ضحو and ضحى

1 ضَحَا الطَّرِيقُ  , (S, K,) aor. يَضْحُو, (S,) inf. n. ضَحْوٌ, (S, and so in the CK,) or ضُحُوٌّ, (so in other copies of the K and in the TA,) like عُلُوٌّ, thus accord. to ISd and IKtt, (TA,) and ضُحِىٌّ, (TA as from the K, [but not in the CK nor in my MS. copy of the K,]) The road appeared, or became apparent, (S, K,) to a person: so says AZ: (S:) [and so, app., signifies ضَحِىَ, aor. يَضْحَى; for] As says, يُسْتَحَبُّ مِنَ الفَرَسِ أَنْ يَضْحَى عِجَانُهُ i. e. [It is approved as a quality of the horse] that his عجان [q. v., a word variously expl.,] appear. (S, TA.) ― -b2- ضَحِيَتِ اللّيْلَةُ The night was, or became, cloudless. (TA.) ― -b3- ضَحِىَ الفَرَسَ The horse was, or became, white. (TA.) ― -b4- ظِلُّهُ ضَحَا (tropical:) He died: (K, TA:) it [properly] means his shade, or shadow, became sun: and when a man's shade, or shadow, becomes sun, he himself becomes nought. (IAmb, TA.) ― -b5- And ضَحَا and ضَحِىَ, aor. of each يَضْحَى, inf. n. ضَحْوٌ, (K, TA,) or, accord. to the M, ضُحُوٌّ, (TA,) and ضُحِىٌّ, He, or it, was smitten by the sun; or the sun came, or fell, upon him, or it: (K, TA:) or ضَحِىَ, aor. يَضْحَى, inf. n. ضَحًا; and ضَحَا, aor. يَضْحُو, inf. n. ضَحْوٌ and ضُحُوٌّ, he, or it, was smitten by the heat of the sun. (Ham p. 625.) Hence, in the Kur [xx. 117], لَا تَظْمَأُ فِيهَا وَلَا تَضْحَى [Thou shalt not thirst. therein nor shalt thou be smitten by the sun]; i. e., thou shalt be preserved from the heat of the sun. (TA.) ― -b6- And ضَحَا, inf. n. ضَحْوٌ and ضُحُوٌّ and ضُحِىٌّ, He went forth to the sunshine; (K;) as also لِلشَّمْسِ استضحى ; (TA;) [and app. ↓ تضحّى also; see Har p. 296, where, for النزول, in النزول للشمس as an explanation of التَّضَحِّى, I think we should read البُرُوزُ:] or ضَحِيتُ لِلشَّمْسِ, inf. n. ضَحَآءٌ; and ضَحَيْتُ also; aor. of each أَضْحَى; I went forth to the sunshine. (S.) أَضْحِ [the imperative of ↓ أَضْحَى ] occurs in a trad., accord. to the relaters thereof: but As says that it is [correctly] اِضْحَ, with kesr to the ا and fet-h to the ح; from ضَحِيتُ; being a command to go forth to the sunshine. (S.) ― -b7- And ضَحِىَ, (S, K,) inf. n. ضَحًى [or ضَحًا], He (a man, S) sweated. (S, K.) 2 ضَحَّيْنَاهُمْ  is like صَبَّحْنَاهُمْ [i. e. it signifies We came to them in the time of the morning called الضُّحَى]: (TA:) and ↓ ضاحاهُ , (K, TA,) inf. n. مُضَاحَاةٌ, is similar to غَادَاهُ and رَاوَحَهُ, meaning, (TA,) He came to him in the time called الضُّحَى. (K, TA.) ― -b2- ضحّى الغَنَمَ He pastured the sheep, or goats, in the time called الضُّحَى; (S, K, TA;) and in like manner, الإِِبِلَ the camels. (TA.) And ضَحَّيْتُ الإِِبِلَ عَنِ الوِرْدِ I pastured the camels with the [morning-pasture called] ↓ ضَحَآء , so that they might come to the water having satisfied themselves with food: and in like manner, عَشَّيْتُهَا عَنْهُ “ I pastured them with the [evening-pasture called] عَشَآء, ” &c. (A, TA.) ― -b3- [Hence,] ضَحَّيْتُهُ, inf. n. تَضْحِيَةٌ, I fed him in the time called الضُّحَى: (K, TA:) or I fed him with the [morning-meal called] غَدَآء, at any time [of the morning]; but more commonly known as meaning, in the time called الضُّحَى: and the verb primarily relates to camels [and sheep or goats]: or ضحّى قَوْمَهُ means he fed his people, or party, with the [morning-meal called] غَدَآء; or he invited them [thereto, i. e.] to his ضَحَآء. (TA.) ― -b4- IAth says, when the Arabs, in their journeying, or migrating, passed by a piece of land in which was herbage, one of them said, أَلَا ضَحُّوا رُوَيْدًا, meaning [Now] be ye gentle with the camels حَتَّى نَتَضَحَّى i. e. in order that we may obtain of this herbage; then التَّضْحِيَةُ was applied to mean the being gentle in order that the camels may reach the place of alighting [app. in the morning] having satisfied themselves with food: and then ↓ تَضَحَّى was said of anyone as meaning he ate in the time called [الضُّحَى or] الضَّحَآء. (TA.) One says, ضَحَّيْتُ عَنِ الشَّىْءِ (assumed tropical:) I was gentle, or I acted gently, with the thing. (S.) And ضحّى عَنِ الأَمْرِ (tropical:) He acted gently, or deliberately, in the affair: and so عَشَّى عَنْهُ. (A, TA.) And ضَحِّ رُوَيْدًا, (S, A, TA,) a prov., (A, TA,) meaning (tropical:) Hasten thou not; (S, TA;) from تَضْحِيَةُ الإِِبِلِ عَنِ الوِرْدِ: [see the third sentence of this paragraph:] or meaning be thou patient a little while: (TA:) or the meaning is, slaughter thou, or sacrifice thou, [deliberately, leisurely, or] without haste: (Meyd:) [for] ― -b5- ضحّى, inf. n. تَضْحيَةٌ, signifies [also] He slaughtered, or sacrificed, the [victim termed] أُضْحِيَّة, in the time called الضُّحَى: and hence, by reason of frequency of usage, he did so in any time of what are termed أَيَّامُ التَّشْرِيقِ: (Msb:) and ضحّى بِشَاةٍ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) or بِكَبْشٍ أَوْ غَيْرِهِ, (Mgh,) he slaughtered, or sacrificed, a sheep or goat, (S, Msb, K,) or a ram or other [victim], (Mgh,) in the time called الضُّحَى (Mgh, K) of the day called يَوْمُ الأَضْحَى; and afterwards said of him who has done so [at any time, even] in the last part of the [said] day. (Mgh.) -A2- See also 4. -A3- And see 5. 3 ضاحت البِلَدُ  The countries, or lands, became exposed to the sun, and their herbage consequently dried up. (TA.) -A2- ضاحاهُ: see 2, first sentence. 4 اضحى  He (a man, TA) entered upon the time of morning called الضُّحَى, (K, * TA,) or the time called الضَّحْوَة, (TA,) [or the time called الضَّحَآء, for] you say, أَقَمْتُ بِالمَكَانِ حَتَّى أَضْحَيْتُ, from الضَّحَآءُ [and therefore meaning I remained in the place until I entered upon the time called الضَّحَآء], like as you say أَصْبَحْتُ from الصَّبَاحُ. (S, TA.) Hence the saying of 'Omar, أَضْحُوا لِصَلَاةِ الضُّحَى, (S,) or بِصَلَاةِ الضُّحَى, (TA,) i. e. Perform ye the prayer of the time called الضحى at its [proper] time: do not delay it until the time called الضَّحَآء has become advanced: (TA:) or do not perform that prayer when the time called الضُّحَى has become advanced. (S.) ― -b2- And you say, اضحى فُلَانٌ يَفْعَلُ كَذَا, (S, M, K,) like as you say ظَلَّ يفعل كذا; (S;) meaning Such a one became occupied, or engaged, in the time called الضُّحَى in doing such a thing: (M, K, TA:) or did such a thing in the first part of the day, (IKtt, TA.) ― -b3- [This phrase often means also Such a one became occupied, or engaged, in doing such a thing; betook, set, or applied, himself to doing such a thing; set about, or commenced, doing such a thing; or began to do such a thing; like أَصْبَحَ and ظَلَّ &c. And, like these verbs, اضحى followed by an aor., or by a part. n. in the accus. case, often requires to be rendered simply He, or it, became: see an ex. in a verse cited voce دَفِئٌ.] ― -b4- اضحى also signifies He performed the supererogatory act of prayer (النَّافِلَة) in the time called الضُّحَى. (TA.) ― -b5- See also 1, last sentence but one. ― -b6- One says also, اضحى عَنِ الأَمْرِ, meaning (tropical:) He withdrew himself far from the affair. (TA. [See also another meaning of this phrase in what