1 حَلَيْتُ المَرْأَةَ , aor. حَلِىَ , inf. n. حَلْىٌ, I assigned, or gave, to the woman حُلِىّ [or ornaments]; and so حَلَوْتُهَا. (S.) [See also 2.] -A2- حَلِيَتْ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. حَلِىَ , (K,) inf. n. as above, (Msb, K,) She (a woman) acquired an ornament, or ornaments: (K:) or she wore on ornament, or ornaments; as also ↓ تحلّت : (Msb, K:) or the former signifies she had an ornament, or orna ments: (S, K:) and ↓ the latter, she adorned herself with an ornament, or ornaments: (S, Mgh, * TA:) or she made for herself an orna ment, or ornaments. (Msb, TA.) ― -b2- لَمْ يَحْلَ مِنْهُ بِطَائِلٍ He gained not, or derived not, from him, or it, any great profit, advantage, or benefit: the verb is not used in this sense except in negative phrases; (S, TA;) and is from الحَلْىُ and الحِلْيَةُ; because the mind reckons an ornament as an acquisition: not from حلو. (TA.) [But an affirmative phrase, with the verb حَلِىَ used in a similar sense, is mentioned in the K in art. حلو: see 1 in that art. See also 1 in art. حلأ.] ― -b3- See also حَلِى, below. -A3- حَلِيَتِ الشَّفَةُ: see حَلِئَت, in art
. حلأ. 2 حلّى المَرْأَةَ , (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَحْلِيَةٌ, (K,) He decked the woman with an ornament, or ornaments: (S, Msb, K: [see also 1, first sen tence: and in like manner, السَّيْفَ the sword:]) or he made for her an ornament, or ornaments: or he described her: (K:) or you say also حَلَّيْتُ الرَّجُلَ as meaning I described the حِلْيَة [i. e. quality, or qualities or attributes, or state or con dition,] of the man: (S:) and you say also, حلّاهُ عَلَيْهِ [he described it to him]. (L in art. سملج.) The verb in the first of these senses is doubly trans., as in the saying in the Kur [xviii. 30, &c.], يُحَلّوْنَ فِيهَا مِنْ أَسَاوِرَ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ [They shall be decked therein with bracelets of gold]. (TA.) -A2- حَلَّيْتُمْ for حَلَّأْتُمْ: see 2 in art. حلأ. 5 تَحَلَّتْ تحلى تحلت : see 1, in two places. ― -b2- [Hence,] تحلّى فُلَانٌ بِمَا لَيْسَ فِيهِ Such a one affected that which was not in him. (TA.) -A2- تحلّاهُ He knew his [حِلْيَة, i. e.] quality, or qualities or attributes, or state or condition. (TA.) حَلًا حل حلا Pustules breaking out in the mouths of children [app. after a fever; like حَلَأٌ]. (Kr, M.) حَلْىٌ حل حلى حلي حلية حليي An ornament (Mgh, Msb, *, K) of a woman, (S, Mgh, Msb,) of moulded metal, or of stones, (K,) or of gold, or of silver, and some say, or of jewels, or gems: (Mgh:) pl. حُلِىٌّ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and حِلِىٌّ, also, because of the حُلِىٌّ like عِصِىٌّ: (S, TA:) or حَلْىٌ is a pl. [or coll. gen. n.], and its sing. [or n. un.] is ↓ حَلْيَةٌ : (K:) so says AAF: (TA:) ↓ حِلْيَةٌ , also, signifies the same as حَلْىٌ; (K; [in the CK حُلِىّ;]) and particularly, (K,) the ornament, or ornaments, حَلْىٌ, K, or زِينَةٌ, Mgh and Msb,) of gold or silver, (Mgh,) of a sword, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) as also ↓ حَلَاةٌ , (K,) or of a lamp, and of other things: (Mgh:) accord. to Lth, حَلْىٌ signifies any حِلْيَة [i. e. ornament, or ornaments,] with which one decks a woman or a sword and the like: but accord. to others, only of a woman; and one says only ↓ حِلْيَةٌ in relation to other things, to a sword [for instance], and the like: (TA:) the pl. of حِلْيَةٌ is حِلًى and حُلًى; (S, K;) or, accord. to IF, it has no pl. (Msb.) حَلِى حل حلى حلي حلية حليي A cry by which a she-camel is chidden; as also حَلِ and حَلْ; like as a he-camel is by the cry حَوْبِ and حَوْبُ &c.: (TA voce حَوْبِ:) or by which female camels are chidden; as also حَلْ, and, when in connexion with a following word, حَلٍ. (TA voce حَلْ, in art. حل.) One says, in chiding the she-camel, ↓ حَلِى لَا حَلِيتِ [On! mayest thou not gain any great benefit: like as one says, in chiding the he-camel, حَبْ لَا مَشِيتَ, &c.]. (TA in the present art.) حَلَاةٌ حل حلا حلاه حلاة حلى حلية : see حَلْىٌ. حَلْيَةٌ حل حلي حليه حلية : see حَلْىٌ. حِلْيَةٌ حل حلي حليه حلية : see حَلْىٌ, in two places. ― -b2- Also The quality, or the aggregate of the attributes or qualities, or the state or condition, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) and the make, and form, (K,) and the appearance in respect of colour, or complexion, &c., (Mgh,) of a man: (S, Mgh:) pl. حِلًى and حُلًى. (Mgh, Msb, TA.) A description of the face, or countenance, of a man. (TA.) ― -b3- الحِلْيَةُ in a trad. respecting الوُضُوْء means [The mode of ablution termed] التَّحْجِيلُ. (TA. [See 2 in art. حجل.]) حَلِىٌّ حل حلى حلي حلية حليي Dry, dried up, or tough. (TA.) ― -b2- What has become dry (S, K) and white (K [but see نَصِىٌّ]) of the [plant called] نَصِىّ, (S, K,) and سَبَط: Az says, it is one of the best kinds of pasture of the people of the desert for camels and horses; and when its produce appears, it resembles eared corn: accord. to Lth, it is every plant that resembles corn, or seed-produce, in its manner of growth; but this, says Az, is a mistake: (TA:) n. un. with ة: (K:) and pl. أَحْلِيَةٌ. (S.) -A2- The pole, or long piece of wood, [app. of a plough,] that is between the two bulls: of the dial. of El Yemen. (TA.) حَلِيَّةٌ حل حلي حليه حلية : see حَالٍ. حُلَيَّا حلى حلي حليا A certain plant. (K.) ― -b2- And A certain food of the Arabs, (Sgh, K,) in which dates are rubbed and pressed [or mashed] with the hand. (Sgh.) حَالٍ حال (K) and حَالِيَةٌ (S, K) A woman having an ornament or ornaments; (S, K;) as also ↓ حَلِيَّةٌ : (S:) or wearing an ornament or ornaments; as also ↓ مُتَحَلِّيَةٌ : (K:) pl. حَوَالٍ. (S.) ― -b2- And [hence,] حَالِيَةٌ means (tropical:) Trees having leaves and fruit. (TA.) مُحَلًّى محل محلى محلي محليي Ornamented: applied to a sword [&c.] (S.) ― -b2- [Described.] مُتَحَلِّيَةٌ متحليه متحلية : see حم. Credit: Lane Lexicon