
1 جَبَّهُ جب جبه جبة , aor. جَبُ3َ , (Msb, TA,) inf. n. جَبٌّ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and جِبَابٌ, (A, K, MF,) He cut it; or cut it off; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ اجتبَهُ . (K, * TA.) ― -b2- جَبَّ خُصَاهُ, inf. n. جَبٌّ and جِبَابٌ, He cut off entirely, or extirpated, his testicles; (TA;) [as also ↓ اِجْتَبَّهَا ; for] جَبٌّ (A, K) and جِبَابٌ and اِجْتِبَابٌ (TA) signify the cutting off entirely, or extirpating, (A, K, TA,) of the testicle, (K, TA,) or of the genitals: (A:) [or] جِبَابٌ signifies [or signifies also, as inf. n. of جُبَّ,] the having the testicles, (S, TA,) or genitals, (Msb,) entirely cut off. (S, * Msb, TA.) You say also, جَبَبْتُهُ, meaning I cut off entirely, or extirpated, his genitals; (Msb;) [or his testicles; or his penis; as is implied in the TA:] and جُبَّ, inf. n. جَبٌّ, (Mgh, TA,) [or جِبَابٌ,] he had his penis and his testicles [or either of these] cut off entirely, or extirpated. (Mgh, TA. *) ― -b3- جَبَّ السَّنَامَ, aor. جَبُ3َ , inf. n. جَبٌّ; and ↓ اجتبّهُ ; He cut off the hump of the camel: accord. to Lth, جَبٌّ signifies the cutting off entirely, or extirpating, of the hump. (TA.) -A2- جَبَّ النَّخْلَ, (As, S, Msb, TA,) [aor. جَبُ3َ ,] inf. n. جَبٌّ, (A, K,) or جِبَابٌ, (S, TA,) or جَبَابٌ, (A,) or both the second and last, (Msb, [the first is disallowed by MF,]) He fecundated the palmtrees [with the pollen of the male tree]. (As, S, A, Msb, TA.) You say, جَآءَ زَمَنُ الجِبَابِ, (S,) or الجَبَابِ, with fet-h, (A,) or both, (Msb,) [The time of the fecundating of the palm-trees came]. -A3- جَبَّ القَوْمَ, (S,) aor. جَبُ3َ , (TA,) inf. n. جَبٌّ, (K,) He surpassed, or overcome, the people, or company of men; (S, K, * TA;) accord. to some, in grounds of pretension to respect or honour, or in beauty, and in any or every manner. (TA.) And جَبَّتِ النِّسَآءَ She surpassed the [other] women in her beauty. (TA.) The saying “ جَبَّتْ نِسَآءَ العَالَمِينَ بِالسَّبَبْ
” [She overcame the women of the whole world by means of the string] relates to a woman who measured round her hinder parts with a string, and then threw it to the women of the tribe, that they might do with it the like; but they found it to be much exceeding their measures. (TA.) See 3, in three places. -A4- See also 2. 2 تَجْبِيبٌ تجبيب The reaching of the [whiteness termed] تَحْجِيل, in a horse, to the knee and the hock: (S:) or the rising of the whiteness to [the extent of] what is termed الجَبَبُ. (K.) You say of a horse, فِيهِ تَجْبِيبٌ [In him is a rising of the تحجيل to the knee and the hock]: and in this case, the horse is said to be مُجَبَّبٌ: and the subst. is ↓ جَبَبٌ [meaning a whiteness of the legs rising to the knee and the hock]. (S.) [See مُجَبَّبٌ.] -A2- The act of shrinking [from a thing]; or the being averse [from it]; or the act of withdrawing; (S, K, TA;) outwardly or inwardly. (TA.) You say of a man, جَبَّبَ فَذَهَبَ [He shrank, or was averse, or withdrew, and went away]. (S.) And جَيَّبَ النَّاسُ عَنْ طَاعَةِ اللّٰهِ The people forsook, or relinquished, the obeying of God. (TA from a trad.) ― -b2- The act of fleeing. (K.) You say of a man, جبَب He fled. (TA.) El-Hotei-ah says, “ وَنَحْنُ إِِذَا جَبَّبْتُمُ عَنْ نِسَائِكُمْ
كَمَا جَبَّبَتْ مِنْ عِنْدِ أَوْلَادِهَا الحُمُرْ
” [And we, when ye flee from your women, like as the wild asses have fled from the presence of their young ones]. (TA.) And ↓ جَبَّ , said of a man, [if not a mistranscription for جَبَّبَ,] signifies He went quickly, fleeing from a thing. (TA.) -A3- The act of satisfying with water (K, TA) the earth, (الجَبُوب, TA,) or cattle. (K, TA.)

