بِيَدَيْهِ , (M,) or
بِيَدِهِ, (K,) [aor.
يَسْدُو,] inf. n.
سَدْوٌ, (S, M, K,) He stretched forth (S, M, K) his arms or
hands, or, as when said of a camel, his fore legs, (M,) or his arm
or hand, or his fore leg, (S, K, TA,)
إِِلَيْهِ [towards him or it], (CK,) or
الشَّىْءِ [towards the thing], like as do camels (كَمَا
الإِِبِلُ) in their going along; (TA;) as also ↓
استدى , (M, K, TA,) in [some of] the copies of the K
اسدى, but the former is the right. (TA.) You say of a man,
سَدَا, aor.
يَسْدُو, He stretched forth his arm, or hand, towards a thing:
and of a camel,
سَدَا, inf. n.
سَدْوٌ, he stretched forth his fore leg in going along: (Msb:) or of
a she-camel,
سَدَتْ, (S, K,) aor.
تَسْدُو, inf. n.
سَدْوٌ, (S,) she went with wide steps; (K;) or she stretched forth
her arms in going along, and went with wide steps: and
يَدَيْهَا [How good, or beautiful, is her stretching forth of her
hind legs, and her returning of her fore legs in her going!]. (S.) See also
سَتَى. ― -b2-
سَدَا, (M,) or
يَسْدُو, (S,)
كَذَا ↓
سَدْوَ , (S, M,) He went, (M,) or he goes, (S,)
towards, or in the direction of, such a thing; (S, M;) said of a man.
(S.) ― -b3-
سَدْوٌ also signifies The going at random, heedlessly, or in a
headlong manner, without consideration, or without any certain aim,
or object, not obeying a guide to the right course, in journeying; (S,
M;) said in relation to camels and horses. (M.) ― -b4- Hence, (M,)
بِالجَوْز, (K,) aor.
يَسْدُو, (TA,) inf. n.
سَدْوٌ, (M, TA,) He (a boy, or child,) played with walnuts,
(M, K, TA,) throwing them into a hole; (TA;) a dial. var. of
زَدَا; (K;) or, accord. to the T, the latter is of the dial. of children;
(TA;) as also ↓
استدى , (M, K, TA,) in [some of] the copies of the K, erroneously,
اسدى. (TA.) See also
مِدْحَاةٌ, in art.
دحو. -A2- See also 5. -A3-
اَلأَرْضُ The land was, or became, moistened by much dew, (S,
Msb,) either from the sky or from the ground. (S.) And
اللَّيْلَةُ The night was, or became, moist with much dew. (M,
* TA.) ― -b2-
البُسْرُ, (S, K,) or
البَلَحُ, (M,) inf. n.
سَدًى; (TA;) and ↓
أَسْدَى ; (M;) The dates in the state in which they are termed
بلح, or
بلح, [see these words,] were, or became, lax in their
ثَفَارِيق [or bases, so as to be easily detached therefrom], (S, M,
K,) and moist. (M.) 2 1َ2َّ3َ
see 4, first three sentences, in four places. ― -b2- [Hence,] one says of honey,
النَّحْلُ (assumed tropical:) [The bees make, prepare, or produce,
it]. (M.) ― -b3- See 4, again, in two places. -A2- See also 5. 4
الثَّوْبَ , (S, Msb, K,) and
استاهُ; (S;) as also ↓
سدّاهُ , (K,) inf. n.
تَسْدِيَةٌ; (TA;) and ↓
تسدّاهُ ; (K;) He set, or disposed, the warp (السَّدَى)
of the garment, or piece of cloth; (S, * Msb, K, * TA;) he made
a warp (سَدًى)
in the garment, or piece of cloth: (Har p. 241:) or ↓
سدّاهُ means he did so for another; and ↓
تسدّاهُ , he did so for himself. (M, TA.) [Golius explains ↓
سدّى as signifying also “ Oblivit telam viscosiore aquâ,
ut cui mistus fuerit panis, quod fit roboris conciliandi ergo; ” as on the
authority of the KL; in my copy of which I find only its inf. n.,
تَسْدِيَةٌ, expl. as meaning the weaver's making a warp in a garment,
or piece of cloth (تار
جولاه): and Freytag adds, as a signification assigned to the same verb by
Jac. Schultens, “ Cirris s. fimbriis ornavit vestem. ”] ― -b2-
[Hence,] one says,
وَيُنِيرُهَا ↓
يُسَدِّى (A in art.
نير) or
يُسْدِى (TA in that art.) [meaning (assumed tropical:) He commences
things, or affairs, and completes them]. And
أَسْدَيْتَ (assumed tropical:) Complete what thou hast commenced (S
and K in art.
لحم) of beneficence. (S in that art.) ― -b3- Hence also,
حَدِيثًا i. q.
نَسَجَهُ [i. e. (tropical:) He wove, or composed, or he
forged, a discourse between them]. (M, TA.) ― -b4- And
بَيْنَهُمَا i. q.
أَصْلَحَ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) He effected a rectification of
affairs, an agreement, a harmony, or a reconciliation, between them two].
