Root: ح ى ق
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 10
b) No of constructions: 3
Lane's Lexicon:
t surrounded, encompassed, encircled, or beset,
him, or it; only used in relation to evil;

Know the past; the
Messengers deputed to nations in timeline before you the Messenger
were indeed taken non seriously
Thereby those of them
who scorned;
that hemmed them by
which they were amusingly joking. [6:10]

Feeling for their selves pride of grandeur in the
Land and for devising trickery deceptions [to
hoodwink people for maintaining their hegemony].
However/and the evil deceptive trickery
none except its own devising household.
Is it for reason that they are waiting for nothing
except the precedence of earlier people;
Then/for reason
you will never find for the tradition/Way of Allah any
And you will
never find for Allah's
tradition/practice any variation. [35:43]
1 |
Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular;
masculine; Subject pronoun hidden;
مصدر-حَيْقٌ Verbal Noun.
فعل ماضٍ
مبني على الفتح/الفاعل:ضمير
مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
مذكرغائب |
2 |
Conjunction particleفَ
[Cause and effect indicative] + Verb: Perfect; Third person; singular;
masculine; مصدر-حَيْقٌ Verbal Noun.
حرف فَ
+ فعل ماضٍ
مبني على الفتح/صيغة:هُوَ-واحد
مذكرغائب |
3 |
Verb: Imperfect; Third person; Singular;
Masculine; Mood: Indicative; مصدر-حَيْقٌ
Verbal noun.
(1)35:43=1 فعل مضارع مرفوع
بالضمة -
مذكرغائب |
ح ى ن
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