1 بَرِحَ برح is syn. with زَالَ [in two senses; i. e. as an attributive verb, and also as a non-attributive verb; as will be shown by what follows]. (S, A, Mgh.) [Using it as an attributive verb,] you say, لَا أَبْرَحُ حَتَّى تَقْضِىَ حَاجَتِى I will not go away, or depart, or withdraw, (لَا أَزُولٌ, and لَا أَتَنَحَّىِ,) until thou accomplish my want: from بَرِحَ المَكَانُ, inf. n. بَرَاحٌ, he went away, or departed, from the place; syn. زَالَ مِنْهُ: and to be distinguished from the phrase in the Kur [xviii. 59, similar as to words,] mentioned below. (Mgh.) You say, بَرِحَ مَكَانَهُ, (S, A, L, K,) aor. بَرَحَ , (K,) inf. n. بَرَاحٌ (S, L, K) and بُرُوحٌ (L, TA, and Ham p. 250) and بَرَحٌ, (L,) or بَرْحٌ, (as in a copy of the TA,) He went away, or departed, from his place; (S, L, K, and Ham ubi suprŕ;) and he became in the بَرَاح [or wide, uncultivated, or uninhabited, tract]. (S, L, K.) And مَا بَرِحَ مَكَانَهُ He did not quit his place. (Msb.) And بَرِحَ [alone], aor. بَرَحَ , inf. n. بَرَاحٌ, It (a thing) went away, or departed, (زَالَ,) from its place; (Msb;) as also ↓ تبرّح . (L.) In the phrase لَا بَرَاحَ [There is, or shall be, no quitting of place, or going away, or departing], the noun is in the accus. case, as in لَا رَيْبَ: but it is allowable to put it in the nom. case, so that لا is used in the manner of لَيْسَ; (S, K;) as in the following saying of Saad Ibn-Málik, [in the TA, in one place, Ibn-Náshib,] in a poem of which the rhyme is with refa, (S, IAth,) alluding to El-Hárith Ibn-'Abbád, who had withdrawn himself from the war of Teghlib and Bekr the sons of Wáďl: (IAth, TA:) “ فَأَنَا ابْنُ قَيْسٍ لَا بَرَاحُ مَنْ فَرَّعَنْ نِيرَانِهَا
” [Whoso fleeth from its fires, (i. e. نِيرَانِ الحَرْبِ the fires of the war,) let him do so: but as for me, I am the son of Keys: to me there is not, or shall not be, any quitting of place]. (S, IAth. [See also Ham p. 250, where, for مَن فَرَّ, we find مَنْ صَدَّ whoso turneth away.]) [Hence,] بَرِحَتِ الرِّيحُ بِالتُّرَابِ The wind carried up, raised, or swept up and scattered, [lit. went away with,] the dust. (Msb.) [Hence also, accord. to some,] بَرِحَ الخَفَآءُ, (T, S, K, &c.,) and بَرَحَ, (Ibn-ElLihyánee, Z, and TA, [thus written in a copy of the A,]) (tropical:) The state of concealment departed, or ceased: or (tropical:) what was in a state of concealment became apparent; from بَرَاحٌ meaning “what is open and apparent” of land: or (tropical:) what I was concealing became apparent: (T, TA:) or (tropical:) the affair, or case, became manifest, (S, A, K,) and its concealment ceased, (A,) [or] as though the secret departed, and ceased: (S:) or, as some say, (assumed tropical:) the secret became apparent: (TA in art. خفى:) or, lit., the low ground became high and apparent; meaning (assumed tropical:) what was concealed became revealed: (Har pp. 133—4:) the first who said it was Shikk the Diviner. (IDrd, TA.) ― -b2- [Using it as a non-attributive verb,] you say, لَا أَبْرَحُ أَفْعَلُ ذٰلِكَ I will not cease, or I will continue, (لَا أَزَالُ,) to do that: (S, A: *) and مَا بَرِحَ يَفْعَلُ كَذَا [he ceased not to do thus; or] he persevered in, or kept to, doing thus: (Msb:) and مَا بَرِحَ زَيْدٌ قَائِمًا [Zeyd ceased not to be, or he kept, or continued, standing]: in this case, the verb is of the category of كَانَ; (Mgh;) relates to time; and requires a predicate: and its inf. n. is بَرَاحٌ. (Ham p. 250.) Hence the saying in the Kur [xviii. 