
1 حَوَاهُ حاوي حواه حواة حوى , aor. حَوِىَ , (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. حَىٌّ, (S,) or حَوَايَةٌ, (Msb,) or both, (K,) He collected it; brought it, drew it, or gathered it, together; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ تحاواهُ : (TA:) he grasped it; got, or gained, possession of it: (Msb, K:) and ↓ احتواهُ signifies the same; (S, Msb, K;) as also عَلَيْهِ احتوى : (Msb, K:) or this last, he took, or got, possession of it; took it, got it, or held it, within his grasp, or in his possession: (S:) and حَوَاهُ signifies also he possessed it: (Msb:) and, said of a place [&c., as also ↓ احتوى عليه and ↓ احتواه ], it comprised, comprehended, or contained, it. (TA.) ― -b2- He turned it round, made it to turn round, or wound it. (Har p. 236. [See حَىٌّ in art. حى.]) -A2- حَوَى حَوِيَّةً He made a vehicle for a woman such as is called حَوِيَّة. (TA.) -A3- حَوِىَ [originally حَوِوَ]: see art. حو. 2 تَحْوِيَةٌ حوى تحويه تحوية [inf. n. of حوّى] signifies The act of drawing together, or contracting: and the state of drawing together, or contracting; or being drawn together, or contracted; as also تَحَوٍّ [inf. n. of ↓ تحوّى ]: (Lh, K:) or, in the opinion of ISd, تَحْوِيَةٌ has the former signification; and ↓ تَحَوٍّ , the latter. (TA.) A woman of the tribe of Kelb, being asked what she did in the rainy night, answered, أُحَوِّى نَفْسِى [I draw myself together]. (Lh, TA.) ― -b2- كَانَتْ تُحَوِّى وَرَآءَهُ بِعَبَآءَةٍ أَوْ كِسَآءٍ, occurring in a trad. of Safeeyeh, means She used to wind an عباءة or a كساء round the hump of the camel, behind him, and then to ride upon it. (IAth. [See حَوِيَّةٌ.]) 5 تحوّى حوى تحوى تحوي , (S, K,) inf. n. تَحَوٍّ, (K,) It assumed a round, or circular, form; or coiled itself: (K:) or it gathered itself together, and coiled itself, or assumed a round, or circular, form. (S.) You say, تَحَوَّتِ الحَيَّةُ (S, K *) The serpent gathered itself together, and wound, or coiled, itself; (TA;) whence, as some say, the word حَيَّةٌ: (K:) and in like manner one says of the intestines. (K.) ― -b2- See also 2, in two places. 6 تَحَاْوَىَ see 1. 8 إِِحْتَوَىَ see 1, in four places. -A2- احتوى حَوِيًّا He made a small watering-trough, or tank, for his camels. (TA.) حَوًى حوى حوي , (Az, IB, TA,) or ↓ حَوِيَّةٌ , (K,) The having, or assuming, a round, or circular, or coiled, form; or roundness or circularity [or the state of being coiled]; of anything; (Az, K, TA;) as, for instance, of a serpent; (Az, IB, TA;) and of certain asterisms, which appear regularly disposed in a round, or circular, form. (Az, TA.) [See 5.] حِوَآءٌ حوآء A place that comprises, comprehends, or contains, a thing: for instance, the belly [or womb] of the mother is a حوآء to the child [or fśtus]. (TA.) ― -b2- A collection of tents (بُيُوت), near together; as also ↓ مُحَوًّى : (K:) or a collection of tents (بيوت) of people, made of camel's fur: (S:) or a collection of tents (بيوت) of people, at a water: (TA:) pl. أَحْوِيَةٌ: (S, TA:) and ↓ محتوى [app. مُحْتَوًى] and ↓ محوى [app. مَحْوًى] signify a place in which the tents (بيوت) of a tribe are collected together: (Lth, TA:) the last is of the dial. of El-Yemen, where it is applied to a few small tents collected together in a tract, or region, of fruitful, or productive, land: (TA:) and its pl. is محاوى [or, more probably, مَحَاوٍ; with the article, المَحَاوِى]. (Lth, TA.) A tent of [goats'] hair, and of [camels'] fur, of the Arabs of the desert. (KL.) حَوِىٌّ حوى حوي Possessing, after deserving, or after becoming entitled. (IAar, K.) -A2- A small wateringtrough, or tank, (K, TA,) which a man makes for his camel; called also مَرْكُوٌّ. (TA.) [See also the next paragraph.] حَوِيَّةٌ حويه حوية : see حَوًى. -A2- Also A winding, or circling, or coiled, gut or intestine; and so ↓ حَاوِيَةٌ and ↓ حَاوِيَآءُ : (K:) [also called قِتْبٌ:] or the [kind of gut, or intestine, termed] دَوَّارَة in the belly of the sheep or goat; as also ↓ حَاوِيَةٌ : (IAar:) حَوِيَّةٌ البَطْنِ and البَطْنِ حَاوِيَةٌ and البَطْنِ حَاوِيَآءُ all signify the same: (S:) the pl. is حَوَايَا; (K;) or this is the pl. of حَوِيَّةٌ, signifying