الشَّىْءَ , aor
ضَغَثَ , inf. n.
He collected
together the thing: whence
ضِغْثٌ signifying “ a handful of herbs &c. ” (Msb.)
See also 2. ― -b2- And [hence,]
الحَدِيثَ, (A, K,) aor. as above, (K,) and so the
inf. n., (S,) (tropical:)
He confused, or
confounded, [or
related in a confused manner,]
the tradition, or
story, or
the like.
(S, A, K) ― -b3- And
الثَّوْبَ (tropical:)
He washed the garment, or piece of cloth,
without cleansing it, (O, K, TA,)
so that it
remained in a dubious state. (TA.)
السَّنَامَ, aor. as above, (K,) and so the inf. n.,
He felt the camel's hump in order to know
whether it were fat or not: (S, K:) and
ضَغَثَهَا he felt her [i. e. a she-camel]
for that purpose. (TA.) -A3-
ضَغَثَ, accord. to the K, [and the O, as on the
authority of Fr,] is also said of a
وَرَل, meaning
It uttered a cry: but this is
correctly with
ب [i. e.
ضَغَبَ]. (TA.) 2
النَّبَاتَ He made the plants, or
herbage, what are termed
أَضْعَاث [pl. of
ضِعْثٌ]. (A, TA.) ― -b2- [Hence,]
رَأْسَهُ (assumed tropical:)
He poured water upon
his head, and then divided the hair with his fingers
into separate handfuls, in order that the water might
reach to the skin. (L, TA.) [But see what follows.]
It is said in a trad. of 'Áïsheh,
رَأْسَهَا, (TA,) or
رأسها ↓
تَضْغَثُ , (so in the JM,) meaning
She used
to rub about the hair of her head with her hand, in
washing, as though mixing it together, in order that the
water with which she washed might enter into it.
(TA.) 4
الرُّؤْيَا , said of a dreamer,
He related the dream confusedly. (A,
TA.) 8
ضِغْثًا He collected a handful of
herbage, fresh and dry mixed together. (K.)
ضَغْثٌ The state
of a thing's being
confused, one part with another. (TA.)
ضِغْثٌ A handful of herbs, (AHn, S,
A, Mgh, Msb, K,)
mixed together, (S, A, Msb, K,)
fresh and dry: (S, Msb, K:) or
a handful of
twigs of trees or
shrubs; (Mgh, * Msb;) or
of fruit-stalks of the raceme of a palm-tree: (Mgh,
Msb:) originally,
a number of twigs all having one
root or
stem: and afterwards applied to
what is collected together: (Msb:) or
a thing
that one collects together, such as a bundle of [
species of trefoil called]
رَطْبَة; and
of what has a stem, and grows tall:
(Fr, TA:) or
whatever is collected together, and
grasped with the hand: (AHeyth, TA:) or
a bundle
of herbs mixed together; or
of firewood: pl.
أَضْغَاثٌ. (TA.) In the Kur xxxviii. 43, it is said
to mean
A bundle of rushes (
so in the Mgh and the O, in my copy of the Msb
اثل [which I think a mistranscription, on account of
what follows]),
a hundred in number, (O, Msb,)
consisting of slender stalks without leaves, (Mgh,
whereof mats are made. (Msb.) See also a
prov. cited and expl. voce
إِِلَالَةٌ. Hence, in a trad.,
نَارٍ, meaning (tropical:)
Two bundles of lighted
firewood. (TA.) And, in another trad.,
الضِّغْثَ, meaning (assumed tropical:)
Among them
is he who obtains somewhat of worldly goods. (TA.) ―
-b2- Also (assumed tropical:)
What is confused, and
without truth, or
reality, [of dreams, and]
of news, or tidings, and of an affair. (Sh, TA.)
أَحْلَامٍ, [occurring in the Kur xii. 44 and xxi.
5,] of which the sing. is
حُلْمٍ, (Msb,) means (tropical:)
Complications of
dreams; (A;) or
medleys of dreams, falsely
resembling true dreams: (O, Msb:) or
a dream of
which the interpretation will not prove true, because of
its confusedness: (ISh, S, K:) or
a false dream;
the pl. form being used to give emphasis to the meaning
of unreality, or because the phrase comprehends various
things: (Bd in xii. 44:) or
الرُّؤْيَا means
the terrors, or
things, of the dream. (Mujáhid, O, TA.) One says
الأَخْبَارِ, meaning (tropical:)
He brought us
sorts of news, or
ضِغْثٌ means also (assumed tropical:)
A deed that
is of a mixed kind, not pure, or
not sincere.
(IAth and O, from a trad.) And
ضِغْثٌ (assumed tropical:)
Speech in which is no
good: pl.
أَضْغَاثٌ. (TA.)
ضَغُوثٌ , applied to a she-camel,
i. q.
ضَبُوثٌ; (S, K;) i. e.
Of which one doubts
whether she be fat, and which one therefore feels with
his hand; (S;) or
of which one feels the hump, in
order to know whether she be fat or not: pl.
ضُغْثٌ. (TA.) And A camel's hump
of which one
doubts whether it be fat or not. (Kr, TA.)
ضَغِيثَةٌ A confused company of
men. (O.)
ضَاغِثٌ One
who hides himself in a
thicket or
the like, and frightens boys by a
sound reiterated in his fauces: (S:) the author of
the K, following Sgh in the TS and O, and Az in the T,
says that this is a mistake, and that the word is
correctly written with
ب [i. e.
ضَاغِبٌ]; but IF and IM and others write it as in
the S. (TA.)
تَضْغِيثٌ Rain that moistens the earth
and the herbage. (K.)Credit:
Lane Lexicon