1 زَبَدَهُ  , (As, S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. زَبُدَ , (As, S, A, Msb,) inf. n. زَبْدٌ, (As, Msb,) He fed him with, or gave him to eat, زُبْد [i. e. fresh butter]. (As, S, A, Mgh, Msb, K.) ― -b2- And hence, (Mgh,) زَبَدَهُ, (As, S, A, Mgh, Msb,) or زَبَدَ لَهُ, (K, [app. a mis-transcription, for its aor. is there mentioned immediately after without the prep.,]) aor. زَبِدَ , (As, S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) the verb in the sense here following being thus distinguished from that in the sense preceding, (As, Msb,) inf. n. as above, (As, S, Mgh,) (tropical:) He gave him a gift: (As, A, Mgh, Msb:) or he gave him somewhat, a little, not much, (S, K,) of property, (S,) or of his property. (K.) ― -b3- [Hence also,] زَبَدْتُهُ ضَرْبَةً, or رَمْيَةً, (tropical:) I struck him a blow, or shot or cast at him a missile, hastily, or quickly; as though feeding him with a piece of fresh butter. (A, TA.) ― -b4- زَبَدَتْ سِقَآءَهَا, (S, A,) or زَبَدَ السِّقَآءَ, (K,) inf. n. as above, (A,) She agitated her milk-skin, (S, A,) or he agitated the milk-skin, (K,) in order that its butter might come forth, (S, K,) or until its butter came forth. (A.) ― -b5- And زَبَدْتُ السَّوِيقَ [app. I put, or added, fresh butter to the meal of parched barley, like as one says سَمَنْتُ الطَّعَامَ and أَدَمْتُ الخُبْزَ &c.], aor. أَزْبِدُهُ, (A, TA,) with kesr; (A;) and السَّوِيقَ تَزَبَّدْتُ . (TA. [Both these phrases are mentioned together, as though to indicate that both signify the same: but Ibr D thinks that the latter means I swallowed the سويق like as one swallows fresh butter: in my copy of the A, it is written تَزَبَّدَتِ السَّوِيقُ, which is evidently wrong: perhaps the right reading is تَزَبَّدَ السَّوِيقُ; and the verb in this phrase, quasi-pass. of that in the former phrase.] 2 زبّد شِدْقُهُ  , (S, K,) inf. n. تَزْبِيدٌ; (K;) and ↓ تزبّد ; both signify the same [i. e. The side of his mouth had froth, or foam, appearing upon it; like زَبَّبَ and تَزَبَّبَ]: (S, K:) and ↓ تزبّد said of a man, [like تَزَبَّبَ,] He being angry, froth, or foam, appeared upon each corner of his mouth. (TA.) See also 4, in two places. -A2- زَبَّدَتِ القُطْنَ, (A, L,) inf. n. as above, (S,) She separated, or loosened, the cotton [with her fingers, or by means of the bow and wooden mallet], (S, * L, A,) and prepared it well for spinning. (L.) 3 فُلَانٌ يُزَابِدُ فُلَانًا  (tropical:) Such a one speaks in like manner as does such a one. (A, TA.) 4 ازبد  , (S, A, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِِزْبَادٌ, (Msb,) said of wine, or beverage, (S,) or of the sea, (A, Msb, K,) &c., (Msb,) or of the sea when in a state of commotion, (S, * A,) and of a cookingpot, and of the mouth of a braying camel, (A,) [&c., see زَبَدٌ,] It frothed, or foamed, or cast forth froth or foam: (S, * A, Msb, K:) and [in like manner] ↓ زبّد , inf. n. تَزْبِيدٌ, said of milk, it [frothed, or foamed; or] had froth, or foam, upon it. (A.) ― -b2- [Hence,] said of the سِدْر [or lote-tree], (S, A, K,) (tropical:) It blossomed; (S, K, TA;) i. e. (TA) it put forth a white produce like the froth, or foam, upon water. (A, TA.) And, said of the قَتَادِ [or tragacantha], (assumed tropical:) It put forth its leaf (خُوصَة), and its wood, or branch, became strong, or hard, and its rind, or outer covering, coalesced, and it