59], لَا أَبْرَاحُ حَتَّى أَبْلُغَ مَجْمَعَ البَحْرَيْنِ, but the predicate is suppressed: it may be مَا نَحْنُ فِيهِ كَذٰلِكَ [i. e. I will not cease in that wherein we are thus engaged until I reach the place of meeting of the two seas]: (Mgh:) or it means لَا أَزَالُ أَسِيرُ [I will not cease journeying]: (Bd, Jel:) or لا ابرح here may mean I will not depart (لَا أَزُولُ) from that upon which I am intent, namely journeying and seeking; and I will not relinquish it; so that it does not require the predicate. (Bd. [He gives a third explanation, paraphrastic and strained, which I omit.]) -A2- بَرَحَ, (S, K,) aor. بَرَحَ , (L, TA, [but it is implied in the K that it is بَرُحَ , which is contr. to rule,]) inf. n. بُرُوحٌ, It (a gazelle, S, K, and a bird, and any wild animal, that is hunted or shot, TA) turned its left side towards the spectator, passing by (S, K *) from the direction of his right hand towards that of his left hand: (S:) or passed by from the direction of the spectator's left hand towards that of his right hand: (Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybánee, IF, L, Msb, in art. سنح:) [the former appears to be accord. to the usage of the Hijázees; and the latter, accord. to that of the Nejdees, in general: see بَارِحٌ:] contr. of سَنَحَ. (S.) -A3- بَرَحَ, aor. بَرُحَ , [contr. to rule,] (K,) inf. n. بَرْحٌ, (TA,) He was angry. (K.) When a man has been angry with his companion, one says, مَا أَشَدَّ مَا بَرَحَ عَلَيْهِ [How violently angry was he with him!]. (L.) 2 بَرَّحَتْ بِيَ الحُمَّى برحت بي الحمى برحت بي الحمي The fever affected me with its severity, violence, or sharpness, termed بُرَحَآءُ. (TA.) ― -b2- Hence, (TA,) from بُرَحَآءُ, (S, K,) برّح بِهِ, inf. n. تَبْرِيحٌ, It (an affair, an event, or a case,) affected him severely; afflicted, distressed, or harassed, him: (S, K:) said also of anxiety; or disquietude, or trouble, of mind: (A:) and of a beating, meaning it hurt him severely, or greatly. (Msb.) Also said of a man, meaning He importuned him, or pressed him, with annoyance, or molestation: (A, TA:) he annoyed him, or molested him, by importuning or pressing; as also ↓ ابرح : (TA:) he annoyed him, or molested him, by distressing importunity or pressing: (T, TA:) and he punished, tormented, or tortured, him. (TA.) تَبْرِيحٌ signifies The act of annoying, molesting, or hurting: (Mgh:) and in a trad., (in which it is forbidden, TA,) the killing, or putting to death, in an evil [or a cruel] manner; such as throwing live fish, and lice, into the fire. (Mgh, TA.) -A2- بَرَّحَ اللّٰهُ عَنْكَ May God remove from thee البَرْح [i. e. difficulty, distress, affliction, &c., or the difficulty, &c.]