1 بَسَرَ بسر سر He took anything when it was fresh, juicy, moist, or not flaccid; (TA;) as also ↓ ابتسر [which is more commonly used]. (M, K, * TA.) [Hence,] بَسَرْبُ النَّبَاتَ, aor. بَسُرَ , inf. n. بَسْرٌ, I pastured [beasts] upon the herbage when it was fresh and juicy, I being the first to do so. (TA.) ― -b2- Also, (K,) aor. as above, (TA,) and so the inf. n., (M,) i. q. أَعْجَلَ [as meaning (assumed tropical:) He was quick, or beforehand, or before the proper time, with a person or thing, or in doing, or seeking, a thing]. (M, K.) [Hence,] بَسَرَ النَّاقَةَ, (As, S, M, K,) aor. and inf. n. as above; (M;) and ↓ ابتسرها , (S, A,) and ↓ تبسّرها ; (T;) (tropical:) He (the stallion) covered the she-camel without her desiring it: (As, S, A:) or before she desired it. (M, K.) And in like manner, بَسَرَ and ↓ تبسّر (tropical:) He (a stallion) covered a mare when she had only begun to feel the excitement of desire. (TA.) And ↓ ابتسر الجَارِيَةَ (tropical:) He deflowered the girl before she had attained to puberty. (A, and Msb in art. قض.) And بَسَرَ and ↓ ابتسر (assumed tropical:) He fecundated a palm-tree before the proper time for doing so. (M, K.) And بَسَرَ السِّقَآءَ, (K,) inf. n. as above, (S,) (assumed tropical:) He drank the milk of the skin, (K,) or gave it to be drunk, (S,) before it had become thick, and fit for churning. (S, K.) And بَسَرَ, (M, K,) aor. as above, (M, A,) and so the inf. n., (S, M,) (tropical:) He broke a pustule: (A:) or he squeezed a pustule, or a boil, before it was ripe: (TA:) or he laid it open by peeling off its crust, or scab, before it was ripe; (S, M, K;) as also ↓ ابسر . (K.) And, inf. n. as above, (assumed tropical:) He dug rivers when water was scarce: or sought for, or after, water [when it was scarce]: and so, accord. to Az, ↓ تبسّر . (L. [But for اذا عرا الماء او طابه, as part of the explanation, I read إِِذَا عَزَّ المَاءُ أَوْ طَلَبَهُ.]) And بَسَرَ النَّهْرَ (assumed tropical:) He dug a well in [the bed of] the river, it being dry. (L. [But here, for و هو صاف, I read و هو جَافٌّ.]) Also بَسَرَ, (S, M, K,) aor. as above, (M,) and inf. n. as above (S, M) and بِسَارٌ; (M;) and ↓ ابتسر (M, A, K) and ↓ تبسّر and ↓ ابسر ; (M, K;) (tropical:) He sought, sought for or after, demanded, or desired, a thing that he wanted, or needed, in an improper time: (M, K:) or in an improper place: (S, M:) or in an improper manner: (Jm:) or before its time. (A.) And the first of these verbs, (tropical:) He required a debt to be paid before the time when it was due. (K, TA.) And (tropical:) He required his debtor to pay a debt before the time when it was due: from بَسَرَ النَّاقَةَ, explained above. (Sh, TA.) ― -b3- Also, inf. n. بَسْرٌ, (assumed tropical:) He began a thing; and so ↓ ابتسر . (K.) And بَسَرَ بِهِ (TK) and به ابتسر (TA, TK) (assumed tropical:) He began with it. (TA, TK.) -A2- Also, aor. بَسُرَ , inf. n. بَسْرٌ, He mixed بُسْر [or fullgrown unripe dates] with others, in beverage of the kind called نَبِيذ: the doing of which is forbidden in a trad.: (S:) or he mixed بُسْر with fresh ripe dates, or with dry dates, and made with them both together that kind of beverage. (TA.) And بَسَرَ تَمْرًا, (M, K,) aor. and inf. n. as above; and ↓ بسّرهُ (M) and ↓ ابسرهُ ; (K;) He made, of dry dates, that kind of beverage, and mixed بُسْر with it. (M, K.) -A3- Also, (M, K,) aor. بَسُرَ , inf. n. بَسْرٌ and بُسُورٌ, (M,) He frowned; contracted his face; or grinned, or displayed his teeth, frowning, or contracting his face, or looking sternly, austerely, or morosely; (M, K;) as also بَسَرَ وَجْهَهُ, inf. n. بُسُوزٌ: (S:) or he did so excessively: (Jel in lxxiv. 22:) or he looked with intense dislike or hatred. (TA.)

