
1 فَالَ رَأْيُهُ  , aor. يَفِيلُ, (S, M, O, K,) inf. n. فُيُولَةٌ, (S,) thus in some copies of the K and in the A, (TA,) or فَيْلُولَةٌ, (M, O,) thus in other copies of the K, (TA,) and فَيَالَةٌ, thus in the O, but in the copies of the K فَيْلَة, (TA,) His judgment, or opinion, was weak, (S, M, O, K,) and erroneous; (M, K;) as also ↓ تفيّل ; (M, Z, K, TA;) and [in like manner] فِى رَأْيِهِ فَيَّلَ [not فُيِّلَ] he was incorrect in his judgment, or opinion; and ↓ فَيَّلُوا occurs in a trad. as meaning فال رَأْيُهُمْ: (TA:) [and فَالَ alone, said of a man, signifies the same as فال رَأْيُهُ, as is shown by a verse of El-Kumeyt cited in the T and M and O and TA: but it seems from what here follows (taken from a passage unconnected with the foregoing) that the first and third of what are mentioned above as inf. ns. are regarded by some as simple substs.:] and one says, ↓ فِى رَأْيِهِ فَيَالَةٌ , (T, M, K, TA,) the last word like سَحَابَةٌ, (TA, [in the CK, erroneously, فى رِوَايَةٍ فِيَالَةٌ,]) and ↓ فُيُولَةٌ , (M, K, TA,) meaning [In his judgment, or opinion, is] a weakness. (TA.) -A2- And فال signifies also He (a man) magnified himself, and became like the elephant (الفِيل); or he showed a morose aspect: (TA:) [or it may so signify: IAar cites the following verse: “ مِنَ النَّاسِ أَقْوَامٌ إِِذَا صَادَفُوا الغِنَى
تَوَلَّوْا وَفَالُوا لِلصَّدِيقِ وَفَخَّمُوا
” which may mean [Of mankind are folks who, when they find riches, turn the back, and] magnify themselves and become like the elephant [to the friend, and aggrandize themselves] or show a morose aspect to the friend [&c.]; for the elephant is morose in aspect. (M.) 2 فيّل رَأْيَهُ  , (S, M, K,) inf. n. تَفْيِيلٌ, He declared [or esteemed] his judgment, or opinion, to be weak, (S.) or bad, and erroneous. (M, K.) Umeiyeh Ibn Abee-'Áïdh says, “ فَلَوْ غَيْرَهَا مِنْ وُلْدِ كَعْبِ بْنِ كَاهِلٍ
مَدَحْتَ بِقَوْلٍ صَادِقٍ لَمْ تُفَيَّلِ
” meaning لَمْ يُفَيَّلْ رَأْيُكَ (SKr, M) i. e. [But hadst thou praised other than her, of the children of Kaab Ibn-Káhil, with a true saying,] thy judgment, or opinion, would not have been declared weak. (SKr.) ― -b2- See also 1, in two places. 3 فَايَلَ  , [inf. n. مُفَايَلَةٌ and فِيَالٌ, (see الفَيَالُ below,)] He played [at the game called الفَيَال: see its part. n. below]. (O.) 5 تفيّل  : see 1. -A2- Also He (a man, K, [or a camel, as is indicated in the O,]) became fat, (O, K,) as though he were a فِيل [or an elephant]. (O.) [See also 10.] ― -b2- And, said of youth, or young manhood, (الشَّبَاب,) It increased, (Lth, T, M, O, K,) and became in its prime and fulness. (Lth, T, O.) ― -b3- And, said of herbage, It became tall, and full-grown; or became of its full height, and blossomed. (Th, M, K.) 10 اِسْتَفْيَلَ  He (a camel) became like the فِيل [or elephant] (M, K, TA) in bigness: (TA:) mentioned by IJ among the class of اسْتَحْوَذَ and the like: part. n. مُسْتَفْيِلٌ. (M.) [See also 5.] فَالٌ  : see فِيلٌ, latter half: -A2- and the paragraph commencing with فَائِلُ الرَّأْىِ, near its end: -A3- and see also فَأْلٌ, in art. فأل. فَيْلٌ  : see the paragraph here following. فِيلُ  [The elephant; Pers. پيل;] a certain animal, (TA,) well known: pl. [of pauc.] أَفْيَالٌ and [of mult.] فُيُولٌ and فِيَلَةٌ; (S, M, O, Msb, K;) not أَفْيِلَةٌ: (ISk, S, O, Msb:) accord. to Sb. فِيلٌ may be originally of the measure فُعْلٌ, (S, M, O,) pronounced with kesr because of the ى, like as they said أَبْيَضُ and بيضٌ; but Akh says, this is not the case in the sing, but only in the pl.: (S, O:) fem. with ة. (M, K) ― -b2- Hence, لَيْلَةٌ مِثْلُ لَوْنِ الفِيلِ [lit. A night like the colour of the elephant;] meaning a night that is black. (M, TA,) and dust-coloured; (M;) in which one knows not the right course to pursue: the colours of the فيل being of this kind. (M, TA.) ― -b3- [Hence, also, دَآءُ الفِيلِ The disease called by us the tumid Barbadoes leg; because the leg of the patient resembles that of the elephant by reason of its enormously-swollen state: not (as some have supposed it to be) elephantiasis; this latter being termed جُذَام (q. v.) [― -b4- And hence, likewise, used as an epithet,] فِيلٌ signifies also (tropical:) Heavy [or dull]; and low, ignoble, or mean. (K, TA.) ― -b5- And one says رَجُلٌ فِيلُ الرَّأْىِ, meaning A man weak in respect of judgment, or opinion; (T, S, M, O, K;) and so ↓ فِيْلُهُ ; (M, K;) and ↓ فَائِلُهُ : (T, M, O, K;) and ↓ فَيِّلُهُ , (ISk, T, S, M, O, K,) of the measure فَيْعِل; (O:) and ↓ فَالُهُ , (T, M, O, K,) and فَالٌ alone. (S, K.) meaning weak in respect of judgment, or opinion; (T, S, M, O, K;) erring in insight: (S:) pl. of the first] أَفْيَالٌ: (S, M, O, K:) but AO says, the ↓ فَائِل is one who, inspecting, forms an opinion and errs; if he err after examining a horse in all its states or conditions and forming an opinion respecting it from his inspection, [not while doing so,] he is not reckoned to be فائل. (TA.) الفَيَالُ  and الفِيَالُ, (Lth, T, M, O, K) the former a subst, and the latter an inf. n. [of 3], (Lth, T, O,) and ↓ المُفَايَلَةُ [which is likewise an inf. n. of 3], (M, K,) A certain game, (Lth, T, M, O, K,) well known, (O,) of the children, (T,) or of the youths, or young men, of the Arabs (M, K) of the desert, (M,) with earth, or dust: (Lth, T, M, O:) a thing is hidden in earth, or dust, which is then divided (T, M) into two portions; then the hider says to his companion, In which of them twain is it? (T;) and if he [who is thus questioned] mistake, the hider says to him فَالَ رَأْيُكَ: (T, M, * K; *) ISk termed it الفِئَالُ, with '; (O;) and it has been mentioned before in art. فأل: (T, O, K:) accord. to some, (TA,) this game is called الطَّبَنُ and السُدَّرُ. (T, TA. [But see the former of these two words.]) فَيَالَةٌ  : see the first paragraph. فُيُولَةٌ  : see the first paragraph. فَيِّلُ اللَّحْمِ  A man having much flesh: (T, O, * K:) some pronounce it with ', (T, O,) saying فَيأَل, (T,) or فَئِل; (O;) both mentioned before [in art. فأل]. (TA.) ― -b2- فَيِّلُ الرَّأْىِ: see فِيلٌ, latter half. فَيِّالٌ  The attendant, or master, (S, M, O, Msb, K,) or the keeper, or driver, (MA, KL,) of the فِيل [or elephant], (S, MA, O, Msb, KL,) or of the فِيلَة. (So in the M and K.) فَائِلُ الرَّأْىِ  : see فِيلٌ, latter half, in two places. -A2- الفَائِلُ [as a subst.] signifies The flesh that is upon the خُرْبَة, (S, O,) or خُرْب, (K, [in the M, accord. to the TT, حرف, app. a mistranscription,]) of the وَرِك; (S, M, O, K;) [which, I think, will be plainly seen from what follows to mean the flesh that is upon the sacro-ischiatic foramen; though خُرْبَةُ الوَرِكِ and خُرْبُ الوَرِكِ are said in the TA, in art. خرب, to mean “ the hole where the head of the thigh-bone is inserted; ”] so says A 'Obeyd: (S, O:) or, (S, M, O, K,) as some say, so adds A 'Obeyd, (S, O,) a certain vein (T, S, M, O, K) in the خُرْبَة of the وَرِك, descending into the leg, (T,) or in the thigh: (S, O:) As says, in “ the Book of the Horse, ” in the وَرِك is the خُرْبَة, which is a نُقْرَة wherein is flesh, no bone being in it; and in that نُقْرَة is the فَائِل, and there is no bone between the said نقرة and the belly, but only skin and flesh; (T, * S, O;) and he cites the saying of El-Aashà, “ قَدْ نَخْضِبُ العَيْرَ فِى مَكْنُونِ فَائِلِهِ