blossomed; as also ↓ زبّد . (L.) ― -b3- Also (tropical:) It became intensely white. (A, TA.) 5 تَزَبَّدَ see 1: ― -b2- and see also 2, in two places. ― -b3- تزبّدهُ (assumed tropical:) He swallowed it (K) like as one swallows a piece of fresh butter: (TA:) or he took the clear, or pure, or choice, part of it. (K, TA.) Of anything of which the clear, or pure, or choice part has been taken, one says, تُزُبِّدَ. (TA.) ― -b4- [Hence,] تزبّد اليَمِينَ (assumed tropical:) He took the oath hastily; was hasty in taking it. (AA, S, K.) It is said in a prov., تَزَبَّدَهَا حَذَّآءَ (assumed tropical:) He swallowed it [i. e. took it, namely, an oath, hastily,] like as one swallows butter. (TA in art. حذ.) زَبْدٌ  [originally an inf. n.,] (tropical:) A gift. (S, A, Mgh, Msb.) So in the saying (S, TA) of Mo- hammad, (TA,) mentioned in a trad., إِِنَّا لَا نَقْبَلُ زَبْدَ المُشْرِكِينَ (tropical:) [Verily we will not accept the gift of the believers in a plurality of Gods]. (S, TA.) And so in the saying, نَهَى عَنْ زَبْدِ المُشْرِكِينَ (tropical:) (A, Mgh, Msb) i. e. [He (Mohammad) forbade] the acceptance of the gift [of the believers in a plurality of Gods]. (Msb.) زُبْدٌ  [Fresh butter of the cow or buffalo or sheep or goat;] what is produced by churning from milk (Mgh, Msb) of cows [or buffaloes] and of sheep or goats; what is thus produced from camels' milk being termed جُبَابٌ, not زُبْدٌ; (Msb;) the زُبْد of سَمْن before it is clarified over the fire; (L;) [i. e. butter before it is clarified over the fire;] the زُبْد [in the CK, erroneously, زَبَد] of milk; (S, K;) what is extracted from milk; (M;) and ↓ زُبَّادٌ signifies the same as زُبْدٌ: (K:) ↓ زُبْدَةٌ is a more particular term, (S, M, L, Msb,) meaning a piece, bit, portion, or somewhat, of زُبْد: (L:) and زُبْدُ اللَّبَنِ signifies also the froth (رَغْوَة) of milk [if this be not a mistake occasioned by finding الزُّبْدُ expl. as meaning زَبَدُ اللَّبَنِ instead of زُبْدُ اللَّبَنِ]. (L.) قَدْ صَرَّحَ المَحْضُ عَنِ الزُّبْدِ [The clear milk has become distinct from the fresh butter] is a prov., relating to the appearance of the truth after information that has been doubted. (L.) And ↓ اِرْتَجَنَتِ الزُّبْدَةُ is another prov. [expl. in art. رجن]. (L.) ― -b2- ↓ زُبْدَةٌ has for its pl. زُبَدٌ, which is metonymically applied to (tropical:) The choice, or best, portions, [or what we often term the cream (by which word the sing. also may be rendered) of anything; as, for instance,] of discourse, or of a story or the like. (Har p. 222, q. v.) ― -b3- [And it also means (assumed tropical:) An issue, or event: (see an ex. voce مَخَضَ:) generally, such as is relishable, or pleasing. Hence, app.,] one says, العُمُرِ كَانَ لِقَاؤُكَ زُبْدَةَ (tropical:) [The meeting with thee was emphatically the event of life; meaning, the most relishable, or pleasing, event of life]. (A, TA.) زَبَدٌ  Froth, foam, spume, or scum: (L:) it is of water, (S, L, K,) &c.; (K;) of the sea, (A, Msb,) &c., like رَغْوَةٌ [in signification]; (Msb;) and of a cooking-pot; (A;) and of a camel, (S,) [i. e.] of a braying camel's mouth, (A,) or the white foam upon the lips of a camel when he is excited by lust; (TA;) and of the cud; and of spittle; (L;) and [the scum, or dross,] of silver: (S:) ↓ زَبَدَةٌ is a more particular term [meaning a portion, or somewhat, thereof]: (S:) the pl. of زَبَدٌ is