2 بَسَّرَ see 1; last sentence but one.

3 بَاسَرَتْ باسرت , inf. n. مُبَاسَرَةٌ, (assumed tropical:) She (a mare) desired the stallion when she had only begun to feel the excitement of lust. (AO.)

4 ايسر أيسر ايسر يسر : see 1, in three places. ― -b2- Also (assumed tropical:) He dug in ground that had not been dug before. (K.) -A2- ابسرالنَّخْلُ The palm-trees had dates in the state in which they are called بُسْر: (S, M: *) or produced dates that did not ripen. (TA.)

 5 تبسّر بسر تبسر : see 1, in four places. It signifies also (assumed tropical:) He sought for, or after, fresh water recently produced by rain. (S. [See بُسْرٌ.]) And (assumed tropical:) He dug for plants before they came forth: (M, TA:) [or] تبسّر نَبَاتًا has this meaning. (TA.) And (assumed tropical:) He (a [wild] bull) came to the roots of dry plants, and ate them. (K.)

8 ابتسر أبتسر ابتسر ٱبتسر : see 1, in seven places. -A2- اُبْتُسِرَ لَوْنُهُ (tropical:) His colour changed, (K, TA,) and became like that of بُسْر [or full-grown unripe dates]. (TA.) بَسْرٌ بسر سر : see بُسْرٌ: -A2- and see also بَاسِرٌ. بُسْرٌ بسر سر Anything fresh, juicy, moist, not flaccid. (IF, M, Msb, K.) You say نَبَاتٌ بُسْرٌ A fresh plant: (Msb:) or a plant that has risen from the surface of the ground, but not grown tall; because it is then fresh and juicy: (TA:) or such is called بُسْرَةٌ [fem. of بُسْرٌ]; as also what is fresh, juicy, moist, or not flaccid, of the plant called بُهْمَى. (M.) A plant, or herbage, when it first appears in the ground is termed بَارِضٌ; then, جَمِيمٌ; then, بُسْرَةٌ; then, صَمْعَآءُ; and then, [when it is dry,] بَسْرٌ. (S.) ― -b2- Fresh water, (S, M, K,) recently produced by rain; (S, M;) as also ↓ بَسْرٌ : (M:) or this latter signifies cold, or cool, water: (K:) pl. of the former بِسَارٌ; (S, K;) like as رِمَاحٌ is pl. of رُمْحٌ. (S.) ― -b3- (tropical:) A young, or youthful, man, and woman: (K, TA:) or young, or youthful, and fresh; fem. with ة: (M, A:) applied, respectively, to a man and a woman; (M;) or to a boy and a girl. (A.) ― -b4- And, with ة, (tropical:) The sun when it has just risen, (S, K, TA,) and is red, and not yet clear. (A, * TA.) [Accord. to the A, this meaning seems to be derived from that next following.] ― -b5- بُسْرٌ and ↓ بُسُرٌ (S, M, K) [the former, only, mentioned in the A and Msb &c., as the latter is rare; coll. gen. ns., signifying Fullgrown] unripe dates; dates before they have become رُطَب; (M, K;) dates that have become coloured, but have not become ripe; (TA;) dates that have begun to colour, i. e., to become red or yellow; (Msb in art. بُلح;) dates beginning to ripen: (IAth, TA in art. بلح:) so called because fresh and juicy, and not flaccid: (M:) n. un. بُسْرَةٌ and بُسُرَةٌ: (S, M, K:) pl. بُسْرَاتٌ (S) [or بُسْرَةٌ] and بُسُرَاتٌ: (M:) Sb says that بُسُرَةٌ [or بُسْرَةٌ or each of these] has no broken pl.; but he allows