وَقَدْ يَشِيطُ عَلَى أَرْمَاحِنَا البَطَلُ
” [Oft we stain the ridge of the spear-head in what is concealed in the interior of his فائل, and oft the man of valour dies by means of our spears]; مَكْنُونُ الفَائِلِ means his blood: he says [by implication], we are skilful in respect of the place of piercing: (S, O:) but As said مِنْ in the place of فِى; and AA, قَدْ نَطْعُنُ; which has been pronounced to be wrong: (O:) or the فَائِلَانِ, (T, M,) or the ↓ فَائِلَتَانِ , (so in the K, [app. a mistranscription,]) are two veins entering into the interior parts of the thighs (T, M, K,) in the hinder parts thereof; (M, K;) and they adduce as an evidence thereof the verse of El-Aashà cited above, saying that the epithet مكنون would not have been used if the فائل were not a vein; but others say that [the poet meant that] he made the spear-head to become concealed in the furthest part of the flesh; and if the فائل were a vein, it would not have been mentioned as it has been in a phrase of Imra-el-Keys which will be cited in what follows: (M:) [hence it is said,] or they are two portions of flesh [between which is the lower part of the os sacrum, i. e.] the lower parts of which are upon the صَلَوَان [dual of صَلًا], from the region of the lower portions of the حَجَبَتَانِ to the عَجْب, bordering upon the عُصْعُص on either side, descending in the two sides of the two thighs; [so in a human being,] and thus in the horse: (M, K: [for the meanings of the words that I have here left untranslated, I must refer to their several proper arts.; as they are variously explained:]) ↓ الفَالُ is a dial. var. of الفَائِلُ; (M, K, TA;) which is expl. by Sgh [in the O] as meaning a certain vein issuing from the فَوَّارَة of the وَرِك [i. e. from the sacro-ischiatic foramen]: (TA:) [but the assertion that الفال is a dial. var. of الفائل seems to be founded only upon what here follows:] Imra-el-Keys says, [describing a horse,] “ لَهُ حَجَبَاتٌ مُشْرِفَاتٌ عَلَى الفَالِ
” (S, M; or على الفَالِى, as in the O and TA;) [i. e. He has edges of the haunch-bones projecting above, or beyond, the فائل; for] he means على فَائِلِ, having altered the latter word by transposition. (T, S, O, TA.) فَائِلَةٌ  : see its dual in the next preceding paragraph, near the middle. أَفْيَلُ  [More, and most, weak, or erroneous; relating to a judgment, or an opinion]. أَفْيَلُ مِنَ الرَّأْىِ الدَّبَرِىِّ is a prov., meaning [More weak] than an opinion that is given after the affair [to which it relates] has passed. (Meyd.) مُفَايِلٌ  [in the S and O in art. فأل, with ', i. e. مُفَائِلٌ,] Playing at the game called الفَيَالُ. (M, O.) المُفَايَلَةُ  expl. as a subst.: see الفَيَالُ. مَفْيُولَآء  [a quasi-pl. n. (like مَشْيُوخَآءُ &c.), but one of which the sing. (if it have one) is not mentioned,] The young ones of the فِيل [or elephant]. (O, K.) مُسْتَفْيِلٌ  part. n. of 10, q. v. (M.) Credit: Lane Lexicon