3 جِبَاب جب جباب جبة The act of vying, or contending for superiority, in goodliness, or beauty, &c., (K,) as, for instance, in grounds of pretension to respect or honour, and in lineage: (TA:) and مُجَابَّةٌ the vying, or contending for superiority, in goodliness, or beauty, (K,) &c., (TA,) and in food: (K:) but [SM says,] I know not whence this addition, respecting food, is derived. (TA. [See, however, what follows, from the A.]) You say, ↓ جَابَّنِى فَجَبَبْتُهُ He vied with me, or contended with me for superiority, and I overcame him. (TA.) And جَابَّتِ المَرْأَةُ صَاحِبَتَهَا حُسْنًا فَجَبَّتْهَا The woman vied, or contended for superiority, with her fellow, and surpassed her in beauty. (TA.) And ↓ جَابَّهُ فِى القِرَى فَجَبَّهُ He vied with him, or contended with him for superiority, in the entertainment of guests, and he overcame him therein. (A.) 4 اجبّ أجاب أجب اجب جاب جب جبى وجب It (camels' milk) had, or produced, what is termed جُبَاب [q. v.]. (K.) 5 تجبّب جب تجبب He clad himself with a جُبَّة [q. v.]. (MA.) [And so, app., ↓ اجتبّ , explained by Golius, on the authority of Ibn-Maaroof, as signifying He put on a vest, or tunic.] 8 إِِجْتَبَ3َ see 1, in three places: -A2- and see also 5. R. Q. 1 جَبْجَبَ جبجب He dealt, or trafficked, in جَبَاجِب [pl. of جُبْجُبَةٌ, q. v.]. (TA.) R. Q. 2 تَجَبْجَبَ تجبجب i. q. اِتَّشَقَ; (S, TA;) i. e. He prepared what is called جُبْجُبَة: (TA:) or he put what is called خَلْع into a جُبْجُبَة [q. v.]. (AZ, TA.) جُبٌّ جب A well: (A, K:) or a well not cased with stone or the like: (S, A, Msb, K:) or a well containing much water: or a deep well: (A, K:) or of some other description: (A:) or a well in a good situation with respect to pasture: or one that people have found; not one that they have dug: (K:) or a well that is not deep: (Lth, TA:) or a well that is wide, or ample: (ElKilábeeyeh, TA:) or a well that is cut through rock, or smooth rock, or stones, or smooth stones, or hard and smooth and large stones: (Aboo- Habeeb, TA:) of the masc. gender; (Msb, TA;) [not fem. like بِئْرٌ;] or masc. and fem.: (Fr, Msb:) pl. [of pauc.] أَجْبَابٌ (Msb, K.) and [of mult.] جِبَابٌ and جِبَبَةٌ. (S, Msb, K.) ― -b2- A well that is dug wherein a grape — vine is planted; like as one is dug for the shoot of a palm — tree: pl. جِبَابٌ. (ISh, TA.) ― -b3- The inside of a well, from its bottom to its top, whether cased with stone or the like or not. (Sh, TA.) ― -b4- The جُرْن of a well [app. meaning A hollowed stone, or stone basin, for water, placed at the mouth of a well: or, perhaps, a hollowed stone placed over the mouth; for many a well has such a stone, forming a kind of parapet]. (Zeyd Ibn-Kuthweh, TA.) -A2- [A kind of leathern bag;] a مَزَادَة of which one part is sewed to another, (K, TA,) wherein they used to prepare the beverage termed نَبِيذ, until, by use, it acquired strength for that purpose; mentioned in a trad., forbidding the use of it; and also called ↓ مَجْبُوبَةٌ . (TA.) -A3- The spathe, or envelope, of the spadix, or flowers, of the palmtree; also called جُفٌّ: the former word was unknown to A'Obeyd: both occur, accord. to different readings, in a trad., where it is said that a charm contrived to bewitch Mohammad