بُسْرَان and تَمْرَان, as meaning two sorts of بُسْر and of تَكْر. (M.) [J says,] بُسْرٍ in their first stage are termed طَلْعٌ; then, خَلَالٌ; then, بَلَحٌ; then, بُسْرٌ; then, رُطَبٌ; then, تَمْرٌ: (S:) but this saying of J is not good: the original thereof is termed طلع; and when they have become organized and compact (إِِذَا انْعَقَدَ), they are termed سَيَابٌ or سَيَّابٌ [accord. to different copies of the K]; and when they have become green and round, جَدَالٌ and سَرَادٌ and خَلَالٌ; and when they have become somewhat large, بَغْوٌ; and when they have become large, [or full-grown,] بُسْرٌ; then, مُخَطَّمْ; then, مُوَكِّتٌ; then, تُذْنُوبٌ; then, جُمْسَةٌ [in the CK جَمِيسَةٌ]; then, ثَعْدَهٌ and خَالِعٌ and خَالِعَةٌ; and when completely ripe, رُطَبٌ and مَعْوٌ; then, تَمْرٌ. (K.) ― -b6- [Hence,] بُسْرَةٌ signifies also (tropical:) The head, or extremity, of the penis of a dog. (K, TA.) ― -b7- And (assumed tropical:) A kind of bead; syn.خَرَزَةٌ. (K.) بُسُرٌ بسر سر : see بُسْرٌ. بُسْرَةٌ بسر بسره بسرة سر سرة fem. of بُسْرٌ as an epithet, and n. un. of the same as a subst.: explained with the latter. بُسُرَةٌ بسر بسره بسرة سر سرة n. un. of بُسُرٌ, a dial. var. of بُسْرٌ, q. v. بَاسِرٌ أسر أسرة بأسر باسر and ↓ بَسْرٌ , the latter an inf. n. used as an epithet, A face frowning; or contracted; or grinning, or displaying the teeth, with a frowning, or contraction, or a stern, an austere, or a morose, look. (M.) [See 1, last sentence.] وَوُجوهٌ يَوْمئِذٍ بَاسِرَةٌ, in the Kur lxxv. 24, means And faces on that day shall be excessively frowning or contracted, &c.: (Jel:) or expressive of dislike or hatred, and contracted. (K.) [See also بَاسِلٌ.] بَاسُورٌ باسور A well-known disease; (K;) a swelling, or tumour, which nature drives to every part of the body, from a humour that comes from the anus (المَقْعَدَة), and the testicles, and the edges of the labia majora of the pudendum muliebre, and other parts; and when in the anus, attended by a swelling of the veins; (Msb;) sing. of ; (S, K;) which signifies a certain disease that arises in the anus (المقعدة), [namely, the hemorrhoids, or piles, to which this term generally applies when it is used absolutely,] and also in the inside of the nose; (S;) what resembles boils in the anus: (Mgh:) sometimes the س is changed into ص: (Mgh, Msb:) and it is said that the word is not Arabic. (Msb.) مُبْسِرٌ مبسر : see what next follows. نَخْلَةٌ مِبْسَارٌ نخلة مبسار , (M, K,) and ↓مُبْسِرٌ without ة, as though a possessive epithet, (M,) A palm-tree of which the dates do not ripen. (M, K.) [See also 4.] مَبْسُورٌ مبسور Affected by the disease termed بَوَاسِير, pl. of بَاسُورٌ. (TA.) مُبَاسِرَةٌ مباسره مباسرة (assumed tropical:) A mare desiring the stallion (AO, K *) when she has only begun to feel the excitement of lust, (AO,) or before she is fully excited by lust. (K.) [See also مُبَاشِرٌ.] Credit: Lane Lexicon