
1 نَهَرَ  , (S, Msb,) aor. نَهَرَ , (Msb,) It (water) ran upon, or along, the ground, (S, TA,) and made for itself a نَهْر [or channel like that of a river]. (S.) See also 10. ― -b2- It (anything, as in one copy of the S, or anything copious, as in another copy of the S and in the TA) ran, or flowed; (S, TA;) as also ↓ استنهر , (S,) or ↓ انتهر . (TA.) ― -b3- It (blood) flowed with force: (Msb:) and ↓ أَنْهَرَ it (blood) flowed (K, TA) like a river: (TA:) and the latter also, it (a vein) flowed and would not stop; (K, TA;) meaning, it flowed like a river; (TA;) as also ↓ انتهر : (Sgh, K, TA:) and ↓ انهر also signifies the same said of the belly; (TA;) or it (the belly) became loose, or relaxed; or it discharged itself; (JK;) as also ↓ انتهر . (JK, K.) -A2- نَهَرَ, (S, K.) aor. نَهَرَ , (K,) inf. n. نَهْرٌ, (TA,) He (a man, S) dug a نَهْر [or channel for a river]: (S, TA:) he made a نَهْر [or river] to run, or flow. (K, TA.) -A3- نَهرَ, inf. n. نَهْرٌ, He made an inroad or incursion, or inroads or incursions, into the territory or territories of enemies, in the day-time. (TA.) -A4- نَهَرَهُ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.,) aor. نَهَرَ , inf. n. نَهْرٌ; (TA;) and ↓ انتهرهُ ; (S, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.;) He chid him; he checked him, restrained him, or forbade him, with rough speech; syn. زَجَرَهُ, (Mgh, Msb, K, and so in a copy of the S,) or زَبَرَهُ, (as in another copy of the S,) بِكَلَامٍ غَلِيظٍ: (Mgh:) be addressed him with chiding speech, (JK, A,) forbidding him from doing evil. (JK. [in the TA, citing the last explanation from the T, عَنْ خَيْرٍ is erroneously put for عَنْ شَرٍّ.]) It is said in the Kur, [xciii. 10,] وَأَمَّا السَّائِلَ فَلَا تَنْهَرْ [And as for the beggar, thou shalt not chide him, or address him with rough speech]. And in a trad., مَنِ انْتَهَرَ صَاحِبَ بِدْعَةٍ مَلَأَ اللّٰهُ قَلْبَهُ أَمْنًا وِإِِيمَانًا وَأَمَّنَهُ اللّٰهُ مِنَ الفَزَعِ الْأَكْبَر [Whoso chideth, or checketh with rough speech, the author of an innovation in religion, God will fill his heart with security and faith, and God will preserve him from the greatest terror]. (TA.) 4 انهر  : see 1. in three places. -A2- (tropical:) He made blood to flow: (S:) or to appear and flow: (K:) or to flow amply and copiously: (Mgh:) or to flow with force: (Msb:) or he poured it forth copiously. (TA.) It is said in a trad., أَنْهِرِ الدَّمَ بِمَا شِئْتَ إِِلَّا مَا كَانَ مِنْ سِنِّ أَوْ ظُفُرٍ [Make thou the blood to flow, &c., with what thou pleasest, except with what is made of a tooth or a talon.] (Mgh, Msb.) The issuing forth of the blood from the place of slaughter is likened to the flowing of water in a river. (TA.) ― -b2- (assumed tropical:) He made it wide; (S, K;) namely, a spear-wound or the like, (S, TA,) or a نَهْر [or channel of a river], as is implied in the K, but in other lexicons as in the S. (TA.) -A3- He was, or became, in day-time: (S, * K, * TA:) he entered upon day-time: (MS:) from النَّهَارُ. (S.) 8 إِِنْتَهَرَ see 1, in five places. 10 إِِسْتَنْهَرَ see 1. ― -b2- It (a river [in the CK النَّهْرَ is put by mistake for النَّهْرُ]) took a place, (JK,) or a settle place, (K,) for its channel. (JK, K.) ― -b3- It (a thing) became wide. (S.) نَهْرٌ  and ↓ نَهَرٌ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) A channel in which water runs: (A, K:) so most say: or the water itself [that runs therein; i. e., a river; a rivulet; a brook; a canal of running water]: (TA:) or a wide channel in which water runs: originally, the water [that runs therein]: (Mgh:) or properly, wide running water: and by a secondary application, which is tropical. (tropical:) the trench or channel [in which it runs]: (Msb, TA *:) pl. [of pauc.] أَنْهُرٌ, (Msb, K,) a pl. of the former, (Msb,) and أَنْهَارٌ, (S, Msb, K,) a pl. of the latter, (Msb,) [but used as a pl. of either, both of pauc. and of mult. and the most common of all the pls.,] and نُهُرٌ, (Msb, and so in some copies of the K,) with two dammehs, a pl. of the former, (Msb,) or نُهْرٌ, (as in some copies of the K and in the TA,) and نُهُورٌ, (IAar, K.) You say, جَرَى النَّهْرُ [The river ran, or flowed]; like as you say, جَرَى المِيزَابُ. (Msb.) And نَهْرٌ كَثِير المَآءِ [A channel of running water having much water]. (A.) And ↓ نَهَرٌ is also used in a pl. sense: as in the Kur, [liv. 54], فِى جَنَّاتٍ وَنَهَرٍ [In gardens and among rivers], i. e., أَنْهَارِ; like the phrase in the Kur, (same chap. verse 45,] وَيُوَلُّونَ الدُّبْرَ, (Fr, S.) meaning الأَدْبَارَ, (Fr, TA:) but it is otherwise explained. (S.) See نَهَرٌ below. نَهَرٌ  : see نَهْرٌ, in two places. -A2- Amplitude: (K:) or light and amplitude: so, accord. to some, in the Kur, liv. 54, differently explained above: see نَهْرٌ, (S, TA.) or, accord. to Th, نَهَر is a pl. [or rather quasi pl.] of نُهُرٌ, which is a pl. of نهَارٌ. (TA.) نَهِرٌ  Much, (TA;) as also ↓ نَهيرٌ ; (K, TA;) both applied to water. (TA.) ― -b2- A wide نَهْر [or river, or channel in which water runs]. (K.) -A2- رَخُلٌ نَهِرٌ A man of day-time; syn. صَاحِبُ نَهَارٍ; (S, K;) who makes inroads or incursions into the territories of enemies therein: (S:) or who works therein: (A:) a kind of rel. n.; as is shown by the ex. “ لَسْتُ بِلَيْلِىٍّ وَلٰكِنِّى نهِرٌ
لَا أُدْلِجُ اللَّيْلَ وَلٰكِنْ أَبْتَكِرْ
” [I am not one of the night-time, but I am one of the day-time; I do not journey in the night, but I go forth early in the morning]: as though he said ↓ نَهَارِىّ . (Sb.) The verse is correctly related as above; not as it is given in the S. (IB.) ― -b2- See also أَنْهَرُ. نَهَارٌ  Day; or day-time; contr. of لَيْلٌ: (S, TA:) or broad daylight, (Mgh,) from sunrise to sunset: (Mgh, Msb, K:) this is the original signification: (TA;) or this is the signification in the vulgar conventional language: but in the classical language it signifies the time from the rising of the dawn to sunset: (Msb:) or the light between the rising of the dawn and sunset: (K:) and so accord. to the lawyers: (TA:) in the trads., it is the whiteness of the نهار, and the blackness of the ليل; and there is nothing intervening between the ليل and the نهار: but sometimes the Arabs amplified, and applied نهار to the time from the clear shining of the dawn to the setting [of the sun]: (Msb.) or (so accord. to the TA. but in some copies of the K, and the spreading of the light [which is a cause] of sight and its dispersion: (K:) in this explanation in the L, in the place of وَا@فْتِرَاقُهُ we find وَا@جْتِمَاعُهُ [and its collecting together]: (TA:) it is also syn. with يَوْمٌ; and is so when used without restriction in the non-fundamental sciences of religion, (الفُرُوع,) as in the phrases صُمْ نَهَارًا [fast thou a day] and إِِعْمَلْ نَهَارًا [work thou a day]: and it may be so used, or in its proper classical sense, when prefixed to يَوْم, governing the latter in the gen. case: (Msb:) it has no proper dual, (Mgh, Msb,) and no proper pl., (S, Mgh, Msb, K, (like عَذَابٌ and سَرَابٌ; (S, K;) the former of which, however, has a pl. assigned to it [by Zj and] in the K, namely, أَعْذِبَةٌ; (MF;) [and respecting the latter see شَرَابٌ, with ش;] [for] نهار is a name applied to every يَوْم [or day]; and لَيْلٌ, to every لَيْلَة [or night]: one does not say نَهَارٌ وَنَهَارَانِ, nor لَيْلٌ وَلَيْلَانِ: but the sing. of نهار is يَوْمٌ (TA.) and the dual, يَوْمَانِ, (Msb, TA:) and the pl., أَيَّامٌ. (Msb:) and the contr. of يوْمٌ is لَيْلَةٌ, so says Az, on the authority of AH(??) (TA:) or it has pls.: namely, أَنْهُرٌ, (IAar, S, K,) a pl. of pauc., (S,) in some lexicons أَنْهِرَةٌ, (TA,) also a pl. of pauc.,] and نُهُرٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) a pl. of mult. (S) [See also نَهَرٌ.] Ibn-Keys(??) cites the following ex., “ لَوْلَا الثَّرِيدَان لَمُتْنَا بِالضُّمُرْ
ثَرِيدُ لَيْلٍ وَثرِيدٌ بِالنَّهُرْ
” [Were it not for the two thereeds (or messes of crumbled bread moistened with broth), we had died of leanness: the thereed of night, and thereed in the day-times]. (S.) نَهِيرٌ  : see نَهِرٌ. نَهَارِىٌّ  : see نَهِرٌ. ― -b2- Food that is eaten in the beginning of the day. (TA.) نَهَارٌ أَنْهَرُ  , and ↓ نَهرٌ , [A bright day:] in each of these phrases the epithet has an intensive effect, (K, * TA,) as the epithet in لَيْلٌ أَلْيَلُ. (TA.) مَنْهَرٌ  The place of a river. (T, TA.) ― -b2- A place which the water hollows out in a نَهْر [or channel of a river]. (K.) ― -b3- A cleft, (K, TA,) or hole, (TA,) in a fortress, passing through [the wall], whence water runs. (K, TA,) or by which water enters: (TA:) pl. مَنَاهِرُ. (TA.) Credit: Lane Lexicon