
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.










Lane Lexicon







































































Root: ء ص ل

Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:

a) Total occurrences: 10

b) No of constructions: 5

The basic perception infolded in the Root, as stated by Ibn Faris [died 1005] is that of a root, radix of a thing [اساس الشىء]; and signifying "ما كان من النَّهار بعد العشىِّ": the last segment of day time immediately before the beginning of night, i.e. Sunset.

Semantic Field:  the Plant Kingdom of the Earth—Roots

Natural collocates occurring with this word render its meanings explicit:

  • Have you not yet reflected how Allah the Exalted has struck equating the example of a pleasant, meaningful, benefiting and result yielding assertion!

  • It is like a pleasantly beneficial and result yielding female-fruit bearing tree. Its Root is functioning as firm axis and its trunk rising high in to the Sky. [14:24]

The description of  tree exactly resembles that of date palm. Its Root system is divided in four zones. Roots are found as far as 25 meter from the palm and deeper than 6 meter. The firmness is also because its roots are laterally found outside of the projection of the tree's canopy. Its trunk's height could reach 20 meters.

Both the descending and ascending parts of the plant axis are mentioned.

Other signification stated by Ibn Faris is also endorsed by the Grand Qur'aan:

  • Be aware; He who is living-exists in the Skies and the Earth submits humbly in surrender; and will acknowledge and submit humbly in surrender for Allah the Exalted; in the states arising on willful acceptance-acknowledgement with  reverence, and under compulsion of coercive circumstances.

  • However, their shadows make themselves in prostrate posture for Allah the Exalted, at occasion of the mornings and the evenings. [13:15]

 [Note: Prostration Ayah; please prostrate-it gets man nearer to Allah the Exalted-96:19]

The shadow has relationship with the Sun.

  • Have you not yet considered how your Sustainer Lord has stretched-lengthened the Shadow?

  • And had He the Exalted so willed, He would certainly had made the shadow remain still.

  • Afterwards, We rendered the Sun as a pointer-indicator upon that shadow. [25:45]

General principal of semantic domains and root system of Arabic is that their derivatives share the basic concept and meanings. Are the basic meanings of root shared by this signification "ما كان من النَّهار بعد العشىِّ" the last segment of day time immediately before the beginning of night, i.e. Sunset?

The basic perception of the Root is the foundation, radix of a thing. The words  , made from it denote a short time zone at the end of the bright day, which is one segment of the composite day. The day comprising bright day and night is the unit of the month. The number/count of  months in the Book of Allah, the Exalted is twelve from the day our universe was created.

  • Know the fact; the number of months determined by and recorded in the Book of Allah the Exalted ever since the Day He created the Skies and the Earth is twelve, each as distinct month;

  • Four sacred months are so declared amongst these twelve Lunar months.

  • This is the primordial straightly settled, permanent discipline, ruleoperative system. [Refer 9:36]

It is thus evident that the basic and primary calendar of our universe is Islamic, i.e. Lunar twelve months. The Lunar Month and Lunar Composite Day starts and comprises from the Sunset to Sunrise and Sunset. The time before the Sunset is actually the foundation, root of Islamic Day which will begin/"sprout" at Sunset. This may be a relevant information regarding time zones, that the Earth, which was to become a place of our temporary sojourn, was expanded/stretched after the first dark night of creation of our Universe:

  • Are you more strong and stable with regard to construct- creation or the Sky is more strong and stable? He the Exalted constructed her. [79:27]

  • He raised  "سمك": [say] handle of the Sky and thereat proportioned her [into seven Skies]. [79:28]

  • And made dark her night. And He the Exalted brought out her shine producing heat and light. [79:29]

  • And after this discharge of heat of the Sky He the Exalted rendered her: the Earth like the ostrich pit for spawning. [79:30]



Noun: Definite; singular; masculine; genitive.  (1)37:64=1            اسم مجرور-واحد-مذكر


Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite; singular; masculine; nominative + Possessive pronoun: Second person; plural; masculine; in genitive state. (1)14:24=1

                          الإِضَافَةُ-اسم: مرفوع واحد-مذكر/مضافضمير متصل-واحد مؤنث غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه


Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite; broken plural; feminine; genitive + Possessive pronoun: Second person; plural; masculine; in genitive state. (1)59:05=1

  الإِضَافَةُ-اسم:مجرورجمع مكسر-مؤنث/مضاف + ضمير متصل مبنى على الفتح -واحد مؤنث غائب في محل جر-مضاف إليه


Noun: Definite; singular; masculine; accusative. (1)25:05(2)33:42(3)48:09(4) 76:25=4                                                                                                                   اسم: منصوب واحد-مذكر


Noun: Definite; plural; masculine; genitive. (1)7:205(2)13:15(3)24:36=3

                                                                                                                    اسم:معرفہ باللام:مجرورجمع مذكر



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