سَالَ , aor.
يَسَالُ, (Akh, and S, M, Msb, K, all in art.
سأل,) like
خَافَ, aor.
يَخَافُ, (Msb and K ibid.,) first pers. pret.
سِلْتُ, [like
خِفْتُ,] (Sb, M in the present art., [in the K in this art., erroneously,
سَلْتُ,]) and aor.
أَسَالُ, (Sb, M and K in this art.,) imperative
سَلْ, (S, Msb, K, TA, all in art.
سأل,) dual
سَلَا, and pl.
سَلُوا, these two being irregular, (Msb in that art.,) inf. n.
سُوَالٌ, (M and K in the present art.,) mentioned by Sb and by Th, (M
ibid.,) and
سِوَالٌ, (M and K ibid.,) mentioned by Th, (M ibid.,) i. q.
سَأَلَ [He asked, &c.], (Akh, and S, M, Msb, K, all in art.
سأل,) and
سَأَلْتُ; a dial. var. of the verb with
أ, (Sb, M and K in the present art.,) the medial radical being originally
و, (M and K ibid.,) not a substitute for
أ, (M ibid.) as is shown by the phrase
هُمَايَتَسَاوَلَانِ, (M and K ibid.,) mentioned by AZ: (M ibid.:) it is of
the dial. of Hudheyl. (TA in art.
سأل.) [For the pass. (سِيلَ
&c.), see
سَأَلَ.] A certain elegant scholar says, “
” i. e. [Hudheyl] asked of the Apostle of God as a thing wished for
[something beyond measure evil]: it is not from
سَأَلَ, [i. e. it is originally
سَوِلَ, not formed from
سَأَلَ by the substitution of
ا for
أ,] as many of the elegant scholars say. (Er-Rághib, TA.) -A2-
سَوِلَ, (M, K,) [aor.
يَسْوَلُ,] inf. n.
سَوَلٌ, (M,) He, or it, was, or became, lax, flaccid,
or uncompact; or it hung down loosely; was, or became, pendent,
or pendulous: (M, K:) [or, said of a man, he was, or became,
flaccid, or pendulous, in the belly, or in the part of the belly
below the navel; as appears from an explanation of
أَسْوَلُ and from what here follows:]
سَوَلٌ, (S, TA,) in the K, erroneously, ↓
سَوْلَة , (TA,) signifies flaccidity, or uncompactness, or
pendulousness, (S, K, TA,) of the belly, (K,) and so ↓
تَسَوُّلٌ and
تَسَوُّنٌ, (TA,) or of the part of the belly below the navel; (S, TA;) and
of other things, (K, TA,) as, for instance, (TA,) of a cloud also. (S, TA.) 2
أَمْرًا , (S,) or
كَذَا, (M, K,) or
الشَّىْءَ, (Msb,) inf. n.
تَسْوِيلٌ, (TA,) His soul embellished [or commended] to him
(S, M, Msb, * K) a thing, or an affair, (S,) or such a thing,
(M, K,) or the thing: (Msb:) or made it [to appear] easy
to him, and a light matter in his eyes; from
سَوَلٌ signifying “ laxness ” or the like: (Bd in xii. 18:) the inf. n.
signifies the embellishing, a thing, and making it to be loved
or approved, in order that one may do it or say it: (TA:) or the soul's
embellishing a thing that is eagerly desired, and picturing what is
foul thereof as goodly: (Er-Rághib, TA:) and it is said to be from
سُولٌ signifying “ an object of a man's desire, which embellishes to the
seeker thereof that which is false, or vain, and other things of the deceptions
of the present world. ” (TA.) ― -b2- You say also,
كَذَا Such a thing is imaged in the mind to me; is an object of fancy to
me; or seems to me. (L in art.
هد.) ― -b3- And
لَهُ said of the Devil, He led him into error; or made him to err:
(M, K:) or facilitated to him the commission of great sins; from
سَوَلٌ meaning as expl. above in this paragraph: or incited him to
indulgence in appetences, or lusts; from
السُّولُ meaning [by implication]
التَّمَنِّى: (Bd in xlvii. 27:) or [as though meaning] let down his rope
[to him to aid in the accomplishment of his desire]. (Ham p. 748.) 5
تَسَوَّلَ see 5 in art.
سأل: -A2- and 1, last sentence, in the present art. 6
هُمَايَتَسَاوَلَانِ [They two ask, or beg, each other; i.
يَتَسَآءَلَانِ, q. v.]: (M, K:) a phrase mentioned by AZ. (M.)
سُولٌ i. q.
مَسْأَلَةٌ [as signifying A petition; or a request; meaning
a thing that is, or has been, asked, or begged; see
سُؤْلٌ]; (TA;) as also ↓
سُولَةٌ ; (K, TA;) each, (TA,) a dial. var. of the word with ': (K, TA:
[but it is also said in the latter that
سُؤْلٌ is the original of
سُولٌ because the readers of the Kur-án read the word with ' in chap. xx.
verse 36:]) or an object of desire or wish (أُمْنِيَّةٌ),
which one asks; (TA:) or an object of want, which the soul
eagerly desires: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or an object of a man's desire
which embellishes to the seeker thereof that which is false, or vain,
and other things of the deceptions of the present world: but there is a
difference between
سُولٌ and ↓
سُولَةٌ on the one hand and
أُمْنِيَّةٌ on the other hand, in that the former relate to what is sought,
or demanded, and
امنيّة relates to what is meditated (قُدِّرَ);
(TA;) [for] this last primarily signifies “ a thing that a man meditates (يُقَدِّرُهُ)
in his mind, ” from
مَنَى signifying
قَدَّرَ; (Bd in ii. 73;) so that the ↓
سُولَة seems to be after the
أُمْنِيَّة: (TA:)
سُولٌ may be from
كَذَا in the first of the senses assigned to it above, and [from]
سَوَّلَ said of the Devil in the last of the senses assigned to it above.
(Ham p. 748.) [See also
سُوَالٌ, below.]
ذ : see 1, last sentence.
سُولَةٌ : see
سُولٌ, in three places.
سُوَلَةٌ , (M, K,) applied to a man, (M,) One who asks, or
begs, much; (K;) i. q. [سُؤَلَةٌ
سَؤُولٌ. (M.)
ذ an inf. n. of
سَالَ as syn. with
سَأَلَ: (Sb, Th, M, K:) [and used as a simple subst., like
سُولٌ and
سُولَةٌ, for] IJ mentions
أَسْوِلَةٌ as its pl. (M, TA.)
سَوِيلٌ An equal. (M, K.) So in the saying,
الأَمْرِ [I am thy equal in this affair]. (M.)
أَسْوَلُ Lax, flaccid, or uncompact; or hanging down
loosely; or pendent, or pendulous; in the lower part: (M, K:)
or a man flaccid, or pendulous, in the part of the belly below the
navel: fem.
سَوْلَآءُ: and pl.
سُولٌ. (S.) And
أَسْوَلُ Clouds that are uncompact, (S, TA,) their skirts, or
fringes, hanging down; and in like manner,
سُولٌ; sing.
سَولَآءُ. (TA.) And
سَوْلَآءُ A large bucket. (M, K. *) Credit:
Lane Lexicon