
1 بُزُوغٌ بزوغ [inf. n. of بَزَغَ] signifies The beginning to rise, or come forth: this is the primary meaning: mentioned by Zj. (TA.) ― -b2- Hence, (TA,) بَزَغَ, said of a tush, or tusk, or canine tooth, (A,) or of the tush of a camel, (S, Msb, K,) [aor. بَزُغَ ,] inf. n. بُزُوغٌ, (Msb,) It came forth; (S, Msb, K;) it clave the flesh, and came forth. (A.) ― -b3- And hence, (A, TA,) بَزَغَتِ الشَّمْسُ, (JK, S, A, Msb, K,) aor. بَزُغَ , (TK,) inf. n. as above (JK, S, K) and بَزْغٌ, (K,) The sun began to rise; (JK, TA;) as though it clave the darkness with its light: (A, TA:) or rose, (S, Msb, K,) with spreading light: (TA:) or بُزُوغٌ has the meaning first explained above; the beginning to rise, or come forth. (K.) And in like manner one says, بَزَغَ القَمَرُ [The moon began to rise: or rose]. (A, TA.) -A2- بَزَغَ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. بَزُغَ , (Msb,) inf. n. بَزْغٌ, (JK, Msb,) He (a cupper, and a farrier,) scarified, (S, Msb, K,) and made the blood to flow: (Msb:) he (a farrier) scarified a beast (JK, Mgh, TA) in its أَشْعَر [or part next the hoof (in the TA, erroneously, شعر)], (JK,) with a مِبْزَع (JK, Mgh, TA) of iron; (JK;) as also ↓ بزّغ , inf. n. تَبْزِيغٌ: (JK, * TA:) Aboo- 'Adnán says that تَبْزِيغٌ and تَعْرِيبٌ signify the same, namely, the making a slight incision, or stab, such as does not reach the sinews, or tendons. (TA.) ― -b2- And He made his blood to flow. (TA.) 2 بَزَّغَ see 1. 7 انبزغ الرَّبِيعُ انبزغ الربيع , (S, and so in a copy of the K,) or ↓ ابتزغ , (so in other copies of the K and in the TA,) The first, or beginning, of the [season, or rain, or herbage, called] ربيع came. (S, K.) 8 إِِبْتَزَغَ see 7. قَمَرٌ بَازِغٌ قمر بازغ , (TA,) and شَمْسٌ بَازِغَةٌ, (Msb,) and نُجُومٌ بَوَازِغُ, (JK, A,) [A moon, and a sun, and stars,] beginning to rise: (JK, TA:) or rising. (Msb, TA.) مِبْزَغٌ مبزغ A lancet (S, Mgh, K) of a cupper and of a farrier. (JK, Mgh, TA.) Credit: Lane Lexicon