
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.










Lane Lexicon












































































































Root: غ ل ق

Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:

a) Total occurrences: 1

b) No of constructions: 1

The basic perception infolded in the Root, in the words of Ibne Faris [died 1005] is:

 يدلُّ على نُشوبِ شيءٍ في شيء.

That it leads to the perception of sticking fast of a thing in a thing. This would make a thing cleaved with another thing. 

Lane's Lexicon

He went far into the land;

It is said of anything that sticks fast in a thing, and cleaves to it;

Contractedness of the mind or bosom, and paucity of patience.

This Root has been used only once in an episode that contains lessons of universal import for humanity. This occurs in a situation where the point highlighted is that artificial relations conjectured by human beings; without the tacit authority conveyed by Allah the Exalted, can place the sanctity of pious relationship at jeopardy.

Before I quote the Ayah/verbal unitary passage of Qur'aan containing this word, where we will see a respectable lady, apparently charged with emotions swaying her to the point of illicit desire, for reasons and invisible unknown stimuli beyond her control, I would request that we first read the earlier history, so that the sexual aspect therein remains of secondary attention and less highlighted in our brains and feelings.

  • And he who had bought him/Yu'suf in the City Misr [Egypt] said to his wife imperatively:

  • "You make his stay dignified; perhaps he may benefit us or we might affectionately adopt him as son."

  • And this is how We provided a stronghold for Yu'suf in the City [Misr-known by non Arabs as Egypt],

  • And so that We may educate - teach him the skill of perceiving/flesh out the end result/ reality/eventual meanings of the statements/event narrations/dreams.

  • And Allah the Exalted is always dominant upon His decision/command [to make it take effect]

  • But the fact is that most of the people intend not to understand - realize it. [12:21]

  •  Know the fact; when Yu'suf crossed over his strengthen maturity/became fully grown man, Our Majesty had given him wisdom-discriminative intelligence-the capability to judge and decide, and knowledge.

  • Take note; this is acknowledgement reward We award those who conduct moderately, gracefully and generously. [12:22]

The period from childhood to strengthened maturity can well be gauged by everybody and will help perceive the difference and the age of the wife of that Man, a Minister of the Cabinet of King/Ruler of Egypt.

  • Know the incident; [to realize that so called adopted son is never a son] the lady; in whose home he lived since childhood to strengthen maturity, seduced him to elicit him fulfilling her desire.

  • She, in a state of contractedness of mind and heart and paucity of patience, overpowered by emotions, auto locked the doors successively [at least 3 of main hall of house]. Having auto locked from inside all the doors, [but still not finding responsive advances despite securing the area] she said to him: "Now, what is the problem-fear for you/all precautionary measures are taken, come on!".

  • He replied, "I seek refuge in Allah the Exalted;

  • The facts is that He the Exalted is my Sustainer Lord, He the Exalted has made my stay perfectly excellent.

  • Indeed the point that needs to be remembered is that the unjust/distorters of realities-relations-equations-balance never attain prosperous success at the end." [12:23]

This Ayah/Unitary Verbal passage of Grand Qur'aan begins with [wāw], the Recommencing/Conjunction particle. It is a  discourse coordinator, that signals the speaker's identification of an upcoming unit which is coordinate in structure to prior part, and helps the reader/listener keep his attention focused and concentrated.

Verb: Perfect; Third Person; Singular; feminine; active; [Form-III];  ت feminine marker + Suffixed Fronted Object pronoun: Third person; singular; masculine, in accusative state, referring back to Man of strengthened maturity, Yusuf alahissalam. The Form-III structure of Verb will always have a transformative meanings, causative to be noun/active participle. This sentence, independently in isolation, means "she made herself desirous to entice/seduce him".

Relative Pronoun: Singular; feminine. This is the Delayed Subject of the Verb. The Verb, the fronted object and this delayed subject would render the meanings, "That woman [to be identified in the following linking clause for the relative pronoun] made herself desirous to entice/seduce him".