was put into the جُبّ, or جُفّ, of a طَلْعَة: accord. to Sh, (TA,) it means the inside of a طَلْعَة [which latter here app. signifies, as it does in some other instances, the spathe, not the spadix, of a palmtree]; (K, TA;) in like manner as the inside of a well, from its bottom to its top, is called جُبّ: the pl. is جِبَابٌ. (TA.) Hence the well-known prov., جِبَابٌ فَلَا تَعَنَّ أَبْرًا [They are merely envelopes of the flowers of palm-trees; therefore weary not thyself to effect fecundation]; applied to a man in whom is little or no good; meaning he is like the spathes of the palm-tree in which are no flowers; therefore weary not thyself by attempting to make him good; لَا تَعَنَّ being for لَا تَتَعَنَّ. (MF.) جُبَّةٌ جب جبه جبة A well-known garment [or coat], (Msb, K, TA,) of the kind of those called مُقَطَّعَات: (TA:) accord. to ' Iyád, a garment cut out and sewed: accord. to Ibn-Hajar and others, a double garment quilted with cotton; or, sometimes, if of wool, a single garment, not quilted with anything: (MF:) [most probably not so much resembling the modern garment more generally known by the same name (for a description and representation of which see my “ Modern Egyptians, ” ch. i.,) as a kind of جُبَّة still worn in Northern Africa, described in this Lexicon voce مِدْرَعَةٌ: accord. to Golius, “ tunica ex panno gossipino, cui pallium seu toga imponitur, cum subductitio panno et intercedente gossipio punctim consuta: Italis consona voce giuppa: si ita cum gossipio consuta non sit, دُرَّاعَةٌ tunica illa gossipina dicitur: ”] pl. جُبَبٌ (Msb, K) and جِبَابٌ. (S, K.) ― -b2- I. q. دِرْعٌ [A coat of mail; or any coat of defence]: (K:) pl. جُبَبٌ. (TA.) Er-Rá'ee says, “ لَنَا جُبَبٌ وَأَرْمَاحٌ طِوَالٌ
بِهِنَّ نُمَارِسُ الحَرْبَ الشَّطُونَا
” [We have coats of mail, or of defence, and long spears: with them we ply distant war]. (TA.) -A2- The part of a spear-head into which the shaft enters: (S, K:) and the ثَعْلَب is the part of the spear-shaft that enters into the head. (TA.) ― -b2- [In the TA, جُبَّةُ الرُّمْحِ is also explained as meaning ما دخل من السنان فيه The part of the spearhead that enters into the shaft: but it seems that من has been inserted here by a mistake of the copyist; and that the true meaning intended is the part of the spear-shaft into which the head enters; though in general the shaft enters into the head.] ― -b3- The part in which is the مُشَاشَة [q. v.] of a horn. (Zeyd Ibn-Kuthweh, TA.) ― -b4- The حِجَاج [or bone that surrounds the cavity (see art. حج)] of the eye. (K.) ― -b5- The contents (حَشْو) of the solid hoof: or the horny box (قَرْن) of the solid hoof: or the joint between the ساق [which seems to mean here, as it does in many other instances, the hind shank,] and the thigh: (K:) or the shank-joint of a horse or the like (مَوْصِلُ الوَظِيفِ [commonly applied, as in the S and K voce رُسْغ, to the upper extremity of the pastern, i. e. the fetlock-joint, which seems to be the meaning intended in this instance,]) in the ذِرَاع [which here app. means the fore leg, not the arm]: or, accord. to As, the part where the وظيف [or shank] is set into the hoof: (S:) or the part of the رسغ [or pastern], of a horse, where the وظيف [or