o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
Root: ص د ع Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan: a) Total occurrences: 5 b) No of constructions: 5 The basic perception and signification infolded in the Root, in the words of Ibn Faris [died:1005], is this: يدلُّ على انفراجٍ فى الشىء That it leads us to a perception and visualization of an act of divergence, rifting; the mechanism of moving apart; appearance of an opening and intervening space, gap, or breach having occurred within an object. The learned scholar facilitated his readers to perceive a near exact image of the object by using the word انفراجٍ made from Root "ف ر ج" and by disclosing that this phenomenon occurs within a thing/object. This Root, too, signifies divergence and intervening space and specifically refers to the "bulge between the legs, pudendum" of man and woman; sensitive starting point from where the divergence and rift appears between two legs at sensitive and delicate moments of extreme excitement. Lane's Lexicon: Cleaving, splitting, slitting, or cracking of a hard object/thing. A cleft, slit, or crack. Elsaid M Badawi/Muhammad Abdul Haleem's dictionary: Crack, split, fault, to cleave. لسان العرب :الصَّدْعُ: الشَّقُّ في الشيءِ الصُّلْبِ Cleavage within a solid/hard thing/object.
Allah the Exalted has informed about a peculiar trait of the Earth, where this Root is used:
This is rather interesting and strange coincidence that the British explorer John Walter Gregory gave the name "The Great Rift Valley" in the late 19th century to the continuous geographic trench, approximately 6,000 kilometers (3,700 mi) in length, that runs from northern Syria in Southwest Asia to central Mozambique in South East Africa. We have not neglected mention a relevant thing in the Book: Grand Qur'aan. [Refer 6:38]