This is a nominal sentence, a linkage clause for the Relative Pronoun-the subject of preceding verb. In case, the Relative Pronoun along with this sentence was not there in the text, even then we would have got the idea that, "she, the wife of that man who had purchased him in his childhood, made herself desirous to entice/ seduce him when he had become a fully matured man".

But here is being narrated. This Verbal Noun/Noun of action denotes narrating/verbally mirroring the episode in the exact manner of its actual happening, displaying the pictures of it clip by clip, image by image, footage so that the activity and actual happening could be visualized by the listener and reader.

Allah, the Exalted narrates the scenes in the Grand Qur'aan with the choice of such words and construction of sentences in such manner that the listener and reader could visualize the actual scene in a manner as if he is observing the actual happening, like watching a replay/repeat telecast for visualization of  the past.

The problem with the translators is that the client of the target language is the focus, and is on the back of their mind/attention, who merely reads the Arabic text from right to left and keep placing the meanings of individual words from left to right to gather a vague idea what is stated in the original text. This causes major translational loss, resulting in blurring the image-footage mirrored therein.

It is the subject of nominal sentence and is the Personal pronoun referring to man, i.e. Yusuf alahissalam who was the object of verb.

: It is a Prepositional phrase + Possessive Phrase relating, not itself, to the predicate of the nominal sentence. Suffixed possessive Feminine pronoun links back to the Relative Pronoun .

Relative pronoun followed by a nominal sentence with elided predicate, which is obvious like the daybreak in the context, is forcing us to realize the gravity of the matter. That, look such an unthinkable, strange and rare incident of sexually enticing a man by an aged lady happened even in that house, where that man from the age of his childhood was brought up with dignity to strengthen maturity under consideration of adopting him as her son, by the same house lady. 

Why and what stimuli [please note that some stimuli is needed to sexually excite to such an extent of paralyzing all rational considerations/ground realities] made her do this, otherwise not ordinarily expected from a woman of her age and status in the society particularly for a man whom she herself brought up from childhood, is not indicated here. Therefore, we can gather at the moment to this extent only "somehow she...".

Please remember that she is the only respectable lady of past whose momentary misconduct/emotional instability in sexual matter has been brought to our notice by Allah, the Exalted. When we read the entire episode we will be shown her moral strength and courage that she records witnesses against her own self.

The verb in Form-I is also transitive. Since the object of verb is plural, therefore, the Form-II verb is not denoting the abundance of action but the state of mind and intensity of desirability in doing the action.

وَرَاوَدَتْهُ الَّتِي هُوَ فِي بَيْتِهَا عَن نَّفْسِهِ وَغَلَّقَتِ الأَبْوَابَ وَقَالَتْ هَيْتَ لَكَ
And she, in whose house he was, sought to seduce him. She closed the doors and said: “Come, you.”

It is quite difficult to do justice and avoid translational loss in the target language what actually is embedded in the original sentence of the parent text. Arabic is the richest language and structuring of sentences can add further richness to the language. First fronting the object of verb and then putting a nominal sentence about that object indicating relationship between the subject and object seldom gets portrayed in the target language.
The above Arabic text is actually video transcription of the scene that we might visualize in minutest details what was happening that day in the privacy of big hall/drawing room of a Minister of Egypt government.
The stress is on that woman, that look, even that woman was swayed away by emotions in whose house and before whose eyes he had become a mature man from a child, and about whom her husband had said to keep him with respect in view of the possibility of adopting him as son.

The act of seducing him is mentioned first. She gets the response of shyness and embarrassed person. Then is the bolting [not merely closing] of doors, which made the location safe for sudden entry by someone from outside.


Verb: Perfect; Third Person; Singular; Feminine; active; [Form-II]; ت feminine marker with added vowel sign for reason of breaking cluster of two vowel-less consonants; Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر- Verbal Noun. (1)12:23=1

       فعل ماضٍ مبني على الفتح/ باب تَفْعِيل + تَاء التانيث الساكنة/الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هِىَ-واحد مؤنث غائب


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