shank] joins upon the حَوْشَب [which seems here to mean the upper pasternbone]: or, as AO says, the part where a horse's وظيف joins to the upper part of the حوشب: or, as he says in another place, the place where each tibia and hind shank, of a horse, meet; [the hockjoint;] expl. by ملتقى ساقيه ووظيفى رجليه: and the place of junction of any two bones, except in the back-bone. (TA.) ― -b6- Accord. to Lth, Whiteness of the بطانية [a word which I have not found anywhere but in this instance] of a horse or similar beast, extending to the hairs that surround the hoof. (TA.) جَبَبٌ جبب جبة A cutting off of the hump of a camel: (K:) or a cutting in the hump of a camel: (TA:) [or the state of having the hump cut off; as seems to be indicated in the S:] or an erosion of the hump of a camel, by the saddle, so that it does not grow large. (K, TA.) -A2- See also

 2. جُبَبٌ جبب جبة Butter, or what is produced by churning, of camels' milk; like as زُبْد is what is produced by churning of cows' or sheep's or goats' milk: (Msb in art. زبد:) what rises upon the surface, (T, S,) or what has collected together [or coagulated], (K,) of the milk of camels, resembling زُبْد, (T, S, K,) which camels' milk has not: (S, K:) when a camel shakes about a skin of camels' milk, suspended to him, what is termed جباب collects at the mouth of the skin. (T.) جَبُوبٌ جبوب The earth, (Lh, K,) in general; (Lh;) sometimes written جَبُوبُ, as a proper name, without the article, and imperfectly decl., like شَعُوبُ: (TA:) so called because it is cut, i. e. dug; or because it cuts, i. e. dissunders, the bodies of those buried in it: (Suh, TA:) and hence ↓ جَبَّانٌ and ↓ جَبَّانَةٌ , signifying a burial-ground; from الجَبُّ and الجَبُوبُ; accord. to Kh; but others derive these two words from جبن: (TA:) or rugged land: (As, S, K:) or hard or rugged land, composed of rock, not of soil: (IAar, TA:) or earth, or dust: (Lh, K:) or the surface of the earth; (ISh, S, K;) whether plain or rugged or mountainous: (ISh:) a word without a pl.: (S:) also coarse, or big, lumps or clods of clay or mud; or of dry, or tough, or cohesive, clay or mud; plucked from the surface of the ground: (TA:) or crumbled clods of clay or mud; or of dry, or tough, or cohesive, clay or mud: (IAar, TA:) and with ة, a lump, or clod, of clay or mud; or of dry, or tough, or cohesive, clay or mud. (K.) جِبَابِىٌّ جب جبابى جبابي جبة : see what next follows. جُبِّىٌّ جب جبى جبي جبيي [app. a contraction of جُبَبِىٌّ], or ↓ جِبَابِىٌّ A seller of جِبَاب [pl. of جُبَّةٌ, q. v.]. (K.) جَبَّانٌ جب جبان : see جَبُوبٌ; and see art. جبن. جَبَّانَةٌ جبان جبانه جبانة : see جَبُوبٌ; and see art. جبن. جَبْجَبَةٌ جبجبه جبجبة : see what next follows, in two places. جُبْجُبَةٌ جبجبه جبجبة , (S,) or ↓ جَبْجَبَةٌ , (A,) or both, (K,) and جَبَاجِبُ [which is the pl.], (L, TA,) The stomach of a ruminant animal * (S, A, K, TA) in which خَلْع [q. v.] is put, (S, TA,) i. e., (TA,) in which is put flesh-meat cut in pieces; (K, TA;) or in which is put flesh-meat to be used as provision in travelling; (TA;) or in which melted grease (S, K) is collected (S) or put: (K:) or the skin of the side of a camel, cut out in a round form, in which is prepared