. (A, TA.) 4 ابرحهُ أبرح أبرحه ابرحه ابرحة برح He made him, or caused him, to go away from, depart from, or quit, his place. (A, * L.) -A2- He, or it, pleased, or rejoiced, him; excited his admiration and approval; induced in him wonder, or admiration, and pleasure, or joy. (S, K.) One says also, مَا أَبْرَحَ هٰذَا الأَمْرَ How greatly does this affair, or event, please, or rejoice! how greatly does it excite admiration and approval! or how greatly does it induce wonder, or admiration, and pleasure, or joy! (S.) ― -b2- He treated him with honour, or honoured him, and magnified him: (S, K:) or, as some say, he found him to be generous, or noble. (TA.) ― -b3- He judged him, or it, i. e. a man, (A, TA,) and a horse, (A,) or anything, (TA,) to be excellent, or to excel, (A, TA,) and wondered at, or admired, him, or it. (A.) -A3- ابرح also signifies He exceeded the usual bounds, degree, or mode. (As, S, * TA.) You say, أَبْرَحْتَ كَرَمًا, and لُؤْمًا, (A, TA,) Thou hast done a thing exceeding the usual bounds [in generosity, or nobleness, and in meanness, or ignobleness]; or extravagant; or excessive. (TA.) ― -b2- See also 2. 5 تَبَرَّحَ see 1. بَرْحٌ برح Difficulty, distress, affliction, or adversity; evil, or mischief; (K, TA;) annoyance, molestation, or hurt; severe punishment; trouble, inconvenience, or fatigue; (TA;) a difficult, a distressing, an afflictive, or adverse, and a wonderful, thing or event: (Ham p. 135:) and annoyance, or molestation, by distressing importunity or pressing; a subst. from 2: (T, TA:) and بِنْتُ بَرْحٍ, [and app. اِبْنُ بَرْحٍ also,] a calamity, misfortune, or disaster; or a great, or terrible, thing, affair, or case; (TA;) as also ↓ بِنْتُ بَارِحٍ , and ↓ اِبْنُ بَرِيحٍ ; (K;) pl. بَنَاتُ بَرْحٍ and بَنُو بَرْحٍ. (TA.) [See also تَبْرِيحٌ.] You say, لَقِيتُ مِنْهُ بَرْحًا بَارِحًا I experienced from him, or it, [great] difficulty, distress, affliction, or adversity; [great] annoyance, molestation, or hurt; (S, A, * K; *) a phrase having an intensive signification, (K, TA,) like لَيْلٌ أَلْيَلُ [and لَيْلٌ لَائِلٌ]; and so بَرْحًا مُبَرِّحًا . (TA.) When used as an imprecation, the more approved way is to put the two words in the accus. case: but sometimes they are put in the nom. case; as in the saying of a poet, ↓ بَرْحٌ لَعيْنَكَ بَارِحٌ [May great difficulty, &c., befall thy two eyes!]. (TA.) You say also, لَقِيتُ مِنْهُ بَنَاتِ بَرْحٍ, (S, A,) and بَنِي بَرْحٍ, (S,) I experienced from him, or it, difficulties, distresses, afflictions, or adverse events; and calamities, misfortunes, or disasters: (S:) and, in the same sense, ↓ لقيت منه البِرَحِينَ , and ↓ البُرَحِينَ , (S, K,) and ↓ البَرَحِينَ ; (K;) or, accord. to some copies of the K, ↓ البِرْحَينِ , and ↓ البُرْحَيْنِ , and ↓ البَرْحَيْنِ , as duals; but the former reading is the more correct: (TA:) [MF disapproves of the form بَرَحِينَ, and it is not mentioned in the L; but the dual form بَرْحَيْنِ is there mentioned:] it seems as though the sing. of بَرِحِينَ [or بُرَحِينَ] were بِرَحَةٌ [or بُرَحَةٌ], and that the pl. is formed by the termination ون to compensate for the rejection of the ة, as is virtually the case in أَرَضُونَ; [or because the signification is regarded as that of a personification;] and that the pl. only is used. (L.) It is said in a prov., بِنْتُ بَرْحٍ شَرَكٌ عَلَى رَأْسِكَ [Calamity is, or be, a snare upon thy head]. (TA.) بَرِحٌ برح : see مُبَرِّحٌ. صَرْحَةَ بَرْحَةَ صرحة برحه صرحة برحة , or صَرْحَةً بَرْحَةً, &c.: see art. صرح. بُرْحَةٌ برح برحه برحة The best of anything: (TA:) and [particularly] one of the best of she-camels: (S, K:) or, of he-camels: (T:) pl. بُرَحٌ. (T, S, K.) You say, هٰذِهِ بُرْحَةٌ مِنَ البُرَحِ, (S, K, *) or هُوَ بُرْحَةٌ مِنَ البُرَحِ, (T,) This