as meaning a man that is a stranger. (TA.) طِرِيَّانٌ  , with two kesrehs, and with the ى musheddedeh, The خِوَان [or table] upon which one eats; thus accord. to ISk: or, accord. to IAar, the طَبَق [i. e. dish, or plate]: occurring in a trad.; as some relate it, thus; and as others relate it, طِرِّيَان, with the ر musheddedeh, like صِلِّيَان; [and thus it is mentioned in the O and K in art. طر;] but Fr says that this latter is of the dial. of the vulgar. (TA.) طَارِىٌّ  : see طَرِىٌّ. إِِطْرِيَةٌ  A sort of food, called in Pers. لَا خِشَهْ; (S;) [i. e.] a certain food, like threads, made of flour; (K, TA;) an explanation necessarily implying that it is what is called in Egypt غَزْلُ البَنَاتِ: accord. to Sh, a thing made of softened starch; and said by Lth to be a food made by the people of Syria; a word having no n. un.; and what these two say indicates that it is what is called كُنَافَة: Lth and Z mention the word as pronounced also with fet-h; but Az says that the pronunciation with fet-h is incorrect. (TA.) أُطْرُوَانٌ  The first stage, and the quickness, (غُلَوَآء, in the CK [erroneously] غُلُوّ,) of youth: (K, TA:) like عُنْفُوَانٌ in measure and in meaning. (TA.) One says also, ↓ لِكُلِّ شَىْءٍ أُطْرُوَانِيَّةٌ i. e. [To everything there is] a state of youthfulness. (TA.) أُطْرُوَانِيَّةٌ  : see what next precedes. عُودٌ مُطَرًّى  [Aloes-wood] such as is termed مُطَيَّرٌ, with which one fumigates himself: (S, TA:) and أَلْوَةٌ مُطَرَّاةٌ [signifies the same, i. e. aloes-wood] rendered fragrant [as though refreshed] by the admixture of [other] perfume, or of ambergris, or some other thing: المُطَرَّاةُ is said by Lth to mean a sort of perfume. (TA.) And غِسْلَةٌ مُطَرَّاةٌ A preparation for washing the head or hand, compounded with aromatics. (S, TA.) ― -b2- And one says, هُوَ مُطَرًّى فِى نَفْسِهِ, meaning مُتَجَبِّرٌ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) He is restored to a good state, or condition, of body, or of property]. (TA.) Credit: Lane Lexicon