flesh-meat, (K, TA,) such as is called وَشِيقَة, (TA,) which is flesh-meat that is boiled once, and then cut into strips, and dried, or salted and sun-dried; the most lasting of all provision [of the kind]: (S, TA:) or the first and second both signify tripe; in Persian, شكنبه or إِِشْكَنْبَه. (MA.) A coward is likened to a جبجبة in which خلع is put; because of his turgidness and his little profitableness. (TA.) ― -b2- Also, the first, A vessel, or receptacle, made of skin, in which water is given to camels, and in which one macerates هَبِيد [i. e. colocynths, or the pulp thereof, or the seeds thereof]. (TA.) ― -b3- And A basket, (S, K, TA,) of small size, (TA,) made of skins, (S, K, TA,) in which dust, or earth, is removed: (S, TA:) or, accord. to Kt, it is [↓ جَبْجَبَةٌ ,] with fet-h: (TA:) pl. جَبَاجِبُ. (S.) ― -b4- And A drum: pl. جَبَاجِبُ [which is explained in the K as meaning “ a drum ” instead of “ drums ”]: as in the saying, ضُرِبَتْ عَلَى بَابِهِ الجَبَاجِبُ [The drums were beaten at his door]. (A.) جُبْجُبِىٌّ جبجبى جبجبي A tripe-seller. (Golius from Meyd. [See جُبْجُبَةٌ.]) جُبْجُبِيَّةٌ جبجبيه جبجبية Food made with tripe; in Persian, شِكَنْبَهْ وَا; (Golius from Meyd;) in Turkish, سُخْتُو شورباسى. (MA.) أَجَبُّ  A camel having his hump cut off: (S, K:) or having his hump cut off: (S, K:) or having his hump eroded by the saddle, so that it does not grow large: (K:) or having no hump: (A, TA:) fem. جَبَّآءُ. (A, K.) ― -b2- And [hence,] the fem., (tropical:) A woman not having [prominent] buttocks: (K:) or i. q. رَسْحَآءُ [i. e. having small buttocks sticking together; or having little flesh in her posteriors and things]: (ISh, TA:) or whose bosom and breasts have not become large: (K:) or whose breast has not become large: (Sh, TA:) or small in the breast; from the same epithet applied to a she-camel; (A;) for a woman having small breasts is like the camel that has no hump: (TA:) or having no thighs; (K;) i. e. having lean thighs; as though having no thighs. (TA.) Also, the masc., (assumed tropical:) A pubes having little flesh. (TA.) ― -b3- [Hence, also,] الأَجَبُّ i. q. الفَرْجُ [as meaning The pudendum muliebre]; (K;) from the same word as applied to a camel [having no hump]. (TA.) مَجَبَّةُ مجبه مجبة The middle, or main part, (جَادّة,) of a road. (S.) مُجَبَّبٌ مجبب A horse in which the [whiteness termed] تَحْجِيل reaches to the knee and the hock; (S;) [i. e.] in which the whiteness [of the lower part of the leg] reaches to the knee and the hock or the knees and the hocks: (TA:) or in which the تحجيل reaches to his knees: (Lth, TA:) or in which the whiteness rises to [the extent of] what is termed الجَبَبُ; (K, TA;) or more than this, [perhaps a mistake of a copyist for less than this,] so as not to reach to the knees: or in which the whiteness reaches to the hairs that surround his hoof. (TA.) ― -b2- بِئْرٌ مُجَبَّبَةٌ الجَوْفِ A well having in the middle a part wider than the rest, hollowed out like a cupola. (Fr, TA.) مَجْبُوبٌ مجبوب Having the genitals, (Msb,) or the testicles (S, * Mgh, TA) and the penis, (Mgh,) cut off entirely, or extirpated: (S, * Mgh, Msb, TA:) or having the penis cut off. (TA.) مَجْبُوبَةٌ 1 : see جُبُّ. Credit: Lane Lexicon