(AA, Az, K.) ― -b5- And
إِِلَيْهِ (assumed tropical:) He did a benefit to him; as also ↓
سدّى , inf. n.
تَسْدِيَةٌ: (K:) or
سَدًى, and
عَلَيْهِ ↓
سدّاهُ , (M, TA, [thus in the latter case,
عليه, not
اليه,]) or
مَعْزُوفًا, (Msb,) he did to him, or conferred upon him, a
benefit, benefaction, favour, or the like: (M, * Msb, TA:) [app. from
الثَّوْبَ, and
سدّاهُ; and accordingly mentioned in the M in art.
سدى: or] it is from
سدى [or rather
سَدَا, inf. n.
سَدْوٌ,] as meaning “ he (a camel) put forward his fore legs in going along;
” for he of whom one says
خَيْرًا [he did to thee good, like
خَيْرًا,] is as though he stretched forth to the his arm, or hand,
therewith, advancing: (Ham p. 696:) you say,
نِعْمَةً, meaning
اِصْطَنْع [i. e. he did a benefit, &c.]. (Idem p. 759.) ― -b6- You
say also,
فَأَسْدَيْتُهُ i. e. (assumed tropical:) [I sought a thing, and] I
attained it, or obtained it: [as though meaning I stretched forth my
hand to it and reached it:] if you do not attain it, or obtain it, you say,
أَعْمَسْتُهُ: (S:) or
إِِسْدَآءٌ signifies the attaining quickly. (KL. [There expl. by the
دريافتن: for which Golius seems to have found in his copy
رفتن; for he has assigned to
اسدى, as on the authority of the KL, the meaning of cito incessit.])
اسداهُ also signifies He left, let alone, or neglected, him,
or it: (K:) he left him to himself, uncontrolled, (M, Msb,)
neither commanded nor forbidden. (M.) And you say,
إِِبِلِى, (AZ, T, S,) inf. n.
إِِسْدَآءٌ, (AZ, T,) I left my camels to pasture by themselves. (AZ,
T, S.) -A3-
البَلَحُ: see 1, last sentence. ― -b2-
النَّخْلُ The palm-trees had dates such as are termed
سَدٍ. (As, T, S, K.) 5
ذ : see 4, first sentence, in two places. -A2- Also He mounted it,
or mounted upon it; (M, K;) he was, or became, or got,
upon it; (S, M, K;) syn.
رَكِبَهُ, (M, K,) and
عَلَاهُ; (S, M, K;) namely, a thing. (M.) A poet says, (S, TA,) namely, Imra-el-Keys,
(TA,) “
” [And when I drew near, I got upon her, and a garment I forgot, or
neglected, and a garment I was dragging upon the ground:
أَجُرْ being for
أَجُرُّ]. (S, TA.) And
جَارِيَتَهُ [or ↓
سَدَا (for
تسدّاهُ meaning as expl. above is mentioned in the M in art.
سدو), or it may be ↓
سدّى ] signifies [in like manner]
عَلَاهَا. (TA.) ― -b2- And He followed him, (K, TA,) and overtook
him. (TA.) ― -b3- And He overcame, or overpowered, him;
namely, a man. (TA.) And He conquered, or mastered, it; namely, an
affair. (TA.) 8
ذ : see 1, in two places. -A2- Also, said of a horse, He sweated.
ذ inf. n. of
سَدَا. (S, M, K.) Hence,
كَذا or
كَذَا: see 1. And
وَاحِدٍ i. e. [The prince, or commander, recited an oration,
or a harangue, &c., and ceased not to keep to] one proserhyme.
سَدًى of a garment, or piece of cloth, (S, M, K, &c.,) The
warp; (MA, KL;) contr. of
لُحْمَةٌ; (S, M, Msb;) i. e. (Msb [in the M “ and it is said to mean ”]) the
portion [or threads] thereof extended longitudinally (M, *
Msb, K *) in the weaving: (Msb:) and it is said to mean the lower,
or lowest, part thereof: (M: [but this is a strange explanation, which I
do not find elsewhere:]) it is [said to be] from
السَّدْوُ [inf. n. of
سَدَا] signifying “ the stretching forth the arm, or hand, or the fore leg,
towards a thing: ” (Har p. 241: [but it is mentioned in the M as belonging to
سدى; and its dual, mentioned below, requires its being so:]) and ↓
أَسْدِىٌّ , (M, K,) also [and more commonly] written ↓
أُسْدِىٌّ , (K,) signifies the same; (M, K;) as also ↓
سَدَاةٌ ; (S, K;) or this last is the n. un. of
سَدًى, (M, TA,) having a more special signification, (Msb, TA,) [as though
meaning a warp, or a sort of warp; or the
لُحْمَةٌ may be affixed for the purpose of assimilating the word to its
سَدًى, with which it is often coupled:] the dual [of
سَدًى] is
سَدَيَانِ: (S, Msb, TA:) and the pl. is
أَسْدِيَةٌ (accord. to the S) or
أَسْدَآءٌ. (Msb.) ↓
سَدَاةٍ [lit. Thou art neither a woof nor a warp] is said to him
who neither harms nor profits. (TA. [See also
سَتًى.]) ― -b2- Hence, as being likened thereto, (M, [see 2, second
sentence,]) (tropical:) Honey in its comb; syn.
