Root: ر ح ب
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 4
b) No of constructions: 2
Noun: 1; Recurrence: 2; Verb: 1; Recurrence: 2 [Form-I]
Lane Lexicon It was, or became, ample, spacious, wide, or roomy.
Indeed Allah the Exalted has helped you people in many battle fields. And recall the help on the Day of battle of Hunain when position of multitude of you people had pleasingly relaxed you;
Thereat, reliance on multitudinous strength could not avail averting anything from you and the Earth seemed straitened upon you despite its vastness; and afterwards you retreated. [9:25]
And upon "the known three" of those who had lethargically tarried back, until when the Earth, despite its vastness, had become straitened for them;
And their own selves felt contracted; and they assessed that there was no refuge from Allah except with Him; afterwards He mercifully attended them so that they might be back to the position from where they had erred.
The fact remains that Allah the Exalted is sympathetically oft Relenting, the Fountain of Mercy. [9:118]
[a small group of worldly elite people will say] "This large crowd is making themselves heading along with you people;
There is no welcome for them;
Indeed they are marching to scorch in the Heat". [38:59]
They rebutted, "No, in fact you are the people, there is no welcome for you people;
You people are the one who brought/sent forward this for us;
Resultantly what a worst place for staying". [38:60]
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Verb Form-I