follows.]) And القَطا يُضْحِى عَنِ المَآءِ (tropical:) The birds called قطا go far from water. (TA.) -A2- اضحى الشَّىْءَ He made apparent, showed, or revealed, the thing. (K, TA.) And عَنِ الأَمْرِ ضحّى He made the affair, or case, apparent, or manifest: and [so اضحى عَنْهُ, for] one says, أَضْحِ لِى عَنْ أَمْرِكَ, with fet-h to the ', meaning Make manifest to me thy affair, or case: so in the M. (TA.) ― -b2- لَا أَضْحَى اللّٰهُ لَنَا ظِلَّكَ is a deprecatory phrase [lit. May God not cause thy shadow to become sun to us: meaning (assumed tropical:) may God not deprive us of thee by death: (see ضَحَا ظِلُّهُ:) or it may be similar in meaning to the phrase here following]. (TA.) لَا تُضْحِنَا عَنْ ظِلِّكَ [lit. Make us not to go forth into the sun from thy shadow] means (assumed tropical:) withdraw not from us the shadow of thy compassion: the verb being made trans. by means of عن because the phrase implies the meaning of لَا تُخْرِجْنَا مِنْهُ: and ظلّ being here used metaphorically. (Har p. 4.) 5 تَضحّى ذ : see 1, latter half. ― -b2- And see 2, in two places. It [generally] means He ate in the time of morning called الضُّحَى: (K:) or he ate the [morning-meal called] غَدَآء; syn. تَغَدَّى: (S, TA:) and ↓ ضحّى also has the former [or the latter] meaning. (ISd, TA.) 10 إِِسْتَ1ْ2َ3َ see 1, latter half. ضَحْوٌ  : see the next paragraph. ضُحًى  , also written ضُحًا, held by some to be of the measure فُعَلٌ, and by others to be [originally ضُحْوًى i. e.] of the measure فُعْلًى, of the former measure accord. to Mbr, and of the latter accord. to Th, (MF, TA,) [The early part of the forenoon, after sunrise: accord. to some, when the sun is yet low: accord. to others, when the sun is somewhat high:] i. q. ضَحْوَةٌ , accord. to most authorities: (MF, TA, and so in one place in the K:) or this latter signifies the period of the day after sunrise: (S:) or this signifies the advanced state of the day (اِرْتِفَاعُ النَّهَارِ [which is said by the doctors of the law in the present day to mean when the sun has risen the measure of a رُمْح, q. v., or more]); as also ↓ ضَحْوٌ and ↓ ضَحِيَّةٌ : (K:) and the ضُحَى is after the ضَحْوَة (S, K) a little, (K,) when the sun shines brightly: (S:) or from sunrise to the time when the day is advanced and very white: thus in the M: (TA:) or it is the spreading of the sun [upon the earth], and the extending of the day: and the time [thereof] is thus named: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or ضُحًى is pl. of ↓ ضَحْوَةٌ , like as قُرًى is of قَرْيَةٌ; and its sing. is like ↓ ضَحَآءٌ , which means the extending of the day, and is of the masc. gender, as though a name of the time [thereof]: then ضُحًى became used as a sing., and the time was thus called: (Msb:) it is fem. and masc.: (S, K: *) he who makes it fem. holds it to be pl. of ↓ ضَحْوَةٌ ; and he who makes it masc. holds it to be [a sing.] noun of the measure فُعَلٌ, like صُرَدٌ and نُغَرٌ: (S:) its dim. is ↓ضُحَىٌّ, without ة; (Fr, Msb, K;) for they disapproved the affixing the ة lest it should be confounded with the dim. of ضَحْوَةٌ. (Fr, Msb.) Using it as an adv. noun, you say, لَقِيتُهُ ضُحَى, when you mean [I met him] in the ضحى of this day; without tenween. (S, TA.) See also ضَحْوَةٌ. [See also De Sacy's Chrest. Ar., sec. ed., i. 162-167, respecting the prayer that is performed in the time thus called, i. e. the prayer termed صَلَاةُ الضُّحَى, mentioned above, voce أَضْحَى.] ― -b2- Also The sun: (M, Msb, K:) because of its appearing in the time thus