شُهْدٌ or
شَهْدٌ. (M, K, TA.) ― -b3- And (tropical:) A benefit, benefaction,
favour, or the like. (S, M, K, TA. [See also the next two
sentences.]) ― -b4- The nightdew; (S, M, Msb, K;) by means of which
seedproduce lives: (S, * Msb:) or, as some say,
سَدًى and
نَدًى are syn. [and both applied to dew in an absolute sense]: and
the pl. is
أَسْدَآءٌ. (M.) ― -b5- And (tropical:) Liberality, bounty, munificence,
or generosity; as being likened thereto; and so
نَدًى. (S in art.
ندو and
ندى.) [See an ex. in a verse cited voce
رِقْبَةٌ.] -A2- Green dates, (M, K,) with their
شَمَارِيخ [or fruit-stalks]; (M;) as also ↓
سَدَآءٌ ; (M, K;) of the dial of El-Yemen: n. un. ↓
سَدَاةٌ and ↓
سَدَآءَةٌ , (M, TA,) on the authority of AA, and of Sh also, who says
that they are of the dial. of El-Medeeneh. (TA.) [See also the last sentence of
the next paragraph: and see
سَيَابٌ.] -A3- Also sometimes used in the sense of
سُدًى. (S, K.) See this latter word.
ذ [originally
سَدِىٌ] Moist; applied in this sense to anything. (AHn, M.) ― -b2-
And [particularly] Moist with dew, [or with night-dew, or with
much thereof,] applied to a place. (M.) And you say
سَدِيَةٌ A land moist with much night-dew. (S, Msb.) And
سَدِيَةٌ A night moist with much dew: (M, * TA:) the epithet [سَدٍ]
is seldom applied to a day. (M, TA.) ― -b3- And
سَدٍ Dates in the state in which they are termed
بَلَح, (S, M, K,) accord. to As, when they have fallen, (T, TA,)
that have become lax in their
ثَفَارِيق [or bases, so as to be easily detached therefrom], (As, T,
S, M, K,) and moist: (As, T, M:) one thereof [i. e. a
بَلَحَة] is termed
سَدِيَةٌ: (As, T, TA:) the
ثُفْرُوق is the
قِمَع of the
بُسْرَة [or
بَلَحَة]. (TA.) You say also
سَدٍ; and
سَدِيَةٌ, which is the same as ↓
سَدَاةٌ [expl. above, voce
سَدًى]. (S.)
ذ and ↓
سَدًى , (S, M, K,) the former the more common, (S, K,) used alike as
sing. and pl., (S, * M, K,) Left, let alone, or neglected; or
left to pasture by itself or by themselves; (S, M, K;) applied to a
camel, (K, TA,) and to camels: (S, K, TA:) you say
سُدًى (TA) and
سُدًى: (S, TA:) and ↓
سَادٍ signifies the same [as a sing. epithet]. (M, K.)
سُدًى, in the Kur [lxxv. 36], means Doth man think
that he is to be left to himself, uncontrolled, neither commanded nor forbidden?
ذ : see
سَدًى, in three places: and see also
ذ : see
سَدًى, last sentence but two.
ذ : see
سَدًى, last sentence but two.
ذ A she-camel that stretches forth, and flings out, her fore legs in
going along. (M.) [See also
السَّدَوِىٌّ The pomegranate of
السُّدَيَّا, a town near Zebeed. (K.)
ذ Stretching forth the arms, or fore legs, in going along,
(M, * TA,) and wide in step; (TA;) applied to a camel: (M, TA:) and so
سَوَادٍ, [pl. of the fem.
سَادِيَةٌ,] applied to she-camels: (S, K, * TA:) [see also
سَدُوٌّ:] or, accord. to the T, the Arabs apply the term
سَوَادٍ as a name for the fore legs of camels, because of their
stretching them forth in going along; and then as a name for the camels
themselves. (TA.) And
سَادٍ signifies also Good in pace or going; applied to a
camel; and so
زَادٍ. (TA.) ― -b2- See also
سُدًى. -A2-
السَّادِى is also used for
السَّادِسُ; (S, K, TA;) the
س being changed into
ى. (TA.) One says,
سَادِسًا and
سَادِيًا [Such a one came sixth]. (ISk, S voce
سَاتٌّ, q. v.)
أُسْدِىٌّ and
أَسْدِىٌّ: see
سَدًى ― -b2- The former also signifies
مُسَدًّى [like
أُسْتِىٌّ: see this last word, voce
سَتًى]. (AHeyth, K.) [
مِسْدَاةٌ A weaver's yarn-beam, or roller; i. e., as
expl. by Golius, on the authority of Meyd, the implement on which the weaver
rolls the warp.]
المَسَادِى : see
مِدْحَاةٌ, in art.
دحو. Credit:
Lane Lexicon