is a she-camel, (S, K, *) or he is a camel, (T,) of the best of camels. (T, S, K.) بَرْحَي برحى برحي رحى a word that is said when one misses the mark in shooting or casting; like as مَرْحَي is said when one hits the mark. (S, ISd, A, K.) بُرَحَآءُ برحآء Severity, violence, or sharpness, (As, A, TA,) or vehement molestation, (S, K,) of a fever (As, A, S, K) &c.: (S, K:) [a paroxysm; used in this sense by modern physicians:] and vehement distress of mind arising from the oppression caused by inspiration or revelation; such as is said to have affected the Prophet; [but most probably a paroxysm of that species of catalepsy which physicians term ecstasy;] occurring in a trad. (TA.) You say of one suffering from fever, when it is intense, أَصَابَتْهُ البُرَحَآءُ [The paroxysm, or severe fit, has befallen him]. (TA.) البِرَحِينَ البرحين and البُرَحِينَ &c.: see بَرْحٌ بَرَاحٌ براح راح inf. n. of بَرِحَ, q. v.; whence the phrase لَا بَرَاحَ, explained above. (S, L, K.) -A2- A wide, or spacious, tract of land, (S, A, K,) kaving in it no seed-produce nor trees: (S, K:) or land having in it no building nor habitation: (Ham p. 237:) and applied as an epithet to land, signifying wide, or spacious, open, or conspicuous, and having in it no herbage nor habitation: and what is open, uncovered, and wholly apparent, of land: (TA:) or a place having no trees nor other things to cover or conceal it; as though such things had departed; (Mgh;) a place free from trees &c.: (Msb:) or an elevated and open tract of land. (Har p. 134.) ― -b2- حَبِيلُ بَرَاحٍ is an appellation given to (tropical:) A lion: and (assumed tropical:) a courageous man: as though each of them were bound with ropes, (K, TA,) and did not quit his place. (TA.) -A3- An affair, a thing, or a case, that is plain, evident, or manifest; (K, TA;) or open, or public. (TA.) You say, جَآءَنَا بِالأَمْرِ بَرَاحًا [He told us, or did to us, the thing] plainly [or openly]. (S.) And جَآءَ بِالكُفْرِ بَرَاحًا وَ بِالشَّرِّ صُرَاحًا [He uttered, or committed an act of, infidelity plainly, or openly, and evil, or mischief, unmixedly]. (A, TA.) ― -b2- Counsel, or an opinion, that is disapproved, or deemed evil. (K.) -A4- بَرَاحِ, (El-Mufaddal, S, A, &c.,) and بَرَاحُ, with damm and without tenween, (AZ, El-Mufaddal,) a name of The sun: (S, A, &c.:) determinate [and the former indecl.]: the sun is so called because of the spreading of its light, and its conspicuousness; or, being applied to the sun when it sets, براح means بَارِحَةٌ; like as كَسَابِ, a name applied to a hunting-bitch, means كَاسِبَةٌ. (TA.) You say, دَلَكَتْ بَرَاحِ The sun set [or declined from the meridian]. (A, TA.) For this phrase, occurring at the end of a verse cited by Ktr, Fr reads دَلَكَتْ بِرَاحِ; راح being pl. [or rather a quasi-pl. n.] of رَاحَةٌ, meaning the “hand” [or “palm of the hand”]: (S, TA:) accord. to which reading, the poet means The sun had set, or had declined from the meridian, while they put their hands, or the palms of their hands, over their eyes, looking to see if it had set, or had declined from the meridian: or he who says, دَلَكَتِ الشَّمْسُ بِرَاحِ means the sun had almost set: the two readings بَراح and بِراح are mentioned by A'Obeyd and Az and Hr and Z and others: AZ says, دلكت بِرَاحٍ, with tenween, and بَرَاحٌ, without tenween. (TA.) [See also رَاحَةٌ, in art. روح.] بَرُوحٌ بروح روح : see بَارِحٌ. بَرِيحٌ بريح ريح : see بَارِحٌ. -A2- Also The croaking of the غُرَاب [or crow, of whatever species, as raven, carrion-crow, &c.]