1 بَجَسَ المَآءَ بجس المآء , (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. بَجُسَ (S, Msb, K) and بَجِسَ , (A, K,) inf. n. بَجْسٌ, (Msb, TA,) He opened a way, passage, vent, or channel, for the water to flow forth; gave vent to it; made it to flow; syn. فَجَرَهُ, (S,) or فَتَحَهُ, (Msb,) or شَقَّهُ: (A, K:) [all of which, in this case, signify the same:] and in like manner one says of a wound; (A, K;) but in this case, the phrase is tropical: (TA:) and الَمآءِ بجّس , inf. n. تَبْجِيسٌ, He (namely, God, TA) made the water to flow forth, or to flow forth copiously, syn. فَجَّرَهُ, (K, TA,) from the cloud or clouds, and from the spring. (TA.) -A2- See also 7, in two places. 2 بَجَّسَ see 1. 5 تَبَجَّسَ see 7, in three places. 7 انبجس أنبجس انبجس ٱنبجس It (water) had a way, passage, vent, or channel, opened for it to flow forth; it had vent; it poured forth; (S, A, Msb, K;) [it burst forth;] from a cloud or clouds, and from a spring; (A;) and from a rock; (Kur vii. 160;) as also ↓ بَجَسَ , aor. بَجُسَ ; (S, TA;) and ↓ تبجّس : (S, K:) syn. of the first, (S, A, K, * TA,) and last, (S,) اِنْفَجَرَ: (S, A, TA:) or of the last, تَفَجَّرَ [properly signifying it poured forth copiously]: (A, TA:) اِنْبِجَاسٌ signifies particularly the welling forth [of water] from a spring: or it has a general application: (K:) and ↓ بَجْسٌ signifies cracking in a water-skin, or stone, or earth, so that water issues from it. (TA.) You say, السَّحَابُ يَنْبَجِسُ بِالمَطَرِ [The clouds pour with rain]. (TA.) And أَتَانَا بِثَرِيدٍ يَتَبَجَّسُ , (A,) or أُدْمًا يَتَبَجَّسُ , (TA,) [He brought us crumbled bread moistened with broth, which streamed with seasoning,] meaning, by reason of the abundance of grease [in it]. (A, TA.) مَآءٌ بَجْسٌ مآء بجس Water having a way, passage, vent, or channel, opened for it to flow forth; having a vent; or pouring forth: (K:) and in like manner, سَحَابٌ بَجْسٌ [clouds pouring forth rain]; (TA;) and [so] سَحَائِبُ بُجَّسٌ [pl. of ↓ بَاجِسٌ and بَاجِسَةٌ]: (S:) and ↓ مَآءٌ بَجِيسٌ flowing water: (Kr, TA:) and ↓ عَيْنٌ بَجِيسٌ a copious spring. (K, * TA.) بَجيسٌ بجيس : see بَجْسٌ, in two places. بَاجِسٌ باجس ; pl. بُجَّسٌ: see بَجْسٌ. Credit: Lane Lexicon