Root: ل م ز
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 4
b) No of constructions: 4
The basic perception infolded in the Root is
that of uttering in low voice while making a sign with eyes, head or
lips. It thus conveys the meaning of finding faults in someone,
upbraiding, reproaching, slandering or blaming, and talking evil against
someone on his face or on his back-backbiting.
1 |
Verb: Imperfect; Second Person; Plural; Masculine;
Mood: Jussive by Prohibitive Particle, evident by elision of نَ;
and [و] Subject Pronoun, nominative
state; مصدر-لَمْزٌ Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع
مجزوم بِلاَ و علامة جزمه حذف النون/و-
ضمير متصل في محل رفع فاعل-والألف-فارقة/جمع
مذكرحاضر |
2 |
Participle/Intensive Adjective:
Masculine; Singular; genitive.
(1)104:01 اسم
مذكر |
3 |
Verb: Imperfect;
Third person; singular; masculine; Subject Pronoun hidden; Suffixed
Object pronoun: Second
person, singular; masculine, in accusative state; مصدر-لَمْزٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع مرفوع بالضمة-الفاعل:ضمير مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
مذكر غائب
ضمير متصل في محل نصب
مفعول به/واحد
حاضر |
4 |
Imperfect; third person; plural; masculine; Mood: Indicative evident by
نَ [Form I]; [و]
Subject pronoun, in nominative state;مصدر-لَمْزٌ
Verbal noun.
فعل مضارع مرفوع
بثبوت النون/و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع
مذكرغائب |

ل م س
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