Root: ح ف د
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 1
briskness, to care for, grand children, in laws.

Know it, Allah the
Exalted has
appointed for you people men and women, members of your own
species-society, as mate-companion-spouse;
And He the Exalted has
declared, for you people, kinship for the sons
and in-laws of your spouses.
And He the Exalted
has provided you people
sustenance from pleasant nourishing things.
Is it then they believe in
false conjectural scum; and
are ingrate to the blessing of Allah the Exalted: Grand Qur'aan?
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Active Participle:
Indefinite; Singular; Masculine; accusative.
اسم فاعل:
منصوب-جمع مذكر
ح ف ر
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