the أَمْعَآء [or intestines into which the food passes from the stomach]; and the pl. of حَاوِيَةٌ and حَاوِيَآءُ is [said to be] حَوَاوٍ; (S;) but IB says that this latter pl. is not held to be allowable by Sb, and that حَوَايَا is the pl. of all the three sings., [originally] of the measure فَعَائِلُ as pl. of the first, and فَوَاعِلُ as pl. of the second and third [though in these two cases it should be by rule حَوَآءٍ]: AHeyth says that حَوَايَا as pl. of حَاوِيَةٌ is like زَوَايَا as pl. of زَاوِيَةٌ: and ISk mentions الحَاوِيَاتُ as pl. of الحَاوِيَةُ and الحَاوِيَآءُ, [in the latter case like قَاصِعَاتٌ as pl. of قَاصِعَآءُ,] and explains it as signifying بَنَاتُ اللَّبَنِ [app. meaning the small guts, or intestines, in which originate the lacteals]. (TA.) ― -b2- Also sing. of حَوَايَا signifying Winding excavations or hollows, which the rain fills, and in which it remains a long time because the soil at the bottom thereof is cohesive and hard, retaining the water: the Arabs call them [also] أَمْعَآء, likening them to the حَوَايَا of the belly: accord. to AA, the pl. signifies i. q. مَسَاطِحُ [pl. of مِسْطَحٌ], made by collecting earth and stones upon smooth and hard rock, to confine thereby water: accord. to IB, on the authority of IKh, wells that are dug in the district of Kelb, in hard ground, whereby is confined the water of the torrents, which they drink throughout the year: accord. to Nasr, a certain construction with masses of rock in the form of a pool, on the way to Et-Teghlibeeyeh, near Ood: accord. to ISd, the sing. signifies a smooth and hard rock which is surrounded with stones and earth, in which water collects. (TA.) ― -b3- Also A [garment of the kind called] كِسَآء, stuffed [with ثُمَام or the like], which is wound round the hump of the camel; (S, K; *) i. q. سَوِيَّةٌ, except that the former is only for camels, and the latter is sometimes for other animals: pl. حَوَايَا: (S:) a subst. from 2 in the last of the senses assigned to it above: (IAth:) [the same is app. meant by what here follows:] a certain thing that is prepared for a woman to ride upon. (TA. [But it was also used by men.]) 'Omeyr Ibn-Wahb El-Jumahee said, on the day of Bedr, when he computed the number of the companions of the Prophet, رَأَيْتُ الحَوَايَا عَلَيْهَا المَنَايَا [meaning I saw the حوايا with the men of courage upon them]: (S:) [for] مَنِيَّةٌ [sing. of منايا] means (assumed tropical:) “ a man of courage upon his saddle. ” (TA.) حُوَيَّةٌ حويه حوية [a dim. of حَيَّةٌ]: see what next follows. رَجُلٌ حَوَّآءٌ رجل حوآء A man who collects serpents (حَيَّات); and so ↓ حَاوٍ : [which latter, vulgarly pronounced حَاوِى, is also now applied to a serpent-charmer; and a juggler who performs various tricks with serpents &c.:] (K in art. حى:) or the latter, (S in that art.,) or both, (T in that art.,) an owner of serpents; (T, S;) and so حَاىٍ: (T:) the pl. of حَاوٍ is حُوَاةٌ. (TA.) ― -b2- [Hence,] ↓ الحَوَّآءُ الحُوَيَّةُ (assumed tropical:) The constellations Serpentarius and Serpens. (Kzw.) حَاوٍ حاو حاوي : see what next precedes. حَاوِيَةٌ حاوي حاويه حاوية : see حَوِيَّةٌ, in three places. حَاوِيَآءُ حاويآء : see حَوِيَّةٌ, in two places. حَاوِىٌّ حاوى حاوي حاويي : see حَائِىٌّ, in art. حوأ. حَيَّةٌ حي حيه حية [meaning A serpent] is said by some to be from تَحَوَّى, because what is so termed gathers itself together, and winds, or coils, itself; (ISd, * K, * TA;) and to be originally حَوْيَةٌ; (TA in art. حى;) and their opinion is strengthened by the forms and meaning of the words حَوَّآءٌ and حَاوٍ (TA) [and by the form and meaning of the word مَحْوَاةٌ]: or the حيّة is so called because of the length of its life (لِطُولِ حَيَاتِهَا). (K. [See the next art.]) أَحْوَى  : see art. حو. أَحْوِىٌّ  : see art. حو. محوى محو محوى محوي [app. مَحْوًى]: see حِوَآءٌ. أَرْضٌ مَحْوَاةٌ  A land abounding with حَيَّات [or serpents]: (TA:) or containing serpents; as also مَحْيَاةٌ. (Ibn-Es-Sarráj, S in art. حى.) مَحْوِىٌّ محو محوى محوي pass. part. n. of حَوَاهُ. (Msb.) مُحَوًّى محو محوى محوي : see حِوَآءٌ. محتوى محتوى محتوي محتويي [app. مُحْتَوًى]: see حِوَآءٌ. Credit: Lane Lexicon