
1 نَفَثَ  , aor. نَفِثَ and نَفُثَ , inf. n. نَفْثٌ (S, K) and نَفَثَانٌ, (TA,) [He puffed; or blew, without spitting: or he sputtered, or blew forth a little spittle in minute scattered particles: or] he spat: or he [did as though he] spat without ejecting spittle: and نَفَثَ فى العُقْدَةِ signifies he spat, ejecting a little spittle, upon the knot, in enchantment: (Msb:) or النَّفْثُ is like النَّفْخُ, or blowing, and less than التَّفْلُ, or spitting, or ejecting spittle from the mouth: (S, K:) or like blowing, with [the emission of] spittle: (Keshsháf;) or like blowing, as done in enchantment, without spittle: the action, if accompanied by spittle, being termed التفل: this is the most correct explanation: ('Ináyeh:) or gentle blowing without spittle: (الاذكار:) or more than blowing; or like blowing; but less than spitting: sometimes without spittle, thus differing from التفل; and sometimes with a little spittle, thus differing from النفخ: or the emitting wind from the mouth, together with a little spittle. (MF.) ― -b2- لَا بُدَّ لِلْمَصْدُورِ أَنْ يَنْفِثَ [He who has a disease in his chest must spit]. A proverb. (S.) ― -b3- نَفَثَهُ مِنْ فِيهِ, aor. نَفِثَ , inf. n. نَفْثٌ, He ejected it from his mouth. (Msb.) ― -b4- [Hence,] نَفَثَ اللّٰهُ الشَّىْءِ فِى القَلْبِ (tropical:) God cast, or put, the thing into the heart. (Msb) ― -b5- نَفِثَ فِى رُوعِى كَذَا (tropical:) Such a thing was inspired, or put, into my mind. (A.) ― -b6- نَفَثَ فِى رُوعِى (tropical:) He (the Holy Spirit [Gabriel]) inspired, or cast, or put, into my mind, or heart. (Nh, from a trad.) ― -b7- [You say,] لَوْ نَفَثَ عَلَيْكَ فُلَانٌ قَطَّرَكَ [If such a one blew, or spat, upon thee, he would throw thee down upon thy side.]. Said to one who tries his strength with one superior to him. (A.) ― -b8- نَفَثَ عَلَىَّ غَضَبًا as though meaning He blew at me by reason of the violence of his anger. (L.) [See also نَفَتَ.] ― -b9- الحَيَّةُ تَنْفِثُ السَّمَّ إِِذَا نَكَزَتْ [The serpent ejects venom from its mouth when it inflicts a wound with its nose]. (S.) ― -b10- نَفَثَ It (a wound) emitted blood. (TA.) ― -b11- [From the blowing or spitting upon the knots:] نَفَثَهُ, inf. n. نَفْثٌ, He enchanted him. (Msb.) ― -b12- نَفَثَتِ القِدْرُ, aor. نَفِثَ , inf. n. نَفِيثٌ and نَفْثٌ, The cooking-pot boiled: or, boiled, and threw forth what resembled arrows, by reason of the vehemence of its boiling. (Msb.) [See also نَفَتَت.] It is when it begins to boil. (TA.) نَفْثُ الشَّيْطَانِ  Poetry: (K, from a trad.:) called نفث because it is like a thing which a man spits, or blows, (يَنْفِثُ,) from his mouth, like incantation. (A 'Obeyd.) ― -b2- ذَا مِنْ نَفَثَاتِ فُلَانٍ This is of the poetry of such a one. (TA.) دَمٌ نَفِيثٌ  Blood emitted by a wound (S, K) or vein. (TA.) مِئْنَاثٌ كَأَنَّهَا نُفَاثٌ ذ [A plain land that produces many plants, or herbs, or much herbage,] as though blowing forth, or spitting forth, the pleats, or herbs. (L, from a trad.) [The correctness of نُفَاثٌ is questioned by El-Khattábee. May it not be a mistake for نَفَّاثٌ?] نُفَاثَةٌ  What one blows, or spits, (يَنْفِثُ,) from his mouth. (S.) ― -b2- What a person having a disease in his chest blows forth or spits out, يَنْفِثُ. (K.) ― -b3- What remains in one's mouth, of a سِوَاك, or tooth-stick, and is spit out: (S:) a particle broken off (شَظِيَّةٌ: so in the L &c.: in the K, شَطِيبَةٌ:) from a سواك, or tooth-stick, remaining in the mouth, and spit out. (L, K.) One says, لَوْ سَأَلَنِى نُفَاثَةَ سِوَاكٍ مَا أَعْطَيْتُهُ If he asked me for a particle of a tooth-stick, remaining in my mouth, I would not give him (it). (S.) نَفِيثَةٌ  A certain kind of food. (See نَفِيتَة and وَطِيْئَة.) نَفَّاثٌ  An enchanter; one who is in the habit of enchanting: fem. with ة. (Msb.) ― -b2- النَّفَّاثَاتُ فِى العُقَدِ [Kur, cxiii. 4,] The women who blow, without spitting, saying something at the same time, upon the knots which they tie in a thread, or string: (Jel:) meaning the enchantresses. (S, K, Jel.) [See a verse cited voce عَاضِهٌ.] نَافِثٌ  Enchanting. (Msb.) مَنْفُوتٌ  A man enchanted. (A.) Credit: Lane Lexicon