
1 نَحَتَ  , aor. نَخِتَ , (S, L, K,) contr. to analogy, (TA,) and نَخَتَ , (L, K,) which is the form preferred by IJ, because of the guttural letter, but this is disputed by MF, (TA,) and نَخُتَ , (K,) which is the form of weakest authority, (TA,) inf. n. نَحْتٌ, (S,) He cut, or hewed; formed, or fashioned, by cutting; cut out, hewed out, or shaped out; chipped: syn. بَرَى: (S, K:) he worked wood and the like as a carpenter; syn. نَجَرَ: he pared, peeled, barked, or deprived of its outer covering by paring, abrasure, or wearing away the exterior: he sawed. (L.) [See also لَحَتَ.] Accord. to some, the operation termed نحت is only performed upon something hard and strong, as stone and wood and the like. (MF.) [↓ انتحت seems to signify He cut, &c., for himself:] you say, اِنْتَحِتْ مِنَ الخَشَبِ مَا يَكْفِيكَ لِلْوَقُودِ [Cut, or hew, for thyself, of the wood, what will suffice thee for fuel]: (A.) ― -b2- نَحَتَ بَيْتًا فِى الجَبَلِ, aor. نَخِتَ and نَخَتَ , inf. n. نَحْتٌ, He cut out, or hewed out, a house in the mountain. In the Kur, xv. 82, El-Hasan [El-Basree] reads يَنْحَتُونَ. (Msb.) [Accord. to the K, his reading is يَنْحَاتُونَ, (in the CK, تَنْحَاتُونَ,) but this I find nowhere else, and I believe it to be a mistake.] ― -b3- نُحِتَ عَلَى الكَرَمِ (tropical:) [He was fashioned after the model of generosity; made by nature generous]. (A.) ― -b4- نَحَتَ Inivit puellam: (K:) as also لَحَتَ; but the latter is the better known. (TA.) ― -b5- نَحَتَ, inf. n. نَحْتٌ, (tropical:) He beat, struck, or smote, him with a staff, or stick: (TA:) [as also لَحَتَ]. ― -b6- نَحَتَ He threw him down prostrate. (K.) ― -b7- نَحَتَ بِلِسَانِهِ (tropical:) He blamed; reprehended; reviled a man. (L.) [See also لَحَتَ.] ― -b8- نَحَتَ (tropical:) It (a journey, or travel,) emaciated a camel: (K:) it made a man less; made him thin, or slender. (TA.) ― -b9- نَحَتَ, (TA,) [aor. نَخِتَ and نَخَتَ ?] inf. n. نَحِيتٌ and نَحِيتَةٌ, He sighed aloud: the inf. ns. syn. with نَئِيتٌ and زَحِيرٌ. (K.) 8 إِِنْتَخَتَ see 1. ― -b2- انتحت It (wood or the like) was [cut, or hewn; formed, or fashioned, by cutting; cut out, hewed out, or shaped out; chipped;] worked by a carpenter: [pared, peeled, barked, or deprived of its outer covering: sawn]. (L.) ― -b3- انتحت مَنَاسِمُهُ (tropical:) His (a camel's) مناسم [i. e. toes or feet] were worn, abraded, wasted, lessened, or attenuated. (L.) نَحْتٌ  and ↓ نَحَاتٌ (K) and ↓ نَحِيتَةٌ (S, K) (tropical:) Nature; natural, or native, disposition, temper, or other property; (S, K;) a particular cast, or fashion, of constitution, after which a man is [as it were] cut out [by the Creator]: (TA:) and the first, the source, or origin, from which one is [as it were] cut out: [see also ↓ مَنْحَتٌ ]. (Lh.) ― -b2- الكَرَمُ مِنْ نَحْتِهِ Generosity is [a part] of his nature; or, [derived] from his source. or origin. (Lh.) ― -b3- هَوُ عَجِيبُ النَّحْتِ He is of a wonderful nature. (TA.) ― -b4- ↓ هَوُ كَرِيمُ النَّحِيتَةِ He is generous in nature, or disposition. (AZ.) -A2- بَرْدٌ نَحْتٌ Unmixed [i. e. sever] cold: (K:) but this is said to be a corruption of بَحْتٌ. (TA.) [See also لَحْتٌ.] نَحِيتٌ  A comb: syn. مُشْطٌ or مَشْطٌ. (So in different copies of the K.) -A2- حَافِرٌ نَحِيتٌ A hoof of which the edges have gone [or become abraded, been worn away]; (S, K;) [and so ↓ حافر مَنْحَوتٌ , occurring in the K in art. حك, where, in its place in the S, we find حافر نَحِيتٌ.] ― -b2- نَحِيتٌ (tropical:) An emaciated camel: (K:) a camel whose feet are worn, abraded, or wasted. (L.) ― -b3- ↓ نَحِيتَةٌ A [portion of the] trunk of a tree, which is hewn out, and hollowed, in the form of a jar such as is called حُبّ, for bees: pl. نُحُتٌ. (L.) ― -b4- نَحِيتٌ Anything bad; what is bad of anything. (L.) -A3- نَحِيتٌ One who introduces himself among a people, and lives with them, not being of their race. (S, K.) نَحَاتٌ  : see نَحْتٌ. نُحَاتَةٌ  Cuttings, chips, parings, and the like, (S, K,) of wood [&c.]. (TA.) نَحِيتَةٌ  : see نَحْتٌ and نَحِيتٌ. مَنْحَتٌ  (tropical:) The source, or origin, of a man, [from which he is, as it were, cut out]: pl. مَنَاحِتُ. (TA.) See also نَحْتٌ. ― -b2- هُوَ مِنْ مَنْحَتِ صِدْقٍ He is of an excellent source, or origin. (A.) ― -b3- هُمْ كِرَامُ المَنَاحِتِ They are of generous sources, or origins. (A.) مِنْحَتٌ  (S, K) and ↓ مِنْحَاتٌ (Msb, TA) An implement with which one performs the operation of cutting, hewing, and the like; (S, K, L;) an adz, or addice. (Msb.) مِنْحَاتٌ  : see مِنْحَتٌ. فَرَسٌ مُنَحَّتُ الحَوَافِرِ  [A horse having the hoofs much worn.] (IDrd, K, art. حك.) مَنْحُوتٌ  : see نَحِيتٌ. -A2- A word compounded of two [or more] words; such as بَسْمَلَ, حَمْدَلَ, حَوْقَلَ, حَسْبَلَ, &c. (Msb, TA, art. بسمل.) Credit: Lane Lexicon