نَجِسَ , aor.
نَجَسَ ; (S, Msb, K;) and
نَجَسَ, aor.
نَجُسَ ; (Msb;) and
نَجُسَ, aor.
نَجُسَ , (K,) accord. to some, but the
books of good repute are silent respecting this last; (Msb;)
inf. n.
نَجَسٌ, (S, Msb, TA,) of the first; (Msb;)
نَجَاسَةٌ, (TA,) or this last is a simple
subst. [as the verb
نَجُسَ to which by rule it should belong is
not of good authority]; (Msb;)
It was, or became, unclean, dirty, filthy, or
impure; (Msb;) [i. e.,]
contr. of
طَهَرَ, or
طَهُرَ: (Msb, K: *)
نَجَاسَة is of two kinds; one kind is
perceived by sense; and one kind is perceived by the
mind; of which latter kind is that which is attributed,
in the Kur, ix. 28, to those who assert God to have
associates: (Er-Rághib, B:) but in this latter sense, it
is said by Z, to be tropical. (TA.) [See also
نَجَاسَةٌ below.] You also say, (of a
garment, A, Msb,) ↓
تنجّس , meaning,
It was, or
became, rendered unclean, dirty, filthy, or
impure. (A, Msb, K.) -A2-
نَجْسٌ, [app. an inf. n. of which the verb is
نَجَسَ,] The
making a child's
عُودَة [or
amulet, of any of the kinds
described below, voce
تَنْجِيسٌ]. (TA.) 2
نجّسهُ , (S, A, Msb, K,) inf. n.
تَنْجِيسٌ, (TA,)
He rendered him, or
it, unclean, dirty, filthy, or
impure; (A,
Msb, K;) and ↓
انجسهُ signifies the same. (S, A, K.) El-Hasan
said of a man who married a woman with whom he had
committed fornication,
بِهَا ↓
أَنْجَسَهَا [
He defiled her, therefore
he is most worthy of her]. (A, TA. *) ― -b2-
الذُّنُوبُ (tropical:) [
Sins, or
crimes, defiled him]. (A, TA.) -A2-
لَهُ, and
He charmed him; or
fortified him by a charm or
an amulet [
any of the kinds described below, voce
تَنْجِيسٌ, q. v.]; syn.
عَوَّذَهُ. (TA.) 4
أَنْجَسَ see 2, in two places. 5
تنجّس : see
نَجِسَ. -A2-
He did a deed whereby to
become free from uncleanness, dirt, filth, or
impurity; (K;) like as you say
تَأَثَّمَ and
تَحَرَّجَ and
تَحَنَّثَ, meaning, he did a deed whereby to
become free from crime, sin, &c. (TA.)
نَجْسٌ : see
نِجْسٌ : see
نَجَسٌ : see
نَجُسٌ : see
نَجِسٌ and ↓
نَجَسٌ (S, A, O, Msb, K) and ↓
نَجُسٌ and ↓
نَجْسٌ and ↓
نِجْسٌ (A, O, K)
Unclean, dirty,
filthy, or
impure: (A, Msb, K:) the last of
these is only used when the word is preceded or followed
رِجْسٌ: (ISd:) or only when it is preceded by
رِجْسٌ: (Fr, S, * and Har in the
Durrat-el-Ghowwás:) but this remark correctly applies
only to the greater number of instances: (M, F:) the
second of the above five forms is an inf. n. used as an
epithet; (A, Msb;) and is [therefore] used as sing. and
dual. and pl. and masc. and fem., without variation:
(TA:) [and the first and last are also used as pls., as
will be seen below; but when so used, I suppose
قَوْمٌ or some other coll. gen. n. to be
understood:] the pl. [of every one of the other forms]
أَنْجَاسٌ (A, Msb, TA) and [of the fourth and
fifth, and perhaps of the first and third also, though I
do not remember similar instances,]
نِجْسَةٌ. (TA.) [See also
نَجَاسَةٌ, below.]
نَجِسٌ and ↓
نَجْسٌ [&c.], applied to a man, signify
Unclean, &c., [both properly and tropically].
(TA.) [The two following examples are said in the A to
be tropical.]
أَنْجَاسٌ (tropical:) [
Men are of several
kinds, and most of them are unclean.] (A, TA.) And
نَجَسٌ (tropical:) [
Verily the associaters
of others with God
are but unclean], said in the
Kur, [ix. 28,] (S, A, TA,) or
نَجِسٌ, or ↓
نِجْسٌ , accord. to certain readers.
(TA.) -A2- Also, all the above forms, A man
having an
incurable disease. (TA.) ― -b2- See also
نُجُسٌ : see
نِجَاسٌ : see
نَجِيسٌ : see
نَجَاسَةٌ : see 1:
dirtiness, filthiness, or
impurity. (Msb.) ―
-b2- In the conventional language of the law,
particular uncleanness, of such a kind as renders prayer
invalid; as urine, and
blood, and
نَاجِسٌ and ↓
نَجِيسٌ (S, A, K) and ↓
نَجِسٌ (TA)
An incurable disease:
(S, K, TA:) or
a disease that baffles the
مُنَجِّسُون. (A.) See
أَنْجَسُ [
More, and
unclean, dirty, filthy, or
impure]. You say,
الكَافِرِ (tropical:) [
Thou wilt not see
any one more unclean than the unbeliever]. (A, TA.)
تَنْجِيسٌ The
name of a thing,
either something unclean, or
bones of the dead,
a menstruous rag, which used to be hung upon him
for whom there was a fear of the jinn's, or
genii's, being attached to him: (K:) or the
hanging of some such thing upon such a person, as a
child or
any other; for they used to say that the
jinn would not approach those things: (TA:) or
thing which the Arabs used to do, as an amulet, to drive
away thereby the [
eye: (S:) ↓
مُنَجِّسَةٌ also is the name of
a kind
of amulet: (IAar:) and ↓
نِجَاسٌ is syn. with
تَعْوِيذٌ; [by which may be meant either that
it signifies
an amulet, or that it is a quasi-inf.
n. of 2; for it is said that] it is app. a subst. from
لَهُ, or
نَجَّسَهُ, as signifying
عَوَّذَهُ. (IAar.) See also 2.
مُنَجِّسٌ One
who hangs, upon
him for whom there is fear, unclean things, such as
bones of the dead, and the like, to drive away the jinn,
genii; because these beings shun such things;
(S, * A, TA;) one
who fortifies by charms or
amulets [
of the kinds above mentioned]; syn,
مُعَوِّذٌ: (K:) pl.
مُنَجِّسُونَ: (A:) and ↓
نُجُسٌ [a pl. of which the sing. is not
mentioned] is syn. with
مُعَوِّذُونَ. (IAar.) -A2- Also,
A little
piece of skin that is put upon the notch [
is the place]
of the bow-string. (TA.)
مُنَجِّسَةٌ : see
تَنْجِيسٌ. Credit:
Lane Lexicon