. (L.) ― -b2- [Hence,] اِبْنُ بَرِيحٍ: so in the K: in the S, أُمُّ بَرِيحٍ; but IB and Aboo-Zekereeyŕ say that only the former is right: (TA:) [in one copy of the S, however, I find both of these:] The غُرَاب [or crow, as a generic term, applying to the raven, carrion-crow, &c.]: (S, K, &c.:) so called because of its cry: a determinate appellation: for the pl., the expression used is بَنَاتُ بَرِيحٍ. (TA.) ― -b3- See also بَرْحٌ. -A3- قَوْلٌ بَرِيحٌ A saying by which one pronounces a person to have said, or done, right. (L.) بَارِحٌ بارح , (S, K, &c.,) as also ↓ بَرُوحٌ and ↓ بَرِيحٌ , (K,) applied to a gazelle, (S,) or what is hunted or shot, (K, TA,) of gazelles and birds and wild animals [in general], (TA,) Turning his left side towards the spectator, (S,) passing from the direction of the right hand of the latter towards the direction of his left hand: (S, K:) or turning his right side towards the spectator, passing from the direction of the latter's left hand towards that of his right: (Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybánee, IF, A, * L, Msb, * in art. سنح:) contr. of سَانِحٌ: (S, * TA:) pl. بَوَارِحُ. (L in art. سنح.) The Arabs [who apply the epithet in the latter sense] regard the بارح as an evil omen, and the سانح as a good omen; because one cannot shoot at the former without turning himself: (S:) but some of them hold the reverse: (Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybánee and L in art. سنح:) the people of Nejd hold the سانح to be a good omen; but sometimes a Nejdee adopts the opinion of the Hijázee [which is the contrary]. (IB in that art.) The first of these epithets is also applied to a bird as meaning Inauspicious; ill-omened. (A.) It is said in a prov., مَنْ لِى بِا لسَّانِحِ بَعْدَ البَارِحِ (TA) i. e. [Who will be responsible to me] for a fortunate, or lucky, event, after an unfortunate, or unlucky? (K in art. سنح:) applied in the case of a man's doing evil, and its being said, “He will at a future time do good to thee:” originally said by a man on the occasion of gazelles' passing before him in the manner of such as are termed بَارِحَة, and its being said to him, “They will present themselves to thee in the manner of such as are termed سَانحَة.” (TA.) And in another prov. it is said, إِِنَّمَا هُوَ كَبَارِحِ الأَرْوَى [It, or he, is only like the mountain-goat passing in the manner of such as is termed بارح]: for it dwells on the tops of the mountains, and men scarcely ever see it passing with the right or left side towards them save once in the course of ages: (S, K:) applied in the case of an extraordinary occurrence: (K:) [or in the case of a benefit conferred by a man who very rarely confers benefits on others: (Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 35:)] or when a man has delayed, or been tardy in, visiting [but has come at last]. (TA.) ― -b2- Hence, فِتْلَةٌ بَارِحَةٌ i. q. شَزْرَةٌ [i. e. (tropical:) A manner of twisting contrary to that which is usual: see شَزَرَ]. (A.) ― -b3- And هٰذِهِ فَعْلةٌ بَارِحَةٌ (tropical:) This