أَزْبَادٌ. (A, TA.) ― -b2- تَخَرَّمَ زَبَدُهُ: see 5 in art. خرم, in two places. زُبْدَةٌ  : see زُبْدٌ, in four places. زَبَدَةٌ  : see زَبَدٌ. زُبْدِىٌّ  [Butyraceous: a rel. n. from زُبْدٌ]. See خَشْخَاشٌ. زَبَادٌ  [Civet;] a certain perfume, well known: the lawyers and the lexicologists err in saying that it is a certain beast, [meaning the civet-cat,] from which the perfume is milked: (K:) or this assertion is not to be reckoned as a mistake, the word being tropically thus applied: so says El- Karáfee: and Z and other authors worthy of confidence thus apply it [as a coll. gen. n.]: Z also mentions a saying in which ↓ زَبَادَةٌ is applied [as a n. un.] to an animal of the kind from which the perfume is obtained: (TA:) this animal is the cat, (K,) i. e. the wild cat, which is like the tame, but longer and larger, and its hair inclines more to blackness: it is brought from India and Abyssinia: (TA:) the perfume above mentioned is a fluid, or matter, exuded, (رَشَحٌ, thus in the TA and in my MS. copy of the K, but in the CK وَسَخٌ [i. e. dirt],) resembling black viscous dirt, (TA,) which collects beneath the animal's tail, upon the anus (المَخْرَج), (K,) and in the inner sides of the thighs also, as says Ed-Demámeenee: (TA:) [see also زُهْمٌ:] the beast is taken, and prevented from struggling, and the said exuded fluid or matter, or dirt, (رَشَح, or وَسَخ, accord. to different copies of the K,) collected there, is scraped off with a piece of the exterior part of a cane, (K,) or, more commonly, with a spoon, (TA,) or with a piece of rag, (K,) or a thin [silver coin such as is called] دِرْهَم. (TA. [Other accounts of this perfume, which are less correct, I omit.]) -A2- See also زُبَّادٌ. زُبَادٌ  , like غُرَابٌ [in measure], Fresh butter (زُبْد) that has become bad, or spoiled, in the churning: or, as some say, thin milk. (TA voce اِخْتَلَطَ, q. v.) [See also زُبَّادُ اللَّبَن, below.] زَبَادَةٌ  : see زَبَادٌ. زُبَّادُ اللَّبَنِ  [The watery part of milk;] that [part] in which is no good, of milk. (S, K. [See also زُبَادٌ.]) It is said in a prov., اِخْتَلَطَ الخَاثِرُ بِالزُّبَّادِ (S) [The thick milk became mixed with the thin watery part: or] (tropical:) the good became mixed with the bad: relating to a case of difficulty, and applied to the mixture of truth with falsehood. (L. [See Freytag's Arab. Prov., i. 434: and see اِخْتَلَطَ.]) ― -b2- See also زُبْدٌ. -A2- زُبَّادٌ and ↓ زُبَّادَى A certain plant, (S, K,) growing in the plains, or soft land, having broad leaves, and a [pericarp such as is called] سِنْفَة: it sometimes grows in hard ground, is eaten by men, and is good, or pleasant: AHn says that it has small, contracted, dust-coloured leaves, like those of the مَرْزَنْجُوش, and its branches, or twigs, spread out: and he adds, AZ says that the زُبَّاد, as also ↓ زَبَاد , the latter like سَحَاب [in measure], is of the [kind of plants called] أَحْرَار [pl. of حُرٌّ, q. v.]: (TA:) [some say that it is the psyllium. (Freytag's Lex.) See, again, اِخْتَلَطَ.] زُبَّادَى  : see the next preceding paragraph. زَابِدٌ  Possessing, or a possessor of, زُبْد [or fresh butter]; (L;) as also ↓ مُزْدَبِدٌ . (K.) بَحْرٌ مُزْبِدٌ  [A frothing, or foaming, sea; or] a tumultuous, frothing, or foaming, sea. (S, A.) ― -b2- [Hence,] أَبْيَضُ مُزْبِدٌ (tropical:) Intensely white. (A, TA.) مُزْدَبِدٌ  : see زَابِدٌ. Credit: Lane Lexicon