called. (M, TA.) One says, اِرْتَفَعَتِ الضَّحَى, meaning The sun became high. (Msb.) ― -b3- And ضُحَى الشَّمْسِ The light of the sun: thus is expl. xci. 1. of the Kur. (TA.) ― -b4- مَا لِكَلَامِهِ ضُحًى means (assumed tropical:) His speech, or language, has no perspicuity: thus in the M and K: but in the A, ↓ أَنْشَدَنِى شَعْرًا لَيْسَ فِيهِ حَلَاوَةٌ وَلَا ضَحَآءٌ i. e. [He recited to me poetry] in which was no [sweetness nor] plainness of meaning. (TA.) ضَحْوَةٌ  : see the next preceding paragraph, in three places. You say, أَتَيْتُكَ ضَحْوَةً, meaning [I came to thee] in a [time called] ↓ ضُحًى [or rather ضَحْوَة], (K, * TA,) with tenween, unless you mean of this day [in which case you say ضَحْوَةٌ, without tenween, like as you say in the latter case ضُحَى]. (TA.) ضَحْيَا  and ضَحْيَآءُ fems. of أَضْحَى [q. v.]. ضَحْيَانٌ  , which should by rule be ضَحْوَانٌ, Anything exposing itself, or being exposed, to the sun. (IJ, TA.) قُلَّةٌ ضَحْيَانَةٌ means [A mountain-top] exposed to the sun: (S, K:) occurring in a saying of Taäbbata-sharrà. (S.) And عَصًا ضَحْيَانَةٌ A staff, or stick, growing in the sun so as to be matured thereby, and extremely hard. (TA.) ― -b2- See also أَضْحَى. ― -b3- Also A man who eats in the time called الضُّحَى: fem. with ة. (K.) ضَحَآءٌ  , with medd, (S, Hr, Msb, TA,) and fet-h, (Hr, Msb, TA, [erroneously written in copies of the K with damm,]) The period [of the forenoon] next after that called الضُّحَى; i. e. when the day is at the highest: (S:) or the period near midday: (K:) or the period of the day when the sun has risen to the fourth part of the sky: (TA:) see also ضُحًى, in two places. ― -b2- And hence, The [morning-meal called] غَدَآء; because it is eaten in the time thus called. (S, TA.) [And also applied to Pasture eaten in that time:] see 2, third sentence. ضُحَىٌّ  dim. of ضُحًى, q. v. (Fr, Msb, K.) ضَحِيَّةٌ  : see ضُحًى: -A2- and see also أُضْحِيَّةٌ. ضَاحٍ  [part. n. of 1, Appearing, &c.] ― -b2- You say مَكَانٌ ضاحٍ An outer, exterior, or exposed, place: (S:) and أَرْضٌ ضَاحِيَةٌ Land not surrounded by a wall. (TA in art. حوط.) [And particularly A place exposed to the sun.] ― -b3- [Hence,] مَفَازَةٌ ضَاحِيَةُ الظِّلِّ [A desert, or waterless desert,] having no shade or shadow; and ضَاحِيَةُ الظِّلَالِ [having no shades or shadows]. (TA.) And شَجَرَةٌ ضَاحِيَةٌ بِالظِّلِّ [if not a mistake for ضَاحِيَةُ الظِّلِّ] A tree having no shade. (Har p. 4.] ― -b4- And بَدَا بِضَاحِى رَأْسِهِ [He appeared with, or he showed,] the side of his head. (TA.) [See also the next paragraph.] ضَاحِيَةٌ  An outer, exterior, or exposed, side or region or tract of anything: [pl. ضَوَاحٍ: whence] one says, هُمْ يَنْزِلُونَ الضَّوَاحِىَ [They alight, or abide, in the exterior tracts]. (S.) [Hence also,] ضَوَاحِى الرُّومِ The exterior districts of the Greeks. (K.) And الضَّاحِيَةُ مِنَ البَعْلِ What are in the open country, of the palm-trees that imbibe with their roots, without being watered: opposed to الضَّامِنَةُ مِنَ النَّخْلِ: (AO, S in this art. and in art. ضمن, q. v.:) and الضَّوَاحِى مِنَ النَّخْلِ what are outside of the town-wall, of the palm-trees: thus used, الضواحى is an epithet in which the quality of a subst. is predominant. (TA.) And ضَوَاحِى قُرَيْشٍ Those [of Kureysh] who abide outside of Mekkeh. (TA.) And هُوَ مِنْ أَهْلِ الضَّاحِيَةِ He is of the people of the desert. (TA.) الضَّوَاحِى also signifies The parts, of a man, that stand out, or are exposed, (K, TA,) to the sun, (TA,) such as the shoulder-blades, and the shoulders: (K, TA:) pl. of ضَاحِيَةٌ. (TA.) And The sides of a watering-trough. (K.) And The heavens. (S, K.) ― -b2- [Hence also,] فَعَلَهُ ضَاحِيَةً He did it openly. (S, A, K.) ― -b3- ضَاحِيَةُ المَالِ means The cattle, (K,) or sheep or goats, (TA,) that drink in the time of morning called ضُحًى. (K, TA.) أَضْحَى  , applied to a horse, i. q. أَشْهَبُ [Of a colour in which whiteness predominates over blackness; &c.]: fem. ضَحْيَآءُ: (S, K:) or الضَّحْيَآءُ was, (K,) or was also, (S, and so afterwards in the K,) the name of a certain mare, belonging to 'Amr Ibn-'Ámir (S, K) Ibn-Rabee'ah. (S.) ― -b2- And لَيْلَةٌ ضَحْيَآءُ, (S, K,) and ضَحْيَا with the short ا, both mentioned by ISd, (TA,) and ↓ إِِضْحِيَانَةٌ , (S, K,) and ↓ إِِضْحِيَةٌ accord. to the K, but [SM says] I have not found any mention of this last, [meaning except in the K,] and probably the right word is ↓ إِِضحِيَانٌ , as in the books of strange words together with إِِضْحِيَانَةٌ, and accord. to the “ Irtisháf ed-Darab ” of AHei one says [also] ↓ أَضْحِيَانٌ with fet-h, (TA,) A bright night, (S, K, TA,) in which are no clouds: (S, TA:) and in like manner, ↓ يَوْمٌ إِِضْحِيَانٌ , in the K, erroneously, ضَحْيَاةٌ, a bright day, in which are no clouds, as in the M; or bright with the brightness of the ضُحَى, accord. to Er-Rághib; or [simply] bright, and so ↓ ضَحْيَانٌ , which is likewise applied in this sense to a moon, as also ↓ إِِضْحِيَانٌ , and to a lamp, or its lighted wick. (TA.) ― -b3- And اِمْرَأَةٌ ضَحْيَآءُ A woman whose hair of her عَانَة will not grow forth; (K, TA;) as though her عانة, being bare of hair, had no shade upon it. (TA.) -A2- مَا أَدْرِى أَىُّ الضَّحْيَآءِ هُوَ is a saying mentioned by Az in art. طهى as meaning I know not what one of mankind, or of the people, he is. (TA.) -A3- أَضْحًى [a coll. gen. n., of which the n. un. is أَضْحَاةٌ]: see أُضْحِيَّةٌ. Hence, يَوْمُ الأَضْحَى [The day of the victims; which is the tenth of Dhu-l- Hijjeh]; (S, Mgh, K, * TA;) so says Yaakoob; (TA;) or عِيدُ الأَضْحَى [the festival of the victims]: (Msb:) and by الأَضْحَى when it is made masc. is meant that day. (Fr, S, Msb.) إِِضْحِيَةٌ  : see the next preceding paragraph. إِِضْحِيَانٌ  and أَضْحِيَانٌ, and the former with ة: see أَضْحَى, in five places. ― -b2- الإِِضْحِيَانُ is also the name of A certain plant, (K, TA,) resembling the أُقْحُوَان [or chamomile] in appearance. (TA.) أُضْحِيَّةٌ  , (As, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) of the measure أُفْعُولَةٌ [as though originally أُضْحُويَةٌ], (Msb,) and إِِضْحِيَّةٌ, (As, S, Msb, K,) pl. [of each] أَضاحِىُّ; and ↓ ضَحِيَّةٌ , of which the pl. is ضَحَايَا; and أَضْحَاةٌ, of which the pl. is ↓ أَضْحًى , (As, S, Mgh, Msb, K, [in copies of the K and in my copy of the Mgh written أَضْحَى, but it is properly speaking a coll. gen. n. of which أَضْحَاةٌ is the n. un., and is therefore with tenween,]) like أَرْطَاةٌ and أَرْطًى; (As, S, Mgh, Msb; *) A sheep or goat (S, K, KL) &c. [i. e. meaning also a camel and a bull or cow] (KL) that is slaughtered, or sacrificed, (S, K, KL,) in the time called الضُّحَى, (K,) on the day called يَوْمُ الأَضْحَى [the day of the victims, which is the tenth of Dhu-l-Hijjeh]. (S, K, * KL.) أَرْضٌ مَضْحَاةٌ  A land from which the sun is hardly, or never, absent; (K, TA;) i. e. an exposed land. (TA.) مُضْطَحٍ  and ↓ مُتَضَحٍّ and ↓ مُسْتَضْحٍ A man entering upon the time of morning called الضُّحَى. (K, * TA.) مُتَضَحٍّ  : see what next precedes. مُسْتَضْحٍ  : see what next precedes. Credit: Lane Lexicon