is an action that has not happened rightly. (A.) ― -b4- [Hence,] بِنْتُ بَارِحٌ: and [perhaps] لَقِيتُ مِنْهُ بَرْحًا بَارِحًا: and بَرْحٌ لِعَيْنَكَ بَارِحٌ: see بَرْحٌ. ― -b5- [And hence, perhaps, because of its evil effect; or because it comes, accord. to some, from the left, i. e. northerly direction, or, accord. to others, from the right, i. e. southerly direction; or] from بَرْحٌ as signifying “a difficult, a distressing, an afflictive, or adverse, and a wonderful, thing, or event;” (Ham p. 135;) بَارِحٌ signifies also A hot wind: (S:) or a hot wind in the صَيْفٌ [i. e. summer or spring]: (K:) or a hot wind coming from the direction of El-Yemen: (Ham p. 135:) or a wind that carries up, raises, or sweeps up and scatters, the dust: (Msb:) pl. بَوارِحُ: (S, K, &c.:) or the بوارح are hot north, or northerly, winds in the صَيْف: (AZ, Az, S:) this Az found to be the sense in which the term was used by the Arabs in his time: (TA:) or violent winds that carry with them the dust by reason of their violence: (TA:) or this name (the pl.) was given by the Arabs to all winds in the time of the stars of the قَيْظ [or summer]: they mostly blow in the time of the stars of Libra; [app. meaning when Libra is on, or near, the meridian at nightfall, agreeably with a statement in modern Arabic almanacs, that the periods of the beginning and end of the winds thus called are the 30th of May and the 9th of July;] and these winds are what are termed the سَمَائِم [pl. of سَمُومٌ]. (Ibn-Kunáseh, TA.) ― -b6- البَوَارِحُ is also said by some to signify الأَنْوَآءُ [pl. of نَوْءٌ, q. v.]; as mentioned by AHn; but he repels their assertion. (TA.) البَارِحَةُ البارحه البارحة بارح بارحة The next, or nearest, past, or preceding, night; yesternight: (S, A, Mgh, * Msb, * K:) from بَرِحَ signifying زَالَ [“he, or it, went away” &c.]. (S, A.) [In modern Arabic, Yesterday; as also البَارِح.] It has no dim. formed from it. (Sb, in S, in art. أمس; and TA.) You say, لَقِيتُهُ البَارِحَة [I met, or met with, him, or it, last night, or yesternight]: and لَقِيتُهُ البَارِحَةَ الأُولَي [I met, or met with, him, or it, the night before last; this being the sense in which the phrase is now used by the learned: but the vulgar expression is أَوَّل البَارِحَة, generally pronounced أَوَّل اَمْبَارِحَهْ or أَوَّل اَمْبَارِحْ, agreeably with a peculiarity of the dial. of the people of El-Yemen, or of Teiyi and Himyer, by the substitution of اَمْ for اَلْ: see art. ام]. (S) From daybreak to the time when the sun declines from the meridian, one says, رَأَيْتُ اللَّيْلَةَ فِى مَنَامِى [I saw to-night in my sleep (such a thing)]; but when the sun has declined, one says, رَأَيْتُ البَارِحَةَ [I saw last night, or yesternight]: (AZ, Th: [and the like is said in the Mgh and Msb:]) or one says, كَانَ كَذَا وَ كَذَا اللَّيْلَةَ [Such and such things happened to-night] until the sun is somewhat high and the day has become bright; but after this, one says, كَانَ البَارِحَةَ [It happened last night, or yesternight]. (Yoo, Seer.) The Arabs say, “ مَا أَشْبَهَ اللَّيْلَةَ بِا لبَارِحَةِ
