
1 شَمِتَ  , aor. شَمَتَ , (S, A, Msb, K,) inf. n. شَمَاتَةٌ (S, K) and شَمَاتٌ, (K,) or the former is a simple subst., (Msb, [in which no inf. n. is mentioned,]) He (an enemy) rejoiced: (TA:) or he (a man, TA) rejoiced at the affliction of the enemy: (K, TA:) you say, شَمِتَ بِهِ He rejoiced at his [an enemy's] affliction. (S, A, Msb.) 2 شَمَّتَ see 4. ― -b2- تَشْمِيتٌ is syn. with تَسْمِيتٌ: [i. e.] تَشْمِيتُ العَاطِسِ signifies The uttering a prayer for the sneezer; (S;) when he has, in obedience to an injunction of the Prophet, said الحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ [Praise be to God]: (Har p. 250:) you say, شَمَّتَ العَاطِسَ, (ISd, A, TA,) and شمّت عَلَيْهِ, meaning [as expl. in art. سمت: or] He prayed for the sneezer that he might not be in a state in which his enemy might rejoice at his affliction: (ISd, TA:) شمّت is better and more common than سمّت: (A 'Obeyd, TA in art. سمّت and in the present art.:) but the latter is said by Th to be the original word: or the meaning is, he said to the sneezer, May God put away, or avert, from thee that on account of which one would rejoice at thy affliction: or it is from الشَّوَامِتُ as signifying “ the legs ” of a quadruped, as though meaning he prayed for the sneezer that he might be firm, or steadfast, in his obedience to God. (L and TA from the Fáïk &c.) And شمّت لَهُ and عَلَيْهِ, inf. n. as above, He prayed for what was good for him; prayed for a blessing upon him; as also سمّت, but the former is the better and the more common. (L and TA from the T and Fáïk &c.) ― -b3- Also i. q. تَخْيِيتٌ: (K:) you say, شمّتهُ فُلَانٌ, meaning خَيَّبَهُ [Such a one disappointed him; or caused him to be disappointed of attaining what he desired or sought: or denied him, refused him, prohibited him from attaining, or debarred him from, that which he desired or sought]. (TA.) ― -b4- And i. q. جَمْعٌ [The act of collecting, &c.]. (K. [But SM says that he had searched to the utmost for this meaning without finding it in any other lexicon.]) 4 اشمتهُ اللّٰهُ بِهِ  God made him (i. e. the enemy, A, Msb) to rejoice at his affliction. (A, * Msb, K, TA.) For فَلَا تُشْمِتْ بِىَ الْأَعَدَآءَ [Therefore make not thou the enemies to rejoice at my affliction], in the Kur [vii. 149], Mujáhid is related to have read ↓ فلا تُشَمِّتْ : but the correctness of this is doubted. (TA.) 5 تَشَمُّتٌ  signifies A people's returning disappointed of attaining their desire, without spoil. (K.) 8 اِشْتِمَاتٌ  [A camel's] beginning to be fat. (K. [See the part. n., below.]) شِمَاتٌ  Disappointment; frustration of one's endeavour or hope: (IB, TA:) a subst. from تَشْمِيتٌ as signifying تَخْيِيبٌ. (TA.) ― -b2- Also, thus written in copies of the K, [and in the S,] with kesr, (TA,) [but in the CK شَمات,] and ↓ شَمَاتَى , (K,) Persons suffering disappointment; or failing of attaining their desire; (K, TA;) without spoil: (TA:) [pls.] without any sing.; (K:) or the latter has no sing. known to ISd: (TA:) [but] ↓ شَامِتٌ has this meaning as a sing. part, n., and شمات [app. شِمَاتٌ] is its pl. (IB, TA.) One says, ↓ رَجَعُوا شَمَاتَى , (IAar, TA,) or شِمَاتًا, (S,) They returned suffering disappointment; or failing of attaining their desire; (IAar, S, TA;) without spoil; and so ↓ مُشَمَّتِينَ and ↓ مُتَشَمِّتِينَ . (TA.) [ شَمِيتٌ  Reproach (“ convicium ”): so Golius, as from the KL; but I do not find it in my copy of that work.] شَمَاتَى  : see شِمَاتٌ, in two places. شَامِتٌ  One rejoicing at the affliction of an enemy: [fem. with ة: pl. masc. شُمَّاتٌ and fem. شَوَامِتُ; or the latter may be anomalously masc., like فَوَارِسُ &c.; and as such it is evidently used in the L, in one place; but in another place, where it cites an explanation by AO, as fem.: both are mentioned in the M and L and TA, and the latter in the S and A also.] One says, اَللّٰهُمَّ لَا تُطِيعَنَّ لِى شَامِتًا [O God, comply not with the desire of one who is to me a rejoicer at my affliction]; meaning, do not with me that which one who rejoices at my affliction likes, or approves; for in that case, Thou wouldst be as though Thou obeyedst him. (ISk, L, TA.) And بَاتَ فُلَانٌ بَلَيْلَةِ الشَّوَامِتِ Such a one passed a night such as would make to rejoice those, or those females, that would rejoice at the affliction of an enemy; (S, A, L, TA;) i. e., a distressing night. (A.) [And a verse cited in the next paragraph presents, as some read it, a similar ex. of الشَّوَامِت.] -A2- See also شِمَاتٌ. شَامِتَةٌ  [fem. of شَامِتٌ, q. v. -A2- Also], as a subst., sing. of شَوَامِتُ (S, TA) which signifies The legs of a beast. (S, A, K, TA.) One says, لَا تَرَكَ اللّٰهُ لَهُ شَامِتَةً, i. e. [May God not leave to him] a leg of a beast. (AA, S, A, TA.) And En-Nábighah [Edh-Dhubyánee] says, “ فَارْتَاعَ مِنْ صَوْتِ كَلَّابٍ فَبَاتَ لَهُ
طَوْعَ الشَّوَامِتِ مِنْ خَوْفٍ وَمِنْ صَرَدِ
” [And that has been frightened at the voice of a huntsman with his dogs,] and passed the night in consequence thereof standing, (lit. obeying the legs,) by reason of fear and [also] of cold; the poet describing a [wild] bull: (AO, L, TA:) but some read طَوْعُ (instead of طَوْعَ); and accord. to this reading, the meaning is, and passed the night having, of fear and of cold, what was agreeable with the desire of such as would rejoice at his affliction; the phrase being like the saying اَللّٰهُمَّ لَا تُطِيعَنَّ لِى شَامِتًا meaning as expl. in the next preceding paragraph: (ISk, L, TA:) or he passed the night having [of fear and of cold] what would rejoice the شَوَامِت that heard thereof: (AO, L, TA:) [and in like manner, Z says,] بَاتَ طَوْعَ الشَّوَامِتِ [without لَهُ, and with طوع in the accus. case, lit. he passed the night obeying those, or those females, that rejoiced at his affliction,] means, as those that rejoiced at his affliction liked, or approved. (A.) مُشَمَّتٌ  A king prayed for (K, TA) with the prayers that are offered for kings. (TA.) -A2- See also شِمَاتٌ, last sentence. مُشَمِّتٌ  Any one praying, or who prays, for what is good; as also مُسَمِّتٌ. (S.) إِِبِلٌ مُشْتَمِتَةٌ  Camels beginning to be fat. (TA.) مُتَشَمِّتٌ : see its pl. voce شِمَاتٌ, last sentence. Credit: Lane Lexicon