Root: د ك ك
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 7
b) No of constructions: 5
It occurs in 4 Ayahs.
Nouns: 3 Recurrence: 5; Verbs: 2 [Form-I]
Lane's Lexicon: He broke, or
crushed, in any manner; or bruised, brayed, or pounded;
i. e., beat with a thing so as to break or crush;

Know it, when
Mūsā [alai'his'slaam]
had come to Our appointed place and his Sustainer Lord conversed with
him, he requested: "My Sustainer Lord!
Kindly manifest Your Majesty to me, I
desire to
look towards Your Majesty."
He the Exalted told him: "You
can never see Me; however, you look towards the
Mountain; thereby, if the Mountain retained
stationing place then
you would soon be seeing Me.".
Thereat, when his Sustainer Lord
flashed light for the mountain; it rendered
the mountain as crumbled dust; and
Mūsā [alai'his'slaam]
fell on ground unconscious.
Subsequently when he recovered from
unconsciousness, he said: "Glory is for You the Exalted, I have
repented and apologized to You; and I am the first believer that
there as absolutely no scope of seeing Your Majesty with eyes."

He/Zil-Qarnain said, "This
[know how, technology] is
the Mercy from my Sustainer Lord. Therefore, when the Promise
[promised moment] of my Sustainer Lord
would have reached, He the Exalted will make it scattered atoms [as will be done with mountains]. Mind it, the Promise of my
Sustainer Lord has always been an absolute fact." [18:98]
In consequence when a
blow/Big Bang would have been blown in the Trumpet—[69:13]
And the Earth and the
mountains would have been uplifted vertically, whereupon they both would
be brayed - pounded, in the manner of single pounding. [69:14]
1 |
Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative.
منصوب |
2 |
Indefinite; singular;
مؤنث |
3 |
Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative.
منصوب |
Verbs Form-I
1 |
Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular;
ت feminine marker with added vowel sign for reason of breaking
cluster of two vowel-less consonants; مصدر-دَكٌّ
Verbal Noun. (1)89:21=1
ماضٍ مبنى
للمجهول مبني على الفتح/ باب افعال +
تَاء التانيث الساكنة/صيغة:-واحد
مؤنث غائب |
2 |
Prefixed conjunction
which shows cause/reason and effect +
Verb: Perfect; Third person; dual;
ت feminine marker with added vowel sign for reason of breaking
cluster of two vowel-less consonants; Suffixed Proxy Subject
noun, nominative state; مصدر-دَكٌّ
Verbal Noun.
حرف فَ
+ فعل
ماضٍ مبنى
للمجهول مبني على الفتح/ باب افعال +
تَاء التانيث الساكنة
الف الاثنين ضمير مبنى على السكون فى محل رفع
الفاعل -تثنية
د ل ك
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