How like is this night wherein we are to the former night that has departed! (TA:) [or, this night to yesternight!]: originally occurring in a poem of Tarafeh: used as meaning “how like is the child to the father!” and applied to [any] two things resembling each other. (Har p. 667.) أَبْرَحُ  is formed [from بَرَحَ for بَرَّحَ] by the rejection of the added letter: [for a word of this kind is regularly formed only from an unaugmented triliteral-radical verb:] or it is like أَحْنَكُ, having no proper verb. (L.) You say, هٰذَا أَبْرَحُ عَلَىَّ مِنْ ذَاكَ (A, * L, Msb *) This is more difficult, distressing, or afflicting, to me than that. (L, Msb. *) And هٰذَآ الأَمْرُ أَبْرَحُ مِنْ هٰذَا This affair, event, or case, is more difficult, or distressing, than this. (S.) And قَتَلُوهُمْ أَبْرَحَ قَتْلٍ [They slew them with a most severe slaughter]. (S.) تَبْرِيحٌ تبريح [inf. n. of 2, used as a simple subst.,] is said by some to be sing. of تَبَارِيحُ, and has been used as such by post-classical authors, but is not of established authority: accord. to others, the latter has no sing.: (MF:) the pl. signifies Difficulties, distresses, afflictions, or adversities: [see also بَرْحٌ:] or the difficulties, or obligations, incurred by troublesome, or inconvenient, means of obtaining subsistence: (TA:) and تَبَارِيحُ الشَّوْقِ the burning, or fierce burning, [or the burnings, &c.,] of the yearning, or longing, of the soul, or of longing desire. (S, K.) أنَا مُبَرَّحٌ بِى  I am importuned, or pressed, with annoyance, or molestation. (A, TA.) [See the verb (2).] مُبَرِّحٌ مبرح and ↓ بَرِحٌ , applied to an affair, an event, or a case, signify the same; (K, TA;) i. e. Severe, afflicting, distressing, or harassing: (TA:) and the former, to a beating, (S, A, Mgh, TA,) meaning the same; (TA;) or hurting (S, Mgh) severely: (S:) and to a man, meaning annoying, or molesting, by importuning, or pressing. (TA.) [See 2.] لَقِيتُ مِنْهُ بَرْحًا مُبَرِّحًا: see بَرْحٌ. يَبْرُوحٌ يبروح , (K,) thus correctly written, with the ى before the ب; [not بيروح, as in the CK; in Chald. יַבְרוּחַ , the word corresponding to the sing. of the Hebr. דּוּרָאִים in Gen. xxx. 14 and 16, accord. to the paraphrase of Onkelos;] or يَبْرُوحٌ صَنَمِىٌّ [the idol-like يبروح]; (TA;) The root, or lower part, of the wild لُفَّاح [or mandrake, not to be confounded with another plant to which the name of لُفَّاح, q. v., is also applied], (K,) which is known by the names of فَاوَانِيَا and عُودُ الصَّلِيبِ [names now given to the peony], and called by MF تُفَّاحُ البَرِّ, [or the wild apple, but perhaps this is a mistranscription for لُفَّاحُ البَرِّ,] said by him to be an appellation used by the vulgar; (TA;) resembling the form of a man; (K;) and of two sorts, male and female; called by the people of Greece عَبْدُ السَّلَامِ: (TA:) it torpifies, (K,) and strengthens the two appetites [namely that of the stomach and that of the generative organ): (TA:) if ivory is cooked with it for six hours, it renders it soft; and if a part affected by [the disease termed] بَرَش is rubbed with its leaves for a week, (K,) without interruption, (TA,) it removes it without causing ulcers, or sores: (K:) the root of the wild لُفَّاح is the يَبْروح: it has the form of a human being; the male like the male, and the female like the female; and they pretend that he who pulls it up dies; wherefore, when they desire to do so, they tie a dog or some other animal to it. (Kzw, voce لُفَّاح.) Credit: Lane Lexicon